THE DAILY NEWS —_—_— ——— = ———— as \ snemaaatinmmmnmnaiene tna — 3 * + + ** ~* ** ** *** ** *. FE es es see SS os OREN SS A RS ~ oS — — es ? The Mani in the Moon * LOCAL NEWS NOTES) * j CFR RRO RR REE | sare eat or won louse DIRECT OR ; 3 a ~ ®. Sinclair of Wales Istand } : Pah 2a: nal It) a visiter in the city, ‘ . } } You Can't rHAT there must have been a These are Good Placts to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy fee! 80 good soine speetal attraction in Ed- H. BE. Ross and family were } inonton for the U, 8S. airmen to| passengers eouthbound LASt ibe ge emer pegs te ee tee ere earner mmarmna ema rama em mee A EER find it so difieult to.get away, Or | o waa it that the mosquitos bit holes| Mrs. Killan left last night on) AERATED WATERS FURNITURE AND GENERAL LAUNDRIES in the, tanks. e Vhe Prince Geogge for Vancouver, | MERCHANDISE : a) se bee Ro a | @TAVER BOTTLING WORKS CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY THAT a Jet of people who get Mrs. W. Adams and daughter 708 Praser Str Phone $29 WILEMio @RaATTON ’ : aan ! : Clea ' hept credit. for being good are only {left for the south last night on a, hone Green 300, for nd hand finn. ee ee ae ree mean. ; reo holiday. | BARBER SHOP tire PAINTERS AND DECORATORS 0 Tiler hg o oe whe eh are our satisfied LHAT a hero is aman who can} Tom Richardson gave an ad. | | Lady pale ohn ope ag a FURNITURE ' Aes gangs A step on a tack and not swear. jdress to labor méen-on Saturday) 00 : Dee ear - customers are night at Melntyre Hall and gave} FRANK BROCHU ORMES LimitEy . i " \T addresses at the Pr esbyte rian and BAKERS | rhied Awe Phone Green 449 PAINTS AND OILS ea . : Ask the people who When the ocean’s bed is empty |/Methodist churches yesterday. cA Gheee BAKERY F ws a, ee i a i ae . ; or enrene And the desert is a sea, we rhird Avenu TT) FEED STORES Paints, ¢ Wath have their work done When a steak is but a quarter, In the police court this morn- | — ” ooo * i hy. \t on he a -ejing M, D, Sweet and dean John-| PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO . if EHS bere — particular per- i ty hen ham and eges are! < bel rn . mite af aan CHINA, CROOKERY & NOTIONS | yew ovation. sor, gud Ave. and Th #t PAINTERS AND DECORATERS ; ree, s i i © | ectapeenteninenantaganenns if eons too—end let them When a suit costs fifteen dollars ;ing liquor in possession. Pheir | THE DENNY ALLEN CO. . OtLt & oOROSSETT Phone 477. | Notary Public Conveyance tell you whywe do their And Kentuckians drink tea, lcase has been adjourned until | Third Avenue, opi Post OMos FISH MERCHANTS, RETAIL mane 4 rhen you'll get advice from jAugsust 3. | ae Rr ee antes GAnetT PLUMBING it For Quick Sale work, An le .P eR A CLEAN R N | then—try oe . cub rf | Dr. Neil MeNeill left last night | me BND PREceuS Third Ave, Phones 480 & 481, P.O. fox 483 STEEN 4 LONGWHLL = Phone 5. ; ‘al eur excellent Dry Ant wou Day oe ee |for Vancouver. “He expects to | roxvo DYE WORKS nie lal cae Penne 1% pe \ nil Cleaning ‘and Pressing rHAT there is very little tele- visit a number of the i hos. | cleaning il AY Phone 476 GROCERIES RENTALS ; Lol ; , : } als and see some of the latest = ’ & phonic profanity in Prince Ru. {Pi ‘ ; $ Bervice. err a “Se ; work in surgery and medicine be- | CAFES SAREE Te WERT SRSSeNy #. RY Pee Snpnee « CUS 3500.00 pert. . AFE Cor, Cth and Polton 'thconne ne een § : Bee ty ° ifore locating in Vancouver where | ——~ ; i ye . THAT it is because the hello |he expects to practice, ee oe a poe BA a sommes ; SIGN PAINTING , w Canadian jzirls here take no particular de- | Dr. Fraser of Vancouver. wes —_—_——— BELL & CROSSETT Phone 477, i 2 light in tantalizing subscribers} va ? a THE ELITE care —- —— smeaeenreinnin i : 8 % ietort MOWE & MONULTY red Ave. Stoves 7 Steam Laundr y iby giving them the wrong num-|@ne thé visitors from Victorta Second Ave. Bigger r the money. shipehandiery, paints and Fishermen's sup SHEET METAL WORKS r Phone g hers or refusiee to answer. for on the Alaska steamer this morn- . plies : " , tx . . While here he made cails on i? 7 . five minutes and thén saying |'"® Everything In Sheet Metat ; LOT, nea ae ° , bee ta tis 1 : : J.C, McLennan and the News. CIGARS AND TOBACCO ; Rowe's 2 at tats “tnee, an and — IMPORTED GROCERIES dischica’ he Pies $46 $1500.00 Cash! PHAY an ‘ae contem | Meeting of the Trades and) er ig ee " e — Es 3 reel “| Labor Council Tuesday evening! ALBERTA MEAT MARKEY STEEN 4 LONGWKL Phone & Se ees ry drops into the spirit of a , 1 FTE Serent wens “nee M M St h | previous century and says: at 8 o'clock to arrange Labor Dayle DRUGGISTS re ° ° ep eng 1X STORES lake my aduioe eer programme. All interested please a sa ees TAILORS...LADIES AND GENTS Rea! Estate Insorance Franca gg Aw ise man spoke, jattend. a ae .srn ean sian ees eae m. Tv. tee ee eee ? And laugh at your | Beet oe , e fhe largest drug | Northern BG Leunch “NARGETRONG,” Phone Black 400 — to upp:y Employer's joke.” ! Remember K. P plente \ ednes-| : on ee ee . pa : day. | oe ; ‘ 2 ; Se nersoentithermemwermcomermer on eonnsintnattnnteiatsant me annual sas ‘ THAT a fool was heard to say \j a ; ae Parlor Gi annual juar N 8 ws a x oe) + , Ht necessary to supply the demar r he was a Socialist because when ° ' . e 7 ; our six stores places us mm the nappy they came to power there would TO INCORPORATE { } NORT : ARLAa emer neces het, ewes ar vo ally News Classifie Ss. |i: } oon ae aes = 2 oe ee love, free meal tickets, and free . Hyder Has Ninety Residents and 2 CENTS PER WORD IN . 2 { He ss Rhone i I ited Would Become Town. j ms : ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than S0c j ke 4 a | There is no house in the world =. 4 . a \= renee EIT TT TT 4 | er ee more advantage THAT the most ignorant per-| JUNEAU, August 2.—-Prepara- WAPRTES HOUSES FON SALE AUCTIONEER. Pera ‘ 7 . Sees ae " iia enna sea in the world is one who gets/tions for ineorporating Lybtt e———- pags oo c ite ( t Bild ave you read our |! ¢ bookt " } - . oe . Ippostec (overnment Be tdi ainey ier “the” Dinka dws off a street car or bus backwards. |jnto a town of the second class| WANTED -+- Bos warehouse, | # INE HiIMi, fest resident LTON ' i SALES 210 4th St Ph s are ae rHAT tl aN vt yants lare being made by citizens of that Apply P.O, box tf, seetion, Moderaté thrms. tel ' i : ms : x M re man W a wants 10} ommunity, according to advices4 For sae gersen, Heal hatale, Insuranes M. | reer drown his a cae, so that it will just received at the Governor's ica een eas Sg? Notary Public, I Auet 1 Ave ‘ la ere wp ates as alia q| offiees A petition was recently FOR SALE—+8: Oo hip. N. & a 4 = ja cono filed with U. 8. Commissioner J, o i See 1 ‘: nt ' 3 STEWART Love Pos ss CE . ev in . ace SP ee - - -- a eg a ss LAND ACT . | Lavadites i the Daily wiiiea. ie Reed at Hyder, for this put tory pricepis $500 higher than| FOR SALKE—Lot 2, lo k 10, Mag vou of wore. ‘ Fecin OR HY 4) | Ee ee Oe ELTA as | 5. spate eg othe Pose. ty a. al | when this was bought Pur- 00S, Stewant Townsile. Price ’ |F|IN THE SUPREME cou nt or spritisn| Phe petition ee 25. signatures) chaser wif) save this amount $1,000, -.Phis lot.adjoins busi-| be ern ‘ | COLUMBIA, lof residents of the town, the ma-|) |” 5 o TAKE NOTICE tnat | M sted j ” See Paul Aivazolf! and CG. W. hess geclion on Sixth Street = a ’ at Liens 4 Vancouver, B.C. 7 ae _IN. PROBATE. jority of whom are already citi-| ° “a % 7 poet ne “09 i cee tn an Val 4 a i : Martin & Bush [iN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA-|) f the United States, a few] imbieton for particulars and| Apply ily News olliee. vay i ae EL PS PRT ENE TON: ACT“AND>4N. THR -MBTIER OF [2008 OF Spe United Stales, & | terms. Prince Rupert Cigar “ge se cane ” . 1 7 DeGeasieet. net | Dees aliens. Thé petition speci-| sire, ‘THird Avenue. Phone FOR RENT “Cummnencing ot @ post planted es ti § First Class dccomouem ~ Se ifies that the town, having 90 per-| Ri ot a oe a aoa one, tn for’ Visitors to Pa A OTICE Orde lune ¢ f ' i ' | Ate cA doer tee Gated. ne co ae manent residents, desires to be- | 2 a ‘§ ’ LOST Biue silk hand bag, eon ‘ o : ; E oP Acrea e at Terrace of duty. 1920, It was ordered that Williem|come a munisipal corporation of] ron SALE—Sawmill Machinery taining silver chain purse with Y aldomero Salinas, deceased, be at liberty/the second class under the name All th chin fithe Mas mey, handkerchief and de ' : ren eas i ihe] oa S4 ts Goth eect of Hyder, for the purpose of pro- sett Iniet Lu . Co. at. Port key, between MeBride Street ; " Agent SPOPSSSDOPIOOP LOO OI OI IONS Get your Acre Lot or Ten J} pap rr 1 Sttas the, aeeiegion of eae | viding necessary street improve-| ~~ Clements, Graham Island, 1 ind Depot Saturday mornin noe’ > Night - 1 om « ¢ o € " heed | . ae : =” Acre Tract at Terrace fora n of notice of the said Order; unless| ments, fire protection, water sup- Principal ilems I please return to Dail TIMBER SALE X 2434. t a i “ 1 proof is fr shed t | , summer home before prices ¥ ve anti ine pr ot 4 sretehed to the | ply, wharfage, sewerage, and pro- 66x16 return tubular boilers News Offles {n0 Day Phone 5 advance. Good lots adioin- ao erste md Jak anoar sa tee ners jLec tion of the public health. Com- 100 d ‘ ao neannviee fae aad ONGWILL ‘ h : jznd f March, 1920: And 4t was further| missioner Reed has fixed the date) eomplete with b i ron RENT Furnished house ' ‘ ; Mi ing the Townsite at reason- fj irdered that notice of the said Order be of the hearit f the petition for | r ; Party with more than one child ‘ : 3 ble prices blished in the Daily News, a newspaper |” re hearing 0 1 p jon oven gee oa ' an ; Sheet Metal Work Plent Pee . } = of ishi If ee ric gh Memmnetn Beidish Colunbia,) August 6. 16x20 Wheland Engi Works a 4 v7 "ene ss ets atta te tanids ' ; ‘ wt T enty rs "s $75 0 "$200 DATED this, Sth aay att, 30a0. eee te ae balanced valve engine eee - i ! ; 7 own Lots to TLLIANS & MANSON, @x40 Pol tof tite , Sanitary and Bitig | Solicitors for the Executor. — BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL mate Petrie Kngine dat ro N Pi Room, in vs ivate fam val é ani avy ant — e : ial o Vinpere direet curren eat. ily Udnatral loeathor Phone Victor. ff MINERAL ACT. pine ee oo De | hupert , ree I (Form Re ! : ; | ern Electric lgehting machine, Green 165 179 F : x tr (Senday’s Games | 7%x5x6 duplex Worthington| - — Prince | } ; Certificate of Improvements, Pacific International. | pump LODGE MEETINGS Newreeeecesrerers Real Estate and Insurance NOTICE. : ; fn oe AUMP- —- ot abinerenin | T B.C y Spokane 14, Vancouver 6. 6x24 California planer, com 1 ODGE “108 A LOY Al , . POP POLOPE LORD LETT errace = - ore “Silver Tip No, 2”. Mineral Claim American League. plete. F : 3 4 Same ttuate in the Naas River Mining Division Boston@4, Detroit 2 gh an | Moose meets every Mondays + SMITH & MALLEN f cassiar Distriet ’ ~ woe irning rie. , ‘ | Where located:—-Sixteen miles up the St. Louis 12, Philadelphia 3, Log hau } evening at the Deep sea Fishes ™ UB Gm). aa i _ \Kitzault River, . t olly Varde e ; ‘ a” ‘ > “s ES ~~. LS roube: ie. ee eee Washington 8, Cleveland 5, | Three bloek Hatoillon carriage p? Bee Oe. 4 ie ree , = N 5 ‘oO . , " : . ; sh l aur | OTK B that Joba Hust, Meteins. Chicago 3, New York 0, complete ‘BULBS, SEEDS & PLANTS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS } PLUMBING AND HEA dand Your Baggage Checks to | Swanson, Free Miner's Certinese No. National League. | Saw gumimer " - | ENGINEERS tend, s y 7 ° ; PRIN RUPERT Wt ; } ‘ JOE BROWN reat, tw apply to the Mining: hacorder Brookiyn6, Bt. Louis 4, | 41,000 ft. 11-8 in cable. I-ralips, Dattodiis, Narcissus and age aE 7 PR hag pe Betimates fu nished ifor a Ce lente oO ovements 5 2 : ‘ay ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘™ ° “done . able ” 4 ' ‘ve ‘ rks | ae ‘a Ee ee eat os ce New York 3, Cincinnati 2. 1% in. black pipe, camp outfit a ores be engines ae able rh \ wr ul : “ hy x | a labove elair . : : illews ORee ; = dnd 0 ul janting jur mex ‘ ton of ‘ her Wha . enue Motor Transfer and And Turther take notice that qction, un (Saturday's Games, | a y boxes, hafting and importatic - etal abeih cas - o aaaiae ta ane’ Beanend WREIE, ahr bike Address, 3rd Aven fer section 85, must be commenced before elting. i mes ' © @aPt) “uf Te . 4 atreef Passenger Service he, denne ‘of such Certifieate of Improve z: ae aoe Phe 7 rther information -an 1| Oetober, Send for Catalogue “Pian specifications, contract and forms of Second putt men Wf a 2 Tac t ; urthe 0 alo ane ss tender may be seen on and a ‘ Stand, Empress Hatel DATED this jst day of May, A.D. 1920 a me i 8 9 he " price, communicate with 8, A how rendy, ALTA GARDEN | fan day of 3 saan at x wan ee Phone 174 po ’ JOHN HUGH MeMULLIN, ictoria 3, Beattle 1. |} ACGRES—Importers, 519 Wineh \! BOVINCIAL DISTINCT ENGINEER VAN ia es 264 Black 334 ‘ Seattle 12, Victoria 8 MOWAT, Port Clements, B GC, | ithel y ; COUVEM Bh | eererennnnerrrr Phon E ove ’ Sttlatllikntie chidhceleenay toe “| dg., Vancouver, HB. &, tf| [PROVINCIAL DISTRICT ENGINERA, PRINCE) S . . or -_—_—_-——- + . - fe . ’ f eS, vr 4, FOR BALE —MDergain. Centre| Fanms ron oaLe HUPRAT, Be. Quick Deliveries | Cleveland 2 Soee 1. board plea asure sail boat, fully} —_ ey! OeeOIAS ieee — . eo 0 el Prince Rupa ‘ wi > n equipped. 18 feet long, 6 fe ot) MIXK D F ARMING T! (t | By application at the above mentioned t detr f as 2. : wm 4. y | Meet fie or aay 4 coo | a parte 5 oon, 1 beam, nap for #75, Phone has still some ehoice ead in |" plans ‘ond ‘ioe eiftenti ~ for the. sum EE Winter aie rene * Black 365, 16] well-setite sh teat. | tar Stee eed walk: wills celebies EUROPEAN PLAF St. Louis 13, New York 8 well-settled districts in West. |for tat amount h will be refunded Plants. Fi R bs National League FORK SALI Fis r boat Hoald | er n Canada for sale at tow]! ") ory (enaer be oe, gr: om nied b $7.60 por day . owers, oses, CANCELLATION ‘OF GUSEAVE. aa e ' , ishing boa oald, | tke Jonaind Z aw. {a0 Becepied bank cheque on a charlered : Cincinnati 6, New York 2. 28 feet long, 8% ft. beam with! prices, twenty years to POY; lank of Canada, made payable to the} FIRST cLass oart Cabbage, Cauliflower os a TP ry A) Parry ye Chicago 6, Philadelphia 3, 7% h.p. Buffalo engine, Apply irrigated lands in Sunny South [ear en Ahly otek eae, A La Marte. Many Varieties District, t¢ cancelled. ateed , Brooklyn 9, St, Louis 5. Palmore & -Fufton. _Phone 76. ern Alberta, with loan of #2,000 | tive tench r white bs ; ed if the |} , i 7 7 ? sot al ‘ marty tenderin ” en Hla CON | weceoneoorororserrrrr” CITY MARKET Deputy ‘Minister Gt Lands. Pittsburg 4, Boston 2. : : "= in improvements to assist new PAY Vien calied upon to Mo, se, or It Lands Deparunent, ) Boston 6, Pittsburg 4, FOR BALE. Gas boat Nadu, Best setliers, Act now they are fe fail, to complete the work contracted | ade vies deck, 1090. eoa it ae trolling boat in the oe aoing fast. For free booklets ers wil’ be retiarne ate" tear aden? te | Phone 665 vitt POR SDSL SRSR IR CRIRID RIE FELD AID SOA SCID wn 36% x 0%, new heavy duty en- mane full information write H.'s re hee r Sosy t ‘, Piano Tuning [HAVEOADLE / yrarens Peorecton ACT, DRO BO AT KITSILANO wine. Phone’ ted 415. 179 G. Loughran, Canadian Pagille accepted.” ie he ee fet td i mae Railway Station, Vancouver, Bb A.B. CORBMAN, ‘ uctio The Fish Off and Products Limited} VANCOUVER, August 2.—Rob-| FOR SALK—25-40 h. p. Medium ; , : Pantie Works Wiener : d Acc and All aietee ae 7 , ae ALE o- +p. 2 G, Department of Public W ae Auditor an ~ y Rinde OF Repairs, Fey ors ane het deposited ‘with the ert, Cross, 19 years of age, was! Duty Sterling Engine, HKoseh scion soma > GEORGES GAGNON $25!" mle Works at uawe, andldrowned while bathing at Kitsi-| Ignition, 4 cyl, 4 eycle, in per- | ; nts ‘ |Kupert Land Kegistration Distriet at Prince | li beach 8 ay. “el © 500.00, . an Outside Orders eddrene Mibet atin Gee, ca Ce unday feet condition, $1,500.00.—-M. 7 -O. Box 1666 Phone 71 the site and plans of a wharf. proposed to -_—— M, Stephens. tl T gor 1017 ed joe built in ~ Skrena iver gore ‘eye. —— mre S EWAR | | AND ( Oo td. | Phoa® Green -- |port in said Province in front Block : : ’ ' “¢ Ap. and C., being a part of Subdivision BUS SERVICE Tt TO HOT FOR SALE—-Cleaning and press- °9 & Hat PACIFIC CARTA Roast Pisuter ane lee Ky Two ing business, Illness reason ; a aro GE, LTD. being art of Dissries Lat patts. Range SPRINGS AT LAKELSE for sale, Apply P.O. box 840, 101 Pemberton Block Filth Street m PHONE jPive, Coast District in sa rovince cectinatnaasiaanaamanteatamnneiteraatigainran rina rene ern Sirk c Reliable Service at eee Rates AND TAKE NOVICE thet after the ex- FOR SALE. 12 white Wyandottes VICTORIA Si EWART BUILDERS AND 0 1 Heald We have Warehouse facilites A |the fret publicstion of this posice, tes| Ntsitors to Lakelse Hot Springs | neil, } a 539. ei {9 Specialists | ‘i i . ws : ruDU ' w laying. shone Blue 639, ys fi hepalrs 8. E. Perker, Manager Ibection’ even puet ee a under ber gel automobile service from ae ‘yin ars ‘ 480) LOTS FOR SALE ON ALL PARTS OF THE truct m las vices ¥ |Minister of Publie Wo ‘errace 5 faite , ve = ee tis acetate eaeet eel semeaee NY SUING ©. A. asta, “¥ STEWART TOWNSITE * arimaion onsett tp ted }said sil and plans, and for leave to eon , sarage, Lerei i ALIk--Tents of a 81708 ‘ | SUBSCRIBE FOR ___/*riet the ‘sate whiart arene Fae serene; BAt- POR BAL Narain. ey OF ee Listings of Business Lots Wanted | : seers T Y bated At Prince Hupert, B.C, this 161m eee yr ‘ new Ford car and) F, M, Crosby, ‘Third Ave. tf) press cow Sree ec |} BavoK AnD conont 1920, ruck for this business, Reason- : > . ' oon tile Fis tL AND PRODUCTS LIMITED, HELGERSON,LTD - - LO 3 JENTS HE AILY NEWS | by its Attorney, ©. A. bean able rates, tf} Advertise in the Daily News . OCAL AGENTS |