THE DAPLY NEWS Wedne Page 6 = — | Salad Jel LT aa To Make a Tart ala 8 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS * | Jiffy-Jell is for salads as wellas |** ® *®®@# @eeeaeeee ene desserts, Get the lime-fruit favor CG. LeClereq arrived baek in the e , and it will make von a Mart, gf em feity t cornin J es e a r g j ; nakes a ; We have a particularly acer iy Mint flavor make [ 5 i Sa good assortment. Page & The fruit flavors in Jifty- Jeli are | F M ! } ere Shaw's bottled candies off} froltjuis emepees vials a bors | Uo. Janne al 20 MATINEE AND EVENING : ° tle in each pac age “hey are rea ' i i va { ‘ many kinds. Pascall’s But- fruit, and pe flavor is abundant Rupert today rhey sve bebn ois —$——— ter Scotch, Fruit Drops of No artifical @avors—no saccharine. |, itl th the past many kinds. Lowney’s Try loganberry or pineapple fla row vor for a dessert, and learn what | ; Sticks in bottles. delicious giainties Jiffy-Jell ivege | ke Ahad. WV illlames | Our Chocolates are of to your*ta le. A package will serve Mi — : six people. un ul } ene Hest quality, Sanene | Jiffy-Jefl with its natural fruit Moirs, Willards, Neilsons, | flavor costs much less than jam or | \ir. \\ ruth Liggetts. marmalade. { i ( ; ; The price is right. ey a ' M , ! ; PRINCE GEORGE ann HA “tae hitsltg e e - y lo iturist, has been visiting the fa { drve it liand along the G.T.P. and last ) ~ . The Pioneer Drugaists hweel! arrived here in order to ga Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE P.O. Box 1680 jfirst hand information of } farming possibilities and re ‘ quirements of this sectior ery Hon, W. J. Bowser will deliver ‘ ar an address here on August {0 at } , ' ba d ° the invitation of the Prin ‘ | ‘ ntereste in George Conservatives. . a) ' CUT GLASS « The Prince George Presbyteri.|, ; “ A show that Farnum would have been proud of . LS ah 2 beh an Sun@ay School is holding its ‘ : - Ais vat tie real thing. NOTICE annual picnic today at the The best Mabel Normand picture yet---better than The kind with the brillianey NOTH E iis HEMEBY {GIVEN that all baseball grounds b@yond S@uth M » J i “Upstairs”-+-and that's going some! of diamoiids atid the weight ob Hey rong Ciuwn Lange Olercenent (ort George jsta lal was an : iron @).or sale from whom the purctiase money , © ¥ ‘ Y arrival ; \ by the , \ " : Jeweler Don't neglect your Teeth ¢ pital. - De ee ” Cor ee oe omaeniy Mrs. W. R. Croyle of Spoka 2us SERVICE TO HOT ipnebondcubbdbdbiobonbbiebibbebdbcabbbin bedibncncodoreccpecctieit ee Nae Sd © Boe ; bie: anidia has been visiting for the ist fev 1. alt - - Al ~ ci ioe ee wr ogee oe oo DR. BAYNE t re with wg ae Mi } __ SPRINGS AT LAKELS E THEO Ct ILLAR ] , i ‘ota ry Publi “ \ ft ix ; : Afternoon, 1.30 te 5.30; Satur- § ithe Alexandra Hotel he 4 Room House and Basement on Two Lo , Piano Tuning ; » D ee "ga pote ee are can get automobile s hast, $1500.00 and All Kinds of Repairs. , Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- Dr. FE. J. Lvon has returned t | y notifying | Te 4 Room Hovee and Outbuildings, } $500 GEORGES GAGNON eee cee. © the: ory. 50 resume his pract yinan, Park’ Garage, 2% Fire Insurance Real Ewtate Accident Insurance § For Outside Orders saieuie DENTAL NUKSE IN ATTENDANCE following a trip to the Fast wher t as a I ipa Most Liberal MARINE (NSWEHKANCE on the Coast P.O. Box 1666 Phone 71 a eet a visited many hospitals a ul ornate Phowe Blue 69 Westhoume Theatre Block 0. Mn wer clmics,. jal rat o ° — ee —_ —— - ee Sale Begins Thursday fugust 5th at 9 a.m. and will continue until! article is sold every TED Men’s Sox, black ture - - - Underwear - Underwear - 380 dozen Men’s Black Cotton Sox, 20 dozen St. Margaret’s All-wool ribbed 15 dozen Men’s Silk Sox, all colors, 25 dozen only, Men’s and Boys’ briggan Underwear, -15 dozen Men’s Penangle Medium Weight 1 Lot Men’s dark grey, heavy-ribbed pair 20c and heather mix- - per pair 75¢ per pair 75c Ral- per garment 35c i oS SRT Se The well-known firm, ACME IMPORTERS, Men’s and Boys Clothing Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Hats, trunks, Suit Cases than present e. esale Prices LIMITED, eic., at Les Be Bt ete wk De IO BEE AE A TY =a are closing out their entire stock of per garment $1.20 each 10c This will be the Biggest Cut in Prices Prince Rupert peop'e ever had the advantage of, as we are leaving town, and everything must be sold j y ; . We Want Our Money Back. — Not Profits 50 dozen Irish Lawn Handkerchiefs 10 dozen Handkerchiefs, Fancy Border, each 15¢ per garment $1.30 Come and see for yourselves Third Avenue We cannot mention them all, a ACME | —- These are only a few of our Bargains Limited you know the enormous stock we carry PORTERS Sale Begins Thursday! August 5th and wil continue until every at 9 a.m. a ticle is sold eae Oid Reliable Stanfield’s all woo! mbow LUinderwear, Green label - pe $1.90 Red label co By $5.90 Well-known Peabody's Union - mae and blac prices $3.25 per | per pair $24 Overalls, blue wholesale Our Sale price, 1 Lot Boys’ Shirt Waists each 45¢ 1 Lot Boys’ Shirt Waists each 75¢ 1 Lot Boys’ Cotton Stockings, a!) 8! per pall 45¢ 25 dozen all wool Boys’ Jerseys, Te ilar Sale pl wee $3 95 cee price up to $6.00. Everything marked in plain fguie Prince Rupe" i