pene a ee ia tien amet a te eas —_—_—_—_—____—_—==— League Standing. IpToniche Sic Oe eee eee 3 to crgane ot ond Strengthen Howl Sox 10 6 ‘ 600 ° gontion an n Shirt nations, riprove appetite, Sawmill 9 ‘ 5 iis mee sick Meadact hes, relieve bil- leavers 0 9 + 999 a] correct constipation. _— “ : ~ ‘ << . ' They ae thoroucht = Then again if the Beavers play ORMES Liwi Teo the same style of game in the future that they did on Friday CEERI 50 )){ 1 is very probable that each Ht Bidngs | RGR) eves ote ceo as teaes Out | , | The Flavor | In a very nice letter Mrs, Bevil °° dwindles down to the final deei- 'sive outeome when the Colts, Red Sox or Sawmill play one against the other. A Canadian golfer, A, R. Turn. walked almost forty miles and says we neve! fntion how rice fresh fruil th Pacific Satkatoon recently, He was out » ba] : = ; ' ‘ Milk instead of cream an the links enjoying his game} She discovered itson a picnic for nearly seventeen and a half when they fourid® blueberries hours. all around them. It was the first time she ever * . . Gaptain F. R. Martin of Calgary, the Canadian Bisley rifleman, has ‘Really enjoved blueberries fieally enjoxad that returned to Montreal where he and it was my 1K ha will compete in the Provinee of brought ul theip delicate ae ve since tried it © flavor. Th + ‘Captain Martin was the. winner of| other ‘ ull ‘ "ithe Commissioner's cup awarded results. io the highest aggregate among Pacific Milk Co. Canadians attending Bisley. Limited Fourteen teams will be includec ee Seaver: ©. 2 in the Vaneouver and district TORY AY LADNER, @. 6. see a sale taint ~, football league so that the com- ing season promises to be one of — the most successful in recent The years. ' Essington Hotel |. smeemematy n tonight in the match against _ has been re-opened by ti frail Club on the Acropolis “Martin & Bush — Hill grounds: Dunn, Ed Ross, ! First class accomodation [}?. Donnell, Fanthorpe, West- for Visitors to Port = Sintth:: ‘Mesdiyven: Essington Burt and Campbell. eau eae aeaeeeenane 2 } a o oo * = Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 271 §| Notice to Advertisers * W. Longwill, Blue 270 is = e Day rhpotiay 5 Casual advertisements STEEN BELO? CWrL for insertion same day *# a 1 iba should be in the Daily # Sheet. Meta! Works News office before 10 a.m, @ e Agent er telat, Purondes Changes in advertisements # a -- i should be on hand before # Rovitery, 977, oe * 5 p.m. on previous day. * ‘ . > 5th Street and Pease Street {te eteenwvevretevene Prince Rupert B.C NAVIOABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT RK. S.C CHAP PTER 33.) The Fish il “and ~ Products Limited lhereby give notice that tt has, under Ser- CPP LIPO D OCI MCLEOD Ruy t Land Registration District at Prince ttupert, British Cotumbia, a deseription of the «ite od plans of a wharf proposed to PLUMBING AND HEATING be bullt ;a the Skeena Hiver near Hags front of Bloek re Rt CT LN SN ee A ea A OD Section Eleven, Block One, Range Pive, struct the said wharf. js f juty, 1920 ‘ EUROPEAN. PLAN $1.40 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE }| A "a Carte. DOOPOL OPI LDE OP DOL PIO be FOOT. BE } CANCELLATION oF RESERVE. "pa V. EVITT | District, le conneene nae Deputy aimster’ of Lands. Variety of Plants _in bloom arrived CHICKENS & BROILERS 3) CITY MARKET NOTICE NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that alb persons holding Crown Land’ or Lots in Phon® Green 607 1017 Sra Avonue fowusite subdivisions under agreement Dalgarno & Watts BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Clalisis in Light and Heavy Cou Sersaiet Repairs ant Alterations evidence that all Wases, whether i or Provincial, have been paid, found First Clase @taircese Work and \the agreements for sale ‘will be cancelled, Finishing as provided & “Land y Section 70 of the Estimates Choerfully @iven Meat Chapter 129, Kevisel Statutes of BRICK AUD COMOCRETE GBUH.DING sen a OEM. ‘ mu tele eas. CONTRACTORS Departinent of Sands, | Vietria, B.C, Abril ist; 1926, | Sport Briefs | } ‘a still further close’ play, for it, made 925 strokes on a course in} Quebec Rifle Association meeting. | were nthorpe, J. Jackson, A. Crages, | wood, W. Sloane, E. Harding and} Hamilton,|/ing her te be the reincarnation ¥ a m7 of the said Act. deposited with the it TE utister of Public Works at Ottawa, and & ALL 3 the Land Registry Office for the Prince} = port in suid Province in ENGINEERS iA. & and C., being a mt of Subdiwision Estimates furnished. Coast District, aud Blocks One ead Two ibeiag part of Distriet Lot 4445, Range Five, Coast Distriet in said Provipes. Address,. 3rd Avenue, head AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ez- . piration of one month from the date of of Second Street. he. first publication of thi notice, The ish Ol] and Produets Limited will mnder) Phone 174 — P.O. Box 274 tection Seven of said Act, apply to the| Vinister of Publie Werks at his otMfee in| he nee »” the City of Ottawa, and for spproval of the ——_—_—_—___—__—— _ ——————- | said site and plans, and for Tove te co Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., thie 16th ‘Hotel Prince: Rupert § 0° "ss" Sormyre Kesar"? Phone 555 rn Avenue $| NOTICE 1S. HEREBY GIVEN that the reserve existing over Lot 4044, Cassiar Auctioneer | Landy Dopartraant. . : ictoria. Auditor and Accountant $) vind duné, 1920. 60a for sale from whom the purchase money on such lands or Townsite Lots remaining ippaid ts owerdue are required t make payment, within six months from the date f Unie Notice, either of the full smount due, together wth interest thereon, if ny be due, or & substantial proportion of such- amount, whieh inmvet 61 least cover ‘the fall tuterest due to dete, together with ——a— —e_ NAZIMOVA IN CLASSIC DANCES “Stronger Than Death" is Dra- matic Story of Life in, india. deseribe it as the most ambitiou yel done by Nazimova. “Stronger Than Death’) is a screen adaplation.of the brilliant There is still one postponed) Playing the: fascinating role of} Tomorrow Afrigtht game to be played between the|a Lendoen musie hall dancer who Sawmill and the Beavers and then|finds romance in the heart of In ail die teams will have played terfidia, the superb Nazimova is com matches. If the Sawmill win thisjing te the Westhalme Thea postponed match they will elevate toni t. The Russian star's new iter standing to 500 and will re-jest “screen vehicle is entitied duce the Beavers to 200, With'"Strenger Than Death” and ad, three teams running so close the vance accounts of the production inal issue will be truly thrilling.’ novel by I. A. KR. Wylie. It is a) story Of a beautiful and s poetic love, which develops between a nan and a woman placed by fate into an afmosphere of danger and | swiftly “moving events. Stirring | youve ove works 'drama at all times illumines the) jnarrative, making it one of those stories that gets a strong hold upen the emotions of the spec.| tator. Briefly, it concerns one Sigrid Fersen, © favorite’ of Paris and London theatres, who arrives in an English army barracks town ideep in the jungles of India. She meets a hostile reception from} the small and gossipy community of British, but her personality wins them after her first test. Falls in Love. She falls in love with a physi cian, known as the hermit doctor, who is devoting his life to treat ing the native Hindus during an | epideme of cholera. Because of| { lthe harshness of the British com- mander of the post, and a wrong 1¢ had committed against the ride of Vishnu,” a sacred dancer ome : {of the temple, the native troops incited by the high priest of the jtemple, plan a revolt. On the night the uprising is to | | take place, with a massacre of the} whites as its object, Segrid goes to the temple steps to dance in H.jthe moonlight, as her lover had often dreamed of her doing, Her| lithe figure, in flowing w hite, Hills the natives with awe, and believ- of the defiled “bride of Vistuu,’ they fall down to worship her. She dances until she is exhausted, in order to hold the blacks from their contemplated revolt, and by 80 pine enables British rein- forcements to get up and save the situation. Classic Dances, Nazimova’s dancing is of the | } } } | classicl sort. She wears mo; white, flowing garments of the Greek dancers, This style of}, terpsichore is much affected among the gigls and young wo- imen of the present day. Parents | send their children to scheols to learn the poetry of motion. AUNT DOLLY WAS in Alaska. Everyone who knows Tenakee of Alaska has passed on, street. ; houses where her cooking and her ihusher. holidays in the horth. | | A SOUTHERN SLAVE Was Well Known at Dawson and | the hot springs town, kuows)| “Aunt Dolly,” says an Alaska ex-} change. They know her humor}- aud her philosophy and = have listened to her tales of frontier days by the hour. “Aunt Dolly” | is dead. One of the characters} Mrs. Dolly Nelson “Aunt Dolly,’ i born a slave in Maryland some- thing over 85 years ago, died at Tenakee after a very brief ill-| ness. She was buried the next day,’ Commissioner Case conduct A ing the services and the whole! population of Tenakee fotlowed| her body to its last resting place under the big spruce trees at the end of Tenakee’s one and only “Aunt Dolly,” after securing her freedom through Abraham Lincoln, her idol, came west and took part in all the stirring times| incidental to the winning of the west, She was a skilled cook of| those Inscious Southern dishes) _ that have made the South famous, FOR SALE th: world over. A true daughter, of the frontier, ghe came North! with the Klondike rush and went to Dawson and other camps of| the interior, She operated road.| TK AMSTI i Ww AN ! hp AT ONCE - Apply Prince humor cheered many a weary | Don M. MacArthur of North) Pacific Cannery came into town on the train last evening, Don ia a student at the University of B,| > > . who Jj# spending his summer mee sea newe AERATED WATERS BEAVER ROTTLING ere ees Oe nee ee ny ee USINESS DIRECTORY These are Good Places to Make Your Purchases w hen You go out to buy et ee Ee Et tt Ht tt A a Hg FURNITURE AND GENERAL LA OCABSE Caney MERCHANDISE WILPRIO GRATTON Cor Third end TH Phone Ureen for serond hand Mirn ture FURNITURE FRANK SRooHU Tiird Ave hom Oreen 442 oe nqeneseeeeEre-—weeneewasemas.© FEED STORES PRINCE RUPERT FEED 00. , CROCKERY a NOTIONS New heattes. cer Yad Ave sad Tm Bt THE DENNY ALLEN 00. CLEANING AND PRESSING —_ ar —- FIsH MERCHANTS, RETAIL ARTHUR'S MARKET THE BOSTON GRILL Third Ave. Phones 480 & 481. P.O. bow 683 " GROCERIES LINZEY'S PRINCE RUPERT GROCERY oe ‘ih and Pulte } ue ae at HAROW ARE ‘ HOWE & MORULTY aol Awe Stowes wipehendiory, paints ahd Piehormen's sup | pttes AND TOBACCO IMPORTED GROCERIES ALBERTA MEAT MARKET DRUGGISTS ---_ W. Jd. McCUTCHEON 2 CENTS PER WORD IN i Fifth Street thom 708 LAUNCHES FOR HIRE Launch “NARBETRONG,” Prone Black 400 LAUNDRIES CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY PAINTERS AND DECORATORS FRED SCADDEN ixth amt Praser Vinnw lireen tte tt et tt ts BE PAINTS AND OILS The A. W. €008 OO wl laine its ’ ml = Wallpay PAINTERS AND DECORATERS TAILORS OFLL & CROBOCETT Phone 477. PLUMBING STEEN & LONWOWILL Phone &. RENTALS ’. W. HART ' w Hinek® 4514 SIGN PAINTING Sttt & cnosenTT Phone 477 SHEET METAL WORKS Ererything 'n Sheet Metals nown8's 4 ul A re ‘ STEEN 4 LONOWHKLL Prone G. =. T. Lee ~— Re A ee MIA MONTH Sub- Youth about sixteen Prince Jtupert Dock and Knginee: SITUATIONS WANTED thant or company. Any} Experienced N.«& fac. than Pur- Amount, Ww Fennible ign for eave ulars Le eR ee em STEWART LOTS ? “fhupe rt dis. FO SALK.Lot 2, Bloek 10, Map 06, Slewarnl Townsile, rice $1 uu, Lita jek adjoins bust hess SeeUen on Sexle Street Apply Datly News oflice uf Ke- (ana- independent ‘HOUSES FOR SALE Of WINK HOMK, best residential eection Moderate Lertnis hel renewal gerson, Heal Katate, Insurance, mention- Notary _Pubtic. and references Bute Lopae MEETINGS — L0HMie 1051 LAVAL, Chitin Moose mera every Monday evening at the Dee p Sen Fisher men's tell, if: “f AUCTIONEER. AUCTION OF PRIVATE SALBS)* 5 conducted, on your own prem ines or in our sales room M. Leek, Auctioneer, Second Ave. i Section 2. ff FARMS FOR SALE anageric Pp. it, FARM LANDS—-The rich wholesale prairies of Alberta, Saskatche Had | wan and Manitoba are especial. box} jy suited for mixeg farming. vt Land that will produce his | crops of grain and fodder, and well adapted for dairying or wer Pe livestock raising can still be | 93 | had at prices averaging about Station, Vancouver, B.C, (Porm PF.) Certificate of improvements. NOTICE with eluteh and all com. whore bh Machine Shop. 25-40 h.p. Medium IPOR SAL, Ky Hosch | PUrpone of obtatuing @ Crown . Union; prive Apply box 894, city. fh upert Feed Ae Prive 'PURISUED SUITE * St. Phone hed 94. Louis looms. a | | “Sitwer Tip te ’ Mineral (Clatm . ps Fairlow en-jpettuate in the Naas River Mining Division i f Cassiar District Hroup Seo J.) TAKE NOTICE that John Hogh Memon OQ [Adtainiatratos of the FHatate of Charice PS wanset, Free Miners Certificease No ah #46-C, latend, sisty days from the date above etaim. , IN per-)” And further take notiee thet action, un M. der seetion 85, minet be conunesred before the issue Of such Certificate ef Improve Uf | ments xo DATED thie tat daygof May, A.D. 1090 JOHN HUGH MeMULLAN {1 EXAMINATION POR INSPROTONS UF STRAM BOUL AND MACHINENY, launeh, with cabin and good engine. 2 Apply Daily News, fosusl salary $200.00 per month with pro vision for anh annual advance Of $14.00 per Daily News Classified Ads. ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than SOc LADICS AND GENTS a —~3 —~——— ’ t “ ie Werks ap te 1? o chore ; ‘ i : tee Niner « hehert F Meiinnt ; $18.00 an acre, with twenty Or x, » yoate to pay if you wish. Only | oe doe f ri 4 a. fn ste at Trnpre vet t* {0 per cent down, No. furtheg itor we purpose of obtaining & Crown Gra paytuent on the principal until the ‘end of the fourth year; Lhen jder sertion 85, must be commeneed bet sixteen annual payments, In- bnonte terest 6 per cent, UH, G. Lough. | ran, Canadian Pacific Hailway) ‘ and MINERAL AU, Cigar Phone uf Baldo sallnas ' Sisteen mites up the at |Sitzeum liver, ear the Dolly Varden hereof, Wi apply te the Mining Heeorder for a Certifeate of bprovetnenty, for the ant of the Competiive elaminetions for tmapector of Steam Boilers and Machinery wih be it ? id in the Partiament Mulidings, Victoria, ‘, Commencing August 28rd, 6020, ;the fell act, apply to the Mir Vublic Works, Otiawa, for appteve ‘ald site ahd plane and for leave te eon KITSUMKALLUM SCHOOL, Ma). wth tay t . and | COmmpet on tO preeent Soho imemee Ot ite § * Hopert Kiectorasy . : . * can he « rf ite 418 . f August, 107 at ine a thew ment Agent (or ¥ ate i weMut f<4. Government agen tw - ve wert A Mee ’ tary to Ber area, & kali Sreqgear tee ‘ “ * , > aft ‘ { ’ ‘ MINEMAL Atl i ’ Certificate of improvements, ‘ ‘ ay i . ain + + , niver Mining ’ { Catsiar Die ‘ a : at \ a p of Wineral aie TARE NUTHCE ¢ f rin » (ifieate N 1ore Marten (iPrate f the afote clair And further take mott that action, wt aie f such Cortifcat r ing WATED thie tet day of May. 4.1, 109 Lew W.) PraTMOnP COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THR MATTER OF THE ADMINI@TRA THUN ACT AND IN THE MATTER (1F THE PS TATE OF DALTOMENG SALINAS DEChASLL . TAKK NOUTICN that by an Order of Iie Homer Jude Young dated the rd «(day 20, it was ordered that Wil Eaecutor of the Estate swear as to DATLD Use bith day of duly, 1020 WILLIAMS & MANSON, Rolicitors for the Parcntot, (AVIOADLE WATEHS PROTECTION ACT aK 5. Chapter 33 The Minteter of Publie Works, Govern teat of Hritieh Cotumbia, hereby gives notice that he has, under Section 7 this Act, deposited with the Minister Voblic Works at Ottawa, and the «tice of the Distriet Registrar of ‘the Lend Hewistry Distriet of Prince Rupert, Bf 4 description of the site and the plans of ‘) @htension to the Rasttern end © Hupert Wharf, Waterfront Block F., l'rince lupert Townaslte And \ake notice that after the expiration of one month from the date of the first ublication of tia nott the Minieder ‘ublic Works will under Serctior _|month to « wmasimum of 6400.00 subject trict the ead wharf oxthmation to sattefactory services, Application forme | and further information tay be obiained from the Citef tnapector of Steam oilers aud Machinery, New Westunineter, B., Cc. Dated at Victoria, B.C, thie 4th day ot July v0 4, KING, ’ Minister of Public Works ro Cer oorww wor nr wore fn eee THE SUPREME COURT OF HRITION , be at liberty of the ald Haldamero Salinas, a6 of the @nd day March, (020, after the expiration of me month from the date af the fire publica tion Of notice of the aald Order; unless in the meantime proaf te furnished to the iNewistrar of this Court at Prinee Ruper Hritieh Columbia, thet the eald Raldomer: Nalinas was alive subsequent to the said tnd day of March, 1420: And tt wae furtiter ordered that notice of the said Order be published im the Daily News, a newspep cireuiavag im Northers Britieh Colttebta for @ per'od of ene mouth Ur exroellen Cleaning and Bervice, = Canadian Steam Lau Phone indy LADIES’ BRACELET WATCHES Vancouver, BL MM Step tary Public For Quick Sa “ ‘ef $3500.00 r Rar j Ewa) ‘ an 2 $1500.00 Cab M. M. Step Red! Estate lnserentt el Shampoo Pat ‘ HAMPOO F NORTON i maseage # to get a facia! Rr feo ' bag’ . Pack Ot hair to 8" vat ment Ce ee vanter oe fi ta, fe os, & { fe reat Opporite Governmet! 210 4th St. Prom Hand Your Bageet® JOE BRO! Motor Transit P ae Phones 264,» a Quick “Delve beoerer® = PACIFIC ( CART able nom hells se waren We + pari