| Local News Notes -* Sot the, ae g < & —_ . Fh Fi ~_t* 75 > | Ask for Atkins’ Sausage. ul ~ i j . . . ip Mrs. F. Hunt left last night for] j That afternoon cup of Lanka! a holiday in the south. | Refreshing, stimulating, every sip +” wide adi ” 1a ' . Mandal fea hoicest ret returned +o a pleasure! Blended fr OF th choices tow by the Chelohsin last 1 | Cey! m gre wths from British hill gardens ifter a nth's visil in Van \\ —-the supreme tea for British tastes and Victoria | ie . . . ' om “fr today | r \ Order t r ; ‘. Callies Football Club Cinderella} WM. BRAID & CO., Vancouver, Canada Wednesday, August 18, at ri j St. Andrew's Hall, Ticket { lirst class orchestra uv 1) ( forwet Lieut. Hels j Puesday night at the] Weeath ‘ Pheatre about the of Zeebruggee Canal . . . Ja Hastie of Port Clements,| hi jas been visiting in the city t past few days, left f the} the Grand Trunk stea | a ® | imal evening ed Cedar Shingles J 02°... nt and treasurer of thej Dry Kiln Capacity: 100,00 feet per day abacker Hardware Co. of Se-| oe att ‘ @ passenger south last SITKA SPRUCE Leesa A. B. Rila a Vancouver '/ESTERN HEMLOCK FLOORING, SIDING eretal was, wal CEILING FINISH OF ALL KINDS oe ar hee last in the arrived from tlic nizht to catch the east ound train this morning en routs ; boston ane New or harlotte Islands Spruce Produc's Ltd. er oe oe ee Mills Cc M N. Fraser, Mi Edith | iser and Mra. FE. J. Wall sailed Sole Agents & MceCAPFPFERY Anvox bw the Chetlol ' fle 116, Blue 69 city this Prince Rupert, B ALBERT i rince Rupert, B. Telephones, 564 oal Raised Again |/!i2%h "tt so" 4 at the Mine August Ist ‘her snaghtnh Decalariatke have 600 tons on hand that the raise does not : a oa Bes = afvect ‘ | ‘avin ne near Db PUT IN YOUR WINTER'S COAL NOW M ta, returned to the! AND SAVE MONEY ~ «lle ewe ame ay igen ht Bars + Wellington is the cheapest and most econ- rke the hie } M Gla . “ . ecently BERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. "sss s Phones 116, 564 and Blue G69 '" . orning tra sl : ad ti na ni fi ‘ fh faths hour modern equipment and sanitary methods, PLB ’ mager we produce a wholesome i ley mille, and Hugh David- directors Nutritious Bread [v.csvesvos RY THEM* I ] The La Casse Bakery it A ONO, Aeenenes 7 3rd Ave Auto Phone 190 ods are all madé class Material y ‘Bay on the « pauy’s Delivery THE DAILY News ZN CLIDILOO ISO DODOPSSOOISOSODODIOL Ti IE fuer package Iwo for 55° NAVY cut BIGARETTES The exclusive use of the highest quality pure Virginia Tobacco has made PLAYER’S the favorite smoke wherever the British ; M Mi CG. HM. Saw! Miss Suthe PPP P LOPE PLP OOOL OOO DK PAO CLBEBOO DO @ * Sr ““- . . : h i i len in Town, Come tothe } Wed : ‘ ng and will \ SVEA POOL ROO 7 me a , . » ‘ i M Mra. ( Ik Near Beer, Soft Drinks, Cigars and Cigarettes b Pete " tupert oh clersen Proprietress { vased to re ards POOLE LL ELLIE LLL LLL LLL LOL Ot te te te tne anti the b ! 1 daughte e have another tient 1 st i at e - 8 all Shipment of d Mra, Bannders, Bigky teana,{ i some y irs, having first inedis he was M rane Will by many old friends as p the It animals content- is humane---sani- the planing mill at Cow >---Pprofitable to keep | The demand far Whig Has pot Reon: used a ’ \\ away. a ds th eral years, Was one of five chiro- 7 exceeds e practors to appear before the supply police magistrate at Vieloria last = me f vrais week on a charge of practising I ean : ae wh in the : s ; sali act i: sates Increase medicine indo surgery with Lith ie is divided registering under the Medical) y ; # the: vare = rN Practioners Apt The chargé was) yj our our cial shipment was brought by the College of Physi We urged . Z ie email cians and Surgeons of British I KOep 1 n a te Columbia The case Was remand. | Pre ' ¥ eer ed sf a Week, aun ° . As He BUS SERVICE TO HOT " Aran ! a SPRINGS AT LAKELSE | "°°: ————— Vancouver Milling’ Grain Visitors to Lakelee Hot Spuings|ty., W Weat can get automobile service from Co. Limited Office and Miile VANCOUVER Terrace by notifying ©, the liveryman, Park Garage, Ter- | th: B.C, this business, truck for fOr, ie sh ee able rates. u SRR PE es LY CHASER. Enieeecs. i td timer in Prince Rupert, . . \ Fr. L, Kilers, one of the owners va f ( Bay, ni A. Waite, bbe race, who has a new ¥Vord car and havi Heason-i by the ‘ { ; tay Ml \ ‘ \ Vil ; vd t | : Sm Eowuxp Wainer, C.V.0.. LL.D. D.C. Le, Presddent. A. S. Voor, Mus. Doc., Musical Director THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPREHENSIVELY EQUIPPED SCHOOL OF M F MUSIC IN THE DOMINION RE-OPENS SEPTEMBER Isr, 1920 , Lire A Faculty of international reputation Lectures on Musical History, Ruadi- ‘ he Two Concert Halls Large Concer ments, Piar Pedagogics, ete. A Organ and smaller Pipe Organs, « Bi ell 4 Residence ing ample facilities for Orvan Practice. 7 us, Year Book, and Students’ Orchestra. Ensemble Classes, Women's Calendar will be WA Piel ete Students’ Weekly Recitals. Free sent tos a + On request. t LOCAL EXAMINATIONS FOR 1021 will be held throughout the Dominion, aceording to logality, in June end July, 1921, i ee ae aoe eee a ' = LOO LLL O APE . ; ‘ “ ! «Ka } The Smeeton ‘. ; | ; 9 .. ea Rooms s al ; een ~ wa os " nt x09 Second Avenue at a point al for k th ‘ t will} inined 8 ' ’ Home Cooked Meals ' ped Ak ; Breakfast, Dinner and ad the W 1s Supper ‘ the Kitzat > = ra ‘ . «/$ Try ouryiieme Madé Bread m the gruund ‘ i, ange 2, Goast District ° “er ‘ years Wil Be BlowgdsTorre- ; and Cakes and anh apptieation ‘ Liddetee® ; Se 4 r. ‘ the “Wate Ael particulars @f thet Chie®ibrestery’ ete worn ? r th Victorl@, BG, or District Forester, Prince fas “trae i egitnaeiied he, _———— . OIE L LOI OITA IO ano Tuning , ; and All Kinds of Repairs. ; ° : 7 } i Rupert’ in un mbia ea r yy Wate ty S 3 be power wil miles heen gotten NEE aod . : ow of Mineral} se — = GEORGES GAGNON : meh Qe For Outside Orders address he 0 4 al o@ - tee TIMBER SALE X 2384. P.O. Box 1666 Phone 71 VW j ‘ with ee ere ee a eee i ” i Honert Sealed tehders will be reeeived by the — ~-— — ! tt in Minister of Lan not later than hoon 1 . n at a date|the god day of 19 for th ~~ ny ! of Water | Purchase isa to cul . : Wane] BasreGe” kee of Stace" tothe “Sad Woe A. G. GRAY fee of ek 1 an area adjoining T. lL i7itp, « ° \ Hiehts r of mishewa inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands Teacher of Piano I ‘ hupert| District rw ¥) years will be allowed for re Studio 137 Second Avenue \ NY tkb moval of timber \ ag : ; ‘ ‘ lars of the Chief Porester ‘ { Viet a, B r District Forester, Prince PHONE Blue 421 or 444 ive fiupert B.C ' a tanita ed ee te 4 im of » — rt Was y