=WISHING FOR | An Unequalled — Herb Remedy WONDER HEALTH RESTORER We have a particularly good assortment. Page & Shaw’s bottled candies of many kinds. Pascall’s But- ter Scotch, Fruit Drops of many kinds. Lowney’s e . | “lhe private preseription of a Sticks in bottles. | . igreat Scotch’ herbalist contains Our Chocolates are of jnothing but herbs—no alcohol the best quality, Ganongs. ino drugs. Bladder troubles, Nervous com- The Pioneer Druggists plaints, Skin diseases, Piles, etc. Sir ee Willards, Neilsons, |e This Preparation contains the ; th as Sigrid, the Dancer, ii ee ‘best herb specifics In the world || : The price is right. lfor the treatment of Asthma and ‘ , ' , é6 kindred diseases, Rheumatism In * e lall forms, Stomach trouble, Fe- es Ad Ormes imited |male complaints, Kidney and | i ae) oo THAN DEATH” oe ones Nee Breathless Drama, and the Soul Thrill of a Great and Beautiful Love. NAZIMOVA IRISH PEACE Campbell Stuart and Sir Hamar Greenwood on Condition of Emerald Isle LOUINDIOON, Ap i At a Cal mat Greenwornd, said The Incomparable Siar " 7 ‘ Get a copy of “The Road t Phones 82,200 TRE REXALL STORE »P.0. Box 1680 jHealth’ and read the testimony those who have tried this u ‘ re medy. ' Adapted by Charles Bryant from the CHINESE CIVIL WAR coe r eke Novel of Anglo-Indian life by 1. A. R. Wylie On sale in Prince Rupert by ' ’ } il (Lal tl | ENDS SATISFACTORILY | tensity uxury faxes | | PINCE HUPERE UPUQ WO. i. | The civil war in China has not} Nn this hanpire ! \ ly lonly come to a speedy end; it has} bn ! ! \ \y apparently also come to a good | “ ; e “ce end, says the Manchester Guar- , . ; }dian. fhe northern forces so ‘AGED INDIAN FINISHES benny that ‘ liaving paid war taxes for}skilfully oulmanoevred the south-| . 1 i ili of + several years the jewelers/€’m as to cause their complete LIFE PRISON SENTENCE ‘ thie les peace and : es ; 4 collapse. In consequence the ut : have me pgs? cena tax lnaiter oF thie Antu fabtinn in su-| IN WRANGELL LOCK-UP { wi reduced from 20% to 10%, ing for peace, offered the dis-| ccadiuntfinns te ; : i a nc wale, Pandment of all the troops under | Sentenced to life imprisonment I ! ! Phe 10% war tax has als« his command. the solution of |in the Federal jail at Wrangell on been done away wilh, so that Ha rlinhiont 6) dismissal of|February 21, 1919, Harry Ketch we can setl you jewelry as | tre, \ sters and the|koon has completed his sent cheap as ever. So don't be!suppression of the Anfu Club, It|death being the agent of freed: j afraid of the Luxury tax. ould be fatal to consider these|!le Was the first man to serve a ' t estate aie, Ws mere incidents of a local poli-{Ufe sentence in the Territory il intrigue I terms offered Ketchikan was a native ind hing less than the utter/Was convicted of the I | em irist and pro-|Marie Kushnik at Saxman Bay 0 ni Ul er syst which dominated|four and one half miles ‘ rhey mean the suc-|Ketchikan, On account of his axe Jeweler ee dw igh ikable and pro-jand enfeebled physical condit | ess ent that/lie was not sent to a penits 5 I las swept over Cl i of late. and/4s it was realized that he « d Poe ee eee hat is a ‘ lh marks the/mot live for very long. Leedoers Seidom Meet end of what ‘ may call the N i t At race I - MSTRY AG ' : “protectorate” era in the Far LAND REGISTIY . e Rast It s} nt Sa nedhanere (Sections 36 aud 134 : to wait long in order to see ‘the! 4, application No, 11998-1. File 6373 refleetion f this in Japan's TAKE NOTICE that application ta i NAZIMOVA IN “STRONGER THAN DEATI” . foreign policy 4 beginning js |ade to register Jotm A murray,’ of Prince i a { = ¢ugrested | : GS Kupert, Bb. C., as owner it fee under , Canadian Pictorial Ro ane ree re tax Sale Deed from the Uollector of tm : at In Section Gne we offer for ognize the State and Govern-| ¢ny of Primed Mupert, bearing dat ‘ y, they one fifth the assessed value ment formed in Kastern Siberia.| 23rd day of Mectober, 1919, of ALL AND i ; a ee pS NS thee Ts 6 es |} SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract several desirable ind@strial | dha ghd pireebieeh ettulifc, ‘tyiie aid belts |, ° and residential sites. This MISTOOK BOY FOR jin the City of Prince Rupert, more pa a . | ticularly known and described as | property is by far the lowest Six Biock Twenty-nine (29), See le es O me ea re onlg priced ever offered near Mc- §! COYOTE AND SHOT jMon Une (1), (Map 023 You ere ii { t 4 . . CG : 7 . . juired Ww Culllest the clan a ttn ls : pride ein Sestion Ons. A REGINA, August 16 Mistak = eames within 36 days from th ate . py Admission 7 ° x65 55c¢ and 30c few hundred dollars will give , oe 5 ea cd nb aal f the service of this notice (which. may | a iupa A ve, = mAs Ute ECN-| be effected by publication the Dal ‘ - . you deed to one of these lots. veyvier is s near Angelside, | News, Prince Saeinees fi baa ir atte ‘ 1 Village t far from this city, |! called to section 36 of the “Land i 10 2: “"liry Act’ with amendax and 1 i it jane unas, 4 : ‘ 5 ‘following extract therefroa + ' 1s Ss CHES}! Ww Bes yuu McCaffery Gibbons Mis Gladys Orehard and Nina san in Sefault of a caveat itilicu juim Wel ‘ ihertie ai south by the *Prineess Alice or the person entiti ule re awn it Show & Doyle, Ltd. ~ f ’ sale 7 Dersuns df ; ! . " ’ tab b A t — (benidebetea tees Suede r under them, an \ AND gents Min ; suns claiming any interest ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ iINERAL AGT, i land b virtue f any « E C 3rd Ave. Phone 11 Form | | igstrument, and all Dersons | clalt . LAND KEGISYRY AUT ngineering 0., imite ' meernaets - BE Saprernnen Under the provisions ‘of this Ac eee ee Operating—G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dr Pe sae ad rr Pe a Lee NOTICE shall be for ever estopped and de , ; barred from setting uj nt 4 \ Tip No. 4" Mineral Clatan a aamenes” of ste a Shere i Our Plant is Equipped to Ha ‘ i i ts Hive ineit sto | taxes, aud the Registrar ‘ ’ DENTISTRY $1" where westad;—Op- the. Bitgeule piven] fete OfTeon called Unde , she het ti We. MARINE AND z I Varden Group i for tases ’ y La ’ ivi : NE LCE RSS Beit eeiee We OMEN) AND WHEREAS application he A ee ed ate iene Don’t neglect your Teeth . ait 1s ve ul authorized | made for a Certificate of Indefeasit til “ i on f Primes pert, COMMERCIAL WORK One decayed or missing tooth fines’s Certifies 90387, aoe = eae gene man ORES, te sae Bee y 23) 8 ‘ tour lowers your efficiency Oar: mpg pe Ah pb erat ae eet | AND WHEREAS of investigating the tith M ' is ‘ | f Large and Small Vessels dry aes f img moents, for the purpose of ob- {tt appears that prior to the ¥th day of . « wit. c DR. BAYNE MAES. Leeae Srwes Or 4 = ye clan | October, 191% (the date on which ine said i \ ; ; be docked at one time in one and fur ke n tat action } ‘ j ‘ a be ve S ° ion ad 88. mimet the mmenced befor: | uds were sold for overdue taxes | i - i a i k ‘ i 9G Sees pereng:S | ons ~ f-surh Cer Me of innprove j Were the owners thereof, a5 sated opposite tl d 7 —— Engineers, Machinists, Boiler Make is hers dy, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, cad Firth this tnt Mav of Mev, A. (600.17 —, FRAPOCUVS EAS, | th ; Hines Blacksmiths, Founders, Patter? a ; . ne aE a rtata’ a pavenns PURTHER TAKE. NOTICE that at the A 4 nupert Tunecay, Pompesney and Fri seein tlhe’ teen A@eds renistbation I \\ y . . to P Giday, from a | pursuance of such application and tseu ; HE ha ; ae We Solicit Your Enquire® 3 a0 DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE a Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the 1 A hg Ph gu ih wih O.B 1713 Phones 4 PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT said lands in the natne of Jonn A. Murray, by publica i bal Yow P. ° Ox ‘ . an Ore vuless you lake and prosecute the proper 1869 — 600 Branches — 1919 Attention silent PRINCE RUPER rT, BA. LaF re ee -en proceedings to establish your claim Land Neg ° on af - ments, and wo the following eat darpenseqimagiiieemmreeinmbentinecomataniiations eee any, to the said lands, or to prevent suct from ’ } proposed action on my part and in default f @ caveat or ceruf a - anne Dated at the Land Hegisiry Office, Prines rate of ie onde being filed before emenctiidiaietereens Rupert, B.C., tis 16th day of April, A.D the east - > _ ow or oe ye per ? en 1920. ule aurh ta “ ai: bere ms BO ferved With notice I £ LAR * ita Ae H. FP. MACLEOL 1d thoee claiming Ulrough a District Hegistrar a: Titles or alee Wa and ell porsune ¢ vin @ lTo Elle Mason ; ( ink any interest in the land by wirt oo > 5 , any registered imstrument, and Milner, B.., registered and assessed Hf os ei lnion bye aye ‘in Lf, g we i siete the land by descent (* r snisets 0 Murrett bot regisiered under LOOKA . "eae s ears j ) oo tas oe ' . of this Act. shall be for “THE Cow: | ater, Mortgeagee aie lebarred from “ = . b ‘ c y | Young Men and Young Women fp Siiio"se to respon [, Eee COHEN) mA itt siall resister the per . - x sale @ “4 have greal opportunities Gr an et aoe mom e mon é 40 ACRE “| | AND WHENEAS application nas been} ! 9 nade fo erufieate ndeflea e Tu | to-day. gM Me a oy | tf Hubert U, Crewe | FRUIT LAND They never had better tints “it spear? that pric Wo ine 4th aay OUR COAL IS IN THE LEAD ac @s C chances to make and to M evober, 1916, (the date om Which the When it comes to quality, Four mites from ‘Terrace, two save money. Now is the you wore: tin Femisserea, assessed or equil a Oo ‘ ay j ic ¢ room frame house two acres bay ; Oe PUIVTHEI TAKR NOTICE that at the and you will always find sliced or halved. po ag oy aOR i Ag 9S et time to lay the foundation adan tae” | Senet olde’ ealtteaiins Tal : here the right kind for every : About four hundred thousand fect of future prosperity by cul- PETER ce Of futateaelbiee Vida in the mala Ae purpose, 3 t f $1 saw - limber must be logged tis eat : g Af tends in the hame Of Hubert 0 cCrewo, “No matter what you need ins ror winter aul delivered at sawmill on tivating the habit of thrift. migge you tehe s vl pt soagle the proper fe coal for cooking, healing, mie wey 3 ae oe I re a Savings Department any "oie aald eae. 2 fs Weargat Suck | : ae pe Oe : PRICE $1,500 ON TERMS. h , & eave proposed action on my part 7 ‘ power we have See our windows for rupber will more than pay for land ! at every branch of this bank, Haren at the Land Newisiry (mee | “ COAL THAT 18 RELIABLE other specials + orden satan yindlecal «oie F exgam The staff will be glad toshow you F)rnn Rupr ogg, tne fmm aay en | . : how to make the first deposit : ; 1 At a f penn, f ‘Tint “ 4 t it (td K B & C Viatriot ewistvar ¢ 1 . cs ; to Western Dominion Land & lavestment Consumers 0a 0,, : Rupert Table Su | Co enney bros. 0. iis $33,000,000 colette ld J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager * . Real Estate Brokers, Capital and Reserves wey, Phos, 0. Pattullo, Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 PHONES 214, 212. ) Terrace - - B.C. Total Resources $470,000,000 Arthur G.. Mitchell | es a ; } } i Witham J. keansugh, — aR oh ia RE EE } A il aly, ——