5 ¢ od Bint Angust 3 ord, —_———— cy¥ TAR : A ‘ of the Mr BLADDER relieved in prvi occurs} = GARBAGE SCOW NEAR BEER rch She Gadd) | Petition Presented to City Council Delegation to Attorney - General Last Night From Residents Takes Exception to of Section 2. Privitede. P ’ . A petition signed by H. Ward VANCODVEN Jul if A civic RK’ and 22 others living n Bection 2 deputation ned ty rent nta ae that the garbage scow be ti of the Holelmen’s Associa moved to #o me other place, as it tion, learned tre Attorney-(it SELL was Inidrious to health and ob- eral J. W det}, Fart 1a con OVE xious in breeding ties and per- ference at the Hotel Var iver iding the distriet with a® bail Friday ifternoon the official dor vas presented to the City opinion that the city was alimoet Council at ite meeting last night. powerless to curb the called eys commenced mak- It was referred to the health com. “clubs elling near beer Vhie sven it 1843. Still in niltes ind beard of works for only : igzration accepted was ars me line of business report, the Vancouver council apply for are , » in fhe snnitary inspector in his'a charter amendment before the? Hundreds in use | report dealt with tha garbage/next legislature, to obtain powers Prince Rupert. arow und «wharf and suggested! of yegulalton and control ver eer. that part of the trouble arose these clube within the city limits ON SALE AT fr the la of paint on the! Hotelmen Have protested re- 5 vooudwork ht was being rem.|peatedly to the City Council the) | od Stor s elied tly the ipplhieation of @reo. unfairness of rigidly controlling sote paint The sacow wae alwayve them under a 8500 annual licence: Hardware towed out to the required limit!fee, compelling Sunday closing of FOOND AVENUE but netimes a few cane drifted bars, while these clubs were per-| hone Black 114 Hom nitted to remain open arid sell r Aidertnan Perry thought the re-/near beer at all hours and all day ; iport itradietory to that of the day The hotel proprietor harch master, Capt, MeCoskrie ere not fighting the elubs but this geested that a letter em hought they, as standard hotel , hod ‘ hie injitary inspector's keepers, were | g discriminated y ' t b {he captlais igarne ‘ nN Cid Dybha emarked Attorney-General Farris said! | ' that t ‘ ed to start dump. if Vane ver w ld apply for al ee ee & fore t ett Sect Ni « and ba amendment to btn tL wa ly t f op rlior } t for for : 4 a ‘ : *11 anterior \id kK " have ‘his! JN England you wil find it tr por . : sellve éo) the correétions: It was] 1 1 that men everywhere smoking ; they ; , ° Coal $12.50 Player’s Navy Cut Cigarettes “df ” hee ' ' S 3 d sacked. $13.50 (0"°"" "# with the same keen enjoyment sacked, $13. hed, Sacned, ; as they do here! sacked - $14.00 STORY OF ZEEBRUGGE Sy cnenligepe — ’ Y Over in Australia, the sailor in the at One of the Bravest Acts in the . chitin a : ails lifebuoy is a very familiar character, Annals of the War. 4 8500 fer and there, teo, PLAYER’S are ; iia an sce a | universally enjoyed. nce Rupert “‘Wistseniinns PROPOSE TRIP There can be only one reason F d c seid Alea rheatre — quality ! eed Co. [ih foitutnii’® wastes) PEACE RIVER . A : “mh St " " A lerful pi | . ; ¢ ’ 4 rig = I ey Vancouver Board of Trade Circu-. Iw why men z t and whieh thrilled, t larized Regarding Visit Calling . — ihe t t the whol at Prince Rupert. Le. P AVERS - woth preter L — INCE RUPERT tines. Helmaing te © plcsures-| , VANCOUVER, Anguat rhe} _———— : r ’ . ; ‘ Dried = eee, ee Se ° jue. «peal ind anyone allend- | me ers the Board of Trad eg a end . ‘ | eS eS eee 4] Labor Council rig n depend « hia x an en- here were circularized today re-| SS SSS ’ . ‘ ‘ } fa eed Joya ‘ and netru ‘ { te om ling ve oposed tr p up the a O.B. U. I hi afier i pictures l¢ sat to Pr | ' ‘ 1 } ast a ; SNS SSS . ‘ Picow ‘ ir it ¢ it ' iulling at Terra DANCE |: Lik. Ncthelightntog | ¢ an t then I ‘ y ‘ : ara vist tal them the story of hel If the | the part IS per package . j nw rt h ' Oo MeIntyre Hall tf . { Sont t ! e . / ESDAY, August 4 LICENSES GRANTED ‘ lwo 701 JD "on. FORMER RESIDENT No Applications for Permit to Sell } ies BOc, Gents 7c Near Beor Dofinitely Refused. OF PRINCE RUPERT va en at caeiein set this. lhe PLAYS FINAL GAME ghta ft ——= — tt f I i JOHANNESBURG Aug 2 NT MINERAL AUT. * JAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACY. tod” ¢ ting : y a yeSholto Douglas, Marquis of EDMO ON SUICIDE Form F we RS. Chapter 33. ' amis for eensesn & il Oueensbury, the « ting peer, is Minister of Public Works, Got . Engineer Severed Arteries of Certificate of Improvements. British Columbia, bereby ' enhiect t ertain lead ie was the descer idant of NOTICE that be has, under Seevce CO i rard to makir the t nobleman wh irew up th Wrist; Will Unsigned Silver Tip N i Minera! § (Clain this A t aeposieed wate te er ora uM h oo " tn ne oe ure . situate mn the Naas River Mining Division bilie rks at (Ottawa, &@ a atarm ¢ the 1 ea ‘ fiehtin which have! EDMONTON ‘ W D Cassar rict the District Registrar of tBe ie cond Avenue, West rr oe ra ; re a oo apace . ; Where located:—On the Kitgault River stry Distriet of Prince Ropert, 8,@ ’ ft} via indards for the game Foater. a m Ha ~ 12a ne the Delky Varden Grour 1 scris of the site anc a E . I rhe lat rat 1a roving Ont ‘ » tase NUTICE that | Lewis W. Patmore an ateasion 90, she ee a — } vy ipl } ne we ! ' quis os COV EEEE i tae inta yas visiting Prince Rupert, & Free Miner's Ce pert Whar Waterfront Bior. 4 Prtwee tos BLES referred back to Ul hief of travelling to diferent parts|here, was found i with one of ue ate 31019-¢ ae the duly wuihorined pad ae ea ies ee pert T wnsite. as cuca olesale and Retail e for further f the world and being usually|hise wrist ered It is {Miner's tifeate No, 20347-€, Intends.} M ste J Lands lat than noon on | of ‘ge month from the date of ne ie ane os od t load of debt Hels ppeused t of su ile ' , ' M Sag ered ft ra ‘Oareieme ae f Lteet . Xx ed t ‘ 00 D te Nw ts ‘wr Vader Seehon abor change ‘ iH } 1 ind f i Oo ~~ nentine more ral on yg )of improvements, for the porpose of ob-| feet of Balsam, He k and Ceda an the said act, My to th aister> xchange, ! P y we we ont 1 with wece than A will w : y the dying! nc a wu rant : Ps above eee area situated so Vidhan s Inlet, Renee i blie W Otiete for = oni ot’ ee i le 1 shert ft s ‘ Lorions court case man, but d efore it was AY rther take notice that a¢tion, unm ast Distriet said site and plans and for feave te - noe . . . \ an : j ; der sect 85, st De meenced befo ‘ 1 ‘ will De owed for re struet the said wharf exten 4 E © Rupert, B.C : ROLE Ul eeu ape at ' 4 ' sixned the issue 4; Suen Certin i of Tubprote. nowal of timl : Dated at Victoria, B.C, this 14m ey 247 — P.O, Box 725 Usk where they now intend to re There may fe something you ments a tie ber part a-Of Se Chief Forester, |of July, 19290 a Si dide + ‘want, See tha e@lassified column!) arfvertiae in the Daily News, re lewis’ we paATWORE. toons Rupert, B.C. 3. te ee r minister & pubna Works. * 28-2 ~e- 2 — EE x aaa «os te 7 re TO- MORRow NIG OR GHT WEL Go TO THE SHANRITZ” FoR DINNER we SPAY NIGHT WELL GoTD CA POM, WEDNES MOgTAN$ CaBiaeT= ANDY” hires an ant YO THE “RED N'- HOWZAT EH? Howear? ir Sovunos WONDERFUL , WALDO, Bur «ry Sounps 90 EXPENSE. |i Gor ‘TWwo-FoRTY YO HOLD US OVER TL SATURDAY ~ i'm NO GAS-STOVE MAGIOWN Y KNOw - | CAN'T GET FourTEEN MEALS OUT OF THAT- we \) aes ? WELL - TO-MORROW NIGHT WE GAN GO OVER AN’ SPONGE ON NOUR, FOLKS, WEDNESDAY NIGHY WEL PLAY MINE - THURSDAY NIGHT WE'LL DROP: IN ON THE SMuys* } AND FRIDAY WE CAN INVITE . OURSELVES OVER YO THE MULLING'S Hf