,ycust 18, 1920, THE DAILY NEWS day ’ - ‘~ Mrs. W. H, Vickers returned up en ri he line today on a’: p trip 1 Local News Not mi ews 0 es ie ae liludson left f Port J ‘ | at it m by the pass ‘ trai | Ask for Atkins’ Sausage. this Morning. i. + } chow wants | Mrs, W. D, Moxley returned { rou. Griftth of Queen Charlotte | : ned hey home in Cedar thi City is a visilor in the city | ‘ é ‘ . jinerning train Dance at the Auditorium Fri | Mr. and Mi; , Ma day evening, Refreshments. 05 among tho the Hupert t , \rehie Grant returned from up : > EES AMY 7 er by the passenger train yes r. B. Hooper, city oft 0b Sener De Gay i brief trip to tl ly a OLE OND . . ‘ : ‘ , Mee i Father MeGrath returned .7 get , e ; Sf lee mse 1) rive ; ‘ “ar . p river by the train last} 49. 4, a bs T all summer camps—on petey * ha ed from the ’ the lakes and in the James Lamb of Cassiar arrived|** “ed up atth mountains—whipping trout streams, paddling tite city from up-river last {POrarns FEA. canoes and when you are “just lolling ’round” 3 ning. Phe sve {the ¢ —OLD CHUM is the holiday smoke. < —always tasty Vhroe pairs Ladies’ White Hose | {Cerne ar The happiest recollections of .summer 2 for £1.00 at our Sale. Jabour| ¥ Ft he vehin pleasures are associated with OLD CHUM z teothare os n sbiay t the f ‘ o ufins col 1 and muffins nearness * "1G, T. P. wharf se i ith Ee t—Engle Br ind gives sing: 3. Maoen of Gkidewete ’ , We It is an old, old fone every Ee ; acon oO ‘idegate is pean ; : — ! ' t ‘ = ema distinc tive sP leasing : i recent arrival from the Queen ots : : , i» ; ’ : . smoker loves great _ FAA we **The -_ that harlotte Islands. the G walk rus : det J Zz oon A ia VC ” eere? sp saves the sugar { rs 5 g of Sunnyside On th th he J Z agle Brand is excellent for M ¥ ‘a : “" innysid ee ‘pe rteian as BS > z ed in the city by 1@ passen- pant 7 m= ‘ al ke and confections « of all kind coe damien EE Bibntion j ves AN ~ A f b d —and abiuselne ’ - , mone y Day. the en local : or breads—an = . id bai aah ‘ baseball player, left lazelt / ih i ilk anid suger are u Three days of whitewear sale, |: re N Our recipe booklet free rh day. Feidey and Sétirdey|"" the train this - = THE BORDEN COMPANY 7 ee ' — Br Ltd % ll later proceed t = > F. . rae LIMITED 4 eck. . abour ros » Ltd. 9h) sendaiiahe ; Vy 1 SS Canada 8 Favorite ; ERY? A ° 9 \ ee he ee nae ~ , activ inven s ° My Sind ; Pipe Tobacco rom « mou / “0 im ji “4 . . 1 by yesterday evening's lelegation W i y4) also put up in pound tins for week-end and ‘ —_ 2 ‘ . g “sa . ‘ \ W oliday trips. V1 WDD ae ” . | \ D 2» AY \. Swanson of Anyox has , ‘ ) “e 4 a p WA ! ba m the ty ate ' ! i . Ne al ' ? 7% IS e for hie rth ft . 5 a apm - CONDENS 0 D MIL K , os ih, iieahieimiiacatliteibiieil Messrs. ¢ KS s ind «# } ~ ! Ne j a3 ‘ artless reli denied laid Fi \ t 20 per cent MAAS 24 Sale Ja B " 4, UA Pe ' Of ‘ f INA ' % Opus \ e h YUKON RIVER IS es aN AND ger train yesterday j . Ww te ¥ PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. : : Cart ! CEILING FINISH OF ALL KINDS i “ “MP left f ' u \ “a diiiciiaentietn iiae socieaniil il eet aca ceae Die nig , ut _ Ss. 0D ) ‘s Ltd Ch vue | Charlotte Islands Spruce Produc's Ltd. ; a > M ; oh uur mod sipmen i si methods, pene re ' \ \ ; Mills: Prince Rupert, B.C. proacuce @ W wh Gacsome i \. Db. Moxley of Cedarva ‘ Sole Agents: ALBERT & McCAFFERY Mis \ 1 M. Moxl \ \ Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephones, 564, 116, Blue 69 lutritious réa cai cee die e | : tra yest jus : is ——— ds are all made from High-class Material T nderatood that Hon, CC. | sai vot ‘ TRY THEM \ will leave for the south tl Th r Stadacona on Saturday and i i | il S a Cass se Ba ery ‘ d tive days in the vicinity (th see no reason , Srd Ave. Auto Delivery a, 100 Va ’ and Victoria befone |) wh j ‘ ld be held 6 Sun —- Sere SEs SE en ee jing eas e ge th t ; ea Sptal THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPREHENSIVELY EQUIPPED SCHOOL ure. TI an ; ae ¢G i i \ OF MUSIC IN THE DOMINION. , SU) ee Whe MLdd back teller ate. re : \ RE-OPENS SEPTEMBER Ist. 1920 , ter W hay : Sore sy j “ = e A Faculty of internationa) reputation. Lectures on Musical History, Rudi- ‘ M ind Mrs Jol Mecha ‘ \\ ee Two Concert Halls. Large Concert ments, Piino Peylagomics, ete. e } | j t} \ n Fast for some 1 : Dat I Organ aes a aff Weill a d Ni pmen’s ~ Fock ha a " 7 — , | GCartts I @ i le facilities fo: Pract T ‘ Swilabus iave anot 1er “ ‘ turhing to th hom \ ain ig Stadedie’ Ginchealin Enscmble Classes, Women's Residence Cale ndar wil’ be . , ’ , . y ete. Students’ Weekly Recitals. Free sent to any dress en requesh all Shipment of , , emt, stall ty aad ' ‘ I LOCAL EXAMINATIONS FOR 1921 \\ tt Ht Tater dicat« { iy pla is the value will be held throughout the Dominion, according to locality, in June and July, 1921. ff ‘ n ie Stewa awye bie . 4 : . es ? Visi in th ity from Stew-[0 oF i : Fe : : “ er and liowevet me ’ t = —_—_ sart Was ently in Vieteria , we . ») ’ i « iD nnection with!’ ‘ ’ : ‘ i t dis = aoe ee rca ‘freact ) | Pf \ the incorpo rof the northern s. N 7 W | P . R \ oy 5 i siy } t byw , ASER own ie ak Sehouely /sate” 1. rahe otel Prince Rupert lhe Union steamship Chelohsin |fetne ul ‘ Ad rm ‘ the sailed for the south last evening Ask f \ py of “The onan ae or. I ! ells 326 j . or da . p th ; nd carried a number of passen BUS SERVICE TO HOT i ea “ ht 7 TIMBER SALE X 2: : p y © animals con - rs for points on the way to i 5s the persona it te ihe ' tent Vancouver, A corsiderable num SPRINGS AT LAKELSE t y who have used w se led i uders will be received Dy. the Vi ee CAFE MAaNnC---sani- b of Japanese arrived on the 7th day of Uctober, 1920, fur the pur- | s A La “arte. ---pr ’ — hase of Licence temcut 6,101,008 Profitable to ke ep The demand far and transferred to the boat, Visitors to ! se Hot Springs i of Hemlock , one i 3. SE eat re : : ) : s an area t . away, exceeds the peti ie oiet pat sorting fron M \. Db. M “ t AS Rivers. Inlet g. Coast ‘Distrte supply ltaymond A, Fisher, son of Mr. Perrace by notifying G, Al Wait if Dighy Island neve 9 fit be allowed fur Pe- i a . pre Sfiand Mrs. W. 8. Fisher, Fourth snd ivory mas k Garage. Te ‘ Mrs, ensku : sper parties Sirs ti “porester, Prunes ; A. &. GRAY j ‘ Avenue East, is taking up a spec- Som eel noe w Ford car and we ; a ~~ — } Teacher of Piano sii ial agricultural course at the Uni ee thia business. ieapen-| wy i ‘ es sri y ‘ NAVIGABI E W ATERS PROTEC TION ACT ; Studié 187 Second Avenue " ' vw ¢ ‘ ; ‘ “ii i> ’ Thien : ae versity of B.C. at Vancouver dur- ible | rat Wy Mis ‘ who Ww spend a and Pr Limited ; PHOVE Blue 421 or 444 ’ i ing the summer holidays, but will A eee he \ : were that’ it jer See oe s i y that arrive in Kupertein about a fort- MINERAL ACT, vedi llth ta Be toa i Act, sited W un ithe : cae ' v ‘ hd sia . o ape . uve ! 4 : Land Regis Omee for the Pringe this is ritghe ¢ pend w# few davs with hi Certificate of improvements. LAND AC'l am i a A Kewistey a District at Prin + : Yet your parents before resuming the fall pert, British Columbia, a lescs of ch iene an \ or term at the college. 4 ' \ situa FORM OF HOTICS iro fads in: nthe Sheune ueer y ‘ roe ; _— 4 e Fractional { ~ : i said r ince inefront : *. 4s the Naas iver M ’ Be. rn tae te \ ‘ NSTAICT—DISTRICT [LB aad ‘ga part of Subdivision p | & W tt Yesterday morning Rural Dean /Digutet e bead of All AS feet be Blew Oe he ef ‘ad Ted a garno a S \V } Kushbrook, skipper of the arm Limited, | be ing art of District Lot 4445, Kange - BE NOTICI ! Alex. M, Manson TAKE N : ¥ ; eS | ice sans Dlaiel cat rovince. Anglican mission boat Northern), ‘ane itupe , aClin ms aM ul etre per ane ive. nant | tagpice bp anid Provinee. Ms BUILDERS. AND CONTRACTORS nee A Gross, took Archbishop Du Vernet |for J.B. stark, Proe Mus ice Wing deseribed|piration of one month from the date of Specialists in Light and Heavy Con- rr Vancouver Millin & Grain ) S . fee SURO Th ee No. |) the first publication of this notice, The struction, > Repairs and Alterations. \ and a few others to Port Sin Arm, 5 one : : tat i at the Fish OF and Products Limited wilt under First Class Staircase Work und : Vest ayes , on se CO] S9TVOs%,. see ; 2 8 vers clon Seven of said Act, apply to the ee ae ; aby Co Limited SIE a eee eee ania\s abil hitor Cort rr In i. tine | Fait i ‘ Minister of Puh Works at his omMew ip Finishing ’ was held in St, Catherine's chureh ee tiaa’ ind s a Crow! w st the City of Ontata, and for approval of the Eatimates Cheerfully Given Office and Mill fo oung men and four yOUDK|the above cla we ee BRS, ENG Lar Hare a ee . ° four y And i not vat action ut 160 @ iruet the said whart +) BRICK AND CONCRETE SUILDING VANCOUVER B.C, women being accepted into thie oe he : j 7 La ted me Prine Kepert, B.C., this 16th CONTRACTORS { ! ' ‘ \ I i | ' \ 20 ehureh Choe party returned to) the | issu 7 ‘ LE FISM OIL AND PRODUCTS LIMITED . Rie OORT re y last evening " Dated bd At : by its Attorney, C. K, Betts, Seger TE CEE FOR ge RECO R AT