THE DAWLY NEWS 19 iz > ‘Ho! For the Salt Lakes QRMES Phones 82 and 200 LN Bathing Caps Water Wings Ear Stopples Our stock of these has just arrived. Come in and inspect them. The Pioneer Druggists THE REXALL STORE JOIN THE SWIMMING CLUB! IMITED P.O. Box 1680 y ss MENof TODAY give more attention to the details of their toilettes for they realize that a neat, prosperous appear- ance is a passport to success The Right Jewelry quietly designed is expressive of good taste and adds distinction. Have you the useful articles every man needs, a good watch, cuff links of approved style, studs, scarf pins, a seal ring and other mnveniences? R.W. The Jeweler Cameron 3rd Ave. | lthe liveryman, Park Garage, Ter irate, who bas a new Ford cat | er, 5,000; Fanny F.,, BUS SERVICE TO HOT Visitors to Lakelse Hot Sponge fro Wait can get automobile service Terrace by notifying ©, A truck for this business, Neasor able rates. Prone B. C. Undartaker<« an 14,500; Rosespit, 18,000; Maytlow { 8.500, an i } tf @@eeheeoeeeereunnaes By TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY ses @@#e #2 eee eee eee ~ BARGAIN, Fe Sale Flat b ‘Seo PLLC 50s Re SOS tomed sloop rigged yay ! { feet lone, 6 feet beat j Interested in | Pinte Block 308 ‘ AZ: . 4 orn SALI Gias boat Nad l c- CUT GLASS + eee RE ois, TIMSER SALE X 2434, 36% x 9%, new heavy d We mean the real thing ve sas “eee gine. Phone Hed 415 170 "— Sealed tenders will be receives ry w - -_- eo Phe kind with the brillianey | yin ster of Lands not later tha noon Of) rap RENT, Three rooin mod of diamonds and the weight of ae “et ttlebn 5 ey; t, t cut ceeeoa lat, Hart Apartments Pt iron. eet Of Spruce, Ceda 1 Hemlock on an < 1 adjoining T.S. X19 Sedgewick Bay, tNlack #51 1; We think it a mistake to put core Island, Queen Charlotte Istands Dis your manuey into any other (2) years will be allowed for re sort. or naeteeers f the Chief Forester, Synepsts of = , B.C. or District Forester, Prince B. ¢ We knew you wouldn't want Lo, so we did not put the othe: kind in stock, Little odd pieces from $3.50 to $6.00, Brilliant bowls 87.50 to 18.00. We'd like your opinion on it. Jeweler ~ |For Sale sft 4 : Desirable Furnished House a 3 rooms and bath in Sec- wit Le tion 6, for quick sale. et i x ay in $2,350 cash ie Pian and blue print of Pe this house on exhibition in “ss pe our window. ae ; Lok McCaffery, Gibbons a Me lll & Doyle, Ltd. 3 cet Agents | ey 3rd Ave. Phone 11 ME ast ) See | a HBG > eee on to 3 rie si i aia: i at When it comes to quality, : and you will always find here the right kind for every ) purpose, No matter what you need eoal for—cooking, heating, ry power-—we have - . oe ie COAL THAT iS RELIABLE get Consumers Coal Co,, Ltd, ‘ oe } J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 4 CREA «tt tts ERT TIMBER SALE X 2384. | Sealed tenflers will be received by the | Minister of Lands not later than noon on} the 2m day of September, 1920, for the purchase of Licence X 2384, to. cut 5,-} oR0,000 feet of Spr Cedar and Hem: | lock on an ares ndjoining T. 1 17tip, Cumshewa Tulet, Queen Charlotte Islands | District | Two (2) years will be allowed for re- | moval of Umber | Victoria, pert, Ru jlars of the Chief Forester, | , Or District Forester, Prince urther partic B. ¢ B. f 7 ——________ ¥ Terrace | Strawberries are arriving Each train sees heavier Shipments We ture acting as whole- sule agents for twelve of the largest shippers in this dis- trict, Our, prices and qual- ily are right. Wire, your orders, write or. phone us Rupert Table Supply Co, PHONES 211, 212. , , DENTISTRY Don't neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth | lowers your efficiency | DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 6.80; Satur- / day, 9 to Wonly. Evenings, i Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9, DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 ¥OR APPOINTMENTEG 3! Schooner Lady Mine will accept freight for VANCOUVER and Intermediate Points For sailing particulars, apply CAPTAIN SMITH, Government Wharf, a. ’ ~—— | land Act Amencments PY ey @ Gret-clase land we @2 aere; second-class to an acre. Pre-emption sew confined te sur- weyed lands only. suitable fer agriculteral pusposes ‘or purposes and which S ee ene pre-emptions but parties oe not more than four may adjacent pre-emptions but each ae verments on respective claims. es mum occupy claims for five years make improvements to value $10 per pare, including clear- and cultivation of at least § acres. ore receiving Crown Grant Where pre-emptor in occupation not less than 8 years, and has made pro- portionate improvements, he may, be- Cause of ill-health, or other cause, be granted intermediate certificate of im provement and transfer his claim Without permanent dence may be issued, provided appli cant makes improvements to extent of per annum and records same each year. Failure to make improvements or record same will operate as for- feiture. Title cannot obtained in less than 6 years, and improvements of $10.00 per acre including 6 acres cleared and cultivated, and residence of at least 2 years are required ptor holding rown grant may another pre-emption, & he requires land in conjunction with his f without actual occupation, pro- statutory improvements made and residence maintained on Crown granted land e Unsurveyed areas, uot exceeding 20 acres, may be icased as homenties; title to be obtained after fulfilling resi- Gential and improvement conditions. Vor grasing and industrial purposes areas ing 649 acres may be leased One person or com y. Mill, factory or industrial sites on Umber land not epee 40 scree may be purchased; conditions include ent of stumpage. atural hay meadows inaccessible by es roads may be purchased cond! tio upon construction of a road to 7, R ate one-half of cost of road, exc half of purchar price, is made ~ reat- e PRE-EMPTOR® FREE GRANTS ACT. The scope of this Act is enlarged to include persone Jotnin, and serv. ing with His Majesty's Forces The time within which the heirs or deviaees of & deceased pre-emptor may apply for title under this Act is extended from for one year from the death of such m, a8 formerly, until one wens AR reir of the present ar. ege is also - see meds rs No fees relatin to pre- th ois or beoabla pre-emptions are ¥ soldiers on re- emptions recorded after June 26, p18 Taxes are remitted for five years Provision for return of moneys ac crued, due and been paid wince August 4, 1914, on account of payments, fees © eee pn soldiers’ pre-emptions erest On agreements to purch town city lots held by members of aiies tanh or dependents, acquired indirect, remitted fro - listment to March 1, 1920. art SUB-PURCHASERS OF Cc LANDS, nowes Provision made for issuance of Crown nts to sub-purchasers of Crown 4s, acquiring rights from purchasers who failed to comple urchase, involving forfeiture, on tule iment Of conditions of purchase, in- terest and taxes. Where sub-purchas- ers do claim whole of original par- b price due and (axes may ietrivutes proportionately over whole ares. Appioetions must be by May 1, 1620. GRAZING. Grasing Act Pd} for systematic en vestock induat - vides for grazing dintricts ond ranas Q4rministration under Comraissioner Annus! grazing permits tesued en DuMmbers ranged, priority for estab- lished owners. block-ownere may form Associations for range manage- ment. Free, or partially tree, le tor se campers or trav we Ce ae © 4 " FOOTBA ; vl Discussion in Regard to Referees FISH IS HELD | INo Sales Made, Awaiting Delayed Cars. teal | No fish was sold at ihe Fish i\Exchange this morning as the ibuyers decided to hold over -until tomorrow when four cars will be lin. They léft Prince George this morning, which ought to bring ithem here early tomorrow after fnoon. In the meantime the fish: jmew who did not sell yest iwill have to wait and nat i their fish may depre@iate in va as well as losing their own time hey refuse a freezing price exchange yesterday and prefer to wait for possible better off ing today. The boats in port are as f lows: Bartalome, 7,000 Ibs.; H Gill, 2,500: rector, 6.000: Elst i 12,000; Bringold, 11,000; Allianee , 11,000; Tramp, 22,000; Kinmount is li SPRINGS AT LAKELSE 3)» 9 nor at ai Se Ss i.) Niet ek nS ie hh neemaetigeneppi eS) ls Economical. The Coupons which it carries «« redeemable for useful articles -- are a further economy. LL LEAGUE COMMITTEE MEETS &s-:°. « Complaints Against Players. l) it urue foot | cr tte uw last Fe { port of Zura . } eS Day i Lhe luest that of i { I of th i. who v ed off the d Phe pl le d t a lated that h ! been put iT tt i thall Lhe tee ace 1 the apology i » it t brought i t tl pla tally as It had 1 for teni- y. Wa 2 ul I ‘ ad 1 we by i =a ' ‘ baje bel y t N i ; t ; 1 ‘ I ‘ \ t 4 k ‘ ai t “ i : “ ' : ‘ Ht Ww k Ei? lL AUI Certificate f improvements. PRINCE GEORGE Auction Sale Ih ‘ favered with j t { lL hy Publ \ th } and I mJ i i ry I I l madd ft i M « ‘ ia ~ ~ u M mt ty i \W 1) M i Wa Mach Ih j Whit i \ i. et it le w vel id at ! t \ West on Wednesday, July 28 al 0 p.m. sharp c. Vv. EviTT Auctioneer ~o-| NEW MARINE WA Principal Bassett of the city schools has resigned to accept a position in Revelstoke where he va formerly attached to the teaching stall. Principal Willian Jones of the High School has also igned and has accepted an in pectorship with the Department i Padueat of Alberta, with Calgary | h School is hits dis trict . . . I properly constituted ! mee the day aft son Hudson's Bay exp held it ! t st Janes last wee vith Judge Hobertson 1 the beneh The case is a te in regard to the supplying ! ! to Indians . . . Act lite 4f pol Sinrctla ul i y sin ssful rat if ' h uel ! ving a wietive ‘ ’ i whi ‘a ither anXxh i j sequences sul I i madiy at tt hand thre ‘ whieh ne tated hi al to the ho ital . . ‘ There was born to Mr, and Mrs Dupree at M * Maundreli's pris hospital, a daughter. . . ‘We \ daughter was born to Mr. and Mra. N il Wesley of Fort St lnines at Mes. MeGreery s private hospital . . . | ha turifed tal wu ‘ Jricde \\ j 1 ‘ \\ 1 ‘ i re il al ft J ete M ' : Wa ‘ 1) f M i i ; ‘ i wurant ——Ff ( —— F H. S. WALLACE CO., LIMITE» |} : as In a 5 Hf K 1 NS vb ~ Vacation lime MZ) A there sre many needs in NOTIONS DRY-GOODS | FOOTWEAR | Our Summer Stock was hever more complete and attractive i fe Come in and look arguod aad select some things that will contridute to your warm we " comfort. Always something new at | WALLACE’S Third and Fulton j NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Y§ Shawutin wee claseces of t *hone 453 bP; Equipped for baikling and repairing al * in hengt! WOODWORKING, BLACK SMITHING AND MACTII’ Best equipped plant in Central Uritieh Color Seal Cove Marine Ways, Ltd. A. Swaneos, I’resident Ww Phene Green 153 Phone Red 391 With our modern equipment and sanita: we produce a wholesome Nutritious Brea Our Goods are all made from High~ Mat TRY THEM The La Casse Bakery Srd Ave. Auto Delivery Phone 190 a, Subscribe for The Daily New The Leading Daily of Northern British Colum™ en 7iz — WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT AND TOMORROW Mack Sennett Comedy, “He Loves Her Plenty The Great English Stage Play “STOLEN ORDERS | A William A. Brady Production MATINEE TOMORROW ONLY 99 ——— “THE WESTERNERS’