; + AL : a Page 8 % THE DAILY NEWS ie : OMA NAT ee RAR Re Mae eR San nT Seas pete : ee B | \) “SS | | es Hen We have a particularly | Jiffy-Jell users should write to | —_ i j ; good assortment. Page & the makers for a list of aluminum ~ halyend " ‘Everything cache ‘8 Well—Cutting | molds. Molds, spoons and measur ~ 5; Shaw’s bottied candies of | ing cups are supplied to users tree - re Barley Has Commenced. ee : eh ' many kinds. Pascall’s But- “ Jiffy-Jell is the one desdert wh ch ‘aus - : ; : nas the’art ore i ls. A y : E : ter Scotch, Fruit Drops of | EDMONTON, Anguit 3,—Farm- oe ay” hoi ty 4 fruit e ¢s - = i many kinds. Lowney’s ers in the Edmonton district are) sence comes in the pack So a : ‘ a i Sticks in bottles. jwatehing with supreme satisfac- Jiffy i ‘ ees: ert ; ee = 7 Our Chocolates are of tion the rapid growth of the best eget pet real ; : : on S Bae the best quality, Ganongs. jgrain crops in years, according| charine’ Women wi try it : i ih Mot wit ito reports received from many will always get it. ¥ qr bas . PY | sak ee aire, Willards, Nellsons, communities north, south, east aa cet ree . 44 4 Liggetts. a and west. Almost without excep- ee vee i slit S ae The price is right. tion the districts seem to have . nv Buy been favored with splendid rains; day when the report for the last : ae i lerowing conditions are ideal and|{US ter retary : ig rmes | imi the morale of the farmer seems Dr. Wrinch gave a ral port . : ito be good at this time. ‘Their re- °° \ : oa : wy BOS : tl jport of the situation ranges from eS eS S , ath The Pioneer Druggists “Good average,” “good,” and “a i ont = as ‘ar , | | phones 62,200 THE REXALL SLORE po. Box 1680 bumper crop,” when speaking of REFERENDUM NEXT a r — the prospective yield in wheat and - | eae J eee grains. In the districts OCTOBER REGARDING Y ; t ; AEE Sag elose to the city ideal conditions f ee sen § 3 j > t aH jprevail and in no case is a scanty THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC jcrop or a failure reported, mn Interested of Wheat Well Headed. VANCOUVER, A Phe 1 ie Wheat headed out is beginning | ferend a th ' is E CUT GLA ito fill nicely and it is estimated |PecP! I as meee : a ¥ iwill be ready for the binder in the the sale by the went of “ie, course of three or four weeks liquor in sealed pa th r caaaiin NOTIC ‘ ; 8) Wi mean the real thing. | 1 b vhe prospects for a bumper /Present Prohibitror Will te i The kind with the brilliancy [eX QTICE 1S HEWEBY" GIVEN | that ayicrop throughout the Ryley dis-/taken about the | of Oct- ; i s Tir » persons wlding Cre ands 0 ) i ee of diamonds and the weight of ee Sibdivicinue. oboe “Sete = Yl trict are improving daily,” says ober. Lniounm 5 AS iron. jior sale from whom the purchase money/the report. “A bigger crop of effect is made y Atk \ a fen such lands or Tuowtusite Lots remaining 5 | j it { ent We think il a mistake to put j Srtale wrens are required to make pore will be harvested this fall /{eners' ¢ WwW. ¢ Is Says / paymen ithin six months fru e dat i : | j } ie your money into any ‘other uf i ‘ noice, at mn ns ft a the, Gate than ever before. All wheat andjHetel Va ve S docile as a lamb in the presence of the : due mother th eres ‘ 0 ats. seede “OAS f ae , are i ! | s sort. any be due, ut a substantial Saher ten oF | oats, seeded reasonably early, art Just becam: seething: volcano in. the square We | . seh shnutst. whis a nust at least ecover;OUt in head, filling rapidly and |°" UI t Ativeh by & terri iad 4 fought . ‘ oO f «© full interest due to date, to ted tl i st ‘ ae s : We ohn re e kne , yan “wouldibewant ce thet all taxes, — ws Sanicrpe | FO the standpoint of uniformity | '!* ere , terrible ln ¢ ‘ ry that " i : to, so we did not put the other lor Provincial, have been paid, failing whieb}can be little improved upon. tak ' eee nee Ue ao ee %, kind in stock ihe agreements for sale will be cancelled, |.1, ‘rshadowed by defeat yy | ; f 3 po ods ant by. Section 70 of the “Land| / hat seems to be the general con- |"? V ' ee eee ” suns Littid odd pinces feGMMea.salsesi, “NPT 12% . Heres! Sietuter orldjtion at points east of the city./ee rues | eats very 4 ih to $6.00, Brilliant bowis $7.50 G. KR. NADEN, \As far east as Chauvin the crops )° or! : C . Deputy Minister of Lands, },,, ; t t “ . ” k to $18.00. We'd like your repartinett of Lauds, are ideal, the stand high and the ate ‘ ave | ome y ac i to t e i'chen f i ; opinion on it, OT aa via 1es0 wheat and oats are very healthy. /re! u i ? x 1} \\ iM MINERAL ACT. Gee Bumper at Leduc. ” eS eee pec tah es ae ee x ” ee ue J Form f : Ledue report says: “A suflicient Ki A cep 0 I u er supply. of rain has fallen to en-|*° oN. Ne) Ad fo ee Certificate of Im 7 . I bi ates ot tarenn —[ne' punper erp ae thi estholme Theatre ‘- y 3 NOTICE 2 e 7h Jeweler avid Qeliperticdd Nort” senmeal Glam eo r Hine ra” sua in the Naas River Mining 1 Claim, |" “The crops in the Alliance dis- GORED TO DEATH ae ‘ Cassia vietr 1 ‘ ‘ q ‘ iaselty Bistrch ce aute wt xu fetict are doing exceptionally well WELLINGTON, ( Aug Admission - - - 35¢ and 15¢ — f ite nt —5 | Sault Ulver edipining tbe Dalkey verdes oe ideal weather ‘conditions. |''?" “ Mi a TAKE NOTICE that t Lrwi s W. Paumore|/Samples of wheat are five feet Lo | ¢ aa —— —— -—- = — e. WT Prince Rupes Bt, ee Miner's Cer eee ee . yen te No. 3 C. af akent for wii lhigh. ‘The only crop that com- It is just as cheap to Kel yous Tf aela an, Free Min s ertificate a are Ab Fi % * Alfred) Wright Free ne | pare s with this one since the Synopeis of & printing done wel and dune at + mts C Neate No, 31080-C; Alfred E Wright [Settlement of the district, is the rome as it is to send it way. Vt EVE ball ree Miner's ‘Certificate No. 9598460, ant ; ad i awa) ry contest! Th mt tehert -F McGinnis. Free Minersecerua j2ulmper crop Of 1945, La d BA + £ anr t be Newe Fria ard ERE | A te dat as aoe ete tet 1 thy mat iein Towards he north, including fi v montimen s 10000*In CashPrizes f ae AD a = e “) , iw inime } . ' 1 Desirable F ficcaraer foe 8, Certiness of Improvements {the Peace River territory, it is Pe eee aie esirable wibiched ‘dotine [af the thove Sea Cn iainias. 8 Grewp: Srey jthe general opinion that crops ee a eed ee —Y : ér Sec- ne further © noth at acti : “xcelle ’ : Mint -clase eM ATH OF ewe % rooms and bath in See htt furs "sf lake noth ve that acts o, uo (ar in excellent condition after toaneee to $8 an ecre, second-class to Anyone May Enter **, -tion 6, for quick sale. lhe issue of such Certscate of Improve. [refreshing rains, and the farmers , ott ysalipsoehe ) mene feel ‘el richer by thousands of d a hue 7 Nt ear et DATED this 141 day of May. A.D. toy y thousands of ¢ veyed lands only. “ Eveready Daylo $10,000.00 contest is wedi $2,350 cash ve ent lars parraee Zi be erovtel erly eat eee Saye i ’ Some Hail Damage. and which la non-tinber land ‘ Start today by visiting our store. We'll show hi | Hail is reported in one or two] gutsertieey Bat save Gute Your tat _wiitnitae ees Plan and blue print of isections of the country, but little) SFrange for adjacent “ipre-emptions yap Fee Pere eeee ro, Bree. OP A i i : . wit 3 ce . st 5 bd F this house on exhibition in | damage Is sporen of exe ept at ante Eeccoveamatan rumbecties ey "7 Cu ot ‘ pareet i pe ee veer Bhagat our window iWetaskiwin, where a more dam-) et ” ean ee fen ats , i | -emptors m ce 1 t bob he” jaging storm than fell Monday ove years and dake lesadbeuante yl un jnight has not be en experience d ees a ae ee ~ghe See ae . ‘ . e for vears before receiving Crown Grant ae , Where pr mptor In cocu ot McCaffery, Gibbons Phe barley and rye crop appeat lens thant years, a0d bas made Br ia les to be exceptionally good and Cause of il-health, or ot LAND AUT PATTINSON, LING & ©0O ; Sis bdieiairs aay . ranted intermediate cert : & Doyle, Ltd. cutting of Giese grains has been| Senegal toate > 4: inentes so ee Third Avenue . © started in some districts. Records without permanent rest ¢ ¢ y | y be tasued F ov t 7 Agents ee and | ‘The entting of hay appears to eat mane tngrovealdllie be atest of . = reserving ibe general. A most luxuriant 00 per annum and records same each 3rd Ave. Phone 11 & lgrowth is rep iad 4 ‘ 3 mr year. Failure to muke improvements " “a i 5 ( d and rimers or 7eeney poms will operate as for — - - i mt arriving jaye ar to be putting up large less than 6 eeuee ane i rr se ————————_ —____—— ee jquautities this year. See per sere, including & acres od and cultivat ‘| Wednesday and |) sew wazeiton Spare sit ocr een aren : | y | NEW HAZELTON Fresca not own grant ° ¢ | may re ia ther pre-emption, if he : | requires jana ir njunction with his ISE€ gain j farm, witt q Oa a } Sz t d B t vided atu aaee joa” ne f So Don't neglect your Teeth jf SACUFGAY DOALS fF) v.s. mecin visited nero tast Eas aepisis® melngingd on" crows ! - One decayed or missing tuoth Buy vour Cherries jweek in Connection with his duties Siiduwudeek arena tas exceeding 20 at th 3 Mine August Ist lowers your efficiency . Thi W as deputy registrar of voters for| {ite to be obtained after Pala emates: per } Noah. has - _ 118 eek the Omineca district. Mr, McGill) @#ptial and ‘URprOvenpat. gan ditties” | Dele May ot at We have 600 I nt DR. BAYNE Bin . 1 ib b k is the well known Smithers law- arena “Gdtnating ‘oo pola og a te ; — Te sand that r ont Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; wt 4° askets, 50c yer. ag TT Tactees ee ance an affect. 9 Poe ternoon, 1.30 to 5.80; Satur- | eli ete Mill, factory or ‘industrial sites on ° + T © A W ote Seas dale, ~ eantae, Lamberts, for preserv~- Be i ee ee ae a ot timber land not sxoweding 40 sores PUT IN YOUR WINTER'S COAI NOW | dey, 9 to 12 only. Ks, . | Mr, and Mrs. Olof Manson of At be purchased’ gonaiti ction Saie a nih am det, foods co sday and Fri ing, 35c per lb, |Lake Kathlyn (formerly of Prince S Natural hay mondewn -tnacesssibte . AND SAVE: MONE 1 be : 3 | od re Use Y existing re ay be a » a : t cco ee ig DENTAL NUKSE IN ATTENDANCE one pik acer. Tae we constetion af @ read at om. NEAL MoNEEL’S Nanaimo-Wellington is the cheapest and mort PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT and Mrs, Sam Bergman for a few) Ri7°%., Rebate of one halt of cost of esidence. 4th Avenue i 4 uper 4 p upply 0 days aes road, not exceeding haf at aaeenae om. omical in the end. — : ' ct we ihte | ; o A Chance for Everyone t se | PRE-EMPTORS FREE ; yee 1) res PHONES 211, 212. | rhe strawhersy.crop has not ” act. GRANTS | Obtain First-class Furniture Cc AF ) , been so good this year as in for- The scope of this Act is enlarged to I} ars include all persons joining and sery seal avored Will Phones 116, 564 and Blue GY mer seasons. The long period of| {8 with His Majesty's Voroes The instructions fror Dr. WN : ” ee rs. His Ms ) e ict j om " if ; exceptionally dry weather gave the al ane i anaer = oe Neil to by Public Aue | [berries a big set back. nae Gare bg Act is extended tion hii furniture and - | Zs or one year from the 4 5 ; , such person, ‘as f eeearty, morass hh ehold elects includ | MG 1E5t AS Mrs. Anger and Miss. Winni or This ori BE uaon C the present . , vile D . Ht . 2 . , : : fred of Smithers were visitors) '9getive oe Sere nee 96 M Oak Dintie Bill NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS ch i. : ape i ees relating to pre-empti nr ah _ | : pret week end with Mrs. J. > Bd payable by foidiere. on to Mahoscany Victrola and 25 N E wall gl | Short here, wore ne Faooe 4 o¢ ‘ bpd ine 26, ibis ity rd Be ‘ . . Provision atta 7 Fe Weare : 4 ; os ssage : i d at a Salat The only road work which is Tr 1 beet ‘paid noe Angom y : { : witht geneas Phone 453 Shawatlans Pa o Mae ee i 914, on account of paymen vO res ables ‘yu of boat em ers. | fi | progressing ih the district is that oF taxes on " 3 eae, Veen Writ | ae by . Equipped for building and rparrimg all claswes oF , 5 8 oi mie ee. ; i nterest on ag ments pure : = res Mie bOOKC ASE in dongtt , HOPS t sa 1 ito the Silver Standard mine. Men! tewn or elty iots held Me ce puronane feat tenedtaatan WOODWORKING, BLACK Oe iG AND MACHINE 5) I a j = ! est of a good salad, ac-|aré very searce but the work on oon ae w dependents, acquir ' i : ’ Best equipped plant in Central British Colut Qevavaitte | Co ho to Mrs. Wells, is the|the mill road has been completed Metment to Mareh i198 —_ | ne . “ i ‘ it lressing. She says al tt land the can has bee ' ae yay ee M d. LJ i OUR COAL 18 IN ; ‘ ays almost any anp Thar yeen inoved S8UB-PURCHASERS OF CROWN Cut Glass Ware i Sy a - 8 THE LEAD combination of vegetables and | further up the hill to make im ee LANOS. | : 7 ca ove arine ay ’ ’ ' . , 0 ’ nade 7 attbente ! iso ‘ ) rf ion it ¢ ones to quality, fruits is nice, jprovements on the section neat Crown awa a i. ‘ceieaiegnee % M } , A. Cwandon, Proagens* W 183 a d j and you will always. find She uses the simple recipe the mine Crown Lands, acquiring rights from onarch Range Phone Red 391 ee Green bak ie fa: a ae res | 4 purchasers who failed to , lectrie Tab ‘i & he a, the right kind for every riven in one of these little an- 4 e ° , te hase, involving Tertiiaede an take \ Hal se . uM . Lamp _ " purpose, nouncements and says there is Miss Collier of the hosprtal stati Tarkan hed Gate’ Weare Sab-parehan. . 8 f arta ” eT be i! No matter what you need never any doubt about the re-|!® leaving to take a year al the) 49 49 net claim whole of original par- ale fo commence at 2.30 rgd soaneoet? ( er t coal for—covoking, heating, sult. |Vancouver General Hospital. be’ oalel aresanenelen over an + amie de . ag oe Maeva power—-we have : ae : . . . whole area. Appileations must be F ub th if anyone cares for it, please] wig. Hunter of the | cat) , OO Or % ita ecnesda Au 4 otary Be e fo , le on ? , 3 soOspita baie COAL THAT IS RELIABLE write for Pacifie Milk Balad | sin@ lef tise Mik anith ce." op GRAZING, y, g. AY t fee ¥ Erne ine fovipe. lday.@ Grazing Act, 1919 for syatematic and will be continued on 4 Koom House and Basement on Two Lol” " onsumers Coal C0 Ltd P if jday evening spending the past few development of livestock industry pro- I . ft {| Kast, $1500.00 \ ‘ : m Ris aia || videw for gyazing districts dud IMP SONY GTYOPNOON,. .2ye ' F 500 | ip " . ac ic Milk Co. | onthe here relieving for. the administration under Comnilasioner, August at 0 4 Room House and Outbuildings, !!th 4 #50 Uipet J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Limited jauper intendent, | Se autasere rates prineie tee oan F i tinsurane | Ae 5 + Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 $32 Drake 8t., Vancouver, B.C. | wi ga nutn vere range i Priority tor estab co. Vv. EviTT OM Insurance Real Estate Accide ess Cons | ‘ety | FACTORY AT LADNER, B. 0. A wieeting of the hospital ad- | are Ageee lalions for range manage- Auctioneer Ph “al Liberal MARINE iNSURANCE on p () Pos ! CA Kn 0!) Word Was held last Tucs-, for sauern” ca partially tree, one Blue 69 Block ast Tuc b= | er casters, campers oF tray wp merece rreces od Mestholme Theatre oeeet ° & Atlin. Ml ee te Ne te