5 Page s i, ‘a a" “Beauty is if Only He Skin Deep” MANNIX STATES but a beautiful skin is possible only when the liver England, but Asks Justice for ie} and kidneys até active, and the bowels functionate ireland Hie properly. The secret of beauty as well as of health i they influence liver, is to maintain perfect help to preserve beauty EDSON COAL GO. Per Ton Delivered application to Feed Co. Phone 58 Greet ———w 40 ACRES FRUIT LAND PRICE $1,500 ON TERMS. Vimmber Will more than pay Fine opportunity for mpé witr Real Estate Brokers. Terrace - - B.C. We have secured the ageney for the heat Coal foundin the interior ahd can supply any quantity, fOr prices include delivery. Loose Coal- - $13.00 Screened, sacked, $14 00 frices on car load lots on : Prince Rupert Corner 2nd Ave. arid 9th St Four mites from e, room frame house two --aeres Meadow, three acres ready to stump About four hundred thoysand saw-timpber must ft torred winter and delivered af Sawmill ¢ mite away at $7.00 per thous Kenney Bros. & Co. W. Longwill, Blue 270 Day Phone 5 Sheet Metal: Works Sanitary and Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 37 Diab tiaawadel STEEN & LONGWIEL Agent for McClary Furncaes nee Heating Engineers Sth Street and Fraser Stree eet Prince Rupert - B #4 rine ' pt } PLUMBING AND HEATING uy ENGINEERS fat t Estimates furnished. Ss Address, 3rd Avenue, head aS ’ of Second Street. 4 ' | f Phone 174 — P 0. Box 274 | fair} The § Smeeton oe ee 10) Second y sate Supper or Breakfast, Dinner and Tea Rooms Home Cooked Meals Fresh Home Made Bread Three Times Weekly VEGETABLES Labor Exchange. 4 b) Prince Rupert, B,C. TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenue, West. Wholesale and Retail General Contractors and a Phone 547 — P.O. Box 725 notice digestion and elimination. BEECHAN’S PILLS vices sary to go into, That at atty jrate, as he observed, there was ne} Archbishop Mannix gave an in iterview te a cerrespondent of the interviewer Saves and maintain health, because | (le Maeneteies..tietch var kidneys, skin and stomach to no petpthie rs functionate in harmony and efficiently. \adt'te tale mach, but tre replied at Worth a Guinea a box. some length and with great Sold everywhere in Canada. In boxes, 25e., SOc. frankness to the special points | lcourteows, was Piinty fot inclin jput to him, His attitude in te gard to Treland he felt it unne hvisceneeption about, and he trad LANDS MANAGER 3's. sis: foo fot ho J. G. Woods Telfe a Activities of | charge that was made = agains His Company and What They selves and no others had the IS IN THE CITY right {6 decide the destiny of Ireland. What I asked for a more definite statement on was the jhim of hostilify to England Are Trying to Accomplish. Phat,” he said, “is not trae. eta l have no hestility to Eneland o: \W vis, vice-president and |! Oo any otfier country. What I manager of Rattenbury ide sire with all my heart is peace irfived from the east Tasti®*® rywhere, and particularly Lands, nicht interests of his company. He ports good success with the |!2one Way, and that is by the way lonfzation schemes of the com. of jJusti€e to Ireland. pany, especiolly in the Bulkley gnd Unfair Quotations Necha valleys where it has @x- “I altrilvute this charge to ensive holdings. | misrepresentations of English Ir ing about the workings |Hewspaper correspondents jn An hi oncern, Yr. Wood said lerica, 1 made dozens of speecty t they are selling their Jands/there in which | laid down th . < at Which they can “be lvery principle, that peac: } i by en who really wish |ngland and Ireland could be t a ea i ming Phe | tamed by justice to lreland goatl | ces and on gna) no other way, and that | desir s ivment and in the f ase |fhis peace Not a word { d soldiers especially|[ can find, of tis ess easy nditions are exacted, andjof my argantent was ever pul ' sp ded for stoeking/lished here, But when I went ¢ al ind setting the men up}as | was bound to do, to con a as. on the injustice done by bngland Not Foreign Community jto Ireland, it was earefully st lhe Rattenbury Lands” people|ected passages from this part io not want foreign settlers. They|;the argument that were teli are anxious to build up an all-|araphed.” Hsritish nity in (entral} 1 called the Archbishop's atten British Columbia and with this|tion to a phrase alfributed to hiin end inevrew have seeured control] whic h attracted a good deal of of large areas of lana in addition| attention here, in reference to the their wn on which British| enmity between England and the} *> seitlers are being placed. Mr.jUnited States. itattenbury is at present im Eng- Enmity with England land in the interests of his con- “There again, said Dr. Man on his way back te Van- peace and friendship between England and Treland, and I hope to see it. But it can only con { rom a trip made in the cern and Mr. Wood is actively en-| nix, “is another illustration of the mie Land good fle ial s at reasonable prices and} tiee, From this argument also} the resull is proving most bene-ithe correspondents have only » the country at large. selected the passages which suit- ed them,” Miss ed in the city this morning and isit with Mrs. J. 4, MeMullin. iil n Jooking after new set-|same thing. I had to point out this end. |how ili-advised, as well as wrong Wood says that the B. C.|was the attitude of England to ‘iilement Act is having Aajfreland because it involved not ffect in settling up the ponty the loss of Ireland's friend and eeping the prices|ship but that of America. this isonable bounds, He is|eountry has not given America mthat no one mnan should | pnueh reason to be friendiv witlt ery large area of land|her. lo begin with, England at is why his company i8iimade war on the American peopl gs as fast -asion exactly the same grounds as Ishe quarrels with [Ireland ind Average Price. ithere has been and is continually average price at which the|growing a trade rivalry between ry lands are being soldjthe two countries that might be} in acre and everything pos-jdangerous to the peace of both is done to encourage théel'Phere has been war before be who buys so that he mayitween them, and there might be good, In order that thélagain. I do not desire hostility » may be a snecessful one |petween them. jut the way to ompany is inducing other|friendship with America, as with vners to dispose of theirt{reland, is by doing Ireland jus Padden, of Victoria, ar- Hughes’ Attacks ov ting by Mr. Hughes brought a shade of stiffness into the Arch- is going to have enough to do to ae Thomas A. Kelly, the well- nown Queen Charlotte Islands il ntractor, arrived from the south this morning. WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE. TAKE NOTICE that Depariment of Ma- rime 4 ih. ¢ will apply for @ licence to take end use ecupic 1. per second Of water OUtlijime,"* . of Granite Creek, which flows northwest ah md drains into Lakeise Lawe But does the sectarian spirit rie water will be diverted from tne stream at & pomt about 3,000 feet souta- of one or two, and now he has lost Visheries (Fisheries Branet), whose|Australian polities, and [ am afraid he will do it again next! is £01 Hogers Bidg., Vancouver, count for much in Australia? east of the southeast corner of Lot 6,134, “Not with most people, but it snd will be used for teh breeding pur- pose upon the jand deseriped as Grantte;|has a certain limited value, and iiatchery reserve, south of tow ! amd £444 Creek by fhat is why he wil! use it.” This notice was posted off the ground) ‘Phe jmpression with which | on the vith day of June 1920 A copy of this notice and an appucetion|/took my leave of Dr. Mannix was pursuant thereto and to the “Weter Act will be Water HKecorder st Vrince Kupert, B. CU, “bjections to the application may be ified with the sald Water Heeorder or witn the Comptroiier of Water Hignhts, Partlis- i914,” filed in the omee of tné| that a very cleartheaded, sincere JO a040j JO [BOD yvoi7 Byte on went Blidings, Vietors, #. 6, winme|obstinacy, “I hope we shall see inirty days after the first appearance of). j ’ ’ f »| ine aotiee kao seuat Sanwapeeee, you i Ireland after all,’ I said by Der ANT MENT OF MAKINE AND FISHEKIMS, way of farewell, “I hope so too,” (Visheries Branch), Applicant. Hy ¥. H. Cunningham, agent, |he said, The date of the tiret publication of this ltenttial caer is Auguet 14, 1920, S. & Parker, Manager PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Heliable Servite at reasonable Hates We have Warehouse facilities ! A. G. GRAY Studio 137 Second Avenue PHONE Blue 421 or 444 LADNER, Sept, 4 1.-The inquest into the death of John Stafford, fhe suicide victim, showed that he Teacher of Pinno sanity. THE DAILY NEWS a ee ee aki ie ie ae ieee ee 4 4 - BUSINESS DIRECTORY | saan, | HIS POSITION |Declares he ts ‘ts Mot Hostile to AERATED WATERS BoTTLINa works Areer suop / These are Good Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy j : } setae ae he te ee " FURNITURE AND GENERAL LAUNDRIES MERCHANDISE CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY WILFRID GRAYTON (Cor Third ( e an Theme tron tow ‘ nd hand PAINTERS ANO DECORATORS FURNITURE FRED SCADDEN ae A BARBER SHOP OHINA, CROCKERY a NOTIONS THE DENNY aun co, CLEANING “ND PRESSING TOKYO DYE Works THE BOSTON GRILL THE ELITE CAFE CIGARS AND TOBACCO ORUGGISTS W. J. McCUTCHEON Lawn NARGETRONG,” Prone Bieck 400 Phone ' LE LE LS OOD OL LL LO +t LE tO AEA Rt tt Ot LEY ttt A et BE Daily News Classified Ads. Fire SITUATIONS WANTED A reference to the attacks made | bishop's demeanor, “Mr. Hughes} look after himself,” he said, He | only got into power by a majority} that. He is responsible for in-|} troducing a sectarian spirit into} character and perhaps a touch of por SANITATION Qdes “a as and wadins dani |Sir wiesenes Lipton Visits Canada. ove ridae purchase thoney farrmed at Cortez Island and Lichatlenger for Ameriea’s yacht OnO. A. NADEN financial worry brought on in-| 23 |eastern Canada with a visit ith and Fra vt FRANK BR-OnU rhied A w Green 442 PAINTS AND OILS re ee ee oi Aa iti e ” au FEED STORES re A ¥ £008 co ar PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO gains mcrae es ony i a : cor. Quad Ave.-and Tth St PAINTERS AND DECORATERS BGtt. & CROLSETY Phone 477 FISH MERCHANTS, RETAIL SS eee a a aes PLUMBING ARTHUR'S MARKET Third Ave. Photos 480 & 481 FO bow @89 STEEN 4 LONOWILL Phone 6 GROCERIES RENTALS LINZEY'S PRINCE RUPERT GnocERy rf Ww. MART . ee ee SIGN PAINTING ee HARDWARE / OfLt « cCROSSETY Phone 677 youwt HOWE @ menULTY ‘ teow li et ee work, And a paints a ' up SHEET METAL WORK ; plien s OUr excelley Everything in Gheet met Cleanin row?'s er cud IMPORTED GROCERIES ° ALGERTA MEAT MARKET STEEN & LONOWILL Phone 6 wie . . ™ TAMLORS-LADIES AND GENTS Canadia LAUNCHES FOR HIR mT toe Steam Lam — — a a - - — ae ; { 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertiserment Taken for Less than 50c j OO OE Et Oe OC CO LT tt i et ty a ttl el ly ett tl tl Ae tty, ity, tt ly il te itl, te ti, a te ti ~——— F L | STEWART LOTS PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS rencn itt “Al I 2 i, Ma “1.400 \ : : i i ’ i | | i ; at ’ ‘ ‘ ~ Apply Dany News tice tf ~ — ’ HOUSES FOR SALE sf ave on AN : FINE HOME, best resid A mA " sechion Mieniernte Uerne ! gereon, Meal Matats. Une sree : , . Notary Public. erat Phone Ned 20%. | wrine Sor Pet Hot 7 tf LODGE MEETINGS ; loschesiiad FARMS FOR SALE . ° Loorwil 1054 LOWAL ¢ . 4 M % nbn nee BA cinta’ j FARM LAND I L tlre Ddeery h ; - sie ds { Manit ire esp eaeeecenereaeeenaeners ' | Vancouver, M * es | * TU SUBSORIBENS , d anne * . Oreccrooe Hhobsertbers to The Ni wea * ' } ire asked to pa ! fe . in ; ul ‘ ; 1¥ * livery heya enel nouth 7 } it when they en exeept «© j f , where payment has been ‘ payment th ; Notary Public made for the year in ad . +) nad ; : foment ‘ , varie Vhe boya when | toot an 1) payne I collecting carry oftfeial re . t 6 per cent, LG I ‘ ® ceipts which should al. ©} in. Ganadian Pacif ita 7 : Ways be preserved. : Mintiog Vaneouver, 1B. ¢ For Quick : eweceeeeee re ee eee 2) LAND AUT, Advertise in the Diniivy New Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land he: ” o Caseiar 1 if ot sen ‘ ; , M ~ let: of Bheena, at sie at A A $3500, in es eR A F(t eet Lame rm, fake notice that Jonn M. Morris : qu ale ‘ pat freigt ¥ it apply for pm sion t Wwase t he swine ' te “ t p at ~ t f iat ' ? . ' Ww. 4 ' ’ f ! ‘A : fre weet 1 ar ftw : Keserve, produces ' © Bort [te sie ine wr of fe § deerve: thence southwesteriy end " sa the ht ’ -: ' M. M. te fort to it pole ' Mminencement ontaining 9%, a * ‘ more ar loss Rea a! Estate swan" | per 1 Nash, B 1 emt Dated May Gist, 1080 ererere ‘ weer hs 7. | Shampo — 7 18 ware ~ *~ pa j NOTICE. j NOTION 18 HRREHY OVEN that in « cordance Wilh an Amendment to the I ve ed at te roportiomte Albottinent Act frase the last se eston of (het Ragieiature at j hohting a0 dgrestuent for le from frown In respeet to the pare leer at tion of Town or City tote of taode wilt the alte or subyrh of «4 town payment iwiieh tee wot on made in full and wi wishes to obtain a pre tomate allotn jor sueh jan im ¢ eration of ff tities Alfeady patd must file applicat in thet respect on or before the fat f September, 1990, on whieh date ti iprivilege of obtaining a proportionate & loument will cease and any perton th af rears of payment under an agreement jeale as aforesaid falling to make app" " jtioh as stipulated will thereafter be barted from taking advantexe of s rivilege aod will be subject to the ful iment of the terme of the gale and th proviatone of the 1 and Act governn “« i commer tier ith whith special attention ta drawn | | thet poti¢e appearing in the eurrent te of tht paper ‘ la | his popular osuccessfu Deputy Minister of | ands team cup is al present Lbonoring \pepariment of Cande Victoria, Boe., May Sih, 1090 ' (et