Oo le ee eL, * 4 THE inhanada NEW : een - —_ SSS = "ge 8 —_—— THE DAILY NEWS | PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. ~——— odes Ten -— Ago Hi TE freee tere HEAT-RASH August 13, 1910. Capt. Nieholson, manager H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EpITor. Grand feunk Pacific steam o ‘eos the K \W Hamiltor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: p= a KS er) oy aan sapalt ted chief “ , ved Gity Delivery, by carrier or mail, per MUU AS o's 46 4 60g $1.00 7 ; lof the Prince Rupert By mail to ail parts of the British Empire and the United States, | ; B a) Mv . i in advance, per year ... 6.66 ee eee ween eee DWE y 4 6 0 MS's $6.00.) fT Te — tyres c-sic gure To all other countries, in advance, per year .0....50+0+++- 87.50, io i S y. ; a 2 Ne B me Eaten TELEPHONE &. s S | Diatebuter on Wi Inesday Che Princess Heat e will nert Transient “Display Advertising $1.25. oer inch each insertion. @) RE A aire a Vee ; aw Pransient advertising on front page .......... $2.00 per inch. canbelied to-brins down the ship Locs| Readers, per insertion, .......++- cones SOc. por line. ed oD LS te } lathad Shistenzers th Wg Classifted advertising, per insertion, ...e.....++- 2e. per word. : iioeak Way. Legal Notices, each insertion, -..... r+. 45¢. per agate line. 4 (oer Contract Rates on Application, mA TT Members of the Prinee Rupert All advertising should be in the Daily News Office on day pre- Real Eatate Exchange held theis ding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. iret Danguet Jast evening r eeding | 1 guests Were members of the press represented by W Kay nd, «i DAILY EDITION. ~ih. T. Sawle and ©. H. Nels AGENCY FOR Jee: oo tne oes aso “ the Grand Trunk uilway ~ re | ALL KINDS OF : ‘ afta Friday, August 13, 1920. Would Welcome Visit From U. 8. Vessels. An effort is being made to induce one or more of-the United } : : i Canvas goods, oilskina, 3j)paring to remove hits States war vessels to come here to help celebrata the fair ana)? id. avepatis, maekinaws, §jheadduarters to Hazell carnival week. It is to be hoped that the effort will be successful’) gioves, waterproof clothinug, ’ , . ——— — <2 We are close tieighbors of the United States and we have a great baggage, harness, shoes, iF oe ~~ the Letter Box We are aiway glad to see} drop anchor off the dock for} American citizens in this city. S. destroyer many the four stacks of a U. receiving a visit from a cousin. woolen underwear and socks. ] In CALL AND SEE THEM J. F. MAGUIRE —_—~ ’ POSTAL REGULATIONS we feel that we are Most of the trouble that grows up between people and be-|} 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert 4@} tween nations is the result of not knowing each other, If we} Dear Sit Dhfes it t appeat knew each other betlér we should be less inelined to quarrel ar . ied ~~ 7 Toe : There would be less bilterness between us. SERS OLECS SS “| i ge abt i " a va * PRINCE RUPERT TIDES * 2 U “| States “ype is a little group that is always ; sia abt ‘ j In the United ites there i cS aoe Rae 4 eee eS « cant | tin , aki f z ver z Britis s side ‘re are s , ostoMes Sat y aff t taking a dig at everything Briti h. n thi ide there are some Friday, August 13. i on : - who lavgh or sneer at anything Yankee. Association and inter | High 0:13 a.m., 21.4 feet ae a ' - ; ‘ . iat 5 ; u mingling will tend to eliminate these little annoyances. Let us} 12:58 p.m., 20 feet. a a be good neighbors. We come from a common stock and we Low, 6:50 a. m., 1.2 Teet resident hen > s ome . . . 19 p. m., 4.6 feet . speak the same language. Out ideals are alike and our hopes : N : 1 turday, August 14, and aims are similar. The News will be glad to join with the or ; ~~ ra Fa { that ¢ snd th ' rest of the citizens in welc&ming the big boats if they see fit to 13:39 p.m., 21 feet: the curta i : ’ txtension § « i come this way on our annual holiday. Low, 7:32 a. m., 0.8 feet ia : : Sa lays ' 19:45 p.m., 3.7 feet. rnes: Ven we . we . Sunday, August 15. : ‘1 Between Opponents? | High, 1:45 a.m., 22 feet posta u Why should there be bitterness between opponents. The} 14:49 p. m., > i feet eres ree r e ; \ true sportsman is one who admires his opponent if he is worthy Low, 8:12 a.m., 0.9 feet ae, ae . : 0:90 ». lt 2 fect ! and w s glad of the rtunity of entering the lists with him. eu:ew p. i. er leoame ! fits B - sy gpaistelod mee oe 7 | ' t! The time used Is Pacific Stan- ao we see siness » tendency is : , rs il » same »tog tala ‘ . In busine the tendency is for me mbers in the same line etl sard, for the 120th Meridian west. ‘ y together. So it should be in polities, religion, and anfong nations. |1¢ ig counted from 0 to 24 hours : ee rhe As an example of the moder tendency in thie regard the/(rém midnight to midnight. oe NI ws “DME! recenily selected candidates. for the United States presidency The table given is for Port Postmesier Mcintosh sae . s » e fo , “el ‘ had some nice things to say of each other. Harding says of /™psen but the time for Prince). tie closing of the om ; itupert varies only a few minutes hnaney order department is get Governor Cox: m some days and on others is} “I don’t know what he thinks of me, but Cox is a shrewd] (ye same. The range of the tide!’ ral throughout the D eae s pone d i eek ord lo mive man, possessor of great political wisdom, and has made a very|inay be computed as 5 per cent) ee . ee m : ¢ ces n lat depar { able Governor of Ohio, whom the people like and approve. He|areater at Prince Rupert {hap at). nalf-holiday. Saturday is has done many things in Ohio. Cox is smart. He understands Port Simpson both at springs and) ok the most cor cn : : neaps. Therefore the rise in the}. 3 akes a verv estve oburmiia « orlherr ( of the Republican party under the policies which he répresents, |the classified list tn oe’ “hed” BC. ioame He is of the McKinley type, brought up on the Old Guard Re- L AND RI GISTRY AT. been ‘secured by A. H. Ha f publican faith. 1 respect his journalistic achievements, but we Sec and 134 Portland { a crab canne stand very far apart.” he spplication No. 11996-1. File 6378 a mane tame: nee . - TARE NUTICE that applicat nas been Month seeking a location a nade to register Joon A. Murray, Of Princéjrrab cannery Aiter iting UpDe . ‘ ae fee i fwpert, 6 C., a cwuer m f under 8) variinis points of the NEW AVIATORS’ ROAD Tas Sale Deed from the Collector MAP OF THE SKY City of Prince Rupert, bearing date the Alaska he decided Wrangell was gard day of October, 1919, of ALL gnpithe logical place for the location SINGULAR (that certam parcel or trect of\of a cra cannery. In ordets ml Southeastern MEMORIAL WARD FOR LATE E. H BEAZLEY VANCOUVER, Aug. 13.—Friends OTTAWA, Aug. 13-——A Can- Sone one cane m sine. meer ene een fine wre Cohis «oproject braving . im be iy 6 o ’ ince tupert pore y of the late E. H. Beazley are adian road map of the sky for the] tieuiarty koown and lescribed as Lot}Support and co-operation of the planning the establishment of ajuse of ¢civilian military avintors|s x (¢ Klock Twenty-nine (20), Sec-ipeople of Wrangell Mr. Hang inemorial ward in the hospital, lias been nearly completed here [0 Une (1), (Map sae You are re-leought to get some of | hoeal quired W contest the claim of the tas “re > use xclusively mg . shed as s as \ : ss s prop here to be used exclusively for,and will be published as 500M 48) pu enaser within 35 days from the dare /POOVIe interested im bits pro sick mariners, possible. of the service of this notice (which may /tion. lhe ready response which = \ be effected by publication in the Daeilyjicame from the leading business News, Prince Kupert), and your attention | people of the town was satis is called to settion 36 of the “Land Kegis- try Act with amendments, and to the following extract therefrom iwelcomes any legitimate eter OR Ge factory assurance that Wrangell “and in default of a caveat or cer- wee 8 , in give {a} tieste of lis jpendens being fled hpri and is willing give if F before the registration as owner of moral support thereto the person entitled under such tax ; x ' oe sale, all persons 80 served with Phe following eslizens | Bowes, and those claiming |Wrangell have subscriled (0 It is not only to add to thr ugh or under them, and ail per sons claiming any interest in the [stock in the crab cannery Mayi your appearance but land by virtue of any unregistered j ( Gh ‘ Hot p. ¢ Met , instrument, and Sil persons clair ‘ * “Tan, on your health demands ing apy interest in the land Dy ftinack. Donald Sinclair, Geo. H descent whose tithe is not registered | , (yeeros ar provision i tits Aci, jPoviei iarties, i B. Canipbet shall be w ever stopped and de s barfed from setting up claim to or Mes. ( J, Bevier, Bamuel Cun-| in respect of the land so sold for a CL. .@ Patenaud Leo IMcCor nian k Hi. Pp MeCorimack for taxes.” iMrs. Fanny Wheeler, F. b. Gin- AND WHEREAS application bas been|wraxs, H. B. Harvie, L. ©. Bjoree madé for @ Certificate of indefeasible Title | \\, sley Sornberger. to the above-mentioned lands, in the name} of Jonn A. Murray a AND WHEREAS on investigating the tue! At a bazaar al it appears that prior to the 9m day Of Puesday of this week, the sum Uctober, 1918 (the date on which the said lof K184 was raised by the ladies| lands were sold for overdue taxes), you were the owners thereof, as stated spposite (atixilinry of the Buikley Valley your respective names. hospital fhe goodly PURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the!,hfained from the sale of fancy] same time | shall effect registration in} pursuance of such application and issue work 899,80; a Certificate of Indefeasibie Tithe to the | #52.60; flowers, said jands in the name of Jomn A. Murray, /#8.05, and raflles, unless you take and prosecute ihe proper proceedings to establish your claim, If : . ” any, to the sald lands, or to prevent such Phe Jovial Club” i# the latest proposed action on my part. organization to be formed at Dated at the Land Registry OMce, Prince Siyithers, They are giving Hupert, Bb. ., tls 16th day of April, AD woekly dances in the Bulkley 1920, centre, the first of which place a week aga, tates, and the Registrar shall register the person entitled under such tax sale as owner of the land so sold You will be able to mas- ticate your food properly and reduce the work on the internal organs of the body. : **Live a Little Longer’’ Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE Member or Tue B.C. Dewrar Coi.ece Office Hours:- pteizend tes DENTIST seaiay ty arpintmes Smithers on home cooking, 60.80; fish pond, 814.30, * aerni« When in Town, Come to the SVEA POOL ROOM " Near Beer, Soft Drinks, Cigars and Cigarettes E, Petersen . Proprietress took H. F. MACLEOD, Distriet Kegistrar of Tithes, fo Kila Masecn, Mitr, .C., owner TO Prisettia GO, Murrell, auiner, B.C. Mortgagee, _——_—- registered and assessed ‘TPwo-color window ecards take the eye quickly. See them at the News Job Department. ’ Deparunent f Landa, sun Was ie iPated June tat, 1920 MAIL SOHEDULE * eeneneaeeneeenaneee Fe For tho East. “iT Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat-| urdays at 10°30 a, m, From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- days at 7 p.m. For Vancouver and South. Tuesdays «sapere 7 pn bhursdays : ; {i p.m Saturdays i p.m. Sundays ; ; if p.m Saturdays, pin, ‘ From Vancouver and South. Bundaye .....-eeeeee> 10 p.m. Wednesdays ......+. 10:30 a.m Saturday 1 Oo a rriday i Mondays, a.m For Anyox and Alice Arm, Sundays : ° 10 p.m Wednesdaas 0 pun From Anyox and Aflce Arm. Tuesdave a.m ‘NUPBGAYS 2.6.00 eeeeee o p.m, For Port gape. Arrandale, Mill Bay, Wales Island and Naas River.| Sundays i i i? sdays fi; From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mil! oe Wales Island and Naas River. Duesday mn Satut ys > : a p.m Queen Charlotte Islands: For Massett, Port Clements and Npper Island polots Wednesda } ‘ Ss. if a.m ?rom Masset. Port Clements and Opper Island points @or Skidegate. Charlotte City and Lower Isiand points Sat ‘ io 1 Queen From Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points W er re sdaves ** a For Skagway and the Yukon. Mondays, a.m From Skagway and Yukon. Saturdays, p.m stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Point. For—Saturdays 9 p.m Frou Sundaye a p.m x Te) NOTICE. i ; EN that ‘ : i) ia . ar , ¥ tte . f “ata wn ‘ ande wit ‘ fa wo payment ' ha i made in f and wh Wishes t ta a pre pe riowate alloteent [ b and leratiot f the tent * Siready paid tu ” $ tile am aug at resper i ” the te, day sepriermtg ivr wr late? tle oe 4 prog : ‘ se and ah} iu unde aareeipent f ‘ a sid fAling applica ated will be t hing a ge of « h [ vilege an wih be sul _— ‘ the ful Lider [ ru f sale and the} provitions of. the ‘Lan d Act governing | verd per are thoney in oonec lon th whiet a! attention is drawn te he hotice appearing in the cur f this pape rent iseves GRO. R. MADEN Deputy Minister of Lends . Victoria, Bf Oct May Sth, "19290 ailenads 7 —— LAND AUT, Notice of Intention to Apply Se _ Lease Rees. ‘ ar tand t Ss ' ' {f Skheota atu tuate Pad Alice ico TAKE NOTICR Uat we, Alice Arm Mining i hopainsst Lid, lead offee at : ‘ ‘ eupation gis * and ae timenat iend to apply f pertiission to lease the E , jiowing desoribed foreshore Comimet xe at & post planted at the hlersect ' f the high water mark of Alice Arm with the North Bdy { L. 351 being «fh Cariboo Mineral Claim, thence oth 7 deg. 19 win. F 00 feet t the theast corner of Lot 3643; thence south h4 dex. 31 min. E 440 feet to the Weat dy produced of the Indien reserve thence out 1,00 feet mere or leas $0) the low water mark of Allee Arm; thence following said low water mark #00 feet} jto me South Bday. of Lot 3610, produced, | then north 6 dew 22 min, W. 400 ft} it the high wate? mark; thence northerly and fe towing the high water mark £,26/ feet more or lest t& the point of om mencement and containing 25 acres more r less ALICE ARM MINING AND DEVELOPMENT oo, LTD per Fred Nash, BC.L&, Agent CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the reserve existing over Lot 2566, Range 4, Coast District, ts cancelled G. H. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands Lands Departaen Victoria, gara "haah, 1920. 604 The first taste One sip of Lanka settles the tea quer tion. The’ rare flavor, rich end stiny lating, has no equal, Only abhilled blenu \y A ing of Ceylon’s finest hill garden teas, can achieve 0 it j “YZ such quality — \\¢ thw yours in the \ . = striking black and white package A labeled Lanhea. X\ } i | {i DY i] || s-9) ENTISTRY ceGE es QUALITY Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS Morning 9 to 12, AMernoon, 1.30 to 5.30, Satertays, 9 uit m Every Evening from 7.30 to § WM. BRAID & CO. | Vancouver, Canada i/)) id Dental Nurse in attendance Phone 109 for appointment Rooms 4, 5, 6, Heigerson Blk., Cor. 3rd and Best Equipped Office in Northern B ( tra S.S. PRINCE RUPEE St 4 ena S.S. PRINCE GEORG Midnight coe and Thureday for Swanson Bay alls, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Anyox Wednesday, 10 p.m. Stewart, Saturday 0+ 8.5. PRINCE JOHN OR PRINCE ALBERT For Stewart, Wednesday 2 p.m. Anyox Saturday th Port Clements, Massett and Buckley Bay, Avg. 6 Mt, and 26th.— Soughern Queen Charlotte Island Sunday Midnight. * TREN GErVICE Paeseneer Mondey, Weneedey end Beterdey ef |! san te Prince George, Edmonton snd Winnhes webbing Girect oor all ponte cart a * ok. Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines Por information and reervations epply & Ch» Ticket Offce, S28 Third Avecee Phe? Oe CANADIAN PACIFIC RALW CARADIAR PACIFICO GOTAN sconce B.C. Coast Steamship Sern 8 PRINCESS @AnT 2s, trom Prince Rupert por Betchiten, suneeu, Shegwey, Alset August @, 14, #3 ea 3 Por Vancouver Wicteria and Seettic from P 7 t« gi ano 3° vince Meee August s & PRINCESS eeaTmoe ' ry Oo, from Prince Rupert for Swenson Gay, Ooren Fe! oe eee Geaver Gove, Powell River, Vencowrer ane ¥ Every Geturdey, * ©. @ uey bw for rates, terervations sud eehinoet W. G. ORCHARD, Genere! Agent. Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupett With our modern equipment and sanitary mi we produce a wholesome d Nutritious Bre Our Goods are all made from High-class TRY THEM The La Casse Bakery 717 3rd Ave. Auto Delivery gouree of ant ) {noreaalnd, ine lores be sort lum fer finar Son be of ap . anoe in the a % of the in of - wee Vee oa ao eoeetl UNION BANK OF C- A.T. Broderick Prince Rupert Branch