THE’ DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, MaNacine Epiror. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Gily Delivery, by carrier or mail, perpmonth ........5. oe $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per Year ... 66s creer eee eee eee e ee eeenas . $6.00. To all other countries, in ativance, per year . .. $7.60, TELEPHONE 88. Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion. Transient advertising on front page ... $2.00 per inch, Local Readers, per insertion, 25c, per line. Classified advertising, per insertion, .....- Zc. per word. Legal Notices, each insertion, -.. . eee. 15c. per agate line. Contract Rates on Azpthication, All advertising should be in the Daily News (‘lice on day pre- eeding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. ote eee eee eee eee ewe eens eeeee aia Thursday, August 5, 1920. —_ DAILY EDITION, == Probability of More Contracts. If is probable that there will be more ship contracts, either following those already in hand or following them. Possibly both. At anyrate from the interview given the Daily News by W, T. Donnelly yesterday, it is clear that Newman Erb is working on the proposal and those in the know seem to think the pros-| pects, are good, Tankers are badly needed and apparently Mr. Erb has influence enough to pull some of the. contracts here, It must be quite clear to any thinking man that Mr. Erb did not put up the buildings at the drydock yard, install the big plant and pay $70,000 for J. L, Mullen’s interest just for the sdke of finishing the two vessels now on the stocks. He must have in- tended to continue shipbuilding and have had some idea where he could secure contracts. Expert Work Speedily Done. The work of the local shipyard in repairing the Prince George has excited a good deal of favorable comment, not only here but in Vancouver. The work was done as quickly as any yard on the coast could have handled it and the work was not only mechanically perfect, but it looked well, Superintendent Pills- bury and his staff must feel pleased with themselves at their| successful handling of the job. It is an indication that the local plant is now able to handle big work and wili be able to compete against othér yards. Great Story of Daring Deeds. . The story of the taking of Zeebrugge as told last night by Lieut. Helmsing was an inspiring one. It gives us hope for humanity, for if British men can do such things in time of war, may they not be expected to stand for the right and noble, the brave and the true in time-of peace? Lieut. Helmsing is hoping that Prince Rupert, will have a corps of naval cadets. There is a large one in Victoria and the boys have a splendid time. There seems no reason why we should not also have one heree Leaders and co-operation are the things necessary. The matter will doubtless be discussed at the meeting to reorganize the Navy League on Friday evening at the Court House, ; Summer Resorts Near This City. Few places have nearby so many excelleht summer resorts as there are near Prince Rupert. Yesterday M. P. McCaffery told us of the wonderful Lakelse Lake resort where the hot springs are among the best on the continent. There are other places, not only along the railway but across on Queen Charlotte Islands. Mrs. Gotes when she was here thought the sandspit at Skidegate was the finest resort she had ever visited. Many people go to) Masset Inlet to holiday and others visit the farming country in} the Bulkley. Farther east are the Mount Robson and Jasper | Parks, ‘These are all available and some day will be part of the world’s playground, TE cL Taking Interest tn Fall Fair. Yesterday we announced that arrangements were complete for the bringing of aeroplanes here for the fair and also that E. E. Campbell, the well known sportsman and official at Anyox, had ordered the trophy to be competed for by the speed boat owners. It is ta be hoped. that there will be several local boats in the speed boat race. Preparations are being made ‘earlier this season than usual and it is possible that some craft will be ready to lift that silverware and prevent it going to the copper town. It would be a new experience for Prinee Rupert to win a speed boat race. It is not only to add to your appearance but your health demands GOOD TEETH You will be able to mas- ticate your food properly and reduce the work on the internal organs of the * body. **Live a Little Longer’ Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE , Memner ov Tue B.C. Dewrat Coutzan Office Hours:- Open Evenings 9 to 12 and 1 to 6 Sunday by Appointment 7 & 8 SMITH BLOCK. S76 purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of der section 85, must be commenced before provements. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH | Honor Judge Young, dated the z ‘Withamns, to Bal March, 1970, after the expiration of one month from the date of the first poblica- tion of notice of the said Order; in the meantime proof is furnished to the q British Columbia, that the said Baldome - THE DAILY NEWS SUFFERED DAY © GOVERNMENT AND NIGHT «AT OTTAWA The Tortures of Dyspepsia ae ey See ee Ottawa Writer ALL KINDS OF heretofore they have never had # woolen undemvear and socks. CALL AND SEE THEM J. F. MAGUIRE Not Inspire Confidence Phe situation is one that is no calculated op oO re much ims} may be computed as & per celt)\hether or not he deserves greater at Prince Naopert than al/My Meighen is the bete noir o Port Simpson both at springs and | Quebec. Certificate of improvements. NOTICE Alice Fractional Minera) Claim, situate ta) the sass Tuver Mining Division of Cassiar district, | . ‘@ cp Whete located: —At the head of Attee |!4¥! # are lost, rm. TAKE NOTICE that 1, Alex. M. Manson, | of Prince Rupert, B.C, off Sentinel Island, in Lynn Cana and near Skagway. A later port says she is wrecked, but ne ; It is proposed to form a branel aclu@ a6 agent . cre’ Certificate (of the Army and Navy Veterans for J. EB. Stark, Free Miners’ No. 40601-C, and H. F. Kergin of Alice Armin, B.C, Free Miner's Certificate No, Associations, All desiring t 40705-C, intend, sixty days from the date j p hereof, to apply to the Mining heconder J0im should forward thei for a Certificate of Improvements, for the to Win, hGovernment Godson at the Provincia the above claim. building. And further take notice that action on 7 . In the ey idence given in the | Williams Talbot Rooms this morning Dr. MeNeill nounced the man to be insane anc the Certificate of Im- Dated this 7th a ly, A.D. ° ed thig 71h day of July. A.D 1980 fssuance of such Case pro COLUMBIA, IN PROBATE. W THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTHRA- TION ACT AND IN THE MATTER OF Hd FenATe OF BALDOMERO SALINAS, din the asylum. TAKE NOTION that by an Order of His Srd day 1 was ordered that Willia recutor of. the Estate o 1920, mae. . domero Salinas, as of the @nd day of again until Saturday night. The aldermen hay for this evening, unles@ egistrar of this Court at Prince Rupert, ro cs of the Feder- the same. The range of the tide|,ucially so to the new premier. it, re- NAMES | would sanction having bim kept The first parade of Karl Grey's Own Rifles will be-held in Little's building tonight on Second Ave- The City Council will not. meet other engagements _ Fe eaeee Se Ree Ree eee Fe | Mull SCHEDULE oe ieee eneeeeaeee eae e For the East. Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat. urdays at 10:30 a.m From the East. Sundays, ‘Tuesdays and Thurs- Relieved By “Fruit-a-tives” | OTTAWA, Aug. 5.—The Nova days at 7 p. ou a Lirris 9 (Scotia electors furnistt food for a For Vancouver and South. “I was a ati Tee ieee: deal of political speculav@n All mouagdays 7 p.m Dyspepsia and Constipation for years. Ottawa, No on atest 8 Mel phursdoye «s+ eee: ii p.m I had pain after eating, delebing gas, fact that the outlook ts om s y i pam constant headaches and did not sleep for the preset ndays ; 14 p.m. well at night. Finally, ¢/riend fold ative Grover nine \t last Saturdays, p.m. me to try Fruit-a-tives”. In aweek, j|Pederal election Nova Seotia the Constipation was corrected and | twelve Unionists aud four Liber From Vancouver and South. soon Iwas free ef pain, headaches [#!s were returned. OF the Tatler | gindayy oc cee eee eee es 10 p.m. aud that’ miserable feoling that |{wo-tlon, W. 8. Fielding @04 Wodnegdays ...eess: 10:30 a.m. accompanies Dyspepsia. Ieontinued [Hon A. KR. Macles have since |e. sunday 10.30 a.m to take this splendid fruit medicine reverted to their former party days p.nt aad vow I am well, sirong and allilidtion, Mondavé; ait. . BOBRRT BRW POE, Of the twelve constituencies m ital Oc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trialsise 50. [the Province which in 917 re Ai all dealers of sont postpakl by turned supporters of [he Govern a and Alice oh a] Fruit-e-tives Limited, Otiawa. | ment, all went either to the Wada fai Boge sca hea Ae 9 pu mmans }Liberals. or *Rarmers of Labor on : iThe inroad made by the third From Anyox and Alice Arm. } AGENCY FOR jparty by electing thirteen MeEM-|.p cays oo... 3 . a bers at one shut ina fleld where *hureday® ....eeee ae i Canvas goods oilsking, much ¢ til _——— } . | as a look-in catises sont ' boots, overalls, mackinaws, §) reflection as to w the Federat For Port Simpson, Arrandale, Mill gloves, waterproof clothing, Blejections, when t! Bi sla een Bay, Walos Island and _— River. 3s 3 ri we . 4 " Sundays . 0 pom baggage, harness, shoes, m4 i a t ij b mMTeeted. rhu slay rt p.m ‘ . From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mill, Bay, Wales Island and Naas River. | 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert [Limisin in the ras Puesdays am fal Government, though they are sa) lays pun theo ae it with what courage they : ite eeeecegesereseees eee 8% v a ce on Queen Charlotte istande: hope “ POI Abie barit , » . * PRINCE RUPERT TIDES + cbamie Of pear: in iden ver Masactt, Port Clements and e€eeaceeseeceeneges), ~s Upper Island poiots: that meanwhile indidates may Wedn a Inivy 9@ (4 an Thursday, August 5 jpossibly becom e f j Aus ‘4 Wed High, 4:31 a.m., 17.7 feet. iwhile the influence f th ' euda \ 4 46e8 Ch 16:54 pan, 19.0 feet, jtected interests and their elett uy, A i Wedne Low, 10:34 a.m., 5.2. feet. jthine power is timated at a 23:13 p.m., 5.9 feet. probably exaggerated value 3 »A ne thing « High +38" a aaa te ae ina " ‘rom Masset, Port Clements and Si, Vea . ” 9.0 2OU. eireles is describe is i t u » ‘ ‘ pice pper Island points: {7:41 p.m., 18.8 feet lthe fact that Queb mally tl briday a sae elas Low, 11:15 a.m., 6.2 feet. most staid and « t pr Frid , ; : ‘ a Sate : ee ince of all, is hoy sslv alienat \ ; The time used is Pacific Stan-| under prestnt cond { dard, for the 120th Meridian west.|ije penmotest nt } 7 : : a je, Caner 6! IDE @or Skidewate, Queen Chariotte it is counted from 0 to 24 hours.jwon over, despite the erest City and Lower Island points from midnight to midnight. beicabidil Paine, v in pros oe saieiogs i , The table given is for Port) qyore. and ‘ lief = o ere, and the belief that this mray gq, < é : : rom videwate, Queen Chartotle Simpson but the time for Prince favor the protect st party. The City and Lower isa yo nte— | Rupert varies only a few minutes]. vince is analterably hostile toy y an por on some days and on others islihe Union Government. but es- y , , For Skagway and the Yukon. 1 i From Skagway and Yukon. po f haturdays neaps,/ Therefore the rise in the By-eléctions. Prince Rupert harbor is slightly) 4) ; ' es e7 main Gugstion How 18 45) geqwe Maple Bay and Sw = amp greater than Port Simpson. to how long a general election ” oe ’ The. height is in feet and tenths)... pe avoided. If the plans of \ aoa ; . . ’ ; or Saturdays 9 p.m of feet above the average level ofl the Goverhumsent carry there willl wre. gundeve mm lower low water. be uone for two years yet. M ; : if not all, will depend upon the . by-elections. Should the fiv: its returm supporters of the Govern- ment, or even if they get part of them, it will be construed as a " ; {fresh mandate, especially if Ae DEPARTNENT OF MARINE AND poomewhal refractory following re ' SHERIES, OTTAWA, ONT. jthe House can be kept as intact NOTICE. june, 1990. junder Mr. Meighen as under & - i SEALED Prepecaie will be received 48 pp oho ' t HEREBY VEN that a this office until 12 o’clock noon, on the| obert Borden in the last ses . “ = Attehtmmans ¢ . en oth dag of August, 1926, for furni » by-e tions ee rainst the ‘ ' pa : the materials and of Se wet by -shootnns #0. against Legislature aby perse we for me coustruction, equipment |Gouvernment, its friends will J ‘ r if sale from 4 screw > ireuner’ of the Scuowtne jeoae | Vive it to dissolve and yo to the w city leider | + ing dimensions: . : » » another sessiot ‘ ‘ burb of a LAME DP roche cc dtevyevees 275 country before another 1ODs | wh 18 not been made Breadth Mid. at L.W.L....... 57 s iflewring out that. staying to e \ ain & propor ae eae 29 feet t : : ‘ eb ‘ nats Lreft Mean ........ 19 feet 3 inches ast would invite anninttation, ws already peid musi Ms tins hed Gonwodas shinee 8,000 reas an t ag ght re that ‘i bef to be delivered at the Agency of the whereas an appeal now mi tr pien 2 n Deparmment of Marine and Fisheries, Suit in the retura of at least a ee ining @ § Quebee or Halifax for a fixed sum. . jiotuent w 1 ind «a i The Departmnent reserves the right to 8's remnant. f payment under sh sgres for} accept or reject any one or all of the bids) - as 8 uid failing © make applica received. } AS stil sted whl thereafter be de Forms of proposals, plans and specifica- my) : 1: from taking advantage of such tions Bhewing what « Fes uired ean be had / vilege sod will be » fect to the ful or y plying to the Department of jiment of the terms of the sule anc . wt] ‘aind “Pishertes, Ottawa, : | Ten y ears Ago ' Ipr visions of the “Land ers cube 0 wrther information desired may be sveruue JU PC HAS sone connectio obtatned by addressing: | in Prince Rupert / with whieh special attention te aon - © THE Peary MINISTER, the » sppearing in the current issues Department of. , rine and Fisheries, | f this paper Yitawa, Ont. | | ORO. . NADEN, r August 5, 1910 } Deputy Minister of Lands | MINERAL ACT. A wireless from Juneau states)! yt ea ‘ euds, ictoria + 0 that the Princess May is sinking May 5th, 1090 yr 1 LAND AUT. , |Metice of Intention to Apply to Lease Lond.| In Oasstar Land District, heeording Dis | iret 4 skeens, and situate at Alice arm, } ‘ | TAKE NOTICE that we, Allee Arm Mining 1iand Development Co., Ltd, head oMee at jAnyou, Bf eceupation mining and de- | } velopment, intend to apply for permissior » | to leave the following described foreshore | Commencing of @ post planted at thw Hlersection f the high water mark of) i Alice Arm with the North Bdy. of L. 3510 being th Cariboo Mineral Claim, thenre south few. 14 min, B. 00 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 3643; thence south 44 deg, 31 min. BE. 440 feet to the Weal » | Nady ced of the Indian reserve; | thes 3, feet tere of less tithe low water mark of Alice Arm; thence | following sald low Water mark 800 fret to the South dy. of Let 3510, produced ! j the nee porth 60 dew 22 min. W 406 fl ( the bieh water moirk; thence northerly | land following the high water mark 1,260 feet more or less to the polnt of com mencement and containing 25 acres more or wea ALICE ARM MINING AND DEVELOPMEN’ cO., LTD, per Fred Nash, Dated June tat, 1020 Agent CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. Te ae y Salinas was alive subsequent to the said i iy) rh tnd doy of Merck, 1990: had it rs further Mr.eand Mrs, Aivazoff! were| Novice 18 HENKBY OLvEN that the o re mat notice o the 1 er reserve existing over ot 2566, Kange 4, ’ b ibe f Th : ® publishe “a in the Daily toons ows ed among the guests at a studio re- oust “pisiries, is cancelled - ‘1 j 7° Su scri or e y ews sreuaee ag ortbero British Columbia, ception at the residence of Mrs. Dosis’ Wanton’ Of Lands ; i . DATED this 5th day of July, 1920. Vietor A. Long, Vandpuver, re~|Landy Dopartment 7 : The Leading Daily cf Northern WILLIAMS & MANSON . ; Victoria. B.C y British Columbia Solisitors Car ike Bessuwor, lcently. para Juns, 1990, oa = . SeNT PRE TE GAR TY Ta RTE ‘ F { na mye a Pe HRT CD i] Mt aly i ie ‘ iq DENTISTRY ee QUALITY Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS Mersses, 30 (6 5.36, Sateréays, § ti 12 my Every Evening trom 7.30 te § Dental Nurse in attendance Phone 109 for appointment Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Bik., Cor. 3rd and Gt Best Equipped Office in Northern B.C - Margins 9 Ie & 4 S.S. PRINCE RUPE but SS. PRINCE GEORG 118 bess —_—toe BATLANG Midnight Sunday and Thursday for Swanson Bay, Ow Falls, Vancouver, Victoria and Sealtic Anyox Wednesday, 10 p.m. Stowart, Saturday 107% 8.8. PRINCE JOHN OR PRINCE ALBERT For Stewart, Wednesday 2 p.m. Anyox Saturday 8 p* Port Clements, Massett and Buckley Bay, Ave 5 19 and 26th.— Southern Queer OChartotte Istand Pom Sunday Midnight. rl TRAIN aeAVIOE Paeerneer Mendes, Wéneedey snd Beturder 6 ae Prince George, Edmonton and Winner, mating ¢ rect | comerts all potats east and peo th Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines for tformation and remerraetons anpoly & Ohy Tletet OMce, O26 Third Avenve. Prec? reo to ot a CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILFH CAMADIAN PACIFIO OOEAN sERviCt C. Coast Steamship Servet 6.6. PRinotse BAY Wael tt" lage for Ketohiten, Juneau, Skagway, Alaska, frem Prince wet se june 44, #9, 8; July & 18 For Vencourer Vicverte end Gesttie from P7* June $0, #6; July 3, 06, 17, 24 Om 5 6 6. PRINCESS amaTRos 4s Oo un” From Prince fer G@weneon Bey, Goes . ware? Beaver Cove, Powell River, Vancouver end Every Saturdey, © Oo. ™ Wr rates, rerervations “end sellings, spel! ” W. ©. ORCHARD, Genera! Agent. gt Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupers mettoe With our modern equipment and sanitary we produce a wholesome Nutritious Brea «toes Malet Our Goods are all made from High-class M The La Casse TAZ 3rd Ava. Auto Delivery phe Come 10 OOM § OC = When in Town, SVEA POOL R Near Beer, Soft Drinks, Cigars and E, Petersen Advertise in “The Daily Ne