7 Nb Page @ 4 7 = ~ ; a) ———-— ——— : aL Svea ft. aut ti ' : PRINCE GEORGE .MAN y . Se aati. THE DAILY NEWS i ) MARRIED AT NANAIMO The Man in the M eo nee ———— - a i w.madile e Moon | ear hipanhat -a 5. 0 Anette teeta i i jeil ‘daha Bride SAYS?*.- | hee Et t/t i ‘ Visits Portland. and li 5 ee i , U te Serer r y o tian’ 4 —_——- ly THAT “pardon me if I x ' : rr j ae Ain Potts vertpude E ifreda Re oe was the remark — - - hi re ou re of Mr ee erate as he i sc of thé|) hese are Good Places to Mak ; Ric , , rece ceevor-Pott ¥4 rs,\into the flest iis sting |s ‘ $ ) ake Y . ; s ane s, M : esn, “x ~- our -has d r i a ; Nanaimo, and War Hilton Street, ete | chains camsuiinatans sepsiytad Purchases when You go } = ~ fy Line it , Daniell, son.cf ae Bam fyld rHAT “how does Pet ETP TO eT go out. to buy : Y, dh if Mr. and Mrs, © y _-4you?’ wi oes that strike ote) eetpnengemesge Nets eormnayaees OU & teal : iiell, of Prince Geo a ma als rv” wasethe reply as tl! trike} AERATED WATERS | POET Ne OS / fee! so i united in marriage ¢ EEO, were apped the insect at Aline 2 8 FURNITURE A omer th } * Rod I Chureh a few i: e at St. Paul's and erushed it] THs EAVER BOTTLING WORK ME ND GENERAL ‘ a What i i Mi. Cockebatt ‘ : atesth by Rev THAT. seme of the ~ \ 8 RCHANDISE LAUNDRIES , | Wil Make 9g pat hae former wien Ryle canoes here AWHLER . ie! 4 pmer rector oO ’ ny, al. o beiwo fre fi 19 anernen *® 4 “ay 0 h.p. N 7" ‘ . . ; : Y ® ° 700d lots adi . race, who he yarage, Ver a program for engine ne ~ FOR SALI ‘ 2 fer \ - ne ing the Townsi 8 acjoin- : » has a new Ford ¢ T-|\operations we or further} try Poday's fa . Lot 2, Blo aii Sites a . nsite at rea truck for tt d car and | was discusse i i r ‘ Stewn it 10, Map; an , ie on- 1is business ithe eit issed he Pownnit Vi » . | il able prices son able rates. jusiness., Heason-| : 4 oufpany s engineer with | hen is wa j ; hing 7000 his | frie 4 4 tet al) eet Plenty fryit re « ‘ a . : . chase rT ght Pur ness in lot adjoins I vat i wire 5 arid T A rs and lots of fishing , Serer 2° ur Work is now pre i 5 p 5 ; ‘ ive this a Ay section on Sixth : is > Aa naoaaad erty Ow! -~ i wo-c on 2 as we Se . weedil a “a i it elt ply ih il st t wereereret 4 ots $75 to $200 - ae ) ee wividiver bhetin tal — a the Sunrise oth very him! a ‘ f d { W 2 tilly News fllce ur TIMBER SALE X 2434 . .- , ye quic , : AK i+ io > i 4 ® ss parti Comet Write to Newa’ dol ivkly. Bee them at ty by Mile mountain and al on er Py ‘ a eee - 3° dob Depart: i » |the Erie on Four also at] St K 4 RENT tage” enney Bras & ( — wn The work i uur Mile mountain ! I Phird Aver j * Dost ' 33 - se . c sv Phone 5 3 lH: s in charge « P Hie Of ~ F . tlue sil -_-—- | ' ; Real F . 0. MISE AL AGY. | Harrie of New ein ebies OG Duke t taining a itk* hand bag, con-/? o . ST ENR LONGH Ter state and Insurance Certin ae w.) | turned from av init t x go oo ‘ RERAL Sawmill M ney, : chaiw purse with , \ St race =- B Cc cate of improv lerties last ‘ © DOL pro } All ; wnomery , indkerehiel . »eet Metal Vo % . pasts ements. , week p-| machinery : aey betwe and door ‘ . ——— : a of the A ween : u ‘ : ; . . ett Inle @ Mas ‘ MeBride * Silve NOTICE, . . niet Law . andl Ty ride Btree * ‘ : situate r Tip No. ? Dp: J, W : (esta unber Uo. at Pe epot Saturds reet. “ah * nue Dene maar) | Cun. 1Orad ‘mis yimams, formerly ge p ments, Graham Isla 4 Port|'~ Pinder please urday morning Sanitary and wrhere. iden Ariet division | anager of the 2 n- rincipal items and, HA News 4 return to Ly Heating F ” Kitzault ivan ‘ i Sixteen miles up tt | Boule Copper C Rocher de 66x16 ret — as rile aily Hand on , fear the Dolly Vare ” ) day : 0., spent ¢ ais I {6 returo tubular FO a 180 - Your Baggage Checks to Ha Shinidivsioe “e that Jobo, Bush “ | veek + Skeena Crossing ; . 1" 100 pounds” wor apie cad a RENT Furnish ' x J . = WweNnsg, rot a Esta RAM ules. ly and later left for Vz ast complete with brie 5. preagure, vty with more the d house Leeeereererrrrner nee c: ROW Fipesse- ©): intend, sixty a Certinese No. | er and from where } ancou-}| Oven. ekvand dutet need not appl an-one ehild ooo . ; E . Mo t P a apply » aan free Se date return to the east ada, again 16x20 Whel Wont pply. 244 7th Ave woccrecerert* owe purpose *& of Impre or . . > | ‘lane 5 ats ; ' P tor Transfer and [abot iar ee etek brent a the | oe striet Mr. Williams aa 4 the} balanced vals Engine Works’) TO Le a1 a) SM : ; : And’ further rant of the | iD sitec As sewth Peni ve engine ‘ ‘ i ‘ assenger Service g te: Seti “Ee take notice ol Oe a 2 r eee ae ee at shee trie ne io Petrie Pint ow } cee ae furnished suite 6 l ITH & the issue o 2 ae ” commenced a wn a } ” mnpere ; . olLers, & ‘ A i } _ bie, Stand, Empress Hotel oo a > tuch Cettinenio of beta lHe states alee ae’ wo years ago.| ern’! : direct current Weat Phone Red 94 t. Louis Raeae 4 rece TO GON MCT eer ¥ Pho , ) this ist day of home. t was like be - lectrie Hghting -— b RINGe At PLUMBING AND nes 64 TORN UGH wenULLIN. ne O see $0 many yeing| 7%4x5x6 duple g machine, |TO RENT - + ena BAT WHARF EXt 9 Black 334 ons ee gn a. ae rigor pump plex Worthington ily.apt SMrcaeeps in private fam \2! «The M i ; ‘ ENGINEERS r i ; ould soon be ' nat it; 6x24 ¢ Gree ; ral location a iy of ne fest {uri Quick Deliveries the mines |b pega to open up alete aliforniq planer, com nm 65 . Phone bse ‘ ; unt w 5 ; ' pat ; pie ny ee TOF bia . . ai Vrin Adare é aie sind — a Brite * Low turning rig. AUCTIONEER jot i » Opes othe 4 e —— JUMPED FR i hal : pane i gc Bama ny Wee cg a rs , ’ 4 } un - ne ‘ Tt : al the . , : “Plants, | OM Phree block Me NOR PRIVATE ia DIATMCT RNGENEER WA Phone 174 — 0.6% i owers Roses, j ’ PRINCESS CHARLO aempiaie amilton earriage condueted,.on yor be HALICS | ROOVINGIAT a t. ben VAN . i I I ‘ ; *) “$808 0F your own pret | K LVEnT, # . F INDEED ‘ OLE E } haw ¢ ma in our sale n ral i Cabbage, Caulifle CANCELLATION OF RESER E Sir remeron E 1,00 or. | Leek, Anet if. sales room: M. DEPARTMENT OF Un eens 1! ih Varieti wer ty NOTICE 18 HEREBY ve. fforts to anaes Mati 4 0 ft. 11-8 in cable Bectic > o ionser, Becond Ave a OMA hh ¢ Ponce WORKS. WK i ape eserve existing 0 EY | GIVEN ce wi 4 in, black , ; oo ae . lomees, es on . ° ah ‘af oe CITY MARKET eerie A cance led. 1am 1044, case Unavailing a pulleys be pa one outit | BULBS, SEE . af ie plans irae a i .¢ Hotel Prince i te re G. KH. NADEN or an ome ° haltinie xes, Sshafting ¢ : ’ DS & PL Jor five AP ey ations for i * Lands Depereeeuy Minis SEATTLE | belting. and) Raza.” fier amet amennt, wich ‘wilt he’ mt ue . yeparts lister of ‘I e JE, Aug. 2 ¢ lulips dale Fatah sal — oy ; - | Victoria, DB a ands. entified man s . 2.—An_ unid- | For further informe ae , Daffodils, Nare i oan h one : wn in # ae Ale he te 1. FuROPEAR Pol Pi 23rd June, 1920 from the P ir uicided by jumpin - price, commit nation and | conies should t issue ane |p Ber me) ae | be at an ‘ 3 ; ano Tuning |NAVIGABLE WATE! 604\the Straite a Charlotte inte MOWAT, Port ts ite ‘win 5. A for Wall vtadéeed ordered now ee aa eee ae Bere $1.00 per 647 ' (Kt, 8. C, (8 PROTECTION s a? van de Fues } : ements, BG, importatio ae Our. nemtlivn 3 pie The Minin payeble | $ fe ; une All Kinds of Repai The Fish eee Ten Tr ane Several 2 Rate es 8.00 FOR BALE I ; ‘a oF ne lohes : - Wil arrive early ip! |perty 1 ; rine h ii ' ; ct Y ; FIRST CLAS ci GEORGE S 2% Ion? ot notice ‘that £epaees Limited pb my On the ae were] board nioaw aan Centre- now read Send for Catalogue i ; when si be lines | nape | ‘t , ; A La art : For Outside 2 GAGNON [Minister of Public We depostied with the Seema the beanie Man} equipped ie t ver boat, fully ACKES tad Bt A GAKDIEN tae. the’ ceowde 7 tg Pee gen ey 1, | Agnogoocees ha : ers add oa Si the Land Kegistry orks at Oltaw ne ped, a bo , ; or =6was| a : eet long, 6 fee ki ; vorters, 519 W Nicrs will te rr f un tag PO gg A pecan nneeet , P.O. Box 1666 oe gun rt and Me sistry Oeice tor ihe tnd @ buoy Vena o “ lowered and| tp Bnap for 875 te et! Idg.. Vaneouver, i a Winch ' Beetle m returned to thet X- Ie “ st ' we ~ ores . he # sh col arr tf) " : ack 365 hae ne ‘ « bs ‘The lowest or any tras 1 te vone > wi Me , _ eae web ie bulls and plans ta tll ee iption of man but without 16 drowning | sinew tne a a6 Adver " sey tor any temier not necessart vitt ee | PAC —-- ort ” Jit eee iver tee ° ee ere FORK BALE Vist sapien ertise im the Daily Nev | A. E. FOREMAN C. Vv. E 7 a yinee 1 ys mn BALM Vishing s ows 8 Pubic : a e CIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. is sect Fieven. in rt oF Subdivision COLLISHAW LEAVES 28 fect long, 8 4 fl ne Woald, very a — a Auctioneé a. coast District . Block One, Har 7% 1 y . beam will ee e Audi d fete Heli PHONE being part of and Blocks 6 vee Vive, ‘ 4 h.p. Bultal ’ t uditor a” ig - pliable Servi Five, Co of, Distriet ne and Tw C : o engine. 5 ; PY i . tite chee: hk IKE NOTICE ssid. Provis haa se ee Raymond Collish Patmore & Fulton, Phe hog S fae = / : Mey bere: gi piration of one edt ‘tae 4 a 0, with bar, D F.C ishaw.| ron SALE. Gas _ PRARS: 1? , ART A | ) «: ; i reese . » Manager Pich ages publication n , from the date . Seats de Guerre cake ‘ - DS.C.} ty * LM. Gas boat Nadu he at N o's | Seetio Py *poduc *e, f ” a ‘ , ‘a ; leaetion Seven of oy, ae ie, Us 1s been on furlou palins, who) 4g1 ing boat in the harbor 101 P oO. Ltd perenne - ot 4 SUBSC jthe Cit f Public Work pply be the Lime, . hi gh for sor »| 36% x 9%, nev " embert 9 ° a RIBE FOR laid site of uae. and a iS office in ond’ f as’ been recalled to EF es gine. PI : v heavy duty en- on Block a i an HE DAILY N | spac ma sain and, and sear os ee or duty. Celonel Coll ae) } oy ciealidaiienie enone. he ‘ad 415, 170 VICTORIA Fifth Street a garno laay of vee no infor Hishaw! POR er ees a Tye ay of duly, 19 Kupert, B. 6 sgt vimation ¢ SALI—25 aoe | STE , EWS im ™ hh ee Paonucrs wis 1ofr| 4. Will be: sent, us lo where| Duty Sterling m? h a “Medium | LOTS FOR SALE ON A Pw ART BUILDERS AND CT ® Attorne . ut ’ yc. hebente we ieee Ignition, 4 ey! gine, Hosoh| STEW LL PARTS OF* ape eptise in the Dail feet eondit hs A lity PR L ART TOWNS FSTHE struction hea ‘ amily News. | M. maaan $1,500.00, r-| isting’s of Business I ITE virat Clas + suns ‘ - B a ots W. eet " HELG . z . an gevimaiee © | ERSON,LTD - 7 ted es a ~ . 1c wonttt CAL AGENTS tonrnacte” \