Pee f i eng : : 4, Ormes The Pioneer Druggists phones 82,200 THE REXALL SfORE We have a particularly good assortment. Page & Shaw's bottled candies of many kinds. Pascall’s But- ter Scotch, Fruit Drops of many kinds. Sticks in bottles. Our Chocolates are of Lowney’'s the best quality, Ganongs. Moirs, Willards, Neilsons, Liggetts. The price is right. Limited , P.O. Box 1680 THE DABLY NEWS LAW TO DISARM ALL PEOPLE OF GERMANY Right to search Houses and Search Letters and Telegrams Given Police. WHAT IS WONDER Gifts of Meanirg when ties awn the closest, meanhibe. Pies the n deeper For centu art lias furnished the most cherished of gifts. They ire particularly suitable and being small the transportation costs little. They carry value and mean- ing. John Bulger i i Jeweler Inspect these Lots and buy them: 34,’ Block 17, Then come Lots 33 Section 1. $650 each Lots 2! Block 16, Section 4. $900 each McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Real Estate & Insurance Prince Rupert, F.C. in and and 22, are gifts have jeweler’s}, DENTISTRY | Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 2 to 12; Afternoon, 1.20 to i , Satur- day, ¥ toJZ only Es ngs, Tuesdey, Wednesday and Fri- C day, from T to 9. DENTAL NUKSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 POR APPUINTMENT ' ont " @2e P - weneda+. > 7 OUR COAL IS IN THE LEAD When it comes to quality, and -you will always find here the right kind for every purpose, No you need heating, matter what for cooking, have COAL THAT IS RELIABLE ~ 1 Consumers Coal Co,, Ltd. J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phene 7 power we HEALTH RESTORER? Facts Concerning § the Treatment Now Widely Used Throughout B.C, The following facts concerning |" Wonder Health Restorer, a herbal remedy now widely used through- it 4d lish Columbia, will be of miterest = te wie i. Wond lr th Hestorer is a pure herba nedy. It contains nothing but herbs—no alcohol » drugs i sind. It is the ivate pres tion of one of the t Is = : Ss ' Ists Wond Health Restorer acts thy tl Hood. Its herbal perties tor p and enrich the | fluid.. Its specif properties the relief of diseas i car- 1 by t I the part or -ul i by Wonder illed fron and iatism l at h troubles, Kidn ey and Bladd muplaints, be i s disease Piles i end it ind teil lat it has done in thei W onde er is sold nr elt vy | * Rupert Drug Co. Call and eng about the jremedy and what it is dome. A }hittle booklet th Road tk Health’ will be civen on request wi 1 contains t inplete story of the t iy and ite work SPRINGS AT LAKELSE Visitors to L ikelse Hot Springs can get automobile service from lerrace by notifying CG. A. Waite, the liverymaft, Park Garage, Ter- who has Ford car and { ss Keason- bie rales tl it is just as cheap ts «et you t wf ie ” Ne raf 1 mw ni ' is to send it away. Try Che hea s Print Ship } iv fe # thing yer want e th aeiflend colon Okanagan Preserving Peaches gust Arrived $2.75 per crate. Preserving Sealers Special Price This Week Only:--- Perfect Seal Jars:-- PINTS, $1.25 per dozen; QUARTS, $1.40 per dozen. Rupert Table Supply Co, PHONES 211, 212. CCL. TE ELE RR LE ERLE LS FR LEER ERLE IO TRLO LOLOL ET Careful Piano Tuning tepaire to all makes of Pianos, Phusographs, Cameras Spare parts in stock. Frbneh Potlabing J. Slade Stevens 124 ith Avenue W. 4 Phone Ked 291 V.0, Kox 762 “eer _— “— Herbal ul Westholme ‘* TONIGHT BERLIN, Au ie aw providing f thie i i | Is Economical, The Coupons which 4{ {1): viliat | ft carries -- redeemable fo: useful \ e | / TI the charity a rms ance ts bap wel econemy. yu » apy on ae Re ealkter tain | ~ RICH ORE STRIKE T the dark haunts of sobeyed t! the citys slums ‘ with cee Mee ]l/ Tem sta Funter Bay vrepaite Near Juneau | e. the Sich leapt be lc aC y is Scene of Find y Police I THE BRAT d ¢ rf JUNEAU, August 26.— That), RYT alia fia mer) Charles Otteson, operating mul . d ret name,One TMA ing property at Funter Bay, has a ‘ an at found her made a fabulously cieh strike ' ' ' gi hi "Tf dern- gold quartz is the news ought), . i im , ine to this city by recent arrivals! pngep 4 ‘ ie Ge Them m that place. The ore is said . j j tt df took her homie and” to run well inth the thousands f t sims 1 eT met i ia Tea dollars per ton in gold valyes and hen ad is now being sacked and carried it rh ae to tide water for shipment for). . (a Al ee ‘ M7 treatment for the extraction of . ' = 4 ‘poet gold, ' pf _ It is said that Mr, Otleson, who ' ' th in has held the property for a num |pygey 6 ber of years, has run an extension : . : lof a funnel that was run several KDR years ago to crosscut some ore : veins, After going only a short 3 distance a new vein of rich quartz ; . was uncovered far surpassing |,, ; anything vet found im that vicin f i sate ty Mining men who have » Visited the property lately are en ii , thusuastie over the rock, but do . i not Know what size the vein is how far it has beef traced Mr. Otteson, with bis son MORE EVIDENCE IN law, ©, L. Tubbs, has been w LIQUOR TRIALS nz on the Funt Bay i ‘ steadily all summer. Bot! ‘ j . mn hy fo till ther The uit a i - 4) — oy ‘ +, : hose of the Admiralty Alaska » deed Py Giold Mir xz property in | ~ P hy ee Bay, of which extensive deve s ‘he % CorpExclusive Daa ae f t wor now being d m EPs oe ae take rere i @eseese@eesveseeeeaeeete 9 J 5 , * Se Se ow caanndenseedibaeaecamaaen: ° Tv SUBSCRIBERS No Liquor Aliowed : ° _ | d to t Coming---TTomorrow and Saturday, Saturday Matinee,the Immortal Scr Cubseribers lo The Niws 4 is of the’ cen ury are usked Go pas the ch ° ‘ “ke i © eee ee Tee Glitet be cian WEVA a G E LANE.’ when they call, except #® | where payment has been #* ‘ rn made for the year in ad- #). . ' I ai ad ea vanue, The boys when *® . : I 1 ‘ i i i iImniit tcl UE collecting carry oficial re. ® |. | hac ee NABOS NABOE NABOBR NABOBNABOBNABOS ® ceipts which should al- ® | lili ; ' ' : Es] * ways be preserved. * iM ut ished thet: bs s , Seere Seseeee ese ees & “ 7” ie to FoR J ptat ay, LAND REGISTRY AUT I I ‘ Pe} sect 5 ’ 14 i g i ' Applicat n ‘ 1 i ’ he Ske verti ’ t i Ha we wer t : ! ‘ h ‘ w 4 aX mal “a ite UF ! WV ° AND SINGUULAI : ' ; < ' “o 7 tract ef land ier , ra . ! . f sak Stat roma ci 2 Save Certificates for u r par‘icularty & we 7 ' 4 _ VW x ’ . : . ; Wear Ever Aluminun ’ are fequired t f { ain 2 rf ‘ ax ff cha with 1 the date of the serv this ‘ co] ” may be effected by pul : 5 ' the Datly News, Prince hupert, B an it vr attention ts called te sects f Land Registry Act witt ar Ines e evi and to the follewing exiract therefrom : OaWNTOGWNEOayN BoawNGOEWN Gouna and in default of a caveat or cer af —— tifcate of lis pendens being filed be { j i fore the regi*tration 6s owner of the ‘ ; " person entitied under such tar sale, ' fe . ae x omet aoa a ry mcux afi persons 60 served with notice’ With our modern equipment and s and those claiming through pal . ow or under them, and ail person« claim rt i ' we pre odu ce a wholeso ing any een te in the land by virtue j of any wnaregiatered imestrum and “ all persone viet ming ar inte | rea the land by descent who se title is u not registered under the provisions i tha of this Act, shall be for ever es hy , . Male lopped and debarred from setting up Our Goods are all made from High-class ! any claim or in respect of the _ \ | i ' M land 80 sold fur taxes, and the Regis Tv 7 Pp trer shall register the person en ie wh eA . be rRY THE! titled under such tax sale 68 owner of the Jand so sold for taxes Denies Statements ; C sse Bakery | AND WHEREAS application fase been ' ed hat ; ‘ as € a a made for a Certificate of Indefeasibice Title 4 ‘ ‘ Phone ! to the abowe mentioged lands, in the nan id Fiz vd Ave. Auto Delivery ' . Haneonm : ‘ ANT) WHEREAS on investigating the ! t ihe ‘ ' ithe it appears that prior la r “ —_—- ----- ee aid lends were sold for overd tares), toda i POSSSSS , ae “of r i oy ’ We Oiter 4 tale . j afi «| i al the I i he i ' "PUMTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the t! j ; atime time | shall effect registration in have i af P a mursuance of such spplication nd ieaue ve i ' : 1 ofa ’ : rertiicare af ladefe nis Tis > oe te te ; rh ‘ ea ? Siiebon . “8 ‘ ‘ “ it ' lands ip the mai fr on Ha i m thie x for the Ushe 1 ‘ it ant i 4. Murray a 7 ny 4 5 : — wes you take and prosecute the proper : ‘ { a proceedings t establish your ciaim, iu!’ - “A y ke ail " vee * ' im i i any. 10 the said lands, or to prevent such whiskey d Oost proposed artion on my part ‘ tar ' i ' HATED at the Land Rewistr omer, i with wat 7 aT vr ¢ HKupert t! ith a ‘ ' ia t ’ hamedé ae thee 7 Witne ied having pul the ihiat ts ; ; ;' t Sacked Lump, \ a ¥ BACLEND hey the til for the bottle | up Te this 160) day of Apru, AD ‘ «trier Rew ‘ Tith "| fo W as ¥tee Crown Grantes biota d s silla lath Jon ahi & Jake Dati ane od i ’ f ‘ ite 4 7 ee a et One Adjournment. wail indie sgh ag FF \ 4 tie re . Oli J testified for lim wt ; s
eines itunert Pranks i a ies inh} the advertivement if they thsert it without, @ 5 p.m. on previous day # i May ’ juiped oo . ' ; batheeotety ‘an “ ope “ ’ 4 f ‘ Wu Mein. SCP Be a inte , ke i