Ss AS Lanka British tested, The color charms ONG of Ceylon’s hill gardens where Tea is grown. grown, to suit British taste. Lanka seroma tempts—the Lanka —the Lanka flavor satisfies. } (| the kettle sings: Lanka Tea carefully blended and Ask your dealer for the Lanka package shown here. WM. BRAID & CO. Vancouver, Canada —~ IS A SUMMER COTTAGE EDOON COAL Ub. We have secured the agency for the beet Coa! found in the interior and ¢an supply any quantity. QOur prices include delivery Loose Coal - + $12.50 Screened, sacked, $13.50 Lump, sached - $1400 Per Ton De livered Frices on car |} applicatio Prince ce Feed C 0. Corner Phone [8 ee ee ee ee ae TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenue, West. VEGE rT 2 6 LES Sede and Metal! General Contractors and Labor, Exchange. Prince Rupert, B.C. “phone 547 — P.O. Box 725 4 E | Essington nolel has been re-openet Martin & Bush First class agcomodation for. Visitors to Port Essington 3 Night Phores - J. G; Steen, W. Lonewill, Blue 270 Day Phone 5 STEEN & LONGWILL Sheet Metal Works Agent for McClary Fufricaes ; Sanitary and . ' Heating Engineers i Sth Street and Fraser Street 371 E ; i Prince Rupert B.C +’ SMITH & MALLETT ed PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS Estimates furnished Address, 3rd Avenue, of Becond Street. { Phone 174 — P. 0. Box 274 head jWas jwinter, INDIANS SAVED FROM HUNGER Dr. F. L. Forbes ‘Peperte a Bigihis worship had erave Catch Along Upper Yukon and etna ies JONI nen AU, Fish, and its tributaries, th abundant and eheap th ud the Indians will have osperous se Me kha f the Bureau ‘ry Yukon isiting along ason,” orbes, district, his t Pp whotis Kthel Forbes. The eatch? by \\ large «ss the middle ruly is as seasén last year and ted in Forhes ‘Ther Dr explair of only the Ir extended dians poor, to the and the catch nds four ial iyes resulting fro fishin "he inane ng the nat = the rhe he poor muskrat merchants, saved by this spring. wh ; i iad carried tne bought quantities In Fort Yukon, the 75,000 for $1.50 After Christmas, SiAillsS sold with daughter, season last ye: cate the will be is a/that according to superintendent if Education in the | would a of | tor as that of the/cases the |in-law, August and/appeared from the oa fish last year | because it/been taken [rom the express offic but because [therefore spawning years | now will thas be correspond. | potted that O'Connor has threat depression | company mw natives on credit as much as $30,000 during the of the} natives and $2.00, the | shee tage of fish and an abundance The Smeeton Tea Rooms 309 Second Avenue for Home Cooked Meals Breakfast, Dinner and Siipier Fresh Home Made Bread Three Times Weekly Phone 655 827° 2nd Avenue Cc. V.EVITT Auctioneer Auditor and Te ieeted jor Provinetal, ie mien been paid, agreements for sale will eae i i Ina vd. leep s ians would be destitute because of th and caribe in the hil lands was like going in house to kill beef. for the illic r moose, the \iites as well as natives, wou ha been short of proper food. bor. territe ers ils iowever, now the unable to In the my range lower rut ling I hiter not been id whose and Forbes Yukon Lagle ith of Innoko, 2,500 mil navigable streams, has spe last two years in the interic covered the schoc times tra the lanes irom f the 2.5 the > he ritory 4hree 000 miles. were year of ia ter ling 7 1.700 miles feam. r. Forbes will leave next we for Seatiic, where he will conf vith W vieion tion. for the Bureau of Educ CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. GIVEN that 4044, NADEN, NOTICE 18 HEREBY rve existing over irict, tc cancelled. 6. Rh re for 18 uu Is and to! If} it} idl ry| trib u| to the upper} es nt wr. is}* v- Of course, made by dog ek er T. Lopp, chief of this di- the Casslar Deputy Minister of Lands. Lands Department, Victoria, B.C eared dune, 1920. NOTICE NOTICE 18 HENEBY GIVEN that persone Townstte for sale subdivisions holding Crown Lande or Lots tt under agreement fron whom the purchase money m such land® or Townsite Lots rematuing uupeld overdue payment of thit Netion, dee, tovether with iy be due, or @ substgntial such amount, Which et the full Interest doe @ date, toge evidence (hat all takes, whether beve thereon, yportion of Interest the as provided by Sertic 70 of ree Chapter 129, Tevine Stata les : G. KR. NADEN, Deputy Minister of fey were mt of Lands, ce B.C. April ae, 1980. jeast cover companies with extortion ithe matter. JANOTHER CROWD tit people,; Lieut. THE DAILY NEWS oo } ae A PRIVATE DWELLING? Upon Decision Hangs a Magis-. trate’s Judgment in Liquor Case. 2 CENTS WANTED. Rupert dis. representative BRITISH CO. WANTED triel, permanent m either x LUMBIA MONTHLY within a meaning . the Social, ary and He. the Cana. independent of m, Sub. renewal ing year as Pdueational Liter Maga West seet of enth heen mel cases ligious ine of dian iwirty, stantial cor up County | fact ons and M ing experie! Manager, 1. ¢ Street, Van WANTED You junior cl th about sixteen before} as Prince Engineering Up., uf Dock and nsework, First St v5 re chamber 15. if on Pho lack vd ST, THOMAS, August 47.—The | point of law whether a cottage at) " summer resort may be regard: dj } private dwelling the li of the Ontario Temper | lame c has ralsed in of Sa most evrious liquor that has come in the ret for some time. Last week License Commissioner Ross con-| ifiscated five cases of whiskey con signed to William O'Gonnor, a ero dren, See {Hamilton man spending the sum- references, imer at Port Stanley. During the 1100 Bute inight the whiskey was stolen B.C. from the express office. O'Connor appeared County Police Magistrate Hunt) yyry charged with getting liquor fer) pita. the purpose of sale. After hear-;———————— ing the evidence the Squire stated; WANTED (ait that in his opinion the defendant! Apply Mrs, Cad was Within his rights in wetting}, ANTED ron liquor, providing it Was to be) taken to private dwelling, but doubts (WANTED Heo being a { Hotel therefore} one miaitd, a Apply jabout the sumuter cottage v5 private dwetling. Ie reserved judgment for in order to inquire further entral ante “SITUATIONS WANTED INLO WANTED ind coal mere Pp as manager lesale Had box vt } salesn whi O'Connor admitted in court! he shared the cottage with his brother-in-law, and the Squire} expressed an oplnon that this make the cottage other ICOLERK WANTS f than-a private dwelling. yin yy ‘ ' Ai the same time that O)Con nor’s Whiskey was seized, Inspec Ross alse ated ten consigned brother and they have d nupany Apply Ny ce rant arge Dattby oxpy &o STTION Any teady confise to the also ~ FOR SALI S O'Connor, through his counsel, ; jeontends that the liquor w not his pessession and had not ¥ express « he is not guilty of of the O.T.A, If decided in his favor yetor cu and the case iia [>y rr , me it lation is sm ne t! the ainst against and Ross, ened suil express In also ag PPFOR SALI gine, with plete, H. D spector tot M at ad. ve SALE 25-foot vu rneine . M one Cow HEARS LECTURE. aoe it Lb hep ash sale will acerpt Ae vgre Waddell 9) FOR SALE—Cann D Isabelle, noth fi.. enzine 50 hip Apply runahe “ For qu aso Lieut. Heimsing of Navy ps Gets Another Good Reception. tender {t.. bea I ms hox 804 ry n if excellent turs od Helmsing in his| lecture on the “Blockade of Zee- brugge Canal” which he delivered! at the Westholme Theatre last! night after the first Al. though this was the time ithe lecture had been here | FOR was as ally) “« received at first. ; #8200 Helmsing fluent | speaker and his lantern slide made the whole address teresting and enlightennig ing forth the conduct and effect of this naval coup plainly before all. The officer mentioned Lieut Alex Young, son of Judge and, bom F. McB. Young, of this city, | aleo went through the gagement. The speaker was troduced by J. F. MeGuire, man of the locat branch Navy League. Lieut, Helmsing expects to re- furn south by the Prince Rupert _——— night. DEALS WITH THE STEAMER SITUATION - Another greeted Lieut. wut ' ric S100 city ANTED AT ONE] val ¢ Apply Princes it econd Ave TRAMSTER W i nt rm es show : nd given ' Then ye ALJ Abin ne News just enthusiastic as Apply Daily is FOR went FURISHED Lin most ine suiTt ro I Phons bring- s | STEWART LOTS BALA hi Lot 2, Block lownsile This bot adjo on on Sisenh Daily News 10, Map 005, Price, S100, liése Apply HOUSES FOR SALE HOME, best Moderate Heal bstats Pubtic. Mrs. who watt busi Street en. lis Ine] sect othee chair-| of the} residential Hel Pink section terms gerson ty Notary Looes MEETINGS [LODGE 1051 LOY AL (iiiina ‘ or Moos meets every Monday Any jugeling with the steam-|, evening at the Deep S@0 FAhet ship service of Alaska, declares mar hale. the Valdez Miner, woflld be a dis-| — , astrous blow to the Territory, and AUCTIONEER. would probably give people werous the worst times they have ever experienced, It may be true, mits the coast paper, that the sleamship companies charge huge} freight rates, but they are in line with other charges. Up to two! years ago our people had little to complain of in their treatment by yp agq the eteamship lines. ' Fares were cheap, freight rates were reason- | able, and we had good service.! When one considers that twelve ships of over two thousand tons! ul PRIVATE own BALI prem- AUCTION condu on ted, on your in sales M. uctioneer, Second Ave, 2. tf our our room, ises oF Leek Section LOST at es Mu naceo watch if Avenue afternoon, tin Reward Mighth sday in 1 re. turned West. to 432 ccerneneerent et itanae T eTnetsibis altieach are plying to Alaskan waters | tiwith a population of but about 30,000 persons to serve, it must) are required to make/be seen that charges must be high within sit months from the date either of the Tull sapere, if we are to have the boats. It is unfair to charge the steamship) in the) INSPECTONS UF AAD MACHINENY, EAAMINATION PORK STEAM BOILERS @itace of present high prices, examinations for inepector Compr titive Machinery Will be of Bieam otters and held in the Parhiament Buildings, Victoria, W. G. Pinder of Queen Char-|t. ©, commencing August 23ra, 1098. Ingtial salary 200.00 per month with pro Motte City is a visitor in the City,| yijon for an annual edvence of 810.00 per . a to & Maxinum of $200.00 subject having arrived on the Grand o satisfactory service Appiication forme Trunk steamer Prince Jobn last: ana further information may be optatined evenin from the Chiel inapagetor of Steam toners | &. lend Mechinery, New Westminster, &.. G now ente., Rupert) * icheebe, 93) Daily News Classified Ads. PER y IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken tor Less than 50c —_ ~—— FARMS FoR SALE P. RB ARM LANDS The rie oh] prairies of Alberta, Saskatche wan and Manitoba are especial ly suited for mixed farming, 1 that will produce big crops of grain and fodder, and well adapted for dairying or ne . 7 . nerrecr Tt) CONTHAt TOM: liv Lock raising can still be Seated jeonders superecribed Temier tor ' tad at prices averaging about! Siteumketm seneot wit be rertives I a ® by a Mevter tar abode ihe uM tr ot £18.00 acre, with twenty we wks wp t aul noun 6s Ra ay t oft wee years to pay if you wish, Only) 9+ es” diesen 10 per cent No furtheré om eau present KEES ceetem eter te rriner payment on the principal until pretest, 1 . tpn vied the end of the fourth year; then), (0%. Vip sixteen anhual payments, In- | oiMer_er "i i Maehowy, Feq terest 6 per cent. H. G. Lough- | noose, veneouver ran, Canadian Pacific Railway), " wetuiin. Keg Station, Vancouver, B,C, uv Mi nen, keg a and KITSUMKALUM SCHOOL we ‘a an m te ti an in down, dpectiioat @ay of Aurust, ” ran te : SUP, at ine thovernment Agent + toveenment Harper rt Arent lary wo seh Department nat ' _ hy >” / est , ‘ional one Market Prices k, POREMAN rete Works Pngincer | : ? ' partment Meats. Ih. nece eeariey Atl Sirloin steak, lieef pot ib, jieed, eliuck roast, tb. Reef, mb reast, ib. hs ef, boiling, tb... llamburger, per ih. y beef, per ib., Gorned beef, per tt., iD., per MINERAL rea et, : Ceriiteote of tmorevements Stewink THe and 2 inh, io, per Lamb Mirtoon, Mutton of in stew rng whic it ib solder mutton. tb f tton h lider r Veal muulder, heed, per Har sliced Ham, sinoked, Salt backs (hioken, per ib. per it. Pickled pork, per tb, Cooked Spere riba, Neast ham Rotogna, per Ib. ellied Longue Hroilers Untves tliver, Cooked beef tongue, 5 Dairy Produce. per th itler COORINE per Limberger cheese, Fowl, sliced, ib., ham per per * ter R pert and f Maret 8 beer tet he of » tte laity Seortierren — © t i de WhLitAw@s Aout { wee rf the ssid Oréer tee Sees, & fee epaper British Cotenetts ih Ib. a 1o9e Batter, ihe ve it ite fAVIOAPLEY WAaTrHS ih... athe t tite Hhe ews case wile eggs iand M coh Ste Oth Ma Camb honey “« ew eas rearing Goths "the it.. aif per loaf, hard white per case, Sugar, per ile oF 20 GY.tb, wk #4 #6.50 to 88 our Mil) 3 lv Lie od, Ibe. od fillets, Fresh black cod per tb | Pinnan haddie Hatitut, per ip id Hlerring, kippered, per tb., Salt Herring, each, Flounder Fillets, Yb. rey Acadia God, 2-lh. b GT Bites b4.i 0.0 o0 oseeee oo . “+ smoked, Min MINIM ’ AL mH at ’ Certificate of improvements ee Salt Mite rel kate, Brills iBall oolachana, ib, [Spring salmon,. perth. White salmon nesurance finns Herta, Larrote, dry, per ib per ih., per ib., per ih. e chin re 1 tf the eortion # of netioe Uvat at te ' et Certificate of take " ch besue imprey tents DATED thie tet daw of May, A.D JON HOH MeMitian~ WATER NOTICE AST) tee fe ive and Oth "and 2h | Turnips Cabbage i Caulifiower Head fettuce New Potatoes, per sack... 84.26! Sweet Potatoes, per ib...... 2he | ee 3 ibs, for 25e (ireen omiona, per buneh ... be (Cucumbers, each... 86¢ and 40¢ HHlot bowse cucumbers, ench, 4he Kadishes, per Sunch, Parsley, per buneh, [Pee plant, per tb. Parsnipsa, per ib, ... fireen and Wak Reana, per th, 200 Celery, per bunch, iSe to 20¢ \Avertioe in the Dally News, INVERSE TAKE NUTIO® ine J rou ‘ will tet Crees alsa which fows hiteant River north of tw The Water , stream al a p inat tne Ta ' whos address Hastings st amy fer at nd feet of water known « fray thweate athe? vi two and & Dally Varden mune wit fe 6diverted from int ab | one tnihe Lorn hileaull Hiver and will be weed fer 7 irpotes upon ithe lands’ deserted 44 Vol Mineral (lame and bolly Varden was Mineral (imine THA helices ihe F1th Gay sf A ropy ef this for pureuenl Wierete and to tte Water Act 1094," Will be fied In the omce oF tn Water lHeoamter at Prine: Huppert #. ¢ tnjertions tt tfw application may tw hewn! With the eaid Water Necorder r with the Comptrotier of Water Wight. rariia ment Muaridinges Victoria " i, win fifty days after the fret appearance of th hohee mm & toral Hhewapaper TAVLAMM ENDING ate hart mites the ~weted on ground Auruet anc a ine qeee apmicet i + aa IN The MATTER OF THK PRINCE ROP i PUSHES, LAMITED, IN VOLUNTAN® LAQVUIDATION, Lm Applicant i. North, Agent iret publication of this fuve “ the Creditors of the abere named Com pany ere required on or before Monday, ~eplonber the 201m 20, w send their \namet and s0drehees and particuiars of ltheir deteis or ciatines to 1. 1. Dinning, #49 Pacitic tuning, Vancouver, Hritien to lumpia, the Liquidator of the Prince no jpert Pishertes, Limited, and, if. #0 re ‘quired, by notice m Writing from the saia Liquidatot, are, by heir Solicitors, or per eomaily, to come m @hd prove ther saa debis or clauns a1 such time and piace as shall be Specified m suUeh Notices, or, m default thereof, Urmy Will Be exciuded from the benefit of any distribution made before soc debie are preved DATED thia 12th day OF August, teva : EL4AN0TT MACLEAN & BHANDLEY, Solicitors for the above named | Ligeidater, 904 Central Mund. | iy ¢ or tm T he notice ate A i* HUPENT Pints LIMitehp VOLUNTANY LIVUIDATION Vins iN 1s HERE Y CIVEN With section #38 of patiies Act" & Mmeetine of the ihe above Dated PHINCH HUrhin vist HKIURS LIMITED will be held at the ofticr of the Liquidator vid Vacitie Muildine Vancouver, tritien Columbia, on Monday the Yird day ww August 4 0 ivyu al 11°00 Gclork in the Torenoon DATED the Otn day of August, 1p9! BLIAUTT, MACLEAN & SHARDERY solicitors for the above named Liquidator, ht. », Dinning sony cordance that in af the Lom creditors { ing, View Sireet, Victoria! sritieh Columbia | iy G V a ncouver, BC. MM Steohy Notary Public For Quick S} $3500.00 M. M. Stephe Rea! Estate inswrence Fane , ee eee ewe ree eee rrrere Shampoo Par Opposite Governmet 210 4th St. Phone PO CR OOD rrr ‘JOE BROF Motor Tear I er Serva cher a AXNSCTIE Stand Empress heel Phones 264, Blac & Quick Delivents hore ret PACIFIC CARTACGH