\ ey 2 420 I \ Oy wy ieee - PS S AWNINGS TP ous, Cum CPe Maily el ae kinds an’ — \ is t ? p 7 | < (40 EA Tonet & Son N Sais t pais i WE one 7: able oe eo? PRINCE RUPERT eae | § J. F . Maguire § Weng Northern and Central British Columbia’s tse 34 | ee ee eee 722 econ ve . ~~ PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, I HIDAY \UGUST 1920, ee 5 ys) "Pat ‘2 FIVE ORNTS a Vil \l reaty ah oo EWSPAPER OFFICE IS STORMED BY DENVER STRIKERS DURING FIERCE RIOT Roumania Defies Lenine and Masses Troops on Border oviet Ignores British Demand for Fair. Peace Terms with Poland and to Negotiate with Allied Conference; Orders to Fleet LonDon, August @-—A cable message received hore is ACC ATILT CASE BEING TRIED IN COUNTY COURT ops on the Russo-Roumanian border. The Soviet Government has so far ignored Great Britain’s Witness Who Was Injured Re- members Nothing of Affair. and to quit Its threats on the city of Warsaw. It demands eparate peace with Poland. The Heraid, a labor paper published here, says the British h Sea Squadron has been ordered to proceed to the Baltic reimpose the blockade on Russia. Premier Lloyd George denies the sending of an ultimatum to Soviet, but says he is merely pressing for peace with Poland cas. Fe i, ni as fair terms and that the Soviet agree to negotiate peace with this mor the t Altied conference. Aidan cl harged gti a LONDON, August 6.-(1 p.m.)—The cabinet is discussing *4u/Ure James Carn crisis between the Poles and the Reds today. aa : a 4 a : ' wh r 4 oo Leo Kameneff, of the Russian Soviet delegation here, say® 6 oo yi Meps rad non-arrival of the Polish delegates was the sole obstacle tO yn jpeutin lhe. evidence was armistice, meanwhile their advanoes were being met. weh the same as the p in the Police Gourt ex appeared and daatiened f nary trial French tanks are reported to have reached Warsaw to aid in tial defence and French riflemen in Luxemburg have been ordéred ‘ Varney in readiness for W"pOssiBIM ball tS Poland, SPIRE ThaMinterest of aif ez The Evening News says the British Government may call FOF pe ccd on this chief \ihatbss as nteers soon to aid in the preservation Of We Versailles Treaty. fhe took (he st®nd wilh rather a distracted a iis eves se BOR COUNCIL = IRISH PLAN canes feed ae ; ’ rourt room f the other tut aime «steady win inswe ne r ’ ' ‘ ' ; AKES ATTACK | TO ATTACK ite ies tor oats at id ‘ nemb: reer ge of he ee the hospital sin ght iffray. M i 1 ‘ acteri‘es Three per cent Lioyd George in Defending “ ; bid dane hon From Teachers’ Salaries Crimes Act Flays Sinn ne the accused). Have y as “Damnabie Foin Leaders . seen him befor« / ‘ Garnvett No LONDON, Aug. 6—Defend- My , Fi : “ ing the irish “Crimes Act” in ' Ave ” Hote in tha city the Mouse of Commons yes- ad . terday, Premier Lioyd George Ga N ‘ said M Liiveny Do y ‘ “During the war we found ' j aa Ad this ty documents in the pockets of aiden Rupert? the men who are now leaders Ge net \ of the Irish disorders prov- Mr. H ve I> ing that an arrangement had ving nina fteht been made with Germany to Gart N thie attack us at the moment of M “— Do you rem be Greatest peril.” your chum?" Giarnet \ { > | ~ ERY FIRE BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL sir is a si os nave NT REVELSTOKE. ea ae aap ees i SHAMROCK LEADING DEFENDER lle Resolute (in the foregroands slightly astera of the Shamrovk off Baudy Hook tm one of the com ests for the 4m erya's Cana. RAIL 1S LAID ACROSS TRACK BEFORE TRAIN Attempt to Wreck C.P.R. Passen- ger at Sentine! on Crow’s Nest Railway ENGINEER ALERT STOPPED IN TIME FERNIE, Aug. 6.—Another at- tempt was made yesterday to hold lup or wreek the C.PLR. in near ISentinel on the Crow's Nest Pass iRailway. A heavy steel rail was jlaid across the main line, which lwould bave derailed the train if it had struck and would in all jprobability have cost many lives. The engineer of the eastbound passe nger train saw the obstruc- ttion in time to avoid disaster and stopped the train, |; Mounted police are vigorously jsearching the Flathead wilds. for the ening PON SKEENA WONDER AS NEW BERRY s * THREE a net * . TWELVE DESTROY . ’ HAVE canaanee * > . LONDON, August 6— * * Two bettieships andtwelve * * Destroyers have been sur * * rendered by Germany and * * have arrived in Seotiand. * * One batileship has reached * * France ° . * t ’ ~ : : ! s ty { X~ 5 4 i h th of - ‘ he : how had i 1 ma taxi re hespita = i as th sed. A I j ess 8 use the xl and had blood on Gus St told of id started which cher and Gar- net M same evidence au i i the preli - ary { i \ tch was used lk eale the | s Of interest in ant l evidel f Israel Rhomel f Anyox, wi s the only new vitness the preliminary a ‘ I Aldridge was Lakel I sitions ef Leon ard WW { Hl. Good, whe ve | the preilmninary i i “ ad te be read as lev OW this morning or) t ther irned until 3:15 ia 49, Va ve 10 home?" nD Fire Adjustment Just Made National League. Garnett In Fielding, Saskat nm New Outbreak Occurred Pittab 8. Brooklyn ehewan, My father has a farm ,, \ \ Chicago 1 there.” VELSTO) . rhe } ton. 4. &t..} il Mr. Hooper: “Well, how : fat ( wti 7. Ph deiphia 0 back do you reme mber?" : arlene 1 League. Garnett I remember Anyox , Hoste } (Ohiea ju ii Gus up there \ Detroit 7, New York 4 Crogs-examined. st Washington {. Mr. Fulton You Were a man : who took a drink with your friends? SANDRACCED Garnett Oh yes I could take > we ia Grina, wid Objection was raised to Mr me : to f } AT VANCOUVER 93 9 s next question in regard ws to condition on the night of kK and witness was allowed g ER evc Tee Knpehed Uacgnasionn ie he a we in the court room LONE IN mayne ley oy Vener ‘I he first ey iden taken was UTH SASKATCHEWAN VANCOUVER Aue ( Mrs. ithat of Dr, ¢ A Pegert who had ©¢, employed at the Commer-|been summoned to altend Gat erable N Cal Credit O¢ offices in the/nett's .injuries en the night of But Oe: Damage, Standard Bank Building in the|June 27 He told of the nature of oot heart of the cily was sandbagged|the injuries When asked if the pana \ yortordny Phe crime was com-| patient had been discharged from ; : tted in the daylight vesterday|the hospital yel the doetor PS ters n, avd was of the most{plied in the negative and added y Don carina hind Phe woman was/thal he was waiting to get back to mr ul CLs us and the sumihis home on the prairie rhe ational but not herhiad i ‘ Laken, nan Wis AMUNDSEN IS DUE TO LEAVE NOME TODAY Will Steer to Wrangell Island and Drift With lee Pack. NOMI Alas August 6 Ro- ald Amundsetl the explorpr, 1s due t eave today in another at. tempt to reach the North Pole, lic plans t st thre Maude to Wra Isla ttn rihern mt Siberia, and then drift will \ l aloes | at Youn. oe pin Brothers and Said to be Excellent, Two Killed i in Riot : TERRACE, B.“C., August) 6.— a enver, OLOL AGO ivcce ave si Porvaee wo straw. Ibe ‘Try growers, the Michaud \Brothers, who are ‘folléwing in ithe feotsteps of Luther B hey have for a number of years {been experimenting with the iPbank. Many !njured i Much Property Dam- age Follows Clash between Strikers lerossing of various varieties of ° ° Istraw verries in order to get one and Strike Breakers in Street leuited to tha oleate ‘aie autre : lYerrace. It- seems that at last they have sueceeded for they have on exhibition in Campbell's Railway Dispute P33 xs arus DENVER, Colorado, August 6.—Two peeple were kilied yes- store bere a box of the berries jay and many injured in a riot*in which strikers were impli- | fe a plant which they name the ed Much damage was done to street cars and to the plant oe WAnGeT soe ag oe Muenh PHaNti een receiving favorable com- he Denver Post, a newspaper that was opposed to the street/ment from all who are fond of hé berries and has been of special In the newspaper office hammers and spikes were thrown }interest to strawberry growers, nlo the linotype machines and presses and thousands of dollars’ |¥#o see in them a combination of ecu a so nin ari can AR the best qualities of e tal varieties ; from which they are tak Che trouble originated in a clash between strikers and strike Experts say that “Skeena Won- breakers, Eventualiy troops were called to quell the riot and/der"™ is destined to earry the fame of the district t gheut the order was restored. continent. * Birdies Expect to Léhve (ORIMES ACT PASSES For Hazelton on Monday ras LONDON, August 6.—The new ae , lIrish Crimes Act passed its second reading this afternoon in the ’, Repair Parts dus to Arrive from San Francisco on Satur- }ouse of Commons, following a day; Board of Trade Ball and Reception Tonight debate in whic h Premier Lloyd took part, George PRINCE GEORGE, August 6.—The United States aeroplanés 39TH HOME RUN that are here en route from New York to Nome expect to leave : on Monday for Hazelioa, calling at Wrangell and White Horse.| DETROIT, Augus® 6, Babe 39th home run of Plane Number 3, that was injured slightly in alighting with the {Huth hit bis is how. read} for service, but the parts for Number tf the season here. Ee ire not expected to afpive from Francisco until Saturday, | Chis plane was badly Tijured when landing here in a thunder | first three, San [win daughters, were Smithers to Mr. and Gregersson of that town. | born alt storm, Gilbert The visitors are being well entertained and seem to be en- Touight thé Board of Trade is giving a recep- honor, | Miss’ Eveleigh of Prince George ek has been appointed matron of the of the auto and a total dis-| new hospital at Smithers. She is DRIVER IS HELD sesh for life ja graduate of Vancouver General RESPONSIBLE FOR ‘Hospital, DEATH OF WOMAN PUSSY-FOOT GOING | ON INDIAN CAMPAIGN Neb., Pussyfoot joying their visit. tion and dance i their BS. CO. Undartakara. Phone 41, Aug, 6.-Stanten Miller, the prominent dealer, ts beld responsible for the death of Mrs. W, Campbell, The caroner’s ury in said there reckless driv- CALGARY Benefit Football Game FREMON'T, William going to India on a campaign in prohibition, } Aug, . 6, Tomorrow Afternoon at 3.80, Weather permitting Admission 50¢ Johnson is verdict of the thei was evidence favor of