AWNINGS T ) . ¢ | roa ; Che Drily ge e Ws | or WE NEVER SLEEP Lo PRINCE RUPERT Prince Rupert Auto 7 20 Lan 107 Beeond Ave. - Pri - oe : Ne ce Rupert Ny rAaf 0 Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper eA ai. 6 \ me “we - - EEaennneeneneenential —— fn Ve PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1920. PRICE FIVE CENTS oles Charged with Delay; ying Peace INISTER OF MARINE AND FISHERIES WAS. WELL RECEIVED IN THIS CITY Divisions of i ot = ga ea] on.C.C. Ballantyne Reds Surrounded Anite Told of Port’s Needs 61S). +1 et Citizens at Open Meeting ir Council ish Advance Still Continues and 5,000 Prisoners have been Taken; Clamb r Yesterday Afternoon; Gas | Boats on Skeena Asked F. r, as Wrangel Drives Reds across ° . e “Be. Dnieper River well as Terminal Facilities 1) ion ' Phi we hal Ge Wrangell Hon. C. C. Ballantyne, minister of marine and fisheriés: was i the B vell received at the open meeting in the city hall yesterday after- Lueiper Rive ‘ ‘ d ioou and the same spirit of satisfaction prevailed there as at he luncheon earlier in the afternoon.. W. E. Williams aptly put ' Branch (i \\ t “as far as Prince Rupert is concerned. Mr. Ballantyne is the Hols! i me bright star in a very drab sky, and Prince Rupert is appre- e my , ‘iative.”” S. E. Parker, president of the Board of Trade, was r ' chairman, and Mayor MeClymont took his seat with Mr. Ballan- 4 tyne. The gathering was called upon to place such matters be- iore Mr. Ballantyne as seemed necessary for his consideration. “i iedweine thi & a ; Ss : oS ' Alderman Dybhayn stated that the allowing of gas boats to : 1 ' ‘WORK STARTS PULP MULL FOR WILL SUE FOR ish for saimou im the Skeena distriet would be an advantage. AMAA Ang > 4 eee ot st lad dix civil fe also enquired as to the proposed close season for Halibut. ‘ mee ‘ j ! ee ecover ON NEW DOCK KETCHIKAN IS INCOME TAXES he car shortage was mentioned east La ticles Deaaiee Sanaa ut Ald? Dybhavg Stated he under- LLOYD GEORGE tood Mr. Ballantyne had ho rreatest requirement at the oe 5.000 The Fri h have s« congratulatory me “ ae PROPOSED NOW Anyox Paid up $4,000 in One Weet urisdiction over this. on their victory | "iret Thing to Remove Muc-— = One WE. Wilti tated that the |’ ffi | u R ply anon: inen iMtiams sta at the ! Thirty Men Now, Working. ~ nena , ; e PLANES PAYING FARES OF i Atria qperations fewer onrerw. Marry Chimes , tet to Pop resent - : 4 ot oe tre na fe etal | eee Wee VICTORIA CROSS : . eS ee vA ve B,. AGeuse 24. ie-| rie ditne had come for axsi tance | of the British Prot jer’s tens oats leh weak ; : t Q «sis ree . According to Ketchikan nquents in British Columbia in- | Wisit this year to Canada is : ', | from? Ottawa and this would be Grand Tru ‘ ! Newspaper. tax collections. are to be ce os Nov -eclared Untrue ' 1 tar dale” Beta 1 cot vell warranted as business would , . , ers a 1OiF FETUrAS. MISPector! aturally come hete as, a result. oad , ; ; ‘ { ‘ KETOMIKA ue 1 \ ‘ ing, also announces that : LUCERNE, Aupgust 24 Lloyd LAN A t i I> ’ ; ; ‘Ran Mr. Williams also spoke in favor ai j : : airbanks Yesterday After~ ‘ ; , ‘ opr ‘ort aBe . ' ape a ta ca a . aS ganel of gus boats on the Skeena. celia Ss aie a Me oon to “Carry on” con a , ; : th t ' lay ’ lhe mn the workers of the} some ie 24, ie Kure. to N . ; i yt -olidated at Anyox, re-} ; General Sider pean situation improves, is the ° rw wae . 7 Alex. MeLennan criticized the * . ; . , of purse seines on the Skeena|*2*@e™ Siven out by his see- ‘ : | : a rep eat 2 " oe bit “a ,{tetary bere There is no truth liver and aise te pronmibition ot \ \ | in the umor of hits visit to the . : FEEDING CHICKEN j 408 nets on the QQueen Charlottes. Dominion this fall. rense for 7 I ur d one genera icen ‘ ‘ jurnham, when interviewed here Removing Mud. CRUELTY TO HER | ind ee er of the regretted that the rumor regard- 4 hy } Poresent dis el system, ing Lloyd George's visit to Can- h \ ‘ “ } : | qa. WwW Nickerson supportec he P ; : Ya WINN. PE \ sts 24 he | mn A te Was untrue, as a visit to the t 1 : ' iit ‘ , : - “ee “lzeneral license idea and suggested § hicken. to at Dominion at this time would give ! te { ; ‘ ; . —— that’ r “nu be derived more K vhily i ' stitute cruelty the British premier relief from d ed t { inh +] : ao = , es rom the kad of fish caught ot e |} . . ccord tol ? the terrific mental strain he is } ih rb i ‘ a a , aes “S j'han from a single license system ' I bse : ; a : hahha vite stat row undergoing, ! t ! ‘ i “ , =” , , This would be fair to all and ) HES : ; : oe h { gi { mas I he question Ome up al |-ould be easily arranged. 7 a aia’ d ; : aiienoen oo i | : may epee ype a ag PREMIER WILL ysis pei lpossibility of grain raising in ssibility : SAVED CHILD BUT | jie: fontoydall Want 3 . HOUSING QUESTION Lpentret. Brtink .Gutumbla ond ADA YACHT” pROWNED HERSELF) 310" 1) ~> FUNERAL OF ve wa 3 ee VISIT RUPERT aii if 1 - wa i Providing Preliminar ibeing re ved | Lieut. Helmging asked for a Dente’ kin eta and then 7 | Waite afr Winnipeg Gloraymen '" : ae S foot RAY CHAPMAN When City Folk Return From| word of encouragement for the Tegether with T. BD. Pattullo hipped to Canada Moots Fate in take of the he piles Holidays Houses Will be Navy League of Canada which he) Leaving on Rupert Monday Woods at Kenora i'w i d \ Very Scarce, }Was representing in British Co- Night—Speak at Ocean | | ‘ . mf iced t i‘. Gathering Rivals That at the Re- jlumbia. Falis KENOKA \ { { Phe ve Cre d t ception of Cardinal Mercier VANCOUVER, Aug. 24.—Cana-} Mr. Ballantyne Repiies. . diets fit Ee. GP ‘ rW Va i th in Cleveland. in Press enquiries bring forth Mr Ballantyne stated that he VICTORIA, August 21 Pres ! ‘ j \ ' th fact that a grave -housing!was pleased to know that gas mier John Oliver and Hon. T. BD. ] w tI Woods | 4 the w ‘ CLEVELANI \ug, 24 rhere } i Will avise in the cities of |boats were favored for the Skeena! pattullo, Minister of Lands, are ; ax |? ay wa ' elf ence and t ub ‘ : iblage f pet-| Canada when city folks commence/salmon fisheries. The feeling at leaving here on Monday on a ‘ \ they w 1 intol niavees will } ‘ ‘ lis of Ray Chap- » return from their helidays.| Ottawa, he thought, was more in|speaking tour te the North. In- ] j d ‘ ' At th | ee there ire ' the ¢ ! baseball star, | qn, question shows indications favor of them than against them, ¢juded in the itinerary will be j i hin whieh they w HME about thirty “ i the | tod j st crowd gath-/.¢ becoming very serious. too, Prinee Rupert, Granby Bay, Ocean dral that has Speaking of the halibut close Paltis, Alice Arm and points on the eaught fire dock Al nher of these are me ‘ i chanics « the dredge which Will fheer a ce the visit o lee soa, Mr. Ballantyne stated this Grand Trunk Pacifle est’ of ACT GOES PRINCE HAS SAILED H erared . at seats *! itt ree M Chapman’ was . SUCCESSFUL FLIGHT we . not sa caste ebonties for Seine Posies per: 7 No Word of Sale. led a t of a pitched MADE AT EDMONTON = time yet He understood Word was rece { loeally this INTO Ff FOE Ji CE TODAY BY RENOWN TO SAMOA I ! I y | Ha e at the frst fthat the United States bill had al- morning that Mr. Oliver and Mr, ‘ es , \ ‘ | reac massed congress d S ps llo ll arrive here by the i Ss Drink of Milk ¢ ong Visit to Australasia is Con- 1 whieh "| ay y and On ChOOd DBVOGOIM~ | sient. Sven? afters shia itlmor and le address a pub- enn Assault ; t Medes. ond Ne to Home- i ere Z IC, PR WoUD DB 00ST Peat tad oP a i en. ge et oa a to oad it tle Neubseine eo oe od the inead | buy | yn here to Grande Prairie and retu cca 7 fac bee Pedneadi + > Be wane ound. che and it hardy RA TES BY $22,000,000 rhis is the first-time! thal this et ay rye Pe lk a tre mn ad dnesday night, le ttiaat th Op oy.S : tip Bas poen made jthe need of them was proven they TRAIL ORE TREATMENT ; b MELBOURNE, August 24.—The}" f Ry er aa uuld seen be put in here. ao re bai . i fround and sell the boat w : - ’ ’ Visit, itr Avctealin ated has eaiteg|wse Was just beginning Nee BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL © Ry Navy Longue neprment | NELSON, August 24.10 the i Navy League of/year ending last week the Con- ‘iN t in Australin and has sailed|' ; ae aioe Mbt ahi | Speaking of the stated | solidated Smelter at Trail treated appar Hy tae henown for Sano aad = Parts nm vO e \ udy , a , , re penne p I. i “ada, Mr. Balle t R STRIKERS rr amon ve folurn, oval tng amaerial has are 3 * ont," Thin] uate Uatoraataiah_[Ganada, Me, alaninns aia asus Seana IN MARYLAND JAIL na ee Lore ’ . " , , y SONS) Pees ae ie ate 2 _— ee en) s. m ‘dncertahede: Pins a1. AKL SEATTLE GROCER IS til required ' ea ee National League. , en : i. ' nae a ant (Chicage 5 New York 1 , Muy } . . oi oe SHOT BY HIGHWAYMAN CU.VER ARWARONS DISGUISED AS POLICE St. Louis 6, Boston 4, A PUBLIC MEETING to be addressed by the ‘hae | er | Cincinnati 10, Brooklyn a, HON. W. J. BOWSER, > 1) SEAT? August 2% lanes Larh bacon \) MONTREAY i mtink Of ra cie Philadelphia 4, Piltsburg 2 | M. Thompson, a grocer of this}ias advanced Ripe? rf i, sous. robhers paid American League. Leader of the Opposition, will be held in the ! is shot dead last night byfite small of anne visit to a Chinese clubl| Chicago ?, Philadelphia «4, Empress Theatre, Monday, August 23rd, at §.15 p.m. ' , rh Wine Cuped it AN Tuy : ' ta | 8.000 Chicage 5, Philadelphia 2, ’ 5 a ane 2) ais a £