Ay } se * $ AWNINGS i ae i wm) Ohe Daily News ES o H. Jones & Son (40 Years’ Experience) WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto Agent PRINCE RUPERT M. H. LARGE S: J. F, Maguire Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper Rar as Tae trees ey acaouES, PRINCE RUPERT, B. GL, SA MAY, JULY 24, 4920. PRICK FIVE CENTS Poland Putting Up the White Flag FRAND TRUNK STEAMER HAS MISHAP WHILE MAKING NORTHWARD PASSAGE Poland Makes Direct Plea cee ED IN VICTORIA CLE AT Prince George Hits To Bolsheviks for Peace «0. oe8 osvse.acs inSeymour Narrows vil nd-a street car at Which A, Pasquin-|} rmy Heads have been Ordered to Discuss Terms for ies (nie an Hie f er : a eae ees "" Big three stacker has forepart flocded Armistice; In Meantime Fighting Goes on Desperately _ aaerieey fo, Baws ona fees cue "but makes port under own steam 0%" CIVEL SERVANTS a Siri oe | at 550 Sie arenes eh RECEIVE CHARTER aa : will dock here , Canadian Officials Organize Under Trades and Labor. the Grand Trunk Pacific steam- she struck a cliff at North Biulf, er Prince George, Captain Donald, Seymour Narrows. The passen- a @* pock. in’ Johnstone 2°" began to dress, wile the steamer lay for seven minutes until the engineers had reported Narrows yesterday morning and+{hat there was no danger. Then ostead of arriving bere at 10:30 the boat continued her trip, but as usual this morning she did not was delayed somewhat by fog. make port until this afternoon, It seems that the first part of having completed the northbound the narrows had been passed journey, however, under her own safely when the boat refused to steam. obey her helm and before she Ax soon as her cargo is un- could be stopped Had struck the loaded this afternoon she will cliff. The stem is badly damaged proceed to the loeal dry. dock ond the stem plates will have to where preliminary examination be faired, the repairs taking at will be made. Tt is unlikely that least a week—-perhaps two: she will be able to make her ‘There was no excitement at the regular sailing south tomorrow time of the accident and the pas- night and the loeal officials are sengers soon went to bed and lalready arranging to fave the everything continued as usual, prince Jebn leave on Monday, VICTORIA, July 24.--The Ppince Tmorning fer Vancouver to take George ‘Ss ai- |} an eee Bem) is omar to this arrangement that Japan-/exehange rate was dropping be Pacific International. Pd y i i e ense spector i ar se » two, } 4s merchandise is able to com-jcause of the tre mendous amoun ; wee ARMY HEAD HERE c eee ce pesine 3 oe aa oe YOUNG MAN WAS © with European goods injof United States money comine ttle o \ 12 scat ‘ # am ; f . as itatoes, but which ntained, AS HUGE VALUE ! a, but the arrangement is/across the border as ar t of Amorican League. VICTORIA, July 24,—Stad? Gap- Is me ae : Oe ae y ‘ DROWNED EDMONTON hi te : 5 ; ‘ Se ‘ me ss 0 ) skey. Cae pholivhad: when the nem itee.uliplt tauor tralie: | . aoe ; tin M, Jaynes, commandant bere, Kighteen bottles had been pur-| i in ar wen appoinged divisional pf. loined in transit The whiskey Floss A. Mills was on Canoeing ‘ote Wogan Sent carr: o effect, While the GIVENCHY COMING elphia 4, ) charge a bins er the first of its kind ever sent! Trip With Friends—All oe en y wnt ; we tps “— shee . iD. UQPERO TR Ay eee through here, was enclosed in| Others Saved. * $70,000 a Ton. china will thus become very The Fisheries Protection National League, bi aska and the Yukon, potatoe Se 7 roti ‘Ss. dike tiles . ne - Ie} ; hy i hicago 7. ~ . J ldiflieult, a special railway rebate|cruiser Givenehy, with W talaa Mahi MRIOG Babcock. ajsiatakbt som- SASS 6s oe ee EDMONTON, July 24.-Moss A. SBALT, July 24 : . : a : isior.of, Fish’ Pied J.P. ; iain ie ; nari to 8 eranted for the goods Found nen oe ced ye a 5. A) oner of fisheries. for’ Bs C., [MORE QUAKES IN THE Mills was drowned today while in-jearried by American bottoms, It/erios aboard, Is 8 irrived) from the south on. the STATE OF CALIFORNIA out on a canoeing trip. ‘The |youns Inan Was only 25 years of ow COltbLe is Candidates sty disappointed = fer EPL ESCSOSUESOCO COS Phe Departoes ‘ i aneetinents Wilh Amertean nt volicy OF America is eve \ Yenty thousand ounce ‘ s further proposed to charge/until this afternoon o tomort ‘ . a : tin . ‘ ‘ E \ | ee ve ni vesterdi ve x. © — Hn, a Value of over 70,000, extra dues on foreign shipping at}/Her last call before arrivins here : : — , On. SNE | 4 , { Lor) conti on bis northern tour} RKEDDING, July 24.-—Four morejage and along with bis Mbheon sent fy , : ! ont here to the sori . e ‘ be e at Butedale or Lowe Inlet ee | i uM wh Poront h 3 oe an. Bor Another rf pi “8 no i here she \ ste { is jo lief i wetion by’ the same boatiearthquakes have occurred in| panious was caught In a sudden 0 e ab lie tL proposal is to : ; wher a a c s it & my at from the O'R) tM ¢ ee eee v4 of "B na and Naas liver \ 2 by sister vd cled to arrive back in'this vieinity but no damage was|Windstorm, All the others were ral 1 Viibe rh ies ithi + scope t “ Keent whit NUD Hear here, Within " 9 ' , \ ‘ he eh thi ailerhnoon done, \eay ed. oling trade, canneries i