o! For the Salt Lakes Bathing Caps Water Wings Ear Stopples Our stock of these has just arrived. Come in and inspect them. ORMES | IMITED The Pioneer Druggists Phones 82 and 200 b.O. Box 1680 a BOBBING HAIR | Now — More Convenient ¢ and Sanitary. j . | iframe up” tor to preseribe it for and that’s what how them off? “Bobbie,” as falling they're Better one just call husband in the New York Times, VERY POPULAR | |Giris all Over America Doing it More pirls (han ever ar® bob. bing their hair this summer, iWhen they'll go so far as with the family do doing how can one hope to head does, and let it go at that, says a writer THE DAYL.Y NEWS | ~The Westholme Theatre TONIGHT ONLY He said he had no use for a women who would 3 steal or lie and that ro woman could ¢e | i \ im to elope with her. She made him «},, ge his Want to know how she did it? SLE ONSTANCE mind! it was only recently that the » THE REXALL STORE mayed at jwith her hair bobbed, Sh» JOIN THE SWIMMING CLUB! X ? tion showed she was the robber, parents of a Bronx girl were dis- secing her come hou solid a thighwayman bad seited her on the ¥% istreet and cut it off? Lnvestiga real TALMADGE in MENof TODAY gi e more attention to the details of their toilettes for they realize that a neat, prosperous appear- ance is a passport to success The Right Jewelry ~ quietly designed is expressive of good taste and adds distinction. Have you the useful articles every man needs, a good watch, curl links of approved style, studs, scarf pins, a seal ring and other conveniences? R. W. Cameron The Jeweler 3rd Ave, jbeginning to do it, not have Three years ago Miss Helen Cris- iwell of Bryn Mawr and the Uni jversity of Berlin, who was Lleach- jing [Long Island City, jsumed with a desire to bob ber thair, but she did not juntil she resigned. Interested in) CUT GLASS « We mean the real thing. The kind with the brilliancy of diamonds and the weight of Iron. We think it a mistake to put your money into any other sort. jfeet of teoval of timber Sealed tenders will be Miflister of Lands not later tee ih day of August, fez0 chase of Licence \ 2434, to Spruc Cedar and Hemlock on an area adjoining T.S. X1909, Sedgwick Bay, Lyell Island, Queen Charlotte Islands Dis trict Two (2) y received by the than noon on for Ue pur. irs will be allowed for re Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, B,. C., or District Porester, Prince jhespital cut 4,600,000; School Teachers Too. Even the school teachers are hey two years dared High Sechool, became cone at the Bryant attempt it “T could hardly wait te came to Manhattan and have it dones” she explains. Another school teacher, Hen- rietta Rodman, has worn short hair for a long time. The same jmay be said of Baroness A. BE. De | Meyer, jdeen, Crystal Eastman and Bettie ) Shannon. Anne and Helen Heren Up to the present, howe, nurses are prohibited from doing it. A number would iook stunning in this style and know it and feél they are being jtreated unjustly, especially in view of the fact™that short hair more sanitary. At the Bsaches. fhe beach season is now on ind girls who wouldn't dare to do would We knew you wouldm’t want to, so we did wot put the other kind in stoek, liupert, B, ¢ TIMBER SALE X 2384. ‘ : a -p|., Sealed tenders will be received by the Little odd pieces from $3.50 | winixter of Lands not later han noon on | Hrilliant bowls 87.50 |!he 20d day of September, 1920, for the | to $6.00, purchase Licence X #384, v0 cut Bobbing promises to make the to” $18.00. We'd like your |#80,000 feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hem- | . . : . uxe : ; jock on an area adjoining T.L. 1711p, ummer girl more fascinating opinion on it, jComshewa lulet, Queen Charlotte Islands |{han ever. At least everybody District j d Two (2) years will be allowed for re- Will have to admit that it will be moval of timber Further particulars of the Chief Forester, ll er Victoria, B.C., or District Porester, Prince Liupert B. ¢ Jeweler For Sale Desirable Furnished House 3 rooms and bath in Sec- Terrace Strawberries are arriving tion 6, for quick sale. $2,350 cash Plan this our window, McCaffery, Gibbons |} ‘°°’ & Doyle, Lid. ae Wire, write or Agents your 3rd Ave. Phone 11 ——- Each train sees heavier * Shipments and blue house on exhibition in print of We are sale agents for twelve of the acting as whole- largest shippers in this dis- trict, Our prices and qual- phone us orders, Rupert Table Supply Lo, PHONES 211, 21 jsad sea Waves. By will be | jeaull Hiifieate No. 120376-¢ j|Mobert F | } DENTISTRY '» Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth } lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, | Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9. DBNTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FORK APPOINTMENTES SOLO OL OL OLE OO Ol OO at Yorve we ie =~" - | OUR COAL (6 IN THE LEAD When it comes to quality, and you will find here the right kind for every purpose, aulWays No imatter what you need coal for heating, power cooking, we have COAL THAT IS RELIABLE Consumers Coal Co,, Ltd, J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 P ee . Schooner Lady Mine’ will aceept freight for VANCOUVER and Intermediate Points For sailing particulars, apply CAPTAIN SMITH, Government Wharf. it at home are doing it by long enough to be ered up in such a way as not to show that it has been bobbed. convenient, particularly at shore No tedious sun baths for eleetric fans, noistened = tresses Long isn't easily water and when it gets loos sloshes over her face and iher eyes and mouth it is not ways beautiful. “The hair bung down het jcheeks like seaweed on a clam, wrote Oliver Wendell Uo but he could not have of a girl who had been “1! Convenient and Sanitary. Villagers will tell you that MINERAL AUT. (Form Ff Certificate of Improvements. NOTICE “David Copperfield 4% 1" Mineral ¢ situate tm the Naas Hiver Mining Div jot Cassiar District i Where located fon west sid f adjoining the Dolly Kiver iGroap of Mineral Claims | TAKE NOTICE that I, Lewis W jof Prince Rupert, B.C., Free Miner's ¢ 31018-C, as agent for Wil MacLean Free Miner's Certificats Alfred Wright Free Mit tertifivate No, 21080-¢ Alfred BE. Wr free Miner's Certificate N Zp2ad McGinnis, Free Miner's ¢ ZOSKRR-C, intend, sixty da hereof, tw apply to the M gate No the date Recorder for a Certificate of liprovement for the purpose of obtaining a Crown of the above claim And further take notice that action fer section 85, must he commenced befor: the fasue of such Certificate of Improve | ments DATED this 1#t day of May LEWIS W) PATMONE the fall their hat xath- tie drying the hair anchored down in the pallid Varder Patmore wi A. 1920 Auction Sale I have been favored with instructions to sell by Public Auction the Furniture and Household Effeets of G. B. Hull, Esq., comprising: Library Table and Chair, Mason «& Risch Piano, Singer Sewing Machine, Ladies’ Writing Desk, Mon- arch Range, Washing Mach- ine, 2 Beds and 2 White Dressers, Arm Chairs, ele. 232 Fourth Ave. West on Wednesday, July 28 al 2.40 p.in, sharp c. Vv. EVITT Auctioneer The sale will be be held at, a laughing, rormantic comedy plus droma | “The ' Veiled Adventure’ > A CONSTANCE TALMADGE, € VENED AOVENTURE i ‘. - 33¢ and 15 Prices - = <- Rainbow Comedy, “Some Judge” Canadian Pictorial hair is f NOTICE - — “i j 7 { t XN Shrub \ ie mill Mis Ciera } I y te ul i ‘ ' ' ; i i \\ ‘ + ! s | i L.t tt l « ’ is ¢ \ lL) t K + af NEWSPAPER EMPLOYEE UM Prince Rupert. BELIEVED A SUICIDE UNT. 4 (UBSALL, LTD ’ Witttn e ; Pe ‘ + 8B OC tingeartaters Prone 41 VANCE Vi | or a Syncpsis of = s i iat Land Act Amendments OFF AGAIN TO THE LAND OF NOD BUS SERVICE TO HOT retuced eM Gn sore; second clams te —where babies do their growing Pre-emption sew conficed te eur- veyed lands only Records wil) be granted cevertng only land gultable for agricultural purpose: and which ls neon-timber tand drops right off wit That's the kind of o baby to have any fuss, as soon es his meal is finished SPRINGS AT LAKELSE ns tae. tl i 4 } ° * \ t ‘ : Partnership pre-emptiona abelished, The baby nourished on Eagle Brand is a comfort to the in get aut ar but parties of not more than four y j . ; | ‘ WN arrange for adjacent pre-emptiine whole household, For os every nurse 8nd Mother knows, i , With joint residence, but eaqh making j bust th co ‘ { herensary improvements on reepective sound sleep depends on proper feeding, opersaiy c.“aima s ; a | d um Pre-emptore musi cecupy claima for weather, ; As Ove years and make improvements te Ll ‘ value of $10 per acre, including clear * isc f ee ' ing and cultivation of a: least 6 acres Borden 1 Engle Brand is re sate end ons ew before receiving Crown Urant reliable infent { od when Nature's The Mik v “upation sot i x. ‘ » Be we ‘ ! c Caer Din § be 64 dole bie OS 6: and ae mete ape eupply is insufficient. kei t par ouves (et Coe or other naa be fr minch cow § Mik, and even in the * LOCAL NEWS NOTES , fmediate certificate of ia Witheris 4 he t of reas er it is provement and tranafer hiv Records without perm dence may be tasued, pro ese eee eee ¢ uniformly pure With no posslulity of Ie is ersi!) dipestible, ** - “* *-* : ded appl contamination. \ ant makes improvements to extent of sh...} ) ] $200 per annum and records same each wholesome @nd ecot Iwith a G3 ee Faliure to ma _ ts provaspaans year recor 1 asthe star lard infant fox xd. ~ j ere . annot be obtained in i ern , i | 4 improvements Al hetter groceries; drug stores too. i luding § secres THE BORDEN COMPANY LIMITED MONTREAL aod residence are req sired As { ennt I year pf j i Pre-emptor b ding Crown grant may record «4 er pre-emption, & he requires \a in conjunction with hie \ ' . farm, without actual occ pation, pro- vided statutory provements made widence maintained on Crown ‘ Teele ; Branted land @ i t Uneurveyed areas, ot exceeding 1 at ; saree, may be leased as homesites; se to be obtained afer fulfilling r ° sy and Improvement conden or gTrasir and tndustrial “lpveee : areas exceeding 640. acres aed be day leaned by one person or com ay Mil actory of industrial ates en Umber land not exceeding 60 seres at Port’! may be purchased; conditions inaiude payment of stumpage Natural hay meadows tneccessibie rhe ‘ p by exinting roads may be purchased : : ; conditional upon construction ef @ reed hic i to Wem HKebate of one-half of cost of < df road, not exceeding half of purohay price, la made * PRE-EMPTORS FREE QRANTS ACT. -MISS GLEESON — 20 per cent, Discount on all Summer Goods Vaile Voile Blouses The sce of this Act te « include all taccme Joinin, ee ward ma th ing with His Majesty's Forces The UUme within which the heirs or devisees of a deceased pre-emptor may apply for title under thin Act te exterton ‘ from for one year from the death of such ereon, as formerly, until one year = war Thie privilege te aleo made re- "ne Divregses Cotton , No fees relating to pre emptions are In luding om hone @ue or payable by suidiers on re emptions recorded after June 26, 1918 Taxes are remitted for five years ; Provision for return of moneys ac. doa id and anol “i erued, due and Leen paid since August } 4, 1914, on aoovunt af peymenta, fees hirne lle has Tie on evldiory pre-emptions. ; nterest on agreements to purch i 7 } handed o j busine i \lox town of city jote held by members et ip Yule, another old timer, who will} Silled Forces, or dependents, acquired | direct or indirect, remitted from en- stand. listment to March £1, 1920, SUB -PURCHASERS OF Cr LANDS, man en | ee a || a eee THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA RECOMMENDS (Ts ? MONEY ORDERS Provieton made for issuance of |i) sade Crown granta to sub-purchasers afe ¢ 0 . ; remitting Crown ands, acquiring rights Sous As ® safe and Seemann al to cee of purchasers who failed to complete , purchase, involving forfeiture, on fu)- These Money Orders are payable without’ charge at any : ’ bank in Canada (Yukon exec pted), in New foundland / fillment of conditions of purchase, in terest and taxes. Where sub .) o ae purches cities of the United States and are negotiable at ove in Great Britain and Ireland ean jocentt ers Go not claim whole of ori “al par cel, purchase price due and tases may $5 and under Scents Over $10, not exceeding © ell Over $5, not exceeding $10, 6 cents Over $40, not exces ding be distributed proportionately over | whole area Appiications must be $ : : on Manas Prince Rupert Branch - - - A. W, Cameron, a by May 1, 1620 ea Subscribe for The Daily Ne“ Crasing Act, 1919, for systematic ‘ath . bia | The Leading Daily of Northern British Colum . SOOO OLE LEE LOLLLOLYE LL LEDE LLL ELE CLLL EL OLLEE EEE See ee eeeaeeaeaewewere * * TU SUBSCRIBERS * Hubseribers lo The Niws are asked to pay the ik * livery when where boys each mouth they call, payment has year in ad excerpt beet made for the vane The collecting carry official re hould al preserved when | boys development of Uvestook Industry pro- } vides for graging districts and range adminiatration under Commissioner, Annual grazing permite teeued on numbers ranged, priority for Mehed owners, BStock-owners forta Associations for range ma e- ment. Free, or partially free, ceipts whith > * ways be * * “ses e*eeeeeenee te for setUers, campers of Uay w le ee ttn connie e oT Cee