y Ayneust 19, 1920, PASSENGERS SAW SIGHT Prince George Struck Whale on a Recent Southbound Trip— Playing Directly in THR DAILY Saws THIS PICTURE QUITE SPICY “Gay Lord Quex” Tends to Aud- acious and is Mildly Daring Course. finy bachelors, midhicnt par jther womer hadowy j m he th pasts, well sensoned with a dash eon ' ira ne { nih ; y if «ieee and mixed with a spoon . md Va ; net io i of happy complications. com. eek Osu damekaastn ca ORMES LIMITED tide dan commaiaaed aiid Fee SMOKING TOBACCO ithe Prince Jahn thhound ¢ me Fr ment concections seen here far pe i P 7 jin Closer view of ain f the fis GO TO ALASKA ON nany a day, and this is the show j Hevrst inn | mn ‘ing shown at the Westholme! as in a i he big Plus 80 cents i ee crete ae A HUNTING TRIP rivescee « nna Tier tn ‘note g ev re : ve a ee 25 Sill Underth Cited : anne an ; ' Hawall Game {@vmmissioner wifi art Tom Moore photoplay and Save’ ! nae in " ee Enjoy Sport in a Different (any of its situations are ‘ reer i i the small islandg Clime while Gathering Frenchy” in flavor. ALF the charm of silken things lies in keeping course. Of course it was watched Data ;} Even the best of us—that i« them fresh and sweet. F Wf it continued its play of jury ‘ the most proper of ns—find keen ation discolors and shortens their lite. gk completely out + ihe wat { locklew fil nd “nieyment in entertainment that not wash them after every wearing? } ; ! | i and I" ry min at of vo, uni eod . fai ¢ waii,/ carries ay just : little touch} ne tun cat simple. Use net jthe approach « i . onthe pr. \ { obdy of apice. itness, for instanee, | suds. Make just A bow anywhere, wae Os ee pa wd Mr. August B Hono.|'he widespread popularity en-| anytime. Justdip them up and down—press out ‘ became yuit ‘ t the ¢ity Monday on /Joyed by the hedroom farce and in the water—rinse—iron with a warm iron—and her wider t made anoth 8.8: Princane A suite it we see reflected the present | it's done. ee i. i vey re Ma here t eae oe ee tants “the tend- LUX willhurt no fabric that pure water may touch. i. bee i pre i eaisive int 7 eaey il the eg rae eae Sold at all grocers and departmental stores. a mvident eu i i 4 neie hh the mildly daring. n ne Ciay ae COLONEL HIAM TO danger the big ‘ / 4 hi ;. |Lord Quex” you have many of the! Recipe booklet “*The Can of Dainty Clothes"’ mailed on request. a grass cena a und a sro, ishimhegmtbeeteertat si B's mee LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO 81 9 SAIL EAST THIS WEEK the boat a 4% cme | fo «ix we the largely towards the suecess« of the ORK ; OF course By that ; d Alaska for e eari.| bedroom farce, yet devoid of any- ; L In Montreal Speaks of Astonishing '"'" Ys a! fhe side lof the d b ind mount heep,|!hing that would agitate the mind SEL : Valehing, but as soon a th i f the « Of the most sanctimonious ten-! Development of Portiand : show ta Walk « i . a 7: pyeone Asn whale ae i \ Van. | Sor. ' OV E Canal. hy v Mr Fox ‘ ‘ Events take a portentous -fturn nw meeuee ; d depart nt. and “t a house party at which Lord Aj MONTUEATI Aug 10 | ; it bys ‘ s species Pies : ee Quex meets a Duchess. a vain . =p | ‘ i staying a mer bie ° :, M ental woman with whom he nmenced mak- i snd ls on the Me ; death Bi tian: fa 1843. Still in Lond n Aughet 24 OULA BOARD GIVES i { \ z - — on st s he- : air ~ » u ; s ' a “ > he«es ers ora e e ine of business ere tal oe. TROUBLE TO WOMAN st te interview in her apart. io 1 ee dvisory en : nt at midnight to which he oa aise t ert : “ nn . [ Mi Aug ia i i , i aseents Sophy, his fiancee : ’ ' hit a » ’ t of the intrigue. and ir wisn ‘bas fol oe Se ee at the Mine August Ist ‘ ‘ ‘ d K ue ‘ ‘ of sore oY a ae Pi enn ' . se ex's perfidy finds her own re- s : : ; lion co sed by a clever! We have 600 tons on hand that the raise does not y tor s ' Mr. J iby a ' ; | 4 cle on the part of the nobleman affect. ' ‘Oma i From this point on complications} ’ ardware hs ie @hi : + i otte. th nade alice PUT IN YOUR WINTER'S COAL NOW MD. AVENUE helshe w 1 . ; inating in a high-powered AND SAVE MONEY lac} atl ‘ ' P a ‘ ‘ ; je ee ee eee ee ae Nanaimo-Wellington is the cheapest and most econ- ; ! jabsorbing. Mir peolivity the Port~ jr, - : - c og ml Es omical in the end. " ad ! the Depa There may be something ah M AFF Y, LTD. . * . : rang stew Works rt want. See the classified eolumn Cc : lth { T ; ; iti CE RUPERT : ; = ae for Pa ; sr Phones 116, 564 and Blue 69 ; . " , aft next t Dhe | ratpia ea ; LAND ACT. Labor Council 4 ‘ styl a i th wit PIGS. | wetice of thtention t to ) Apply to Lease Land. —————— af { y laughed ab — — er Bed Us Prinee Havent a few weeks 0.on|it until the woman, drappent it SAME cha eM f JORR oA route soullsine nt graphed immediately . ake notice that John M. Morrison, r| U and Dates o es at 2 j Take notic ol o y oa Et eee ": to the 8 mn N jA Ar tion freighter, intends! SETINGS Sina ties Mh ae ocaeteaearteme© er Se Or > ished Rooms Trades Unit, First PYTHIAN PICNIC” i. rm 28 m ; ‘ 1 Le ‘Ce renee, ata, mr Planted at the | or ell urn : 7%, op. ’ , = — vo won. , thwest ¢ of Lot 1079; thenee cor Stel WAS SUCCESSFUL ‘ ier Mot Da wo a sa tt Lu i tite orester, | the ac ser i ‘ sert ’ t Proprietress MARKE r ; ; :, att 4 t weith Vict I r District F Jonni . Prince aniesariey _ Trom toe ‘De hartbent. res E. Petersen ' we port 4 tA Rupert |B, ¢ HL. S301-4-29 | or FOR % Be Ft een A SHAVE = MASSAGE. SHINE / ©OCCO@ COC SHAMPOO AND os A MANICURE Il! [> Tora. * 200 —_—- IVT, ay — PEFODE. MADDIAGE > > = ~ ei, Vy} ip — Soret iF Hott mh 3 HMM AH RAzoR GLAVES ia NAIL FILE — Two | ANP A CAN OF ' SHOE Biuackwe!! “} \ US UG ~ ; ; © © MM | ai de / \| Hw fld | th ie | m We Ce ty Deter : a deies «mind Peet <4 ee a 7 pe PTE Te ee er ,