| 6 pp . | gps samme Che Darily ye YP a: “Tes 7B ’ c. H. Jones & Son (40 Years’ Experience) WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto “Mas PRINCE RUPERT M. H. LARGE J. F. Maguire Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper prorccoutsioh pg AP near once 20 722 Second Ave. : PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, MONDAY, JULY 26. 1920. PRICK FIVE CENTS o Race Today; only Drifting Match )LDIER SHOT IN CHURCH AT CORK WHEN MAKING SIGN OF THE CROS — amrock Led Off CANNERY IN On Spraking Tour of Province Burning and Killing in : Ireland Still Continues But Wind F ailed SOUTH 7 BURNS | ; a ~ ae ~ . ; Nergeent"Meibern shin. ty Sinn Feiners 40 he wes shaking British Columbia Packers’ Asso- i hs eee. Lae ; cietion Lose Ladner Cannery 1 opine weg ue aie the Sign of the Cross in Church at Cork ce Declared Off; only Seven Miles in in $100,000 Biare y (EOS? He item aa ' ; : ees: Sol e : DUBLIN, July 26.—Disturbances in different parts of treland LADNER July ? re ' Ox oe ght ; : ; Two and a Ha f Hours linday thorninn éompietely de ' pe ‘ Pen E i coutinue, outrages of various kinds being common, Three Coast : \ ; us ’ “~ ec ; . Guards officers were killed at Bearhaven; at Newport, Tipperary, ANDY HOOK, July 26,..-The yacht race between Lipton’s oi tnaeeh ded he los Lt Md a ee ay ghee the home of one of the leading Sinn Feiners was burned after the 6,000 cases OF sockeye . ¢ ‘: are F , daughters had had their hair sheared off for keeping company spook and the Resolute was deciared off as neither boat with a policeman. ed within the time limit 0 we t ‘ , 7 ts . a ry ‘ . eid ° > $ - ' 4 he race started sharp at 12:30, the Shamrock being first net : Septet die AZ iF (FEE : Cork, July 26.—Sergeant Mulhern was shot at the church s the line. For the first fifteen minutes the wind was brisk ~— _ a ; F My ae. ll é eee door while making the sign of the cross. The perpetrators of he was leading. Then there was a change ‘ aes LA SAE: . the foul deed were Sinn Feiners who had hidden themselves in 13:20 it was reported that the Resolute was a mile and a { [hie i I ‘ Be “ee ae Poe the porch before mass. ahead with the wind very light. It was then evident that : ¢ t. < oe ee ae ag te ey, tsi Belfast, July 26—The death list to date in the recent clash er could finish within the time limit as they had saiied only ESA aE : “ee Anes F ts between Unionists and Sinn Feiners is 17. Sunday was quiet. miles in two and a half hours. BOWSER COMING TO +c ou af ‘ ae E : ey. ed m \In order to protect St. Matthews Church which is right in the : = r barbed wire and soldiers storm centre, it was surrounded with 1 4:25 the Resolute was two miles ahead, both yachts search- PRINCE RUPERT IN P + 2S , ie + 5 toh a oe : OD ae un were on guard outside. “oo vecccaeecceceee COURSE OF CAMPAIGN [ii 2geRuemRRan SS =~ Bo. ae a ART LAKE we sels a vo so TWO ROBBERIES®: COLONEL PECK AIRPLANE DUE Leaves Vancouver Tonight for BOWSER. who i ae CE ee eee a eo a EARLY SUNDAY MAY RUN FOR CONTRACT LET: : Week End Tragedies Are ecm Maisie ecnas ha LECISLATURE Numerous at Many Points oe ee rect Building at Cost ar pcommeniersinsipocipebens | the Grand Irunk Paeitic and 1 ue. i , te witenetine fee: Baders . Handcuff King diowned-at Cal several killed-at Varn-~ avTemer mon at of ‘$174,500. Ain, spetad will sive oan adds 2 wary; RUPERT pau Boone. POOL Room Pre t Prince Rupert before ou couver; Train hits Auto which somersaults irto river i ‘2 ; Early Sunday morning two VANGOLVER, . 26 , budge f week-end tragedies are robberies took place in, the city. VICTORIA, July 26 It is gen- erally reported here that Colonel eck, M.P., will not stand MES FOLLOWING ' t t parts of the west. In Van- The store of the Rupert Table Ww. P } f { n Supply Was broken into and also for re-election to the Dominion re; wasvkKilied between Suppl * oe? ee A BOXING MATCH ; ‘ : 3 $ us iding and fe when the Prince Rupert Pool Reom. Parliament, but will be a candi- thee £35.55 we dat n some constituency for the former $35.55 was taken GOOD PRICES ON Frankie Mahone was Struck on : ; Sa ge Pr the cash register and from local legislat ‘ Colone Peck er ure ot ue : has aceepted the job of reor- eo RS utter cigars, cigarettes and FISH EXCHANGE — Tempe by Willie Davis . 8. Ex; = ; j ee meee Mhe body cers’ effects to the amount of ganizing the Sixteenth Battalion f é : “rit : wii ie : baa : Z thy . - wee police as a British Columbia regime Number of Boats in with Catches ! a i 5 he headquart t Victoria : : ' . 2 e busy « ~ery possible clue. With headquarters at ctoria. ~—Some Getting 17c. . f ) ! : I seve een, was drown 7 1 ble rh ments it D tior ; . - ' ' on Sunday morning e emoiuinents L CUDTeCEON ( vic ; ™ a Pen ” } Gavigan had spected the with that work will not be suf- ¢, was drowned |... n the tills and at that @ciently large to admit of his de- It voting his whole time to it. Com- ‘ j ill ud Kurtz, Who jtime evervthine was secure. intil the owner returned 4 j : \ ‘ - he v reco I i Wa MBER BACK ' ‘ VETERAN BRITISH NAVY ; . at « ven o'clock Sunday that the lature, however, there would be HAS DIED AT DAWSON . : et ; the “handeuff lo We noticed Entrance was ¢no zh money in it to make tt ’ ; om rete oR ace hrou vorth while. bined with a position in the legis- the cellar window : st ana Sepa Gite, eam a ay Tio Gero maa ea tn ODE rh Hc ec cet ors = killed small one had opened by hand. A Piace Is Developing Fast— !? : to t nee . Pulp Mill for Kiti i ‘ (47 i ne “Se (i : ef sarron dairyman, wa , " p os tirmaalt : a! , d tt end 4 a ah ; : UPS it somer- Possible clue was offered in the . ; eck : ; ere ; : finding of a felt hat*in the store ; , oe eee ee but this was later accounted for WESTMINSTER WINS Livingste dead in Mis) At the Prinee Ru ool room) wt i ' eg t he glass from the back a or was _ Prince George in Drydock Await- NEW WESTMINST! —— are removed and the pilfer- ing Report of Capt. Logan. apparently worked for a sven ousted aa , ELECTRICAL STORM ett 'spparentiy worked fOr ening U th e team, the RAILWAY 10 DOES MUCH DAMAGE cles were removed from the Prince Georg wae eee i cases The cash register examination mad wee - show ci . » ahi PEACE RIVER AT ST. CATHERINES had been opened but no money to her stem. It was Font ne ty had been left there over night. alate te-& Se me " Prey P R ore anes RINE! S$, Ont. July 26, An attempt was also made upon slat ™ bi aly “a ss int i ° . e I Canavan, 34 years of age, the safe for the knobs of the /P'*' me ~~ e = —4 . hss ; 1 5 tan nd i Wilkers, 69, are dead as nges were removed but appar- Work was at once con ences ce etri- ently the ef had been disturb. /2#0d most of the rivets were taken his work for he left a cold ©US plates Early this morning the j , we end ¢ readiness for the new . Ann ae Alberta Premier Announces Lease | 1 n. the severest in this ed at of Line for Five Years. : et in eighteen vears. The chisel which is now in the bands hes: M the police. Warden Bailey of Work wa» slupped-and the a the repe ACCEPTS CONFESSION. "=! 8 dni wines csaR nt wa supped an ia 5 ' IeM , Ornate { ees and power lines went the police department is at work mervenne oY ts ee eae care nats ‘Tdo like grass before a mower.|on the cases this morning and Fees or a tl ; a v Pris from bis finger print studies some who arrayed On the Agee ¥ : Mary sensational arrests may be made “*°* “St: Up to the time of going to press recommenced, Coroner's Jury Believes Confos- ‘ : Line ‘ sion of Robbins Regarding ' ‘ i Pp le! t ’ ' : Death of Wife. adnan thie vane oe. guests oO ‘ ’ 7 s r TENNIS CHAMPION = hay _— ers apo i the work had not —— aod her aD ans , VANCOUVER, July 26.——-Khodes , peas HELD VANGOUYVI july 2 sill ices re enthusi c(t : Cte ice ie who ie th ‘i UP TOURISTS ee actus, o Nera the reception that was & : ed y 1 retu | = pes Teas maeeiie tn Ba A raha was committed ATTORNEY-GENERAL vsiusien championship wale. to il Price aocauit cove 1o| DOUBTS THE: TRUTH Robber G Se a ; Near Vossmie Pek. we ny ta be d's cor Shaee , ft toe for < i ‘to BAe COUNCIL _— Jer Garnett was th OF LOVE’S CONVESSION m.sast foe . vin Ol TRADES AND LABOR which James, Garnett was the ractior vietim J. 8. MeKentie was also sent up for ti ial in eonnection _o with the removal of a barre? of PORONTO, July 26, Attorney from the cargo of the|)General Gravely, of the provinee up of Ontario, states that he doubts AMI, Cal luly 2 . i i otlie ‘ Regular meeting of the Trades saturday held up Tour VANCOUVERITE WON Yesterday evening the Ele , : \ : - ere thi ud Labor Couneil will be beld in f tour me © to tae Mav, with John Sinclais Fiabe } ‘ x bhhadu Sit) Carpenters Hall tomorrow |herring Tillamook, They will come election for trial befere the truth of the confession made by Arnell Love on Saturday as te sia tall tae deaiie il -— murdering his mother, Durkee, of Vaneouver, George KE. Darby, M.D. of Riv- ee ee t of the Cunard Linelers Inlet, has been appointed a ©, Stamford. whose sow is chief magistrate, according engineer al Diuhy Island, arrived CG. in the city this morning frou Natidnal ark, } VANOOUVERM, duly mai iT \.iof the Sea Produets Co, he ‘ pare : ' ' t With S300 ‘ ‘ ie ¢ Rm, 4 , tl Hilalinight at 8 o'elock, mportan hee in, tas defeated | Jar McLeod of the Custe i ' as i evi . ss. Members kindly at- | for Ainerican, in the} Departinent on board, sailed bor we, A x Judge Young. smd tennis tous Ketchikan Phe 7; ’ boat has 5 aken was in the eity on Saturday |stipendiary having arrived from/to the current issue of the B: Gazette, | Victoria, ’ with the by the C,P.R, steatrer