THE VAILY NEWS | —sz | — " 7 Local News Notes i. Spertmricts | i Sport Briefs { Phi Geors Al { Prince | Ask for Atkins’ Bausage. tfiAssociation has received a chal cial s lenge f Quesnel t M. Banck of Endako is a visitor |mateh The game wil ‘ i d n the city al Quesnel and all the ' f pe ae ® . . the ting team will i | ; G. W. V. A. meets tonight at 8 der to get ker dai i Om, hovel Important busine . out wanes held 1) \ those vi ithe Live “7 { \. Bertrand of Houston Monda ght Ht H ; . . ‘ : ' ry pectacular a ‘ Tne Ce ee | 2 A} om actos a cot Mr L. P. Wright will not re- ¢ it as there |! ive tinent at 13 miles an hour. et tomorrow, nor again until)” derable ri N : oa ' + canes n ' th places, jyut os 1 which the voyageur : . . 1 ne pening in t e made 35 nle« be y ) ing - tw fawn ant dusk with my W. F. Binns of Balmoral was tion. 400 poutuls of freight. The mf al in the city by the train] © athe old-ime milpper paid two dob iii ats | a) i ‘ j ‘ . ‘ lars a day——or 28 cents per ton lay. be ak ; f = per tile! The modern sh pper . . ‘ ‘ i la - pay” less then ome cent per ton Mr. and Mrs. M. P. MecCaffery|was baseball gas Re} oer malle—theb: abetede 4 iain ed { mn up the line on the |seni tea and the . — 4 ings on all fre ght carried is 080 ton last night. n arranged, € 4 of a cent per ton per mile! . . . | , . 4 4 Z Mr. and Mrs. TI. McG, Kobertson| Last Wednesday j OPE d from Winnipeg on the)#atn f« sidermil: { tw Z ’ aA, E ’ lik h trai last evening. aved in Vandérhoot { . G flavors ike tne eet land single | rn PAST autumn a famous Canadian apple HW. ». MacNeill arrived = fron ee i é t ‘gs; j i bur a pe ied an & t It 5, valley bore a triple crop pyramids 0 yp : Lake by the jimassenget is stopped at the ae J train last evening. it jarkuess games wl a= Its usual overseas market was already glutted ne t i a c Because they are Captain R. G, Betts returned) anes with cheap apples, aii bike the south on the Prince ' ’ / =a : ‘ : tupert this morning f, ee ee eee ee - An empty American market lowered its long-lasting. PRE ” rhe Venderneel se customs tariff and opened suddenly with i enables returne rom a ; 7 rip to 6 te the sabeedt 1 challe Ki orders for scores of car loads for distant ‘ ’ > Ss poo ivy f the cup presented b . And WRIGLEY Sisa beneficial ain last evening ag an } en American points. on , : as well as long-lasting treat. St nery, Toys, Kitchen hard- sin Fortune smiled on the growers— ‘ China Crockery, Glass, , ' : : j d nt at Denny Alle B ah 14 “ It heles appetite and digestion, , 84 that tt ut the American buyers added Sh'pments must be gh EN { the ‘ made in refrigerator cars to avoid danger from frost!” keeps teeth clean and breath . w Qeatht rl ek hao ’ ' om aneniee sweet, allays thirst. ! to at the che Such cars are not common equipment. Hundreds il : gins would be needed by the small local railway which in - t 7 other years had required only box cars’ for the short CHEW IT AFTER EVERY MEAL } F run to the nearby ocean ports. The demand for ‘ fiw refrigerator cars in other parts of Canada was heavy. e \ ‘ American lines—to whom the apples were destined— Sealed [ isht= ; { helid could send none! The success or failure of the apple 4 5 7 wrebiinmt growers whole year’s work hung in uncertainty! a : sain ling AE ¢ a ved for Albert «& q ‘ 7 Kept Richt tA x] Lt il 100,000 feet FAREWELL PARTY Explanation of Chart: Yet the railways of the Dominion, co-operating through x jumber. Phone 11 tf o Mae sevens tex seed tae the Railway Association of Canada, were able to - EAR in Monor of Mrs. Frank Bowness vevoume meet the situation rT ft 4 Who’ Leaves Mere Thursday Maddie lime shones the more rapid ote \ tu for California. ae Tee Authority was obtained to commandeer any empty amenserenncee meevesee i a ve h | : Tae ty avian vy sag foreign refrigerator car found in Canada. ‘is ewes . . reeul of the rise tm the middle . ; ' sme —Oper tim, Expenses Across three transcontinental lines and in every siding, Denay &® : em 5 : wee oc Mrs. | yard or terminal these cars were hunted out. He 1 liscou ‘ mve pou s rt Ay 2 cet a {! Wallace Go.'’s entire stock : saul A ine Every carrier in Canada helped rush them East to a Pa if y, Mass and China. 84), ' D point where they could be fed into the overflowing Set be | aol : ; M : orchard lands i eae ira ' ias re ‘ rt oot Can i In] rR ’ . Island) | - Over a million barrels were loaded and moved success- Ppartme c sio and ant ¥ ! ! enga i mes ustoms anc inia evenue s fully to market without injury from frost. NOTICE rier st os el y . rns. and LD L This illustrates the spirit behind the railway . s oM act r ask | tife a anu act rers, Wholesa'crs errace by tife | service of Canada. scl » oi nie ‘ " ie : and Re aileis siting Its effectiveness will be broken, however, if R railway net revenues continue to fall. . Increased freight rates are essential ‘ held M * , si al ! t may . | ‘ ad ¥ : rh wheat ae iv g \ oe : This & the fifth of @ series of advertisements published under the cuthoritly i oe f2e and Be, and the lowest The Railway Association of Canada ae : i ‘ ippea formerly the CANADIAN RAILWAY WAR BOARD : { I ‘ ‘ pox, ane Seite EE apa we la tet re ast ol Va ‘ I sand A : } i = —=—=— —_—=—_—_—_—_—_——_—_—_—_—— == nn : e Ke legging re ' aad { the flights to be | . i ‘ 4 r « made f rthwith., , b nar a0 {a ~ . — en ee 2 . enait t ia ll be enforced. e e 9 ” =-- ———————— | ‘sostcneneacown! Wonder Health | _ eee tr amen a prea~ | | 20 t, Discount on all ; OF I AND at cizht o'clock last night R t oF F Sh per cen . iscoun on a INLAND REVENUI ! ying a considerable es orer TIMBER SALE X 2556 S G d. ( ' {f it ! had a large wit WV Great ; ummer oo Ss * f passeneers man of i 5 V by th . . ” ey: ° 1 TL i te i ' t Be . aaa thrommh hoe ” ‘hl ; ‘ ¥ than noog Including Coats, Voile ‘Dresses, Cotton Skirts and 7 t it ™ , ‘ } _ i Licence X near Be me Voile Blouses 3 rs Y . ‘ - it) i t sl feet of Cedar : ‘ Lb will be allowed for re ° “4 i ti. Weeks, mining en or I 1 is the va ibe . e Consolidated Goldfields of ale 1 of ont \ a . 6.6. : r DA . sande : Primos / Ihe , . YL - sy vee uo the it t t = : NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Africa, @ | ao © ‘ “ test her- to mmcnteten Qk SESE When in Town Come to the W M R IN E t this morning en route to | ba f a life- TIMBER SALE X 2384. : r A DS WAT 8 re eet te cron eho at inveelisetieny SVEA POOL ROOM e 453 ‘ 7} Val uver is t the effeet that the rh : fy as ‘ . ‘ é 4 w 2) ° rm elven Sy the ' . } Shawatlans Passage Consolidated has bonded a con- t sw ef- . * aoee , Soft Drinks, Cigars and Cigarettes hae g t i ae t ear ’ “in length. oa hy eg A | thoy Me oben acetic wale fects for Agha Oe Ee Seer tC ripe. Petersen Proprietress is ) ; Koval Group ; tarrh, u “ nlet arlo slands al ‘ING AND MACHINE SHOPS. Fat eae _ at ra Dire ee ee - = 7 = | ak ae ral B AAA At ul I tin f the Trad : me m 3a tw 2) vears. will be allowed for re 7 . at, the wee goo 0 ades : ' astio \ f tim . i eal Cove Mi i Ts . snd “Labor Copnoll sant: evening a s as ' able, \ ria B we District Forest r, Prince IN THE 1 Sas ia for The Smeeton es al ine W ays, Ltd. @ifer th purpose of Making at ‘ “ { | i Kupert. B.C : the issue of a fresh cornnee of title . eee by : ‘ ol itlks ee ee es Lot 23, Block 7, of Lot 369, Range 5, Coas Go ee bne Red 39) W. E. Thompson, Gen, Manager TeNSSres nts for the Labor “Day Kidney adder TIMBER SALE X 2570. ODT ae ees given that satisfactory Tea Rooms , pe # Phone Green 153 program only a fow attended and t est eon : : proof of the loss of the certificate of ttle TTT rl 3) nothing definite cor id be done ‘ j ‘ . “ee i ors, W ; t : + vor ay te covering the above lands meee meee Sue 309 Second Avenue “4 ' i t vster 0 a be \ tL OF | pished s my intention to issue, 4 . the matter was laid over for a D Dis . ie Ange , 2 te eepuetion ne month from the date of for ta week when the fual plans will Hiatt’ cit aa'Soe daa obo. toot of Codar| tate Cr Lille ty the above tans, in ite |§ Home Cooked Meals rig Our nr : Hem nd Balsam . id Jarre raynor, ne . iw aT rm uipMent and se eee at e deawn up and approved 4 N lreat- “Twe years will _ sitewed for removal Seoemente janet ath ost Og Sue Breakfast, Dioner and ae Hate tf aniary me thods, % ‘ s ; , ber : A ey, * fhumbered 8105 ae » avant Supper , oft Produce ‘ ‘ as ; » ‘ ‘ parti ars he Ce Oresier, ? i ; on if . ' . ¢ a wholesome \ largely attended and ¢ \ Me a d st for a Viet F ui the District Forester, Acting District Registrar of Titles Try our Home Made Bread ae ; oo 7 prince iupert i, € : ee ate s 26 day of June 1920, ~ } u ’ ible beidge party Was #iven ta ( yy Ihe toad to 4 | Deed ity Ome ein. Rupert, B.C.) and Cakes e l LOus y¥ a night by Mrs, F, G, Dawson at het he nt ass ant TIMBER SALE X 2535. Land Registry vaice, Prince ; e ; : Seale tenders will she received by tt . = panne pe Good “i hic ‘ m Fifth Ave. in hone > ' « about hea medies M o a La Lm t later shane n es on a‘ TRER GALE a the 5 meen | i¢ from High-class Material M Murray who is leaving on @ wi th wtual | lone ee rae ieee ‘ X % ’ out 3 P00 b ‘ ee eaten . i later Vaan noon on RY 7 HEM re it to the Old Country ana af an whi avi used feet of SI e, Cedar and Hemlock on) h day ot August, | 1988, foe A. G. GRAY Th x veral Visitors to the ety, ato 6 Wond beaith stLOrer, aan: Anene Inlet Q . n Chariot télends tis bannel to cut 48 },000 feet of Spruce " Teacher of Piano ' e a Ca ce the being Mrs, Oxley of Anyox, 4 Mm Sa PeTrc Rupert by Higivres : - vem oi be in for removal Studi« 147 8 d A ¢ “a, “2 Casse Bakery ean Hartington. af, Yaurouve Two. (2), agar wil be alowed for ray gages gn Me Sead V3 Spee HON Ave “ artington © anced , : moval of timb 0 we : : Auto Delivery Phone 190 Mie Oakley of Vancouver and Prince Rupert Drug ° : Furthe nl articulars of the ‘ niet Forester, ‘ Further particulars of the ch tet Forester, PHONE Blue 421 or 444 . oo ! i : 1s rester *rince ie tort ' the PTAA v ’ — a Mi sds A 6) | | dw Prince Rupert, B, G,