fonday, July 26, 1020, THE DAILY NEWS 4 H HH HEE HEE HE Pa ) HT aH HHH rs | | H : : $ 7 : HH Ht HH BH Fe , HH tt i 2 i A HH H +4 3 te > pees +t + ath ert teeth et $55 $es+eebbbeeee eee ete tebe este eeees be beeere + it) Pperr PrTTTTTT Labbe 44s $aeey PET Hey T4338 petit ba ttt iit 333! tit to eet 4 t $4 Bi 53988: eerie +4 t HHH He Fat Hee sit rit 3} ttt Sit 35 ¢ 4 - + H Hf aXe Eis 3 Hits: +i itt fey} ay DV AEE a . MM c33 i 4 i 3 * ga THe ereeeser tates 33 tt i $3 is ttt Ht itt +f 333 $f Hy iieiia Rei . eH SETH et SHOT THe +5 STE if $ if $3353 3335 337 Hi $f i tei tit i SHS HET iteHtet Heer eee Ata Henna : —* Stttstes + 3 4 dette Hitt ty i $tiis H 3 eH Hite i Hf te Hi HA + tits : a te EDSON COAL CO. } Ou Loose Coal - - Screened, sacked Lump, sacked- - ‘ > . o - & ° LZ. - $14.4 o Per Ton Delivered Prices on car load lot ‘ cation to IPERT FEED CO RINCE RU! ERT FEED a . ; j ‘ or . } Phone 55 ( »48 scents initial ee ee ane eS ee - — —_ UES i NOTIC! I kN ; IG SUPPLY OF , . and ice At BUTEDALI Al CRKERS, LIMITED PA But WESTERN FRESH BAIT ~~ ~< iN TEWART |! iQ] Permt rto i. 7? VICTORIA OTS FOR SALE ‘GN STEWART Listi ELGERSON, L ALI rOW of Business Lot ‘ i> l 1 > ies , r t reet STEWART OF THe] x. Vt VV anted OCAL AGENTS - REGLAR FELLERS | Ot tere HALT | \aites j whe THERE * GCES es - . \ \ wy £ > ; i { wees ak a Ts. x , Cee gr, " ne ee \ YS > ‘ & “ vei teat ia tor ewes eng . RG, cy A FRIEND \ WIiTA "TWwe a JELLY Sovenr NUTS 7 4 r ~ a ennepeeees ~————* Es * Notice to Advertisers . * : d Ls , ; 4) ° Daily > i j 9 t nts » " . \ f duy * . ewe eevee eev eeeaes | Cer e of improvements. j ss . ‘ 1” is ‘ ' to Apply to Lease Lang A ‘ at in S. erent rel s 0 . i os ur f ing evs The fingers were those of Mr. J. W. Besnard, of 539 Craig St E., Montreal He ¢ A fall- ing boa badly smashed my hand. Tw fi ras wer so severely crushed that the doctors said they would hay f° be amputated, Nat- urally I didn't want this, so de- cided to y Zam-Puk first. kh ap- plied m-Buk daily, and by the time I 1 $4 worth, the in- jury wa I y healed. My ing 8 Vv 4 Just another filustration of the healing power of Zam-Buk. Acci denta will hap? It may be your turn next Better get a box and keep it handy Acvidents are loss fh quent tha skin diseases, and ‘ remem} this-—. Zam-Buk is just as good for eczema coors, skin diseases, and piles, as for cuts, burns, bruises All druggists aud stores 500, box, or 3 for $1.25. Refuse substitutes, AMBUK SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY .NEWS George Saturday afternoon. asic x a { McLellan and family are remain- | Local News Notes ing in the south for a few months ionger, | u— ~~ f . ‘ ‘ | Archie Watt district master Ask fur “Atkins’ Bausage. : ° mo ce : u mechanic with teadquarters at i ' dining | table and Vr « George, arrived in the city chai it Tite's July ile tf st evening. ” towel fron te Ot Supe tendent tf oie" True peace-time . * Capt. W. F. Billington, master t ly surfae i s of the steainer Grey, fas been ap- re x Wi Debbie's 1 posit ats’. a.: hemes: aaa vat econom use st 79 ters for this distriet i . . . . © Bergman ret tapert Art the local grocer, { Ca j ‘ n the pa “u eturned litst i” from a trip i i Is I 4 sille on i. May ‘ y of Prince ’ e : pars ‘ eben 1s RY on It ig impossible to buy a purer soap than ! “Ws al record fucti = ‘ ne ¢ ) 0” . . es ak rites Jitw indie tr Saturday and t on through to Sunlight. Therefore it is really the cheapest 5 at or bay Seen See soap you can buy. The purer and better the Your choice of 2 Sea-Gras the Provinetal Gov- 4 ‘ Chairs ance pp gies ¢ ‘edhe wl hee Weeks soap—the less you need for the wash and the Ba Furniture st 15 lich affect the injand better the work done. . , i eculartly 1 connection . hie sta Ir teamer confirmation of last Truly—it is a real economy to use Sunlight P « Albers arrived the « tax eale th al seven oe! vesiondastt * are : Soap for the wash and about the house. o ft Ravartige 1 Se eee 7 ee Insist on getting the Soap you ask for— n a aaa wy 15% on Fire Just arrived several cars of] in old strone « npanies in : use Ft shings—all in Tite 7—J; Lorne MacLaren ; ile prices t tf ' ’ 98 rem reer ere mmomcengb ome fl ‘ ne a j ; . ist evening ire Sport Briefs _ ; ti the | " Se ee . . : e i of the summer} ! los] \ uy turesvof the Junior ‘ gue have become he ¢ { up. A number of eit i g ivers have left the . ch influences f \ \ feM , , the steady playing ° , M Cash, the ener- ‘ i 2 y getic ¢ ig f the league, will a i ‘ rea zt some new) aia I et the I . fron the young fellows | vidas i Melnty Luly wl like Dbasebal bot have been} i po ‘ $41 La nal to get on the teams of the] i Gray's O 6 jiate league. : 7h =e $e ° s i . = * a te 1 lit the Colts and the Saw- 1G000%in Cash: : EVEREADY ‘ } af I | base ill teams neet on the} és Prizes GAYLO ee t atiA [ s Hill grounds in an in| Geabs BuLES i th t Sat ediat izue £ 1¢, Both | An M En iv li pra Ss. pa = iva d ft ! I hing if i i \ P rg i tl seas » Va ' oes Se eruaen regs yer HE VANDERHOOF HOTEL i i i ‘ d the swu ‘ Ca = al th l ul} h ach alu ‘ | st i th scots- j : , . uf a VANDERHOOF, BC. ‘ i i e \ hi \ ia and for-|was playing against two very fast{| The Hotel That Is A Home. sh i i ings nad ¢ lin but Cara az fs : Sy Ne thoi snateh in most) | CeMtrally located. Convenient to depot. Good’ service : } be n cen tf Os einai : : will rema sis a “eh ai } European Plan. Garage and Livery in connection, s guest of his beh UnpeR NEW MANAGEMENT s ; ‘y hter, Mr. atid) Never forget to luok through} JAS. F. McCORMACK - -.- Manager M Bry the classified list - I a wer sh to thank in — ont rn ear rtheu id j t! layers wil } Office Phone 130 Wharf Phone 423 { rhe and the L Pj . heir st pI t ; the Widow's e Ine rig t { e it f ine hie ’ i i i S100, (Peck, Moore & Co, BUILDING) CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. r \ those | \cavieaiedbe: wpt Yeushck baal NAOMI Ulakt ial, ol Lumber, Insurance and General Salt i ternoon was ™ = avers os rie of a wn 7 - i urly f under Dr, of Graham tstand is eichien in gion far as Brokers ‘ ‘ ' le to that portio lying between Ugiow of the department Gf Ze0-| the ‘easterly boundary of | Indian Reserve Georgetown Saw Mill Co. Wharf PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. vy at h I iN tv of British % § situated in the vieinity of Tew HH and the southerly boundary of Lot 1016 Columbia. They } recently ar- Queen Charlotte ‘Islands District — \ nd will con papniy ‘winteeer bf Lands es ‘ hin antes ! ie same, con. Lauds Deparunent, NOTICE ' #* , mm , . . Victorlag Bh €., ; I sth "May, 1990 LN MATTER of an application for The Smeeton the issue of a fresh certificate of Ulle to a aoe it 23 of Lot 369, Kange 5, Coast rit July S House Fur District (Map 972 : nisttings in full swine. th «TUM SALE RawVe, «=| RoTich is borehy given tues satetpoines Tea Rooms ‘ feowering the above lands hh been f : “Ta . | } Mel \ 1 returned Sealed tenders will be received by the aie 4. ‘3 Piet, an n ae arte r the we Second Avenu¢ t nes tri tt ster not later than " ou = expiration of one manu tb from. fhe “ote of ~ for ; ’ ae at vu f gust v2 or e tirs rmublies ere res eorur ve : o co rebase Licence X 2570, near = can Mor iitle te the above lands, in. the Home Geooked Meals M ; ne uM i) oO i Hemt a Fy meee’ ee Goptine % is natant ith 0 vealed teh end Break fast, Dinner and Judet Yi t Man ¢ thie tm years Will be allowed for removal|is pumbered 8105 I Supper ' i betwee t W. E. BURRIT oii u “ nu th b ai paartd ars of the Chief Forester Acting District Kegistrar of Titles Try our Fiome Made Bread i neshore \ Bh r the District Forester, Dated Uhis 26th day of June 1020 2 ra # , : ting this week! Rupert, B. ¢ _band Regisiry UMece, Pringe Rupert, B.C, and Cakes deeide the issue the recent Rete Tre TIMBER SALE X 2535. " ey hin seeks : 1 the wat ont, TIMBER SALE X 2500. Sealed tenders will be received by the ~- mM Minister a Lous not later thal hoon on T ve 4 surface k dressers, Sealed tenders w be received by the |the @0th day of duly, 1920 r the pur Pi Mi a i. , | faa Distrtes Forest . phe than boon on chase of clbanet X $335 w cut 3 25-000 ano uning wh yarn ul © the yl day of August, 920, for the feet of Spatige, Cedi nd Hemloek or ey 75 . cehese Of Licence 32500, neat Dy vaste an area saibinine Lot 634, Tal-lin