1v20. THE DAILY NEWS Augusb 5, LS Thursdays Sport Briefs { | { Local News Notes i = " “| The Butehers and the Tinkers Ask for Atkins’ Sausage, are scheduled to play a baseba 1} | ” ° ° igame this mvening on t Acrop-| J. &. Arnheim of Vancouver is|olis Hill grounds. Last week thel lamong the recent arrivals in the!Tinkers slipped it over the car-| jeity ldrivers whilst the nreat-buster Te ae were in the turmoil of hf | Stationery, Toys, Kitchen hard-| _,,..;.) - inden’ Now | B tak oe ware, China, Crockery, Glass,!,., “‘e Fae nA ous ed 4 discount at Denny Allen) i, winners of last ' i . Seba eT @: yeas 8446 their meat. Hf through freight swings | : | > > . 2000 ‘téns actéss a con 1,000 tons Nanaimo Wellington) ! tinent at 13 safle an tour. | Pomorrow eveni th last! \Coal have arrived for Albert &/>,, snail fixturé of the 1929 } | mene ae Sears eee |MeCaffery, Ltd.; also 100,000 feet)>,. te Mobley Cup va aaa te tae init teal 98 oe he Moble up Ww b Lye’ ace 65 @ - finishing lumber. Phone 116. tf {hv tween the Callies and { - rai tween dawn and dusk with my . . . ceNiitne | 400 gotinds of frdght. The | Denny Allen Co.'s August Sale. 1‘ sana Phe later team has ;been| old-.ime shipper paid twe dolé 1) fiscount. We ' eadily coming int | inence | lars a day—or 28 vents per ton es ‘ o ; - ‘ have Paget bet Nas hea amable | itn tal per mile! The modern sh'pper HH, . allace Co.'s entire stock | i j ind , ' | pays less then one cent per ton of Crockery, Glass and China. 84 allies from setting 7 arte per mile—the average of cart oe . " place. However, a f the ings on all fre ght carried Is O89 6 99 Huch Joswell, bookkeeper at| ted Shirt boys t night} of a cent per ton per mile! e oun 00 om ihe Georgetown sawmill, arrived |" e ey: en “ue has} jin the city yesterday and will be | ein bed lo second | n thel They sing INTO a round horn and the Brunswick sends visiting here for a short time,|league moore papery . t OUL in a round horn On the trip over he was accqm- jfor the Callies, when the Sons of| . it ee re ee panied by John W. Forsyth of|£nsland licked then the bon) p 4st autumn a famous Canadian apple ' cre iar And ye oone he t ‘ } ° That's a simple J hg . ae eee Vancouver, covered in otder {| the to} valley bore a triple crop. ever made a round WOOD hor fore---and more than | . . . naintain their press tanding.| that, no. one ever will, because this is one of the ex- A ae on the repairs to the! wins sn L ° , ; Its usual overseas market was already glutted J i Wats ; ¢ 2 iBorden Street School is now pro- : I OLLOTL irynolson, i clusive patefited features of pro- |} ; with cheap apples. ceeding apace with two sides eov-| >rother of F. G. Brynolson of] ror j . . The @ this { e great un stic ; $ ered with rustic. The extra pro-|this city, th it V ia, stick | An empty American market lowered its tection is being put on the exposed |"4ndler on the field again for the | iff d s soo nn where the rain was wont tojfest tine in sotfie years, the Vie- { . customs tariff and opened suddenly with beat in during the winter time. |toria amateur lacroske team took | orders for scores of car loads for distant ; e . e jthe first game in the home and! . American points , fomorrow emorning at ¢ leven | ome series away fro he Sidney! i clock the Rex vs. Urlacher as-|00Y* the Royal Athietic Par Fortune smiled on the growers— : “8 ’” saull case ll be heard before}00 Saturday by the Seore of 7 t ron never heard of @.‘aquare’’ horn in a band or any at ca wil ; You never hear quar oe weer ren) judge Young. The accused elect-|° Gaining his ' ard musical instrument; you never saw a square megay hone. ed Tor speedy trial some time ago, |" lo wt : But the American buyers added: “Shipments must be We learned in High School that al! sound waves trevel in ton accesunt of the sickness of [Look place some t go, aft made in refrigerator cars to avoid danger from frost!" circles or ovals, yet you wil rot find any round horns or Garnett, Ue vietim of the assault,|Playing for the Va I umplifiers in any of the Id style Talking Machiffes he case has been remanded sev-|'¢*5!0 Cott Such cars are not common equipment. Hundreds This one feature alone : hile forsmuch of thé eral - tne : dat would be needed by the small local railway which in ; ess me ; : ' . B ick’s wonderf ION] it kes eve good ' miiicale't oe 4 See other years had required only box cars for the short , the h hureh Lbiast{ o's a A a r ft ANY staal wanna ok od net Brags ents vs tan : run to the nearby ocean ports. The demand for Yet the Brunswick cost f ry phono ‘ie acta Ai Wite; tao ia refrigerator cars in other parts of Canada was heavy. graphs---prices of conve : ange fror i i and Mrs. Jack Keefe.|Playing second American lines—to whom the apples were destined— $148 to $3! rhe social was given in eid of the}sot by for twa t } could send none! The success or failure of the apple funds and a large crowd ; : ° ° growers” whole year's work hung in uncertainty! [ at ed. It was quite an infor- ast evening ea 7 McRAE BROS “9 ae D. affair ind all ent betwee he Saw ! a air and all present had a , ? F ? ak hart: ° B Booksellers Stationers Printers || <000 | The musical selec-|Beavers was | ; Eaplenction 8G Yet the railways of the Dominion, co-operating through onminek oh ireere. Bc She by local artists were ghejcount of bai 1 “ ate tniaias Top lime shows the vise «f Gross the Railway Association of Canada, ‘were able to most delightful features on the rhe intermediat ‘ t_]} revemer meet the situation. * ‘e4 tee A ates ae @ j Middle lame chores the more raped wei oa cihenell Oe ee ae Authority was obtained to commandeer any empty rl © Duncan, superinteadend ie oe Semas.of tat elitdie ao foreign refrigerator car found in Canada. ~ ‘ ‘ ea. ts Dus his o ue I ed ‘ bases resw of the rise im he middle usy t mornin ae ! ’ iime—~Operam; Hagens, Across three transcontinental lines and in every siding, gelling the fire alarm system into /Dall ¢ s that e of the Len i commission. It was temporarily}mon boys have signed on for th yard or terminal these cars were hunted out. jeranged as ve u ‘ Prince Ruper { I ] j J ra a “ warm lary . om : t = sees ! Every carrier in Canada: helped rush them East to @ ea neiderable rouble to ge Mili ii y ta is Da } the tricate system into running |=! ! f Si f Laat f ae. Uy Ry by. Fed) imo ‘the ov wing ’ orchar ancis. d again on all the circuits.) /4@!ir ¥ : y i . comnen ace sa at Ab6. erioee ‘ he six ‘ t mark so he} Over a million barrels were loaded and moved success- ‘ anne ne in othe stats s ea abe, tl att - Ss . Department of Customs and Inland Revenue i Lbs’ etewan oh nw nircalt : wi stich fully to market without injury from frost. NOTI e ums that the whole of that e iene i i . . * * * e c il] right. In the i ' A che tetantandind will ha teed [oll sh hig This illustrates the spirit behind the railway To Manufacturers, Wholesalers eltizena:[0 Repuet Amy oul. jbells service of Canada. and Retailers —-- - nd Anyox 3 “ Its effectiveness will be broken, however, if . | i o ; \ wrévee bi lias a de ade LABOR LEADER’S WIFE vate ggg ; : Soran aes: me er continue to fall. | 1 : the ys. A be ncreased freight rates are essential tN accompanic Excis SAYS LENIN OUTFIT ogi a , j be ma ‘ { r of onthe : Salisniaw aff . EEA Deaiiate faca Se a ee GOVERNMENT BY SIX /")"""" ee ae ace be obtained . sett fponed if tt nelter town fe we Se Par ne Ffusinlie™ cages . eae are Fe one Dos ey a Mee Philip SieWden, who Wasla inNX a «a The Railway Association of Canada 23 rns wukury Lax must be made the first and sxia with other Labor de- ; formerly the CANADIAN RAILWAY WAR BOARD fifteenth day of each month egates, in convetssticn Wea 8 . veresentative said I Re ne f Jeweller 1 Manuf turers Trex and vent ini ; liussia with an open Wonder He Ith si fiust be Wade not late t nm the t day of mind, but TL bave returned with a ——e the month following the month covers y the Returt the following decided objections R R i { Lenin's Government, In the estorer 7 . - irns for Taxes in Artears 1 t be made forthwith, first place, it is not Secialism, rhe Works, Grwyat { : z otherwise the penaity pre vided by law will be enforced. Chere is no Socialism in Nussia lierbal realy Con- ; oa alse aln R ¥ the Nor , o Gon a - I under- ‘sins Néthine . but : ra of the stan iw word, ! the Sucial- ie . \ Alcohol! | , DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS AND oth, nad Mibdianees. o6- Soviet ig at the Mine August Ist INLAND REVENUE, Russia appears to be in their Phis iration is the , J. WH. McLEOD inifestoes, The land is sup D ‘ ription of on Sealed tendérs will be t ed by the We have 600 tons on hand that the raise does not Acting Collector of Inland Revenue wed to be owned by the State of the wo greatest her Strict Pe fer not tater noon on ff i sce Rupert, B.¢ but the peasants pay no rent, and balists t esult of a life- I has c ex gage near Beamon! afiect. J} tieir eldest sons inherit the pro- lf time or investigation iting, to weal eet of Cedar PUT IN YOUR WINTER'S COAL NOW = F | perty Apparently it is all a rhous testify as [Ap veer wil. MD ORNRER: Ser Fe AND SAVE MONEY matter of labels. - . nde ¥en ” Purther partic ula f the Chief Forester, : . : | “In the second place the Soviet ae ‘as, oe - aa Victoria, BC, of ars of the Chief Foreste’: | Nanaimo-Wellington is the cheapest and most econ- e re fects Asthma, Gere, TR is on nt eae ‘ . is not democratic and makes no Mm Cattarrh | omical in the end. REGLAR PELLERS Ipretence of being 80, Speaking etc., Rheumatism in eee ee | " ‘ . politically, they think democracy all fo ludigestion Sealed tenders will be reeeived by the} ALBERT & M CAFFERY LTD ‘ a 4is an outworn theory. They be- ne St nhs: Stance Minister day oF "Se pred rad than am on Cc 3 ° Oe ie ‘his vo, of course, in what they eall i ; 4 e urchase of Picente, x2 23 eg? ub Se Phones 116, 564 and Biue 68 WELL SIMMUE ° Kh 7 , " 7 * N Coniplaiilts, 80,900 feet of Spru Cedar and Hem , Do You sid the dictatorship of the proletari- Kidney nd Bladder ' nm an area adjoining T.1 i7Ttip, el — ————$______—_——- —— HERE'S ANY tor € at. but they have not even got tro emale com- Disirict. Indat, Queen * Charlotte Gunns | NOTICE : oF ME as ara oat nae On got ve pla Children’s maweh: { ieee Wel De. othe wen: Es] ; Th Ss t ‘ ce. dictatorship oO we sOITHUnIS 4 Sk 2. Further particulars of the Chief Fore y lication for \ mee wr BRST HER, r rt \ Mahe C . ni pf . ly “5 ie Victoria, BL, Of District Forester, Princ {the issue of @ fresh “pruneare ‘ot title w e on \M- LAW urty s the Communis arty andes s, ete. Rupert. _B. ¢ ve Ka [Lot 22, Block 7, of Lot 369, Range 5, Coast ae a TT i , in: fay . yistric ap in Russia numbers at the most A ‘True Nature Treat- TIMBER SALE X 2570. [District | (Map, 979)» ven that satisfactory Tea Rooms 600,000, it is obvious that it is the ment Iproof of the loss of lhe certificate of ute OE dictatorship of a stnall section \s y druggist for a Sealed tenders will be received by the peering, Se Or oa se ieee iy 309 Second Avenue It does not stop there rhe py the Road ¢ ne "Sud day of August, 1990, for, the | Apia tion of ee ee from the. date a ad . cop the oOo i) ML d da ‘ « a v20 , Irst publicatio: preof, a fre certin: | Communist Party is dictated to by 3 the re purchase of Licence X 2570, near Bellay gale oF fitte "te the above lands, in the Home Cooked Meals | ' 3 lleal i i ut real Bella, BoC, to cut 358,000 feet of Gadar, |name of Janet Barrie Traynor. which! af 4 . a handful of people inside the foots al b remedies Spruce Hemlock and Balsam i) lCertineate js dated {4th October 1915 and Brea é' fast, Dinner and party. When you get down to vives the actual experience f timber is numbered 8105 L, oe ae } Sapper ‘the bottom, the dictatorship of nd pee geste toile ther r articulars Of cuter poreeses | dis Setve DAS negener ‘rittes,| Try our Home Made Bread . i iis € 0 e 0 . the proletariat means the dictat Wonder Health Restorer. Prince Hupert, BG _ | Land Registry OMce, Prince Rupert, B.C | and Cakes orship of about six yien, aided by On Sale in Prince Rupert by TIMBER SALE 'X 2535. } : lan Extraordinary Commission.’ Sealed tenders will be received by the TIMBER SALE X 2500. —— —_-_--—- i! ' ’ si Prince Rupert Drug Co J sinister of Lands not later than noon on) on eae ses SOMONE, cae i aan ee = PNY the 20th day of duly, 1920, | Sealed tenders « received b bi} chase 0 ence 25 et District FPoreste ot later tha oon o is PLANS COMMISSION 7 on - arene ae to the “ten i ot "Theat, ; 1030, _ she A G GRAY —— ar un area adjoining Lot M4 Tal lin- Kwan oer ey S Raence Barca rah ce tenaan ° 2 + 5 “ at ‘ sued ‘ rlotte Is ion UChanne oecu »,000 Teel Oo pruce SAN Sl BASTIAN, Spainy,. Aug. 0 , E FOR ear nd Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands | cedar, Hemlock and Balsam ' T of Piano, : The Least of Natious pl ins to SUBSCRIB val 2) ve ars will be allowed for fe- etn ee will be allowed for removal Studio 187 Second Avenue eague ‘ . mays of time 0 tinder : form a b big ckade commission to iT N " her pa uueud lars of the Chie t Forester, wuriher particulars of the Chief Forester, PHONE Blue 421 or 444 in future Ware. HE DAILY EWS victoria P E+ 0 District Forester, Prince | victoria, 86s or tne District Forester, | act