NICK GURVICH a — | Fach se of | ttle bem Mainy | name 2a ” at . Neware of com aterfelts ; Racently Became Sole Owner; Wil! | “The White “Heather” Offers: Soon be Shipping 300 ‘ Something Brand New in the Tons per Day. ALASKAN LIGHTS Movie Wortd. i Rick ARE HOW GOING! saurice roaraait’s \aleat mae. ‘ vith t ni.A raft production he ul 4 “All Notification Received from Dept, White Meath: ix Showing al the on the M " inet of. Commerce of Repairs Westifolme Theatre tonight. The 2 : : the Cirar rut Pa and Relighting. story ix adapted from the famous ees land lenmves tor ! rA eA _ lirury Lane melodrama of the Ze o Hieetativ Mr, Giur h made a dea thion of the cg same Name The background of ° ig iter the sole re ‘ Alaskan is (His melodrania is divided he. as. Ing a T evi wearin mine which j h eved from f een the Seoteh highlands, the “ a i promise Whe prope : Alaska Lighthouse I) tat! don financial dfstriet, the Saves Sill. nderthin under option to Dale and © f Ket m ns and the sea, See Winniper, for lease at a hat frat I Inlet fhe narrative chiefly concerns A ‘ ny figure Bucy reported ad July the efforts of an inserppulous ALF the chaan oe in keepi At . sie ; { s reniesad & st 12 aes a s i them fresh and sweet Oreover At present 35 men are engaged % vas replaces ugust nobleman to repudiate his mar-| ; ‘ te ti at the mine and 75 tons are being (Hatham Strait Han Keefi riage to a pretty commoner. the! acon enews and shortens _ r life. : sent oul per day In ts ithe. (2 y reported adrift t 1% nly xecord of the wedding being} not wa em alter every wearing Mr. Ghurvich says, he will be ah i " theast of Ua & Heef, inthe submerged wreck of a vacht. It 4 it ape Aaa le. Use the pure, dente, Some ping 300 tons fom Davis, for-|Auguat ¢ wae found i charted The tale ends in a struggle he- ing LU suds. ake just a bowl ful, anywhere, merly of the Miche! Colliery. is|t lion August 44. tween the here and the villain at any time. Justdip them up and down—press out jin charge at the mine and Alex » Strait rad ii ih vy, ithe bottom of the. sea in which! the water—rinse—iron with a warm iron—and ‘ Susner is secretary. i ported missing August 12,\both are struggling to obtain the | it's done. ‘ replaced @& s00n as p f ite, which is locked jin a LUX will hurt no fabric that pure water may touch. -- TY 6 ater-tight chest in the wreckage} Sold at all grocers and departmental stores. a “4, ~ ADMIRAL GIFTS Chath Strait I Opener of the boat rhe Jatest invention! : 1~ , ripen c pelea Sari aes Recipe booklet “The Can of Dainty Clothes’* matled on request CO 00 geht ported extine «her on f the Williantson rothers was Sport Briefs i ARE MING § N Auguasl was pelighted August 8..used by Mer. Tourneur in taking, LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO 61 u—~ ree Steph Passage Marmion the subsea scenes, and some very , r" Red & a in i Oil-burning Oruiser Aurora for Island Light reported « guish-\startling effects were obtained. ” : - ‘1 - n . ; il eT Canada—Send “Subs” oaA st B. will be relighted as Vhotographiecally, the picture is 5 ny nm i” eropaiis ij , rounds this evening in a regular to Lakes. na iticable, super! Many of the exterior e V cE ¥ ‘ 4 Ss on : assage——™M ty Is-\scenes brought forth applause ( ) rilertiediate fague maten an . Na ‘ ‘ . : : r Weber's ning are anxBous! (ittawa Aus { ik i j fare I eported ex guished|f{ ‘ue e, and the spec- - Sus . , a sta i . itl f Sept ber th la A M ii whiz nitater woll find wennine thrilis in A — . preset eee oe J th e the fight bet®ween the villain and| == Se ite ending eames are ima te ' ; ; meneed mak all any slips at thjs zo the A , “ Stra Mi he oeean battom. ] till if f tl rt ‘ i ; ‘ ss i il ature f the production is sin 154 Sui in eine a ; ” ; 16 f well worth seeing s s ‘mane in ffesies str, but Hehe Sw Hs Adiraly “ i aetna al Raised Again as ae in fas t whe wwanees : ‘ 4 Ly ' t! npany includes H. oC 7 ‘ anne wate t Wi 1 > ; a j ce Khupert th ve tana ‘ 1} trat ‘ uf bet , ; ” ee ae . , | Rox, provided the latter wia|t2 0 : Mont . de Aitkew! and at the Mine August Ist IN SALE ; ening. if : tie : i ast, little Ste ihe , " ; t uj ad C : aaa We have 600 tons on hand that the raise does-not } or . ; : i se He ti if th j ~ gt g affect. ; ’ ‘ afi ia ’ i : 2 ardware nd J Club iv ly t PUT IN YOUR WINTER’S COAL NOW cae “ g M I« | ND AVERIS pear nae .o me OT ads | AND SAVE MONEY ne acl eeting of the leag s { th ’ ‘ i : , : pne Black 114 hie evenin Mirrichay [the F lighted Aug |] Wanaimo-Wellington is the cheapest and most econ- a? ‘ s was was called by|to of - af . : supanetinne ak didkans mas ea omical in the end. MeCulloch t unl gf Hue! i - . FISHERIES, OTTAWA, ONT. ' ) ier rena McC AFFERY, LTD. 7 ada ; ‘ Na June, 1990. | Cc ‘ ; ‘ ‘ i ‘ . ~ : SEALED Proposals me be rocotuat oi 116,5 d Blue 69 : . h Mere ull 12 o'clock ion, ¢ Phones 64 CE RUPERT i “ . Dai Be SAM d subse-| i oth day "Augual, 1920, for furnishing | “a i ‘ players t of ba : tad ; \ f —_—_—_—_——— materials and dabor of all kinds! labor Hunel . ‘ Aily ‘ ‘' Ia News ssary for the cegstruction, equipment) ’ \ ur ' ‘ ' | Maining of U \ i . ictivery of & Prepesed Steel Twin | ——— -- = —_——— () B U ite self ned . f nf » ice-breaker of the following lead | . . . * , 5 Himetsiens — the team well tbe deshbanded antlicjuie «elf wrat at th | ‘cnet OY a” . Lwt odes 276 fees | i ireadin 4 a Unite and Dates of it tour which had be Gover ' a hit lis de j Depa Mid. . ; EETINGS i i ear in the Wilithat Adin lel shan ; > prats Mesn terme beG® Geet 8 I mee For ent urnis e ooms . ; f a “ A be delivered at whe Agency of the oS nee t nit, First ’ , o 6 ne: “le Deprun s . ofr Merine aha adocton pom ! uy ' vl : at th vas ee >} bec or Halifax for a fixed sum. ber Ce ouncil, hom n th bas d‘y tha oe Departpent reserves the right to Aci le rather. ; eee Sem ai. of rol, et spe DOMIN ION HOTEL ix re . ” ' f sais a cinica Aux xiliary, : t : ! nt t ; an “ ae Ma - as = valved rat be had . cle ; seen by applying to the Department of We wml ay a and sheries, Ottawa. a g at i 7 ' t 4 rtt nformation desired may e ; ' Thursday nning to get x ia m addressing dials Just Remodelled and Refurnished i . t ‘ f Marine and Pishertes Corner First Ave. and Bight Street, Prince Rupert ndes, f Third “ . e ani 7 Ottawa, One ers, } tasdex tt I niet —_—— = RUM “ & in ( iy oe — eg ‘ "> : { ‘ a : 5 € tae 2 ee n eae aie «eee {. THEO CO ry Public : one . aly LLART, Nota u % ’ ‘ \ : Seale ‘ elved by the cxrcnsqpenagemsignsnieelsiedaiiesillleinatcienametihesiaesimensen see Pm ener ene, : ’ mon : on laa: eae er ee eaten ae Abe 1 20. ’ or ibe 4 Room House and Basement on Two Lots, 7th Avenue Te ir he ha . 1 AND AUT. ase of Licence \ te 4 A —— DEPANTMEAT OF MILITIA AND East $1500.00 0 Tunin ' . -4 " foe ha . "aa. oren “an ‘Matniesc a DEFENCE 4 Room House and Outbuildings, llth Av nd th mat before and he nows Metice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land 2 ; ¥ : istrict 3 : be inde of R t . ; : ; {) year Willi be ailowed fon re- | Not to ck-melhers Of ime Caneman Fire Insurance Real Estate Accident Insurance rae epaire. ! z the hes t of 1 tastier Land District. Recording Dis-jigiovai of tint cxpeditiongry Foree tMost Liberal MARINE iNSURANCE on the Coast oe ; t os spneme, Gay 6 mee. 8 "aaa part cates wave eter, NOT hereby given to ali concerned ES GAGNON ee © Fane notice that Joka M1. Morrison, of |Zittor.s CORR, Pemnes | ROE S epee Th Set connate Phene Blue 69 Westhelme Theatre Block P. 0. Box 66 . 3 idress rm Red a anal ” . Al arn pat frets intends , -—-—- - —- onary ree — =~ cotites Gt Gam a ow ' mr S hi " “a8 i ’ rT ; to leas who require post-discharge a ‘ | tye Phone ; . oe e ltawine ; sind oe Ge: oe TIMBER SALE x 2384, ment submit thelr applications to| && : — L weaned Sid Hazzett-J s 3 - { planted at th as Denial Om@ieer at the tead-| ao, unal to play this r Z. | southwest Lat 1079 Sealed rm w eived by the | quarters istes t iu whien they re ; , ett nae ¢ h oon tm | P YOu 4 SAMPLE \ OF “THE } . MATERUL 1 } BOUGHT For uw" =. me | A . “Va HERE’S WHERE A “SEPTEMBER MORN” WOULD SHINE. { eam’ \ EA OF LAYIIG } PONT Y« a IN SUCH A SUPPLY : \ THinkc ¢ } OF MATERIAL AS ; . ee Mom 4 - YEAH - BUY WHATS THE J THIS IF youl 4 ONLY GONNA ss MAKE ONE OF : THEM :Suirs e By FARR. % fas