‘ INA 7) UGRAPRH Model No. 0 cash and 5 forten months and this s you's The artistic and discriminatir the Brunswi« - ire buying Just you hear the Brunswick McRAE BROS., LTD. Stationers rR NCE RUPERT sellers oie i MSS cam fo a ee it) $12 per fowl! wonderful instrument ew a | =) Local News Notes SIN ONE 107 ig people today ere 8 a reason, Printers BA ARELESS NESS AU 5 & c> Axel I 1 st wa* fined £50.50 jor al ich of the Proh { \ i “ three . World ! 8 h IN LARGE LOSS OF LIFE 1: hes RT & McC AFFERY, PRD hi. attthonanve tiene Phones 116 64 and Blue 69 Mwenty-ning are meee : sae “vl Merc Sailer caee ee eta Wills L. King was f vii Gra } j i } \ t “ as pre tler d h i 4s 5 i d t h om be «e Magistrate MeMord THE DAILY NEWs fragrant and satisfying cig You do not know what real pleasure smoking affords Player’s, the cigarette that satisfies the most fastidious smoker ! Player’s QUALITY is no mere matter of chance, it is the triumphant outcome of years of study to produce the finest Virginia Cigarette in the - ? until you smoke @ IS’ per package lwo for 35F* LAYER’S NAVY CUT Originated in the Old cane to fill the need for a smooth-smoking, e, Player’s Navy Cut Cigarettes occupy a dominant position shissiealaii the British Empire. . . With our modern equipment and sanitary methods, > . . To SUSsCmaERS 6 we produce a wholesome , & a i rs t The Niws . ates ps tee utritious Brea > ¥ boys i mouth * : they ca except ® Our Goods are all made from High-class Material I has been 7 pet o TRY THEM r tae. year in ad. * The boys’ when © The La C Bakery oo eae, e La asse axe * which should al . 717 3rd Ave. Auto Delivery Phone 190 > Lays be preserved. * _— ~ s see eep ee eeeeeeeeee ee * Variety of Plants rt may t retl ees in - arrived mre a ”~ something onl want Sec the classified tolumn CHICKENS & BROILERS as aietibenael : chien a CITY MARKET TIMBER SALE X 2326. POOPODODOD ISIN Seated tenders tu received by the Min f Lamds 3 r pe » nt n A. G. GRAY th ta r Octo t © 7 fort oie “ jock 508 ‘ ar ‘ ba Teacher of Piano hive ale i ‘ om 2 = pistrs 4, Studio 137 Second Avenue it ‘ year wut alloy 1 " , noval of tumber . ae PHONE Blue 421 or 444 PRINCE RUPERT ELECTORAL OISTRICT tt oan ues Mere OF a , ones : wos ree saeieaeeaenentitetenetatamen! 1020. at ten NOTICE! fe ge MORTGAGE SALE. Phon® Green 607 1017 Sra Avenue 7 ie TAKE NOTICE that t ha rea under r me virtue fu “ ntau i : tal Mth ; M rte ‘ a it nbet i Dalg 0 & Wa i ult Wrtent | » Ley arm tts - u ul Hay ward wh wl be adaft Be, regia: | 80 volliained, at PUBLIC AULTION BUILDERS “AND CONTRACTORS to hay a gheredey, August 26th, 41920 at at 8 ullets in Light and Heavy Con- ws CET a Nee ee tt ’ Pr a . struction, "Nepairs and Alteraticas, ; MTS. Weight bid. at Usk, & a ‘ Fiest Glass Staircase Work and twit K ua Lt ; t b cone luding: Sawmill with rn ut hi bit Finishing. 1 t op ‘ Acepiing lathe machinery Catimates Cheerfully Given nit om 1 chat ad & Sons Steam to es - K nesinienes ioe ! Shop Cllice MPoaraing , oF ns aoe “Aas wr Maa be tithe soar“ 1 erick aN CONCRETE SUILDING i Wa be ee ring Contract, ri Taber Loas CONTRACTORS . 2 i ! et ; 1 uy } ve aril ‘ titars sh terms of sale can 4 fit Diained fret the jiiersigned at tie Mill Ottice, Usk or at Law Oltices SUBSCRIBE FOR LLIN of Paunore & Fulton, Prince Rupert &B.U * ’ s A. } ARMS THUONG : T D N ws M teuet u 411° Dated, August t4in, tou0 SHE DAILY NEWS 2 14 # ee Mise steGeeh erunere “ae? ue * a0 Qe? ey? ., © neeovere~ *