ie UA aes i J J 7 z ' v x nee ene soRoneee ess mayest, Datty News - “| MHEDAILY MISERY /Ten Years Ago |....Tu:I722%S.043 * ’ , Published Every’ Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News (iF HT-HEALTH Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EpITor. i Three Years of Suffering Qetehiy a Relieved by “FRUIT-A-TIVES SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 75, City Delivery, by cafrier or mail, per month ..... dob view ¥ By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year .........0. 0.005 Ay en mp $6.00. | To all other countries, in advance, per year ............ $7.50. | TELEPHONE 988. Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each ingertion.| Transient advertising on front page ........ .. $2.00 per inch. | Local Readers, per insertion, .......... ee ae LE Classified advertising, per insertion, ........... 2e. per word. Legal Notices, each insertion, ....... ee {5c. per agate line, Contract Rates on Application. DAILY EDITION. = @@Q{GHGBWD Monday, July 7%, 1920, | a= = — ——— EEE Ea : | es Se B Aw) tas One Price System ° ’ é | MR. GASPARD DUBORD 159 Avenue Pius IX, Montreal. “For three years, I was a terrible sufferer from Dyspepsia and my general health was very bad. I consulted a physicign and took his medicine and faithfully carried out hisinstructions; but I did not improve and finally the doctor toid me I could not be cured. At this time, a friend advisad me to try ‘Fruisetives’ and I did so. After taking two boxes of ‘Fruita tives’, I was greatly relieved; and gradually this marvelous frait medicine made me completely well. My digestion and general health are splendid—all of which I owe to Of Doing Business. There is only one system of doing Pusiness that is worth] considering and that is the one price system. Cietting ag melt as possible out of customers without regard to cost and per- | centage of protil is not only immoral business, but if is not good | business. Every person in business should have a certain set} price for its product and that is the price it should exact froni all.| There are of course difficulties in carrying out this one price! It is the | a seale of] In this paper for instance we-sell advertising. one thing of value the paper to sell. charges for advertising space which is printed in card form and Anyone eau system. has There is this is the scale on which the advertising is sold. secure one of the price lists on application. and can purchase} a — - July 26, 1910, | The steamer [nverskip Sailer | from lone Kone today for Rupert and wil of cement for Feiey, Weleh an Stewart. ‘ . ©. V. Bennett cotiage on Fiftt Avenue took fi Sat lay af ternoon Uhe neal apparat pickls¢ eNting hed the sligh blaze. J... Talpey w owns eoypsider Prinee hrinag 6.0080 tones Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat. jurdays at 10:50 a. im, | From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thura- !\days at 7 p.m. For Vancouver afd South. "STOOGES 6 ecdese vee 7 p.m Thursdays ... wiwe.sese 14 DP. ‘Saturdays { pn . SUNGAYS wcrc sresssererss fi pun Saturdays, p.m, From Vancouver and South. able property iy he Bitter ¢ ‘ek region went up to Stewart by the Bue Aisin pesca ccd 10 p.m. Prinee George Sunday in re Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a, m.! sponse to the good vs from his Saturdays : 10.40 a engineers in regard to a lucky Fridays : pn Mondays, a.m istrike. . Gee eeciiliatls ah A party of Shriners arrived For Anyox and Alice Arm. from the sout n th Prin s Sundays ‘ ia pom Royal yesterda m the way to!) Wednesdays 0 | Dawson and we given a wel Sec here, Followjne a tour about the From Anyox and Alice Arm. city they were | the Pr * Tuesday oo & Rupert Club wi they obtained | Shuredaye .....eceeeesees Pe Mm. ja splendid view of the harbor Gociinefimnints e 4 SAWS ENGLAND IS NOT AWAKE POSSIBILITIES For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mili Bay, Walos Island and Naas River i? j lhursdayvs ii pn Sundaves From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mil! \Canadian Senator Says England gay, Wales Island and Naas River Does Not Appreciate Canada's I eday ‘ a. sat lays stave PD advertising space on the terms thereon set out, There is @! cpyiite-tives”, oe ee CLs graduated scale of prices, we the same price for anyone wishing GASPARD DURORD. | LONDON, July be sa Qunen Charette telanidds the same class al publicity. | Frederic k Nichols, wh « now in!For Massett, Port Clements and Price Based on | 50e.a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e. |Loudon. sava that Canada as Upper Island poiote: Cost of Operating At all dealers or sent postpaid by [poinpared with “t Wadnoaday: J a an #3 The price asked for advertising in the Daily News is based} Fruit-e-tives: Limited, Ottawa, Oat. [tries oc: tuples excepl Phot y, A 1 W on the cost of making the paper, Of late years the cost of making} prominent position The rea \ if, ff au rt a paper has increased enormously. The increases have often for this, he says, is found ty, A M “ come so thick and fast that money has been lost owing to in- AGENCY FOR fact that the Canadia y \ug if ability to bring the income up to the necessary expenditures. The Aus. Kimve OF subseribed to fic loan . eost of making a paper today is many times that of a few years Canvas goods, __oilskihs, that borrowimes abroad was ‘rom Masset, Port Clements and ago. As a result, advertising rates have to be higher. boots, overalls, mackinaws, necessary, therefore no & Upper inland pointa The Daily News has tried to meet the extra costs of space, gloves, waterproof clothing, going aproad f erene cs rrmeay,; ous re eesurday, A by increasing the circulation of the paper, and the result is that baggage, harness, shoes, Senator Nichols finds ude-|7; Friday, Aug. 1 wae today practically everyone in Prince Rupert is reading the paper. woolen underwear and socks. quate apprectat het rt ‘ a) At anyrate om aatade on agg is worth anything to adver- TENTS, SAILS, AWNINGS. a r yi ; Cor Shiderat a chmenane tisers is a reader and subscriber. hopes tha etime is not far dis or § epate, Queen Charlotte It has cost a lot of effort and some money te attain this a F. MAGUIRE tant when this try wit Ctty and Lower'tIstand points position in the local field, We have tried to put out a paper that 722 Second Ave., Prince+Rupert up to tganada’s vast possil s Saturd i will provide the news for readers and will be a credit to, the com-| ind save her From Skidegate, Queen Chartotte munity, Comparison With papers in towns of similar size to : z ing des ped Americans. If City and Lower Island points this will, we think, show that we are giving greater value than|@ © * #* #8 #8 # #8 B® people took a nterest the; Wednesdays ia elsewhere. - }* PRINCE RUPERT TIDES #* H8'ie would } th of indie aH There is a tendeney in a place like Prinée Rupert, shul in|/eeee eee ew ea wa ean eg |e Holds For Skagway and the Yukon. as it is trom other, communities, to belittle local effort. There| Monday, July 26 } a Mondays, a is a tendency to speak slightingly of everything that is done, High, 14:07 a.m., 15.5 feet. From Skagway and Yukon. whether it be the making of the newspaper or anything else. In 22:42 p.m., 18.1 feet. OPPOSED TO GENERAL Saturdays, p.m spite of this tendency, however, there are many here who recog-- Low, 4:49 a.m. 5.9 feet. INCREASE IN RATES -- nize that they are getting good value in their daily paper here. 16:45 p.m.,9.6 feet. | Stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp } no Point. Increase Price —is . roe ere ery ee is \Vancouver Board of Trade Will) peye Satu rdnwe 9 p.m 2£n, :od A, 4 Ba eet. i Absolutely Necessary. 23:32 pm. 185 feet Protest to Railway Board From.---Rundas In order to keep up the present standard of the paper, it is as Z re tp * ‘ 1 ‘ , , “a o: a. oa We et. | necessary that the price be increased. We have delayed doing ? ye a 5 g Hal | VANCOUVER, July 26.—At a this as long as possible but now it becomes necessary. Prince Rupert people do not want something that is cheap. They want the best possible newspaper. We feel sure of that. Other papers have adyanced their prices. At Ketchikan the Chronicle charges It ig counted from 640 84h $1.25. The Victoria newspapers are charging a dollar a month Pal htaliay 94 ight ei a: tat Saree and many papers on the prairies are now charging a dollar. The ey t 2 si ge rags f : : 3 é 3 e s or Daily News will also be sold at a dollar a month to regular sub-|. mo : ' Simpson but the time for seribers on and after August 4. ; Rupert varies only a few minutes When two ago it became necessary to advance the ie thathh dave tin alia . : » i Ss 3 ay é Oo rs s price of the paper, one subscriber was lost. We do not anticipate | he sam * pea : if ian) - : : mr > BE e, e i re ¢ 2 a losing many on this occasion. There may be some who do not peggy the r. oie a t feel that they can pay the increase, and in that case we shall} wo fen oe ~ - expect to lose them, but the increase is necessary and the people |greater at Prince Rupert than at ort 8 8 spr ' of the city will, we are sure, realize the fact and continue their}. OFS non atee Oe SRCNes One suppow. The time used is Pacific Stan- Port years neaps. Therefore the rise in the Prince Rupert harbor is slightly greater than Port Simpson. The height is in feet and tenths of feet above the average jevel of lower low water, DENTISTRY of the Highest Grade and Lowest Cost EXTRAGTION TEETH in a scientific FORESHORE LEASE Take’ notice that we, THE TAYLOR EN- GINEERING COMPANY, LIMITED, (Mines Department), of Vancouver, B.C., and Alice Arm, B.C., mine owners, intend to apply for permission to lease the following described lands :— Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot 3643-A; thence running south 5 deg }29 min, West a distance of 469.75 feet; thence north 84 deg. 31 min West a dis tance of 175.7 feet to the southerly boun dary of Lot 3643-A; thence following the southerly boundary of Lot 3643-A north |}26 deg Kast @ distance of 501.3 feet to | potas of commencement, and containing two acres, more or less | THE TAYLOR ENGINEERING CO., | (Mines Department) } Crown, Bridge AND Platework Get My Prices and Compare Them, Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE Member or Tue B.C, Dewrat Counce Office Hours:- 9 to 12 and 1 to 6 DENTIST Sunday ee 7 & 8 SMITH BLOCK. PHONE 575 Agent (Sighed) FE. GRO TAYLOR. DATED at Alice Arm, B.C, this twenty- eighth day of May, 1920. ~ DEPAWTMENT OF MARINE AND FISHERIES, OTTAWA, ONT. : June, 1920, | SEALED Proposals will be recetved at this oMce until 12 o'clock noon, on the! ih day of August, 1020, for furnishing | she rae ane labor of all kinds lecessary for the construction, equipme and delivery ofa j : at twa NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS |Serew lce-breaker of the following lead N E W M A R I N E W AY S “Be is cw fet | Phone 453 Shawatlans Passage Lratt seas C26 fe’ Pace | Equipped for building and repairing all classes of boats up to 100 feet [f{!@ De delivered ‘at ‘ihe ‘Agency’ ‘o ari to De telivered st the Agency, of the in len non 0 arine § and isheries, WOODWORKING, BLACKSMITHING AND MACHINE SHOPS. | Best equipped plant in Centra! British Columbia. Seal Cove Marine Ways, Ltd: The Department reserves the right to Accept or reject any one or all of the bids A. Swanson, President W. E. Thompson, Gen. Manager Phone Red 391 Phone Green 153 received Forms of proposals, plans and specifica. ions showing what is required can be had or seen by & to the Department of | Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, } Any further information desired may be obtained by addressing: | THE DEPUTY MINISTER, Deparunent of Marine and Veeheries, @ttawa, Ont, dard, for the 120th Meridian west. Prince LTD., | connotmeur special meeting of the tranaport- ation of the Board of strong resolution of protest was passed against the proposed plication of the railway panies to the board of ra commissioners to rata the pre. rates 30 will be brought sent freigtt per cent Phis res tion ip al the next meeting board and then f{ rwarded to th railway cor iskioners Phe resolution ia “While not of freight rates where being opposed to an inerease Trade a NOTICE, NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that in « ‘ ’ Atne nent t ‘ Tow A : | pase a ‘ ‘ i ea ax a i A esp t t u f tow r ity tot t ' fs ‘ h hee © been tad W iste i biain «@ prog of such a ieonies aire ady paid must in that resg mn ort which date the 1990, on Justifiable we protest against the | og, seplember general increase on the ground |} jvilege of obtaining @ proportionate al 3 meut will cease and af person im ar that British Columbia is at pre rears of payment under an agreem nt for iar : i ‘a 4 sale as af esaid failing 1 make applica ent paying more, pro rata (han |ijion as stipulated will’ thereafter be de any other province; and that we/>erred from taking advantage of such lare entitled to an equalization between the prairic basis and the basis on which British Columbia rates are made: and we further protest againat the present dis crimination against British Col umbia in the matter of the differ- the rates between westbound rates east and ence Mm bound and request the board of railway com- missioners, hefore deciding on any change in the rates, to take this discrimination into account | BEAR OR PORCUPINE |Wonderful Trophy Taken at Alas- kan Town by Steamship On the last trip to Skagway A}inenes north 60 deg iparty of officers of the Princess | to Jar Mary went on an expedilion up town and soon in their travels! they landed in the woods near by. | roposed Steel Twin Their only weapon of defence Was| pated sane tat, a fishing rod, Ageording to their story upon their return they had encountered a bear and had quite a struggle before killing it, Some friends on board were a} little dubious and on the way | south to Prinee Rupert invited al of skins to go down} and have a look al the pelt, He} pronounced it to be the skin of} a porcupine and now less is being} said at the meal hours coneern- ing the woyderful trophy. of their privilege and will be subject to the ful Himent of the termes of the sale and the provitions of the Land Aet governing overdue hase mowey in conhection with which special attention is drawn to the notice appearing of this paper ih the current issues OED. KK. NADEN, Deputy Minister ef Lands Department of Landa, Victoria, B. ¢ May ’ Oet Sth, 920 | - eee LAND ACT, | Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Lond. | in Carsiar Land District, Me rding Dis trict of Skeena, and situate at Alice Arm, | For Your Children 3 a i me ( U say and believe : youw e that 7 id do anything for your children Have yOu Started @ say INES ace them yet ¥ today at the Bank of Montre ul even if you begin with only one lollar There is no better way toteach them thrift and no m re important lesson for them « learn BANK OF MONTREA| Established over 100 years et: Total Amets in Excess of $500,000 000 ; Mead Office Morwreal Beanches in all bremortan Centres in anede . Savings Deparunents at afl Branches —y DENTISTRY jul ae QUALITY Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS Morning, 9 to 12, Mlernoon, 130 to 5.30, Saterdags, 9 te 12 ony Every Evening from 7.36 10 § Dental Nurse in attendance Phone 109 for appointment Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Bik., Cor. 3rd and 6th Best Equipped Office in Northern B.C ee M.S. PRINCE RUPERT iM S.S. PRINCE GEORGE \F Ic a0 SAILING Midnight Sunday and Thursday for Swanson Bay, Occ Falls, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattic Anyox Wednesday, 10 p.m. Stewart, Saturday 10 9.% 5.8. PRINCE JOHN OR PRINCE ALBERT For Stewart, Wednesday 2 p.m. Anyox Saturday §p* Port Cioments, Massett and Buckiey Bay, July Sih, 1% 22nd, 28th. —— Southern Queen Chariotte Island Ponts Sunday Midnight. GRAND TRAIN @RViCE Passenger Monday, W*dneedey end Saturday ef f' To 4 Prince Georges, Edmonton and Winner, making direct ell points east soc soul. Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines for information and reerrations spply & Oty Tleket Office, B28 Third Avenue, Phor* Peo on for Sanitten CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWA! CANADIAN FAOIFIO OCEAN SERVICES B.C. Coast Steamship Services 6.8 PRINCESS many for Ketchiten, duneeu, Skagway, Alecks, from Prince Rupert’ Pret St wiate til tbs . ta june 14, #1, @8; duly i die For Vancouver Wicteria end Geattie from Prince Rupert dune 19, 26; July 3, 10, 17, 94 and 31 6. 6 PRINCESS BEATRICE from Prince Mupert for Swanson Bey, Ocean Faille, Mardy Ma). Beaver Cove, Powell River, Vancouver and Victoria 1“ Every Gaterdey, @ p. ™. for rates, revervations end seilings, aptly to W. ©O, OROHARD, General Agent. Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, B.C alert Bat B ¢ TAKE NOTICK that we, Alice Arm Mining and Development Cx Lid., head office at Anyou, B Sccupation mining and de} velopment, inten® to apply for permission jlo lease the following described foreshore | Commencing at @ post planted al the j tate raection of the high Water mark of pAtice Ari with the Nerii Bay. of L. F548.) being tw Carily Mineral Claim, thence | south 67 deg. {1 nittn, EB. OO feet wo the! southeast corner of Lot 3643; thence south }84 deg. 41 min E. 440 feet to the West) | Bdy produced of the Indian reserve;/ jthence south 1,000 feet more or less tal the low water mark of Alice Arm; thence| }follawing said low water mark #00 feet} [to the South Bay. of Lot $510, produced 29 min. W. 400 ft) high water mark; thence northerly | and fe wing the high water mark 1,260) feet um or less to the point of com menes 1 and containing 25 acres more or leas | ALICE ARM MINING AND DEVELOPMEN' | CO, LTD. per Fred Nash, B.C.L8., With our modern equipment and sanitary we produce a wholesome Nutritious Brea Our Goods are all made from High-class Matefl TRY THEM methods al 1990 Agent The La Casse Bakery ,, 717 Grd Ave. Auto Delivery Phone ; mana ay Come too | CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. | NOTICR 16 HEREBY OIVEN reserve existing over Lot #2666, Coast Distriet, ts cancelled | Oo. NADEN, | Deputy Ministor of Lands, | Lands Pepartment, | Victoria, B. C., 23rd June, 1920, 600 that the! Kange 4, When in Town, SVEA POOL ROOM Near Beer, Soft Drinks, Cigars and Cigarettes E. Petersen Proprie