Page @ eos THE DAILY NEWS DO YOUR wae Gk _ rer —~omer | Ti Hn How [| ‘Mining News Daily News Classified Ads. aie ' Operations on the Bayview, at rHAT salmon steaks sell for q |the top of the hill back of Stewart, 2 CENTS PER y IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than 50c | Ls Raed sre tie cntan ‘dollar a plate in the restaurants ate to begin at once. Camp was) = _ SH eee I noth a cont , / y tablished at the property last) aching of blistered fei. It wil at Dawson. -And yet Shh fish |S ee ke WANTED. FARMS F BULBS, SEEDS & P end the burning, draw out the jcame up the river to their doors, *|week. Work on the trail which} : Py Cobia AS 8 FOR SALE ae) 8 ' LANTS. ? ha ton prevent ‘blistering and Bo teit + aren ; required considerable blasting) \wanpr b_ in Prince Tapert dis. |MINED® FARMING-oThe ©, P. NK Tulips, Datfodils, Narcissus and Also there is siaitee 20 bea | ‘THAT many people are being has been going on for the past!” trict, permanent representative has still some cheiea lands in Peotios sfduld he orddred 1 as Zam-Buk fri cunburn, heat knocked down by cars in Vane |fevie weeks. The Bayview was either sex) for BRITISH COu| Well-settied districts in West for Fall plantiu Our next rashes, blistereg hauds,. aching ceuver, but it is notieeable thagibonded last fall by Will and LUMRBIA MONTHLY, now enter | ern Canada toy sale at low faportation will arrive early in muscles, mosquito and insect they avoid the degradati hen [ti ‘on ( ay , | ’ ; ; fal ' ten’ ente, Unatent: borne aint voir 1¢ degradation of ~ George Cameron to R. H, Thomp- ing tenth year as the Social, prices; twenty years to pay; ih ‘ j Catnlowur all skin injuries and ailments, ing run over by a Ford. son of Everett, Wash. Some he Edueational. Literary and Re} irrigated Jands in Synny South now rendy ALTA GAKDION . ” ® ” j t j > > ef . ,T . 9 } his t 509, all druggists and stores, iefa®. Yuko enue dh an @ ee =. in silver oe i ligious Magazine of the Cana-| ¢rn Alberta, with tcan of #2,00 AGH Importers, 519 Winch 3 returne rom ore n narrow dian Wrest independent of in improvements to assist now Bldg... Vancouver, Hh. tf beet ee ce a mistake once, /veing exposed on the property, party, sect or faction, Sub-| Settlers, Act now—— they are mut the man who marries @ 8¢0-/Agsays were taken from a new] gtantial commissions; renewal! Being fast. For free beoklets|Hot house cuoumbers, each, 4b¢ ie nant ns ] owe! a is entitled to no syM-jvein in the progress of assess-| premiums. Address mention-| @nd full information write H,/Rarishes, per bunch > pathy, er ment the other day and they| ing experience and refe renees,| G@. Leughran, Canadian Parific|Parsicy, per bunch, stn & 308 THAT a correspondent wanta showed up fine. J. L. Stamford) Manager. Bh. C. M. 1100 Bute; lailway Station, Vancouver, B.|Giobe artichokes, each (0 to know what is the difference{0! Victoria has planned great de-| street, Vancouver, -B. C, G. }Paranips, per tb., ae: Ae lep between a garrage and a wataaje. velopmeut work this season. wriniean iii > — “ — — = = Spinach .... elk ~ ibe, for 2h lt Uh While not 3 , : ; : . . . 3 “Dp gpenenced man 0! ICelo yer bunch Le in 20 enn th ee re sa on The Silver Crest on Salmon; take charge of company board-! e | sey Poult ene han rie mer is the home of a Ford and River is looking good for (ae ing house. Apply box 8&8 Daily | Market Prices i Renehha : a) ‘a tha latter that of a royal Beumes ee: ” oe i ae _News office Z tf Bl irape fruit (California) 3 for Bh For Quick Sal : ce Boats. | enone ; ie . ‘ 4 the 4 ‘ ' WANTED Youth about sixteen Prinee Rupert Sitloin steak ..... . 4c and 50¢|Pates (drom weve wenn ns She pant " Reef pot roast, Ib, 25¢ to 2@¢| Valencia oranges 406 and 81.00 ine with flower vases in the men is now employed. T corner and a uniformed cheuffeur eee ee the first season in which develop-| 8 JuBtor clerk. on on the front seat. : ment has been undertaken. RE. Dry Dock and Engineeting Co., ast. ol Naleina i , : . . % » Taisinas, Ty Ds Ly THAT it was a happy thing for|W- McQuade is in charge, but _be. . setae Le - an nes ut al ro Currat 7 or it elt - $3500, 00 | tye firemen at Coquitlam to be|operations are under the diree~| wane At the Methodist Beef, boltiog, te . "aes ose a nisi » ‘ oy able to save the fire wagon: when tion of P. W. Racey, a mining en- Church, a rnitor, Part time Man i a mm re eae ym Mixed md : rit so ’ . ae » fire f ne ; : ; ; » f ’ ‘ oburger, per Ib, ...6.6-- nm ’ oe ee 4 nutes @ jthe firehall wea norms d down, wineer of Vane euyer. _Sseoupation. Phone Green 4 4B. Stowing beef, per tb. 20e and Be) Table Figs, per phe Se Vowt Office n That the conservative partyin The Premier Mine on Salmon | WANTED Hew’ fob | @abebaniial. Corned beef, per W. .. 66... 25e | Mine as Meat . aéee Pane A4 B wis Nova Seotia is something like the/River is employing more than Apply P.O. box 836. tf Lanib, lew, per Wh. ...... . 506 raw rij om on stored and is nets some women wear. 6p theirjone hundred and Afty men in and} — . — Bae, fem, seek kT . S0e; lack Tartarian cherries Th cor with Splendid hair—almost invisible. about the mine. Good progress FOR SALE Mutton, stewing .. Pre FTomatoes wun u r Dry Doe fete Law ah iar et ae is being madg with the concen-} renee Mutton, shoulder roeat J2c to 36¢)' autataupes, each i $150 ) PHAT it is bad enough to haveljrator foundations and the pipe|POR SALE—snap-—20 hop. N, & Veal shoulder roast ..... . 40e) Watermelon, per tb 10% 0.00 a wife pi¢k a husband's pockets, | pin, More m oe ae » pew on ‘ Leg of ! 306 a wbve en ' 9 t , Bo en will be needed! &. eMsine new Poday's fac. beg of yeat ........8 He and 400! i { have their work done but when she picks his’ neckties|in the ne ure ‘ ic al tory price is $500 higher than Plain &ausages, per Ib... .. 406)!" * per by i 1.50 . ar future and are being| i » WW te here — particular per- 4) Heok! : put to work as they arrive in when this was bought Pur- Tomato sausage ... ‘ NSei" hem, feet / we t ; Real sta 7 phe j le lnouraece 5 eee town. chaser will save this amount,/Pork, log, ....+.6-6. 45e to Ge | Al ' ‘ ot ei wae ete ‘wal sons too—and let them DROWNED BATHING . . . See Paul Aivazofl and C. W.) Pork chops ...... peces o. SSe/ Hing © ‘ ru ’ PPOPLIPDOP POLO DIG tell you why we do their NEAR VANOOUVER; Onc of the two big diamond) Embleton for particulars and Pork, shoulder, .....6.556, 46e | Sloney De M wel The! abbeedocoocepeseil 4 th - drills on the Big Missouri mine at} terms. P e Rupert Cigar) Bacén, sliced, per Ib........ 75 Evaporated Fruits. i work, An en—try BS; VACOUVER, Aug. 5.—S. G.jStewart has been closed down.) Stare, Third Avenue, Phone/Ham, sliced, ......,.-4.. 6$e;Hiack fe ; Shampoo Ps eur excellent Dry Thompson, 24 years of age, was|All results have been very satis-| Blue M1. tr Nam, smoked, ...........+. 600) White 1 ees drowned when bathing at Myrtle/factory, it is understood, but the | eo 2 Balt backs ......... peveocs $5c | Apricots i N« v ; Cleaning and Pressing Point. : costs of operation are running |" On sat Sawmill Macomery Sinbek peor tig ws. ite ii és b5e) Peaches ar ‘ his of © Service, ee rather high. The drill which is| “!! the ma y of the Mas-| Fowl, por W., 2 vecdees. . BO BUS SERVICE TO HOT on the E Pluribus efaim still con-| we . by : - ahs Pickled pork, per Ib. ....... ibe i tinues. ‘High grade ore is being ements, Graham Isiand, B.C. \eanked ham, sticed, ‘per tb., 80+ . } PReenee ny 2 sey nae ' Principal items . : ’ : ie ‘ned up here, i Spare e : ; : ‘Canadian SPRINGS AT LAKELSE r ; ° : os 48 60x16 ret n tubular boilers, Rooke ian veel - cae tun, re ; , we al | o i er » ee een we om hi The Algunican Development {00 pounds w Ing Pressure, nore, een } Opposite Government Steam Laundr y | Visitors to L akelse Hot Springs Co. of Belgium fs doing a lot of complete th brick and duteh r a ne per Ib., fiche ils, the} aie. ; 210 h _—_ Phorie & jean get automobile service from : : : TE ee aes owe Oe e ; 4th St. Phooe i thorough work on the on oven. Broiler as NOTICS CON ; Fae i locana “ ’ . - . OUOTR gee wees r eer eeeeere dot i} i hs ' | Terrace by notifying ©, A, Waile,jang Spider groups on Salmon| 16x20 Wheland Engine Works’) : 4 mM PRACTORS euce the liveryman, Park Garage, ‘Ter ? PUVOS, TOE, Te an as ee) o ori an, P¢ : ' -|River. and op the Fitzgerald group; Dalanced valve engine, Cooked heef t it as PUNCE AUPENT WHARF FXTH ‘ on race, who has a new Ford car apd y | aT . eae (Cooked hee ongue, Ib, .... 8% Tethers he he t RE cae Seoteg aia on Bear River. The operations} 8x10 Petrie boagine. Dairy Produce , [able The Minister of Public Work ' aa Tou jtruck for this business, Heason-|,¢-this company as caried out in| 50 Ampere direct current West- potter : 760 | Kam, ee 9th day of Auswet ” ror| > 2 . CEU the earaeRe Ba oe) ee oes gee i) ) Orr rarr ee mee bee 6 ¢ @ Ciibe ereciiom f Sew Tigete \ rf : No jabl rates. tf the Stewart district are next larg- ern Electric lighting machine, Butler (eooking anal omhn Wo t ev 1 Whe ’ ot Bs. Fscin an | : JUS j j RY MINERAL ACT, est to the Premier. 7 %xbx6— duplex Worthington |oneege, per lb............. AGe| blame, sprciBcations. comrert ond. forme it (Form F.) " : : pump. Limberger ohease ; - ib. , hor | Pe ofl wg fh : . t re onwne ; ecient i Operations on a small scale are| 6x24 California planer, com- . »e + eee | efeervinea! ‘Mibriscy aucanten VANS nee ae Ete HIS. Ghetineate ' be tadwovebiebed: hie? canteen nal tat warloke we i ae : es Ce sereeenerere 65e | ca ven ; STRICT ENGINE aN Martin & Bud T j —- ; Nie ° iB. -C, fresh eggs ....00.... 20¢ | PHOVENE IAL. DISTIICT ENGINEER, (RING - iin teil iach slonaieeeitaen sedan hablo it! --9tteee’..\0ib nee metneeer- Chain tlaims alofig the Salmon, Bear, Log turning rig. | Strietiy new-leid eass see! HOPERT, B : ‘. With that silverware you seldom if |fj-ituate in the Naas River Mining Divisios Marmot and Georgia Rivers. P.j, Low haul. prsattosing. x ne poe | DEPARTMENT r rustic WORKS, vu First class accom ever tse trhir Ge Bitsker, read’ tf \fassiat Distriee, ie Kliteult River{. Backus and his associates are} ‘Three bDiock Hamilton carriage, | ¢ 2 et endl aeco gael tee “i pee : for Visitors te 4 tray, cream jug er sugar besin, jadjoining the Dolly Varden Group. waking preparations to operate tease let |Ceorab BOM: Vi 2 bose cdee ed Ge! = applies ) at the above nant ‘ t Horst bOfter disn ete. Ndw note the TAKE NOTICE that | Lewis Wo Pewupére prey . pers } complete, linger, per tb 260 |. ea Mrerbors tay obiain & copy Fes ' fedsthikPnitize frm the ; t Prince Rupert, B,C, Pree Miner's Cer-|in the Naas section back of{ Saw guomer. :