} pe Pere @ nay ‘i . THR DAILY News = = S—= le ea Ocean garnet yee OO 6s ONO ~ Te nn, ...|Rupert’s Appreciation is | i Sede Weeder Fisheries BUSINESS DIRECTORY | : —=_— i — = a — | The Rawal bak ae cr padi ost er Paes elke Sa a of fanata | i | ; ( Hon. C. C. Ballantyne; Guest of Honor at Luncheon, is! } sanguine as to Possibilities of this Port. x ee | | | j HE 7 ort, ——- \ppreciation of the services he had done Prince Rupert in ABRATED WATERS | ae t LAUNDORIES r OOV 2 AUAMATD FL. btoining ship wontraets for the shipyards and changing the legis-| BEAVER’ BOTTLING WORKS CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY GIVE YOUR By A Ol Ne E! alion in regard to the fisheries was the keynote of the welcome FOR Fraser Att Phone 192 = lwitenio GRATTON cor, Third ana Tin, Phone &. for Clenping and Pressing Dept one Open 00, for second hand furn A i ‘extended to Hon. G. G. Batlantyne at the luneheon in the Hotel i. wo icc tha | : BARBER SHOP tore PAINTERS AN You will hal m §{ th mall Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon. There was a:capacity crowd —— - D DECORATORS moniii!y amounts of business and professional men present and the gatheriig was pr cmeerr eer, BARBER eget . FURNITURE FRED BCADDTN roa ; . y Kerbe : vr ve 4ixth and Pras ne Oreen oy : ’ . very representative. Fitting dentonstration: was made of the “ rber ! . 4 ixth and f Pee ; On the first. day of every Pi ai ncat ihe tor wen i i oa FRANK BROOK : anth Ge einatie for ee a es ON ee eee | regard to BAKERS rind Aw Phony Oresn: 648 PAINTS AND OILS $10 for’the credit eae jthe fisheres question and the gathering was different from the ba son’s Savings eens Ho J,most of receptions to publi¢ nten, for a feeling of appreciation aire en oneee ma FEED: STORES Twe A w. coat ¢o. . fi as J overs fads d the suk S i ~ 1e s ’ ; Reade this regilarly for, say, ten vershadowed the wsual complaints that meet most men in| ceuntis Cebaae ants 60, | years. fsimilar capacities. : | OHINA, CROCKERY & NOTIONS New locattew, cor fad Ave, and Tm st) PAINTERS AND DECORATERS : The mayor presided at the head of the limcheon table with) 7 Your boy will then have §) Ir. Ballanty 4 “hs ; THE DENNY ALLIEN 00, BELL & CROSSETT — Phone 477 $2,083.43. He cah own. a j Hon. Mr. Ballantyne and Col, Peck, M. P., on either side. AS} Third, Avenue, oppostie Post OMee FISH MERCHANTS, RETAIL Vancou ae Ey P jsoon as the sumptuous repast had been dispensed with the toast Pe ! PLUMBIN ver, BL, business when other boys , ARTHUR'S MARKET BING i : " we ihe king was duly responded CLEANING AND’ PRESSING $ird And, temenh 406. 40120. 6. temas are still working for wages. fF 7 : : : ; ne ¥ mon) 683 STEEN & LONQWILL = Phone 5, ; ty and with a few brief remarks S&hts was your Cold We al, |TORVO DYE works | ne ayd dry ii} lant. A ship could receive al-| rt ie aye r the distinguishe sitor was ane j eles venue ne 476 Capital ang: Reserves $93,000,000 Ble ny nny ccs a detucneteaticg 20st & complete cargo of fish |“ANN ON ' ain, a __ GROcERiEs RENTALS : ;¥UU, troduced amid a demonstration alone, not to mention lumber, ore} LINZEY'S PRINCE RUPERT GROCERY ge Fr WwW. MART rt nt ‘ Tota! hesoarces “ $47 0,000,000 lof applause. bed ‘and grain. There is every reason | CAFES Cor, ¢th ana Pulton home S86 de Cpe Business Tour. ” your y aoa ath one "ae ; ore a) ete oe eereute Sra THE BOSTON! GRILL } SIGN PAINTING ot nase | r. allantyne — thankee M and sanguine expectations for the | rhea Ave. Phone 4 A good place to eat HAROWARE ie ST iy s for the welcome extended future. asada, hal ‘ BELL & cROSSETT Phone 477. ee = tod Ava Stoves } . Ti jim and the splendid luncheon “Phe Atlantic ports of Mon-| ee papaend aint : ( } [ [ iyreparéd. He vomplimented the treal, Quebec, St. John and Hali- | Second Ave. Bierest meal for the money eh pehandiery, paints and Fishermen's sup SHEET METAL WORKS j : city on havine such a faithful fax are not suMi¢ient outlet for | sa - F k Se | Everything in Sheet Metats or Quic | OO [representative at Ottawa as Col. the grain of the prairies and al CIGARS AND TORACCO ie Peck who was always keeping the larwe proportion of it must come |} “ IMPORTED GROCERIES Serond Ave . Phone 3 orem “ nx eet oe the inte — tt nterests of Prince Rupert to the py the Pacific Coast. I think that den Aovatsenscithe ree joer rw 41 os i ound the interio j ‘ ¢ ‘ : ' and _ iiply ny quantity re, at the same time not for-|Prinee Rupert's chances to get! ' a? SEAT MARKEY STEEN 4 LONGWILL = Phone 5. lA auntity Totes. cs “6 ae ‘ E : ifth Stree , . . ret Q0ur prices include delivers gigetting Oanada as a whole. He'this trade are very favorable. : DRUGGISTS ae ares 7 98 jit ti attod that he was not on a ‘Trade, however, follows the fac oe aa ioe : ™ TAILORS LADIES AND GENTS $3500, i Loose Coal - 4 $12.50 i pees ate Saaeraen ities provided and Prince Rupert roe pe meouves ned nSiah LAUNCHES FOR HIRE a a ae rt ’ i visit to the Pacific Goast on fPiat present has not suflicient! rhe tareest droe mw Northern 8 . : Os ‘ sa | ; Y wat u Northern BC Launch “NARBETRONG,” Clean 1 Pressi Screened, sacked, $13.50 ‘hehe hidgivnaci of his department. He wharfage to handle trans-Pacific er ee eee ; : ; ; ’ jhad learned much on his trip wes} trade IT am glad to hear that a Lump, Sat ked " $14 0 er the Grand Trunk Pacific and new dock is being built here, but a (US. ee ee ee eiin visiting points of interest 800 feet is not long enough { Per Ton Delivéred . . i — i about he city in the morning jam going to bring this matter ‘I S s > j d he believed that it would the attention of the D ' t ’ ; Frices on car load lots on . ‘ ; rere ; " ebpticats a pt f assist ince in His de-\of Public Works with a view 4 ° ; . M. Step e partment as well as to the gov-/providing for the future of ‘nis 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than SOc - Estate inswrance Famed Prince Rupert fer" 2 port x L! ree wit Get Station | What Going to Do? WARMTED! HOUSES FOR SALE Feed Ca He had pewn impressed with the “T have never seen a shipbuild- qpiacentntticnlinns / ie oe ee yee - MINENAL ACT a ee » }railroad, but realized. that money jng plant more modern and better| WANTED—in Prime Rupert dis- MINE HOMM, Deal residentia Shamp UO P. Corner 2nd‘ Ave. and’ 9th St |v ould have to be spent in im-/equipped than the Prinee Rupert trict, permanent representative section, Moderate terms, Hel Certificate of tmprovementa. = Phone 58 Green 548 proving the roadbed, ion. Dr. one is. fhe government's pro- either sex for Bhrrisu Go. serson, Meal betate, Insurance, HOOT ree A Jteid and Mr. Uanna might be gram will reach an end when the| LUMBIA MONTHIBY, now enter. Notary Public. L A ce fra . : . sHimate tn NORTON ANPOO Mall ee to look into this, though. sixty-three now contracted f r| ing tenth y m the Social pistrtet Wee warn. ae an Pe BE a3 . 2 Ba so” ‘ > a) } . “i s . al, ” wre aed 4 : “om wy . . 5 Z. ¢ he was as surprised as Dr. Reid are finished. What is going to | Educational, Literary and Re- - et nso SeETines: ourusenmy hres a cake eeaeem Hens ack to change ad deen that there was tole done here when ttiese are} ligious Mhgazine of the Cana-|LOobGKE 1064 LOYAL Ulin ne he ele =e fates, >) Mane = hair to any eee. Say station here, but he gave assur- linished offers a problem, ; dian Weat indépendent of Moose nects every Monday f ° 40 ¢ stark Te a an ‘ice Mager! Ce : > or f . b ' ard ’ a . Merits anee that the Minister of Rail-| Investigate Local Work party, sect or faetion Sub.! evening at the Deep Sea Fisher arm ‘ n ’ wii ‘ Uirate { {ace cream, @ ‘ ‘ niet’ sicip Gays free tte dale ' ' b Escin lon Hate} ways would see to it that Prince} “Tam not satisfied with the} stantial commissions; renewal tive’ « ball. te pe eee Re ° te G ‘ Rupert had a statiba commen-/ggniieman behind the local dock.| Premiums. Address mention-| ~~ FARMS FOR sALe curpabe af chtsintag "a Crewe brent efit 210 4th St. Phen iol Mlee rechéned by ma ate with ~~ — and needs in|; The government is willing and | ing experienc e and references,| _— ae” aiiion * sibeien ; Martin & Bush - soll canker g mgt , ready to support those who are} Manager, B. ¢ M. 1100 Bute oO PR. PARM LANDS The rich i = 8 nenat ; mapeieent te fore * Rt ace a He mentioned the superiority |eoing to eonduct permanent in- | Street, Vancouver, B. C, prairies of Aiiedia Gkbintes ihe (enue f such Cortficale of tne | —————~ if the harbor and predicted a : a pslinagpeneipesiees as > pr - ; : . ; dustry, but is o to supedeee ear . . ‘ fod this 7th dey of Jul . ; First class accomodation sood future for the port. “Two ¥ , . ot going o sup {WV ANTTED Woman to clean up wan and Manitoba are expecial- treted i a yr, AD adie Your thal tos > ' ! are being built here port promoters. The man behind) — gijiee Saturday afternoons, Ap-| ly Suited for mixed farming, ') THK AECrTEN OF Ci Piawcr nurni . for Visitors to Port lew SHIpS, Are DOING .HuMt Here! iis dock: will have to show me ' ; -| Land. that will produce } wasitne IMITED, IN VOLUNTARY 4 j now,” said Mr. Ballantyne, “and }_ ply Dr. A. H. Bayne 6 , eo ut produce § big LAYLIDATION Essington ee cee cee be , "| that he is‘ready with a permanent | -—-—— crops of grain and fodder, and ,, ; ' ‘oon can see no reason why they oa ‘ ' } rim ¢ abeae er te : sini Used | Chaba: kaa aa program and | am going to call} FORM BALE well adapted for dairying or pany ar ; ; oe a Motor Transie mons ; ee Heir EPSt hin té Ollawa on my return to| ———~——————— — livestock raising can. alfll be mbeb ns ’ lle : , 7 ek ah ea ta joargoes here, rhis port should ascertain the. condition of his|FOR SALE--Snap—-20 h.p. N. & had at : . te Die of claim to KO. Dinning, 2 Passenger Servit peccccocccrccssccesettpocerevoeoers | \\ov siifiicient exports and = im- wt ca j ad at preces averaging about ve S z present operations and what his eng new Poday's fas #18.00 an acre, with® twenty ims . ‘ Stand, Empress Het Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 371 g|ports to warrant the running Of | jan for the future are fory | e is $500 higher than ; : wenty | i. f tate " Lated, an ' ‘ WwW. Lonywill, Blue 270 i ceaAn vessels to it. if la eam a a ‘ ; | ' rs - pay i ee wish. Only *” ree ‘ a oie oe > ee Ph 264 Black Day Phone 5S i Last session I put through a wh is was bought vul 10 per cent down. No further ! —— catna po con ieee | ones ’ y _—_ Optimism Well Based bill for the support of permanent chaser Il save this amount payment on the principal until hte or cialis ch tile aad piace as ; STEE 1& LON GWILL Many things have impressed |shipbuilding Taiipastios. This| See Paul Aivazof! and ©. W.! the end of the fourth year: then |artaut thereof, they wil be es Quick Deliventt 4 iy trip to Prince Rupert) pill provides for a 50% advance Embleton for particulars and eS fremniihe benent of any distrit n me . at i ‘ , ' . . sixteen annus ye - ‘ & des ' OOOO ee a ot Soe nd one of the most impressive |for the building of ships for | tern Prinee Hupert Cigar bed 6 Sob aiid a du tae “DATED tus t4Uy Day of AnmUNt § varias ‘ ert. > . Lo @ vad : oa . Agent for McC lary Furne aes foreign or domestic trade, Franc e| Siar third Avenue. Phone ran, Canadian Paeifie Railway mp nT caoteen’ fab te beeve-anek | cmasnoumm dienel er | wants more ships and oil tankers| Blue 91. tf) Station, Vancouver, B,C ! ing, View. Mireet, Vie PACIFIC CARTAG - oa aoetien —- ome | ’ ; ’ “* t “ww areet iwtera : dre also wanted and thus the Srition Godwenesst : Heating Engineers iStrong young sidawberry plants | ' ee rasa, prone 8 : ‘ government will assist in their} ‘ . a reece 5th Street and Fraser Street F . ‘ ‘ j for fall or’ spring planting. S SERVICE TO HOT (AVEIARLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT 1 ‘ * Tehacp ae , construction in Canada. The | 5.0. Chaps w warenenn Prince Rapert ~ BO. W Gand ses lor ¢ pier 33 nwett | buyer and buildérs will cover 50% | 1 ih aon a oe Dow for early SPRINGS AT LAKELS We Minister of PulM@e Works, Goverr Fe | Rilvory, Seon dnolien. E aaa | sat ile Motion — | find the government wilt advance 4 tne of lritieth Columbia, hereby gives = KITSUMKALUM SCHOOL. 50%, taking as security the notes! ae. } eg . Nurseries, bpiathiees tn Wht ji wthre that has s wa r ee th n 7 f ; { o, BS oi Tt 8 Akelse Hot Springs |.) leposiied. ¥ ih iin MITH & MALLETT | NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. jor the buyer and builder, as ret = ' aso if can get automobile Sian an ut - nh Saat heaterde m, tine Land , }. Sealed fenders superseripned “Tender for mo ‘ ’ i 'N 2 : 2 ‘ . ae % te iry te ‘ f rince Rope nr ¢ as ieinle Fenders ape termes creneea ogi o®, mortwages on the ships. T/LAUNCH FOR SALE — 25-foot|Terrace by notifying U, A. Waite, le Seseription of the site ond the plans of : tue Honourable tbe Minister of | Pubile | fully hope that shipbuilding will| runabout with 20 h.p. engine./the liveryman, Park ¢ lan effension to the Kastern end of Prince | Works up lo 12 o'clock noon of Wednes | 16 on permanently here, but if it Ae fh ’ y u, Par iarawe, Ter | hupert Whart, ‘Waterfront Block F., Prince PLUMBING AND HEATING S82" ebeewsnn ape’ eee jAuwust, 1990, for | ; , For quick cash sale will accept| race; who has a new Ford ear and | lupert Townette Diente [the erection and couple ooo 6 eee ¢; | doe s not, it will be through nol gg50. George Waddell 07 |\truck for thie business, Heason- jor rms ; ioe she oaperee ” be ‘ jkitsumkaium in the Prince Kupert Klectorel fault of inne or of the govern- | we ———— latile rates ty |Wublication of this pation, the Minister of Estimates furnished District, B. U2. ment. I j FOR SALE—Cannery tender Don | eee ; Publie Works will undér Sertion 7 of ° | Plans and Specineations can pe sem) i was surprised recently | aie - = — the seid art nly to the Mintat of ene {himee the 4th day of August, 1920, 88 heiwhen the government called for Isabelle, length 49 ft., beam 414 Rabie Warks. Oltewe. tes appre ae te ane Address, 3rd Avenuas, shead | J. Mahony, Esq., Government agent, Cougs|fenders for the building of an ice ft., engine 504.p. Union; price |Struegt “dont sats 00 oon ir of Second Street. a a rae tare ¥sq., Government Agent, breaker that the Prince Rupert | $4,000.00. Apply box 894, eity.| ler auty, .oae OG, tte 84th dey : Court House, Prince itupe rt. var > i | , . Phone 174 -— P.O. Box 274 h DA. Mekinnon, B84. Seoretary to senoot yard: made no Did FOR SALE — 22-ft. launch with | TIMBER SALE x Winister Mt Pubite Works oard, Kitsumkahun, or eparunen | 2604. some a = rasta : Board, Cv, Genk 7 pep o Fish Regulations cabin and goed engine. Price! : aia A i ec iS ac act 2 Lowest or any tender not necessaruy) “I am glad that my actions and| s2a0 Apply Daily News, tf |, nraien tecuern wu he reeeeven by ine | “MINI RAL, ACT, 1806, ; . a . " ¢ intive rester rinee Hilpert, Bb. t., wot! A. £. FOKEMAN, those of the oMecers in my de- ' aT ao Inter thats neon On the Yoda day oF Me pion | CORATIMGATE OF IMPROVEMRATS - Public Works Engineer. : . “OW , » FOR SALE—Lota 7 and 8, Bloek | ber . fo te pared “ ce the bane x ? Fractio inerat The S t | rune worms - Desareneats partment in throwing open the ber. 1920, TOF the Dureinen af | Licence | and) ¢ Fractional M " 2 “ . . » Bia 6 “ , y ‘ ‘ if 1 wite ‘ nin meeton Viesoria, B.C. fisheries has met with the ap 16, Saction 5. For information), to cut ga4 O00 Beas ‘thet af nbruce, | Division ot Tosaias Tatien eae T | aac 4, 1080. proval of Prinew Rupert people. Phone Blue 246. OF eine eee ale ‘ihowea tor stiuunn liet't aed! te tii “i Sere ee ae. “ea Rooms LAND ACT The credit does not be , eae ae ae cy Of Munters land is about seventer on from tiv ne Mae ait ¢ not belong to me FOR RENT |” farther porticntere af the tienel Wereseab, tee of ous sev nieen miles from hil Benkad “Avante , Form oF noTior. but, more rightly to Colonel Peck ae | Victories " ts a the District Porester,| Take notice tat 1, Frank Stringham Sec ue 3 : 3 ; so 4 a eree Tee eee ree ne rince upert, 6.4 tree Miners Certificate No. 366081-¢4, «! | VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT —DISTRICT edie yoger tng bringing the Room ‘TO RENT WITH BOARD, |-—-————— ry ry int to the Mining Necuryr for & certit- . . 5‘ . ' G ; : “ wily to the Mf ’ ecordg “ un Home Cooked Meals | de COABT, oe on ae Gee fo our notice, for gentleman, Seal Cove, near) fale of navovementa rts Teerpaee or ; TAKE NOTICE that Paci®e Mills, Lumited,|"[he fairness of open fisheries Cold Stor: n 19.1 on Obiaining & Crown Urant of the above Breakfast, Dinger and f Ocean Ba og B. omens pulp venaatied to ine ahd’ ft ebuild ' Old Storage, Apply box 90) claim ‘ Supper ° | paper al rs, lutends sonowitig dite ma seem , : oe ne | Daily News office, it) And ruriaer take netice that artion, un Fresh Borne Made Bread | junds understand the monopolistic ré-| —- onbge . Timee fer —* a7, oan fe famenenand before t » “ : ads neni ’ ce of a ine pO Th Ti WwW Lommencing at @ post planted at theleniations formerly governing | FURNISHED ROOM ro RENT! R SALE X 2617, nits eee 2 - ’ ~ corm LO let, Y ouan ree Times ‘Weekly lulet, tence east 60 chains, thence southnithem, Lrentive that I have been| Phone Black 412. vv | i inaled, tenders Will, nd poegived’ wy thal waeeena eee ee OF JU, 6890, fo chains, thence west shore, thence wae > » ‘ thie LS TS siriet Forester, Prines Kupert, Ho, Peerage atm | northerly along shore to point of com: |S°¥é rely eritivized in a city not} liater than toon on the 8nd gay of vemhen. LAND AUT, ; Ree | enerment, and containing 160 acres; more | tar from here, and whieh | shall} STEWART Lore Ber hee. Fur ime purrhaed of Licence | lor as . ’ i ad il realli sie stent, to cul 0,000 tinea! Meth TOM LEE vi PACIFIC MILLA, LAMITED, xoon visit, but you have no fear | eign MALI Lot 2, Block 10, May font OF Seoet e " " i oe or" imention te Apply to Lenes Land By Mark Smaby, Agent. ih ; ‘ 4 ; We a Oo ap , . ¥ ” allowed for removal) in Cassiar I on is : | at my polleies will be changed, ; lor tinber ar Land District, Recording 1 CO. | = June 216t, 1090. ie vanalauie ' 905, Stewart Townsite, Price, | , yuriner port HACE OF the Chien Forester, bee Cee Gal) Mpls ae Anes Arm é . te : ietoria » OF the Distriet Porester, Tak 840 Second Avenue, West. onnasce. 81,000, (This lot adjoins Dost abinas import, ws 4, ake notice that Joon M. Morrison, of yey Th ne i be Business Will Grow | ness section on Sixth Street, -— sib Alh ceearseny MT enais tor horielasion tyelges. nT VEGETABLES + Hotel Prince Nhe changes seriously alarm. | Apply Daily News ollie, tf TIMBER SALE x 2603. lowing doseritied lands j= ed certain people in the south and; ——-—————--— ———-—— - bouinweatt termes One pares % se ° tender . ” we ; vr. Wholesale and Retali | they lost’ many nigtits’ sleep) AUCTIONEER, nistnten Voreater, ru o Muperh a. te, maleate 8 OF ne PS tee font fo one General Contractors and | EUROPEAN PLAS worrying over the depletion of |; —————————_—__—————_ Tose, oe The cure are bie aAmeusty) foot to the West boundary of the Indian Labor Exchange, $1.50 per day and up, fisheries that they said would hog AU CTION OF PRIVATE SALES at or King istand, Fisher Channet to cunt te he duke mt saris tae ae PY a uce 7 « " orner 0 . ‘ papoose i brought about. However, « the conducted, on your own prem. |i¥% Apt ieee of spruce, Cedar, Nemiocy [faserve thence southwesterly and follow ’ j ” 80) ‘ 7 gb Prince Rupert, B.C | FIRST-CLASS CAFE fisheries will! net be'depleted, but| ises or in eur sales room, M.| ,‘ye, year wilt Be Allowed for removal) fort ih the ‘point af somhmeiirement, si oO er in ¢ ave ee / ' ser, Bee q ontaming 2% aeres, more or leas | one 547 — P.O, Box 725 Fi A La Carte. ace now ow Beller basis and are Leck, Auctionser, Sedond Ave.) rustner perticuiars of the Laer boroster, JON, ME MORTISON, . (Continued on Page 5.) Section 2, UWlprince hupert, B,C Dato PEt Pet, Nash, B.C.L.i., agent | ° od May Yist, 1090 . ~