-” & Son CHL Jones @ ince! 1 0 20 4 WE NEVER SLEEP to Years PRINCE RUPERT i, ‘ oe Primes Reipert Auto sa cm tag ICt oRU™ ve 707 daibell ive. - Prince Rupert Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper Waar : Agent J, F. Maguire 722 Second Ave. smn Daily NW “ft A Airis sics mae ; Che 1 0 e ws mate ee } ele 5 : , § , 7 SS x1 NO. 182. PRINCE RUPERT, BG, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1020. PRICK FIVE GHNTS I Be seep etaenntlipgee -—— a Aviators Delayed at Prince George RAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY PASSES 10 NEW GENERAL MANAGENENT ‘irdmen Await Arrival of — PRITAINMAY A Fierce Fire is Sweeping Repair Parts for Aeroplanes PMAKEWAR Over the Town of Coquitlam London Labor Paper Says that cmcenemuneanpresiinpenamaennpiiiiinnnanitenisslil Lioyd George Told sitors to Prince George are being Entertained by Krassin That. ‘Many Buildings Already Destroyed by Flames including Citizens; Grand Ball last night Honor of Fliers LONDON, August 5.—The Daily Fireha!l, Post Office and Hotel; Fire Wagon Saved Herald, a labor pbewspaper pub- —_ lixhed here eay« that Lloyd t Saar e RINCE GEORGE, August 5.—The birdmen are still here and “ SITUATION IN Ge told. Erdeuin Great. Beit. FIRES NEAR HAZELTON PORT COQUITLAM, August 5.—This city early this afternoon they will remain for ee thon in it declare wa the Keds was swept by a devastating fire. .The Coquitim Hotel, fire hall, Poland is nel stopped, VANCOUVER, A®guet 5.-It is Wilson’s pool room, blacksmith shop, and the C. P. R. freight en completed but the is for number 4 San Fran 1 will (ake a week to POLAND GRAVE ... ' ae ported fn trat ot teed or shed at the west end of the Dewdney trunk road on the main earring i ils bave been kept busy or street of the city are all either wiped out or attacked by flames. varrant Baolsla { weeks controlling sand deal- vine ” Last WENT giitish Mobilizing Troops—Reds Phos ted of ine with the bush fires in the The fire engine is saved. } } venls a ey ar t eighborhood of New Hazelton The scene of the outbreak is immediately adjacent to the Driving Toward Warsaw. —————_—__———— Westminster Junction C. P. R. depot, twénty miles from Van- LONDON, August 6—The Po- LATEST PGATRAIT OF SLAIN TURFMAN’S WIDOW AND SON couver on the C. P. R. main line. All the inhabitants are out , : i ; lish armistice delegates have left fighting the flames. Calls have been sent in to the New West- } eding Up Work on Ships for inch. ‘The Ses yee teware heat and Port Moody fire brigades for assistance. “ o . Warsaw is being continued. Great ote Being Built in Local Yards Britain is reported to be mobili:= VANCOUVER, August 5.— (Later.) —The office of the defunct ing troops. Coquitiam Star and the post office are both burned down. The \former building was unoccupied. A high official here said: “In ad Progress being made ard machinery is beginning Poland the situation is as grave Lo PORT TLAM, August (orb i atte dane axvain tree : flere . . . as it was in 1914." to arrive; Boilers Ready at Vancouver of a mile the st ahd: business: gt ais tite tnedat nikita , Res Sn eaeesaesvescocosnes |been destroyed. The C. P. R. station baggage room is wiped out. __ « ‘ ihe hipbuilding at . {the ti it if th ; bar j alles oa > OOS ee aoe F VANCOUVER turned out in large force with fire engines. _ : er tere NPOORIMGUALY AEF ie COMPANY PLEASED * The great hope is to confine the fire to the west end of the. iy 1 ‘ ‘ y last week and age at work there. A double a weoden roed bridge ever the Coquitlam river. ; ‘ hop aud everylhing seems to e VANCOUVER, August 4 a é . * —ttiis etated here that * a he ul ead s ape ae edrn pleted a veneer “teok piales #° Lloyd's inspestor teen —* rE j peubabuus hs will be tested ® Urely satisfied with the * sa * Prince Rupert shipyard re- * F R NURSES 4 } rv? rotor mes Bspector and the , : bral FY ‘ rf er ® pairs to the Prince George. * j . s PUraen * The serious damage was * Bs v4 } ef g rhe * repaired perfectly in 114 * €-2 * hours + Is Made Member of World’s Board 0. H. Morrison’s House Has Been nya : The company is tavish in * + of Aeronautic Commissioners Leased for Use of General . 5 ‘ STRIK L * its praise of the work of * . Hospital. wel * Superintendent J. H. Pills- * VANCOUVER, Aug. 5.—Captain — - ‘x * bury and the employees of * [Nie holson, genera! manager of NEW HOME MAY BE ae * the yard for their speed * the G.T.P. coast steamships, has ERECTED IN SPRING YS * and workmanship They * been honored, by appointment to we * repaired the steering gear * the world’s board of aeronautical The directors of the general Pa John Farnell Let Oul after Serv- » so that it worked splendid- * commissioners. He will officiate hospital have leased the house . ing Six Months Bocause of * ty during the docking here * at international flying events. adjoining the institution until re- ; Wife's Iiness * on Tuesday afternoon. The * Sixty countries are represented cently occupied by D, H. Morri- ' y ae ' * company has no regrets * in the board. son and will use it as a nurses’ ween ere , ‘* at their decision to have * jn eae oe icine until such time as a new ; “ * the work done at Prince * 7 ‘ ; building for that wubpose 6a. be ) meen . m a , ‘ { atl purpose Cal be ' * Rupert instead of bringing * ee - LES : FUNERAL OF MRS. erecta: ; on the hospital gereeris. * Victoria. ” : ; . : : he fifteenth of i the present month zoe ° ee es Tae Ware ead it will be at once furnished afte . ‘ was ent t i eeeeceeeoeve2 82 ¢t & \ \ th nd tichard Elwell According to the will Rev. Father McGrath Officiated and the nurses will move. in. : ‘ Mrs vi t re ve any share in the estale of ber dead and Many Flowers Covered | ‘The purses have not in the past ' GOES TO JAIL BUT CALGARY WOMAN IS the Coffin. jhad adequate ace odation \ . ™ ————$__—_——- number have slept in the same ; FRIEND PAYS FINE FATALLY INJURED he funeral of Mrs. Louis Ross, room and night nurses have been W Yr | f Ninth Avenue, took place this|/unable td sleep im the day time Lew Sin of Rivers Inlet Fined Struck by Member of Well Known ar en is ; Genera worning. .iervice-was conducted jowing (othe maiee, :)F'Rie has wn $300 or Six Months. Shoe Firm Who is Later in the Catholi Church at 10/made for efficiency. rhe dire . Whe Arrested. wk by the Rev. Father Mc- ors are trying to make the life as y VANGOUVER, August 5.—Lew _— ana er ‘or est: il ath, after which burial took | attractive as possible in ord . . sire ( » Rivers CALGARY Angust 5 Wher p ines at FairvieW Cemetery. The’that pupil nurses may Ve induced r j ' ef i 8 ix the Mrs. W. Gamphe was fatally tt lbearers were kh, Callie, S./to take up the work Only Fé- ve he . tad to to de red by an aute driven by Stan Pallito , F. Cellini, A. Montesano,/cently the pay of th pupil “s s dnd. arrived. here en route to|ton Nickle, a member of the well New Official has had charge of Western © Citi and J. Panetli, Many|nurses was increased. . lot f {/known shoe firm, Nickle defied the ioral offerings to the memory of It is expected to commence the ‘ i met ' is surprise a rene " an ere, ‘ : od a a) Mi. aprile ver ae ‘ for " d he Policeman who attempted to ar the deceased lady were given,' new nurse 10m i ; SMEN T0 here paid his fi for him andl ee om a fee ia” bah Lines of Canadian National Railway among which were noticed the|but in the meantime the house he is es He drove it | ' 4 cards of Miss Caroline Barry, Miss now secured will answer the pur- aay pepehenend : Ane -SRaTey and showa much energy B. Harte, Miss Rennee Florence,! pose. slaughter K MORE NEWS) BROKE WINDOW fe CESSFUL DANCE | 3.1: hs to ao ge monaural enna i MISS EVA BIRNIE ’ ' 5 eet ‘rangements were in the Nrenk Pacille and Ganadian Northern Pailways, |@?Pansement Alex, Grant Must Pay for Damage : / ines ef the ¢ Mia a si , ‘YS: | of Hayner Brothers, DIES AT SEATTLE i has been forecasted several times, the first Facilities Generally Will and Fine of $50. Ladies of 0. B. U. Have Charge ‘I! upp i >: i m adit ES: wae 6“'9°C al Conference of Interesting Event. itimatio been reeeived by the local Board of Trade from | at Ottawa, In the police court this aiid . a i Colonel Pt ne months ago, Last night a shork despatch PREMIER HUGHES NIX jpg 20>: ~ tae Gone south e iin VieX Grant appeared yeotore very suceesstu dance vis ~ ‘ t unsra ‘ake ace a AWA. A Magistrate MeMordi on the held*in the Melntyre Hall last} was received m Vancouver saying that the appointment ped ATTACKS MAN New W as POf th rhe ox Charge of bréaking a plate glass evening under the auspices of the bee baba ceouehenraren ee ” phy the a Window in the Blite Cafe, He was!|Ladies’ Auxiliary of the © I 4 Mr. W s not known here, but he has been general Says New York i The death vecurred Lia Seattle pstts in themed ladt “evening by Con-)Many.couples attended and dane, |, Canadian Northern sinee it was taken @ver by Were Carefully Planned. la few days ago of Miss Eva » SENAB ne t obannawlet Leek and Wisely and was}ing continued until 2 e’elock, At) fines ind has done!line and develop it wilh the same }Birnie, daughter of Mrs. Birnte iy ‘ Paculit : .: ny sapere cher e Bue jmidnit " otregnms on vie red to the service on energy he has shown en the GC, N, MELBOURNE, August 5,.—Pre-/of Park Ave. She had been visit- i aed ' Cd at tha a te ordered him tobe heldjved by tie ladies oF Mie Son that ‘ \ daily train service R, here is much need, for im-|mier Hughes attacked Archbishop| ing im Tacoma and returned to "vn n atil the window has boon re~jtve, Mrs, Cox, Mrs, Moutgomer ' \ ited and gradu-'provement as the rajlway has|Mannix, the alleged anti- British-|Seattle where she was taken ill placed and the released on the|Mrs Givo, Casey Mr's ae old ee ih a boing brought inte been starved througt), lack of,er, in an address here Yesterday, and did pot recover, TELLER KILLED payment of $50, In default of|Smith, Miss Joy and Miss Brent-)0 ny cach that it may com-/funds ever since it Was opened,'He said: “The New York demon-| Miss Birnie leaves a mother, - ' Payment he wilh remain for thirty/zen, Mr, Burroughs, the local c 3 Cc. PR. the only With a vigorous. poliey of devel-|strations were carefully staged/one sister, Mrs. Harry Mobley, IREAT, 4 ; days in the cell secretary, was at the do ww and)t y axint ‘ idian line to opment it might scan be made toland managed Cardinal Mannix|and two brothers, Howard and ; ao bhe epidemic of breaking plate /Mr, Derry did much to seep yi th Pacific with the exeeption of pay, not ouly running jexpenses|is the acknowledged Bing Fein! Peter, Jed | Ohbend ass Windows seems to be pre-|party informed as to the , no @a.7T. PR but interest on the bonds, leader of Australia.” | Mrs, Birnie has gone south for rv epi rt Here valont in’ th south In Jastjof the dances Poe Seer rt » hoped here that M Wat - - oo - - - * lithe funeral whieh will take place , fracas a big plank was|supplied by Mrs, Gawthorn mes ; ’ will co hold: uf e loca B. OC. Undertakers. Phone 41., Advertise in the Daily News at New Westminster, i hed through the glass. Mr. Melnunes. ok, ime KF i 4 ie Me f Wp Ng i