i920, plday Angudt 6, UD mr aid ITORK’ SELL TOVE es Still in etoves in 1843, came line of business » Hundreds in use in Prince Rupert. — . ; of is an adaptation from the € to break and some former sup There is neither age Owen Ia stage success of the w jporters had gone over to the op- limit nor exemption— woe name, position or the cross benches, every man, woman and Sinners” is not a melodrama * What uld have happened, if, child has a daily fight m= roany will recall who saw it on Pe during the session the I iberal | to carry on against the speaking stage, but a true at Unionists had been told that they] germs and microbes of characterization of the must follow Meighen instead of) } di U small town where everything and . Horden? What would have been! sscase, se erybody moves by rule and the effect upon the Ontario Lib-| route and gossipping tongues eral Unionists of the withdrawal « from the centre What a 3 lof their leader, M&@. Howell from} OAP «“t to the existence led by i, the Government? Mr. Rowell's nearn & bis ty cliff dwellers, who are ee conelosion, as stated in his letter for a victorious and ne heartles- Godless, i? of resignati . hat ns . . tae ‘ . * . Ba ' pn ; delightful toilet, for a : ‘ awe (decision shoule we reached ia : \ a's screen favorite ane H the Work of the Unionist Govern refreshing bath,and for ia st Alice Irady, plays * ment as such was finished, and} a thorough cleansing t of Mary Horton, the girl that a new departure should be of the home. home Mixs Brady is made by the creation of a new The aarbolic odour in Lifebuey pported by a @ast of screen party and the formation of an ad és the sien of i . leo net iss seeing ministration to represent that as ew this phote.drama wh s Cram , —- wee yg qua on party he might fairly ask an of human interest. dchly can ish honorable discharge lear “se. « This ans that those Liberal “ E MA ” Ur nists in Ontario who regard DONT EV R RRY ed Mr. Rowell as their leader are! Lever Brothers OLM IGHT ace ' ay dn’ thate “bbt Limited, WESTH E TON iin reiensed ‘ ’ wi mwieaA Teer ‘ Oat. & ery sa tion te pport the Government and free to t any ¢ se they jias sh is eide! pie TY ed by Mr. Calde x pt | elf t i net affects Innocent} No Undue Haste. nave ened. & i B ecapades or predicaments etal i It, cannot be aid that Mr. “el is resigned, and Bir Thy betwee married :. Seta shied aaw udlien basta] Waite, : | Minister of 1 nish most of the hum-| yi in making the break lie has » a - : A See : Mew ‘ rid, and it is a de. we 4 bn riticized for staying in}! he, Ministes f Militia, and rt ' as Marshall Neil.| = i . or 7 Cr ae , the ¢ nment t ' i that} Mr I 5 eta f ‘ his latest production 5 ee my 7 ‘ ‘? reer *T) wr 8 it may, now that he has gone /State 5 BUC gk to Mr. Ca pOreen Don't Ever} i TE _ there is no reason for any Liberal |@er s ow te t, there is alM It is the story of the] HE ANDERHOOF 0 L } Unionist to remain the ranks |polilical tt ought ha eS whieh take place es — mh - Ito be { itt nty-faur hours after a} } * of Untonisem In fact Unionisam ' am me ‘ i in dead. Mr. Calder ix one of jleader of th ght to secre ire: whoh tor reasoms | VANDERHOOF, B.C. i mite 3 a lilileibe sent ; {x ' ew mt eat wn to themselves two! : those wao remain. But a little)! a , TIMBER SALE X 2619. The Hotel That Is A Home. 3 more than a year ago, Mr. Colder ernment, h fnen elaim the young inca ninec ennai aga | : ee es ek ran n thelr’ tea@tali¢ sided) Sealed ' . ‘ made a statement in the House oe on of Mi scge fh 4 n 2 their lawfully wedded [Minister of "Lads "oat Winer Tatoo on | Centrally located. Convenient to depot. Good service i c > a ”) lo re. he ryVeT ue is bined are Husband, ;% ou y ora et, 19 or ar Nee ee eee een each cte aha’ mcmanted t's) dankmaneninaie ends teik, a el Beihai sours European Plan. Garage and Livery in connection. Ar jsign., He Was talking about Me. fet oF ft a. Wiss oe _. . jfeet of Balsam, fi Cedar, on an UnpeR. Naw ManxAGEMENT , ! iirerar’s resignation, and eapiaiia- The House of Commons w tired I the opening weene fo] = oa Mi inlet. Range Ps A Te ' S. aid @apiata e Tuass Bie ling why he did not follow Mr and out of touch with the country he end where tranquillity is once] ‘Ose (ih year will be allowed for re- | JAS. F. McCORMACK eo *o5 Satingte 4: . . nenens . enatore mn’ mova) of Taber. e , overs example. He said: |The remedy ix a new geverpment myort stored Don't Ever} Purtber partiewtare of the ChiMt Forester, | ' ' Let me ask Hon. Members of and anew House of Commons, Marry will te the attraction at! ietorta re Cc. or District Forester, Prince | “4 this House: What would be the representing | opinion as it the Westhol Chektre tonight _ Repent x . a ponsequende if we all f a is today ta was 1917 ---— MINERAL ACT, 1896. i 4 ithe course Laken by the Hon em 4 : ww ‘ ie , piides th 4 J nw | ” i ; “A ber for Marquetle Mr. ¢ rar). Both gov t ar Pa ament Advertiar , Daitv News ina ne tae coo STE W A RT I AND ( ‘0 I t . Buppiee the Minister of P ire awa of tl lac pathy j an beeen he eee ed °9 oe be Works (Mr. Carvell) resigned and /patween th and the He. butiw vy and anxiet The wovern—'Ciane situste WG the Ness Miver Bning | a } Preside ‘ ; ris ‘ ' l ‘ ; Division of Cassiur Dietrict - A Mr. eet : me 3 T 2 scting (2°@ afraid to apply tl emeody ' viority w h was stated | Wuere. jocatea: «i. Bouy Vargen Hut 101 Pemberton Block Fifth Street é Minister of Trade and Cot Mu supporters Govern. the Parliawne Guide to- be [Rod jomed OF tue Ditty Varden cams, VICTORIA STEWART x Mr. Maciean and myself and ment realize that y met oO fin 1917 d vd to S4 on the reese coh et 1, Frank Sirmenam . al “ otic