is the best remedy Large Attendance res ; of Members of th e Ord anor for sunburn, *Friends enjoy hospitali er and their x~-~- — eat rashes, eczema, &4 | y hospitali y of forest monarchs j WANTED i , ees. sore feet, stings and e | | ai sini oo ad POR SALE Sawmill Macninery blisters. A skin food! Over 150 attended the Riks’ picnic to Tugwell Island ye WANTED Capable man as ofr \ii the machinery of the Mas All Drugeiste and Stores." 0« & day Messrs. Doherty, Jack Knight, W T ee See derly and cleaner for General any Infet Lumber Co, at Port ante. A ebieiee . hompson, Bill Reid Hospital, Apply Matron, if (lements, Graham Island, Ht i} ; er were the committee at the head of affairs and ee ereeel par tomy vese five valiants spare , , , ' WN 16 ssi tlbes deiodlkacikicbiianicased i msiyon _ Miant pared no efforts to give a good time to -all “ — Vemporary stenog 66516 return Ofular boilers EEE present lhe first boat left at 9:29 and it was twelve noon bef rapher, A District Forester 100 pounds working pressure PRLS ee i o< . me re ’ rea : = e iii were safely landed on the big beach at Tugwell. The } a ee z- , if; Complete WHS brick and dulch a> ‘arrving the picnicker ‘ . S PUES oven, ¥ t picnickers were the “O 1 BA gs i FOR RA , Norton TO \ f Serving a launch, F. ff. Mobley’ n Baby, es ek ee OOF neds, ie is 16520 Whelsand Engine Works CONTRACTORS ‘ . ‘ . . Mobley’s launch and George Frizzell’s launch ly OR SALI “da h bigs ye balanced vaive engine rence ifepeer wane ex TEN - n the after ‘ “oars . phe ’ ‘ , Vet will ‘ ; mF Bh eed Bigger Purpose tal { SEROOR A Pere OF Sheree Wan Arreneer apith many| & engine new Today's fae 8x10 Petrie Engine, able The Mitister of dublie Works 4 7 ‘oY ming par > ¥i : . , ? . =v fy : , tam te - eee of Hie Works up | : . i. part in the various events. Amongst some of the cham tory price 500 higher than 0 Ampere direet current West. gp ty oF ene L028, En cake i ie : pionships established were Fred Gilhuly's cake eating event ' when thi Roueht mel ern EWwetrie lighting machine. Kaper ty the Present Wart, as Prine » silverware ead o / is e ‘ i ‘ven an p . <2 " ‘ ue being lobed away and J 4 Ben Selfs high jump. Two ladies’ of the revelle md) chaspr: Wi ive this amount 744x556 duplex Worthington wy... . ee ea tions btrect ent forme as in former times “ baseball gamés were staged ahd tae tae : ers had died away at! Bee Feu Aivasoff and ©. V pump. of lenin miay lve ae a and after thn route t« > aterfr sii : , . ty? : , bavi NA } Fig at the wffice or at ' \ sind 2 doable Hendal fo Uke hah. jadaree: ban Apparently all Embleten for particulars and mots California planer, com vs yA pis rnic ' Lhaskert . a h ’ Vy d f ‘ ee ae ; ilete ops ( otitis, tease i Vrs. Clementson made it very evi- the we een used up in terms, P na Rupert Cigar plete rr WIN IAL DIS Tye? RNOINEER, PRI durabke lent that the Qaseball ability was lust ames during the day for Store, Third Avenue Phon Log turning rig, arene ~ asi 5 f i ’ ‘ . ail ie ! hone s and , eand who as wt Nad~T not.confined to only one side of tiie Vole? ounded across tite) Rine Of. er! Log haul, ie PANTMENT OF Ft Cc Wonk fois its beantiful lines and the house. A°very ietthh heute tea ta ers in many popular choruses, | . Vhree block Hamilton earriage By aphlicatiin et = : a Di aa a f . He e As boat after boat came in thei/ to i . oubltiin tell ua complete “ins a eerie ve ie J ay: aliverware 4 t £ { e A . ie ‘ — —~— . lens sil oD ; y ae rwat t ie Me kere ; wee n effect was delightful, W. J. Cash “aw gumimer o Sve d@ullera ib ' a8 for ornament it izzell and George Tite, sags “It wa S ee M } t P M4 for thet apmoumet a marked rheg cure . tonne ist the crowd thought so un- ought t ae ae ee ee ee hee ao ! 1008 i, 88-8 in onble oo tucks aeinde bh took cae . oe " ° an “et ’ . ae it ended in a fie. Cries arose Smee j Tee ee 1% in: black pipe, camp outfit an a ee ‘ ; , ting we | ’ ’ a” . ‘ 4 ¢ that it had been a put up job but Mouts. pulleys, boxes, shafting and|irmruranie te tthe : ys” { ‘ sk . ee | Sirlo : aN ‘ belting. able Ti ‘ Xx er } at the panting cham- RE trloin steak ». 45¢ and Sie es am ed ‘ ‘ +8 ; WE \o FZ pions would have eenvinced the pee f, pot reast, Ib, 25c to We For further information andjpary tncerme 4 be ' _ critical that it} must have AT THE WESTHOLME. {Be af @iuck roast, Ib,...... ie be ice; communicate with & ALLY)" ; pants 1} ena ree effort of both to s . rth soast, th. ‘c abd Bo " WAT r. , Port Clem me ats it | baw oe oa - “ tract a é ;icover the ground, j “The. Veiled Adve ca jeol, botling . ; r hos ’ . ; ‘nture, to 250) FON BALE ‘ : : " SS Phe refreshment booth did stance Tal ’ Con lifamburger, per 1p $5-40 b.p. Me divin iy “ton Vancouver, B.C ; 1 did a almadge’s newest picture} | . 2 BO Duty Sterling Magine, Bose m4 ' 8 — \!irapid business. Everything was which ¢ ’ Btewing beef, per th. 200 ar rf : ’ —— A ithe it 7 gz wa . an be seen tonight at thele ! and 2h« lenition, 4 oyh, 4 eyele, in pe ’ near an EE riven away by the loudly gesticu- iWestholme Theatre, is a romantic Corned beef, per tb. ....... 2h fect condition #1 500 on ' ey Department of coo ¥ ” inew ee ting gentle ‘ ee { ‘ fs ’ . 4AM), ' nt ail ei : gentleman who stood be-|/Cowedy plus drama which holds Sumb, leg, per by s.,-.++. 550 M. Stephens vetepmemenneael tind the bench. He apparently Yeu to the end OS SS i Se a oe 6 lke - Semcintigmeaeae OT NAVIOARLE WATE ’ Sy 7 i . | e* : . ie os ous ’ ’ ‘ A . Fed “ta considerable experience It in the story of fle reldingiaeee stewing Nceeeee ,, POR SALE-—Organ in goed eon 6c Chee N Ao creage a! ot fi ace r = re circus line from the way)Parker, a young and beautiful Mutton, shoulder roast S20 to 3% ait id leather easy chair ment i ' Ww ve — ea iat be announeed his wares./S0clely girl, whose marria ; We al shomder mat ¢ § ie hina tches uteneiis. af ad ; ee . } Jorn rn : . 0 : Y oe Ke a) 7s , Pr , is e ; Get your Acre Lot or Ten i I f n. water melom. bananas! Reginald Crocker, a society “fop ba x of veal We and 4M is Ave aah 24 me ‘ " ' Ni oe ee ind ice cream were dispensed at''* averted, whe aha i\Plalu susie ib Acre Tract at Terrace for a ' ihablutels ne cet to -4ll destete ‘i Laas A oat he, in trying! eer Sais | eC FOR SAL) } ist g Bhat Roald hire > ‘ , 5 . a young mi om Texaal . oe ; ity : . summer home before vrices them: (tek eo - un — rexas! Pork log ors ‘ 8 fcet- long, 8% fh. beam with ne ewe , as to e i inn ¢ , « to SU : ys advance. Good lots adjoin- a tae bies were in charge of |Worman over man, i ro Zs f Pork chops 6u ' ee e a Apply |? Towneit ; . : aii, ae I atl a aa tt SII Ei ; . ‘ : ‘ ing the Towns ail n- § rd “Gil” and a most excel- lightened regarding men and co Pork, shoul i Fused. Paone . ' ; *) : . : BI . . able price eitent past was provided, ‘Table consciously teaches herself a vita acon, slic Ib The) POW SALI Bans ad’ lt Plenty fruit and lots of fishing ; ‘ orations suited the surround. jlessen of life. : ‘ililam, sliced, 6h ' ehoid:e oe =<". ; ee c ' = ne 1 ‘ eat . * - nat 1 ‘ . ’ " ' ’ Town Lots $75 to $200 ' f . f a boards were . ad sinoked 6% \ i Snosits Predbvtertas . aq wi soon ings to eat. PU oe AC KS oobde ‘ ul Write t i oh PO eeeesece rT t Ail had ‘an pportunity to show LATIONS CIVEN ‘ mes Ken, et oe it ‘a : i Kenne Ry Os ? {* i speed when the time came to! IN NEW wil, : seu Pon SAL Cleaning and press, y fUso. & uO. ' taste the many varieties of sand~| DIRECTORY f ickte ad polls per Ib. .... i 5e kK business liineas - reason ; Real Eztate and Insurance r{* a cake and salad, ip : soked ham cod, per tb., 8% wale Apply P.O. box #4 ; ‘ , e e , rm Yi ' Terrace - B.C. one return from, the picnic|"! on Rupert Is Is Horribly Libelled - Spare ribs, 1 bee the FOR SALI Teuts of all siz : r. ds commenced at eight n the Matter of Popul toast th I 4) rw ' 7 oot ‘ -_-——_ Smee rer wemecenl o'clock although it was well on! i pulation, Bologna, per th : : . f. Crosby, Third Ave tf . NOR rere oom eae Se ae ee oe sta ¥ ’ Pee AEA eis | ee roeote : “ees 9 midni ight be fore the last sounds According to Wrigley’s Direc Jellied lomgue ...... sie to 6c FOR SALI Furntahed ' , * We tater ~~ wos red oF ; ’ or ; ec rooming |; Hand Your Baggage Cicchs to | MINERAL AUT. wets. tea ate has a popu- ae 65c| bouse. St. Louis Rooms Tar 4 a }| (vorm, ¥,) on of only 000, Everyone | ° Sn oa. A aloe ; : JOE BROW N ‘ ie = = living here knows that is wrong.| ooked beef ine, db Bh HOUSES FOR SALE pert sid thay M | aad NO euapeevonrante, in a review of the new iubifeation'| Dairy Produce. VINK. ri a ee nee 1OF Section’ § ov ‘ Renee § otor Transfer and d |. die te te ane hive Pipes Clam,|Published in the Vancouver Prov- Butter... ise s cw becseces 70 : OME, dest | re sidentia aiiketis pare ae Minin’ me 8 rw Bilncer Sérvi [ay Taaaied Deke r Mining Division | ine -e the following figures t IButter (cooking aed section. Moderate terms. tel. |! Gaase * aa soe ger Service aL re located:— “Sixteen miles up thelit is said, on actual § based, | cn eene or: We. a odes 96) *gerson, Heal Katate, Insurance, |pires Seale mts ‘ Stand, Empress Hotel | Sroup meee Ge Domy Varden! civen: , eeers, ane iL init. gliadin die tye... 405 Notary Publis, }ite frat potat v oo “+ Ph 264, Ble ls AKE NOTE FE that John Hegh McMullin, | Any As | Pee , se, per ib Hie} onued il sa Fish Oi) and om Of vr. a I strator of the Estate ¢ ch tod TE ue .6.0 tr aes 4.9 090% 2 00 emee yi. Ae occa he " ' " vem ' — * ones ack 334 laa Pree Miner's Ue riifear No. | Britannia Beach ‘ eae nm. ¢ fresh eos 5 oe ‘ FOR commas * ° . 7 ‘ . wo slung Gays, from the date! lo hilliw k MOM «eee etee 2.000 tri x Fe oes 70e re i a f va. a . val ’ othe ning Reco Oe bac 66 ; Striec new-laid eggs ; o ‘ Quick ewer a f riifieate of unpcivemita Ter ta} Bese gp of See ne 1,600 aia y w-laid egg woe FOR KE \T hae furnished rooms : ~~ ; ' , on taining a Crown Grant of the | SORTER 6 hohe sceeess 3.000 MOSEOOUEG al iiebe kes 4 Hive in private home, fiv t y : bove claim ; . : . oo ee FeNe ° e minutes : f 3 _—_—-—- — | nd further take notice that action, no re Oren a 1,500 Comb hor CT coccdmoececeees re walk from post oMee dientle vue Fees A® re tiwrry CP ICOR LOCO DE Ee on 8% Taust be commenced bef Grand Forks . 9s Sugar, per ib » . ‘ Nnwe- | by m wes if sack Cartifaste af iar ve ire | ‘ e08e 2 500 wi sendin: ane, tidal 2h en preferred Apply 244 Sth | ’ t Ka miloc B ner : an Ss, owers, Roses MUTI -5.c 0 + 0 0 030 0.6-ahee 5 ong read, pet 1G, . Poe ec iS Avenue West p LAND) At , $| \ATED this tst day of May. A.D. 1990, |Kelowns ’ he ' % ; : . hene Hilack I SoG bh __JOHN HUGH MeMOLUIN, | Rett Ss Sen ee ene? 8,000}, 207 (hard wAhey OO-Ib ak $4.0 die tf a age, Cauliflower a ae da Aas deeb kes 10.000 Milk, per @ .2.. $6.50 to $7.81 . rornm oF NOTICE Many V aric P a. ‘0.640640 264260 466 ¢ 8.000 Fish FOR RENT lhree-room tat ul , vi ni CITY MARKET ; e or Westminster ...... 60.000) 206, & IDS. ccccccdccevoses ah. furnished, with use of bath ; renee. \North Vancotiver ....... 10.000) Jod fillets, sinoked _ Apply 210 Ninth Ave, West. Uf wan ee wc Smee Mite, Larne Paneer er eeaenemne Ocean Falls ... > Fresh bli ; BP ea ateat cs 20 ee eS 2 eee | f°8 f . bikie ies . | itis ie ts 2,008) | i black cod per th. ic FOR KENT Donk sanmasl bite : ; . 55 227 2nd Av Lotte tee eee 3,500) #intan huddie ... ‘ TT, s : . a ! 27 2nd Avenue $) 'Prince George ..... ; oan! Cakes ‘6 pre ih é ew ecme'e 25 i‘) Fourth Avenue East, oppo- ’ . ~~ Cc. Vv. EVITT leties ie = es 2,2 y Pee Wierw a Obese ecees Z5c! site Presbyterian Hall. { P ; { ; ifee Mtearn 4 Sie aes i n ROEE dpc ceed 4.000 Herring, kippered j ~- ~ t ra ‘ ‘ Paap NOTICE rene chs) SOOT Raped, gee, »- So) 8 thence som th } aie cakes NT ee ae Stee ee cae wees 3.500 > °¢ ierring, each . tosT w < £ hte : NO . > aie | ‘ ’ ‘Wee y. ve i ss : i r ena Auditor and Accountant per ty boiding Crome ite’ oo be aaa PAP ESS BAP OS 2,000 Flounder Fillets, Ib, ... 206) LOST os ~ ? net " ” ‘ “ ’ A 2 ay ime = | - ne . . * es wars ee divis done under nerooutinal ly WOME GK so Siig o's 6b6 ko 60s 4,500) Balt Acadia Ood, 2-Ib. boxes 65) Black velvet bag coatain- — iu th aoe ee — amet : cr : 7 7 fi , ae —— |on such lands of eenia ton seen | ONO a Saag ee 4,300 Shrimps, per th, ......-.+- aa | wind mall sum of money, be-| Date Junegetat Mark a Agent inpald iit overdue aye fetkifad $0 soain jikate, per Ib, ...... i ween Sixth and Fishth Avenuesimn te sepnewe f tls Notice, cithe Pct te tat aneeni® BIG LEAGU Sete Seas 4 te fs | <9 “He eward Phone He “ a ae er orcemnen. | i i Se ee ll, ”St””té« bn colachane. Ib. mf %hecl % IN Pr OCR RMOURT, WiC must ef leash coves | Balt oolachans, Ib 1 4d STEWART Lots IN THR MATTER «ih Tut ADMINIS TIA 2y rie } jnterest due to date, together with | ; deterdaista a fe iteatlin * ans, thee eeee 100}, OR BAI ———_——_——- Tian ACT AND IN THE MATTER «oF widenes inal all tne *, whether Munieipal | Pacific intern tl | Spring salmon, per th. ..... She! ALKE-Lot 2, Block 10, Map rie i TATS OF DALDOMENG SALINAS woe | 905 ‘ _ see) he’ an? eau eer an peld, falta La Sealtte & woe ed hite s alinon BRED te Sig 005, Stewart Townsite. Price lid ‘ provided by Seetton 7 celeg,| = Ot ‘ ria 2. 2 " ‘ F : epee” Section 70 of the “Land | Vietasia A maaltio. 6 \ PEO a oe pec aiecs ane 25 $1,000, This lot adjoins buasi- | Menor Jude iF tee Sy am order of B ve Tae ‘ao 7 Vegetabies | ness seotion on Sixth Strect./ as t we 1 tat Within G. RB. NADEN, acoma 7, Spokane 3. erin, Apply ai) N 1k. Williemss, $ ; ged thet wittiam Deputy Minister of Lands Tacoma 2. Spok Ons, Gry, DOF ID. «.csceee 7 Spee Ny ews oMee if! . sidumero Salinas, d seed, be ot tm 7 remersepens 8 aw Vv a 3, Bpenane 3. iCarrots, per tb éc|. -Lonem muni arr" Roldcmenn teilmas ue at tne “ded nes ‘ cria, t > ian ae oe hit ' a eabeseesee ‘ aldetors sina ; > eM it isk: ‘s00e | Lr oe eee 1-0, Furnips, pér W.. ...- o _ ‘Lopas MEETINGS [Marri 180,. att ms of the @nd day of | | na " '. i eee , : oe a -- oe » free the rou fn ; ei . Pittsburg 6 Srodkinn 1 ae eas aa near ees toe LODGE 1054 LOYAL Gites in the meantis aid Order! unlean : ° ‘ low eT ‘ ae ~~ ne weoarlidie - ; : : Chicago 6, Philadelphia 4 er WEP geseeere Y5e and 6 Moone meets every Monday Rewtetrer wf th see “ in ' inslanet! 8 Mew Mosk ¢ . Ie = OtlnuOe stews e f0c and 2he evening at the Deep Sea Fiaher lSeiaes Columbia, that the sa i Hah oo os OLALOCE ; Py — ‘ , 1 lore « ’ > ; : o “ ia St. Louis 7, Boston 6 hb a t 4 on oe 77.00 Boots halt a oe os ‘ ae _ am Further . oy a re lbs ni ote! neces neem | § 7 ter of the said trder be A . for 2oe oblished in the Laity News new as : : merican League. Green onions, per bunet Be AUCTIONEER. |cireulanpe im wien Britian ohumbie. Cleveland 4, New York 2. Cucurml = we : ale ad fOr a period of one month » Comments CANCELLATION OF RESERVE St. Louis 4, Washington 8 pole I : ra, - - 4 s S5e and 40¢'AUCTION OU PRIVATE SALI | DATED “. Ds iy of sue 1920 i | NOTICE IS HERE Detroit 5, Philade . spinach, per 1b., i2%e conducte ST ee re foe tie arin j eis j reserve existing Saar cakeame tea ms the : +e Philade Iphia 0, | Hot house cucumbers, eac he conducted, ap yout own prem . * . rt... ; lands former Chicago 7, B , Gach, 45e) ises or P who y held under Timber Liesnacs Nos. 16408 a » Boston 4. Radishes, per bunct nal or in our sales room, M.| have their ont 1404, Kitsumkalum Valley, is can New York, July 26.—Babe Ruth | Sweet i BOR, pp rceece he week, Auctioneer, Second Ave | work done at iain ol: MERE hecnak Of th _ et potatoes, per Ib., 20e! Section 2. tf ' De Departments Minister Of Lands. season, ° le arsiey,-per bunch, ieae 1de| aes ; : Victoria, B.C. . ; resh AsparaWus ....+-se00% o5e Téeo.color wind : vist April, 1990 Globe artichokes t ” ndow cards take M see (Sunday's Results. lGatiforn® beet r at 20 \ite eye quickly, Bee them at the = é up 7 peets, ... 4 ‘ r 25e tell you why we do their INERAL ACT, Pacific International. [Parsnips, per It eed ip eB a work, d eee ¥ Tacoma 1%, Spokane 6 Spinaeh if Pt e tha. th se! TIM@ER SALE X 2618 ; NON .eeevreee ~ oF ; t : . An then—try | Oissidents “at tcecevsainial, Vaneouver 44. Yakime 4. ae Ibs. for 26c [Conlmamnes, each, 200 to ce Siniad senaies Salto A ‘ ? atlerme . , i Minister of i a w received by the = excellent Dry NOTICE New Aearions League. BAnAnes .écicg covtetes The ania 0% pev Deere needs 1c chat bth ay es Thanst "9 0 “— th ene Cleanin and P Silver Tip No. 1” Mineral Ct _ Yonk 8, Boston 25. Grapefeuit (California) 4 fi r 26e! Prien, DOE WD. pve: 206 aor a a N 2418, to but 400,000 g ressing nets tn the Naas iver Mining Divis rnd Detroit 24, St. Louis & caimiainis ¢ or 2be iP lus, per basket ..... . $1.50 \arca sledinted Bais, 7 * eo Cedar, on an . , . OUNONM fee wee “ iskatla le ee Bervice, Where locuted:—On the Kiteaut River Wasbingten §, Philadelphia. #Dales (drom) .......00c0+s ‘Oe | Pear hes, per dow, .... 40c to 600 | OR, Miatrtes BIA, TENEE % olning tl ‘olly Varde 5 we SPOS POUT) coccareveces { 1 year will be allowed fo a IAKE NOTICE that) Lewis Weep t ; National League. Valencia dranges 40¢ » S5e Apricots, per basket ...... $4, 50 | PATS! OF Manbor will be allowed for in ’ Neate Cio ne ae toa he Miner's tap’) Pittsburg 5, Brooklyn 4 Raisins rw e and $1.00| Bing Cherriem® per tb. haa \wisharta Mt cs tlalried Pastiten te ‘ O1B-C, 4 « . . ’ 3 oo ee8e % “4 Nalries “ret ta ine Canadian avent, of | Frans Atypist GWaugon Pree Boston 3, Bt. Louis 2. Gubransa: sal i eit one Honey Bow MelGis, exch... 160) SEY” o——— edi ners Certificate No. 90947-C, f New York 5, © , Pes aacee ++ 980 Evaporated F ait os dame ‘ixty days from the ‘dat vs ary wk 6, Cincinnati 2, 60 7 a rulte, TIMBER SA 556 Steam Laundr to the Mining Recorder ee inf Chicago 5, Philadelpt 5 Peel, DOr Ihe ccccesietacee ‘ be [Binek O60 i vacieveces 250 Le x8 ’ » y \taining 8G rown'o for tet Darpose at i ; oe ‘ Mixed nuts, per Ib, ........ 35¢| White fige eros 26 1 ppmcaled tendera will be 1 ' } own Grant of the : _— au “a bs f eee eee eee enene G@ | District Forest m received by the hone & | Aid further take mother be "Riowe“cuain It is just as ch Table Figs, per pkg, ...... he | Aprtoots ae. Abo | Ninth dan of nue Teen faee 90 PT PO OD | neotis mS i, Inst be companares before inti cheay lo wet your Mince Meat ....6+000. ays anf Ponel Be ee : © | pure hase of Licences er 6 ee an she ‘ (nents uch Certificale of Muprove™ a ne cone wel! and done at) Strawberries ‘ 4 elAppl Neal 8 2.0.9 89 4298 © 309 |Aiing, wo ut 92,500 tinea! fool of teas ATED this t#t day of May, A. né as it is to send it away, T'r ee es ea a tee 8" 2 PIAA degadeee be egy Ohel’ wae tt) a LEWIS W. PATMO tink, 18° The News Print Sho ay, Try |Mlack Tartarian cherries ... 7he| Seodless Raising ......+-.. 35e hn al 6f Aetion. PO eHowed for re D. (omaltoes .....- 45c/P —s Further partioulars of ! fe hae tae BE] PRUNOEH greece cece cess 2O0-M00 lvietoria, Bet ur ts ie Chief Parenter Kupert, B. ¢ istrict Forester, Prince Elks Picnic to Tugwell Island was Great Success THE DAILY NEWS —_— SS a Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than S0c i~~ ~~~ B ORMES Limiten ee PPPPO DD oe MLM Steph Notary Public (ours For Quick Sa $3500.00 $1500.00 Cag M. M. Stephey Aaa! Estate Sor aace Pea by COOP R CO PROF OO OOO Oe PPE LOELEEEEOOOO OR OO OHO | Sham mpoo Park NOT raky a] Opposite Ge 210 4th St. ee ee Phone @ - The Essington bas te Martin & ‘Bo | First class for Visitors to Pat Essington accomod COOL LO LOLOL ELE EOL OOO 3 vie ' Day Phone 5 STEEN & LONGHE Sheet Meta! Works Ag roo Sanitary and Heating Engt Sth Str a Set Prince K “eee ooerrr rere PPOPOLLOOE OOP OE OLOOOOTN SMITH & MA PLUMBING AND HEA ENGINEERS Fatimat fubnisded oe Address, Jrd Avenue of Re nd St eel ‘Phone 174 _ P. 0. Bot Hotel Prince Ka EUROPEAN PLAM $1.b0 per day * FinsT-ciass oArt A La Carte. A. G. GRAY Teacher of Plane , Avent 1 or 4 Studio | ee PHONE Blue #2 sor7 we Phon® Green 607 Dalgarno & Wa BUILDERS AND conrad lallate Pat | we ieee fully per struction, Firat Clase a ow Kotimates Oneer! wRicK AND cononeTé CON TRACTORE