THE DAILY NEWs chool Days Again ee ls A et —— ~~ Sal Compasses Gribblers Rulers Water Colors Crayons Loose Leaf Books Exercise Books | ee Frasers choo Bags T ilghoot! Pric e i { | { / / Variety Largest! Smallest! McRae Bros., Ltd. Stationers PRINCE RUPERT, B.C sellers Printers a ee ee es ee al have another all Shipment ¢ of RATT’S Y CHASER PT in SiS LT al BA Ee the animals con‘ ent- lt is humane---sani- profitable to keep The demand far exceeds the away. supply — Sar oe Te Vancouver Milling $ Grain Co, Limited Office and Mill VANCOUVER bunlight ash Days light W ash Day is from the toil and Sc) 1] Usually associated Washing he; LuSE ht So 4p washes § beautify! ly clean hite without rub- t Scrubbing, Rohe 2. LR ASK DOMINION TO INVESTIGATE _ WINNIPEG RENT S Increases in That City Said to be Extortionate — Many Complaints. | yu j \ | ' y h I) ! i barke t ' ! \ peg il nt ‘ \ n W K. ¢ ia board il f 0 1: i Wi i fé ‘ W A. Shepard etary \ i Na DPhurseday t tt aed ’ ' da ' ’ ; ! fu ase is me hie ’ ‘ d ; ' ‘ ad nt that a lu i ett int i Wir ¥ need that the Joint Ind ry has! ji t concerning i tals That body ala ! ~ More Complaints Made. ; W. A, SI i t ; tn it ' ; en ie $117 se a Month \ i Acute Diseases are " Local News Notes ee ee for Ate Relieved by Herbs kvers der with w hat ale widenod WONDER HEALTH RESTORER Represents the lifew & of a great herbalist w ha ured from ull parts of th ld herb spe- ti Shieh Asthma, Rheu Hatin, te i rubles, Ner. vous Complaints Kidney and Hla: troubl Female com- plaints, Pil Skin diseas Co on ntains Nothing but seeke. ite Alcohol! or Drugs. e Hupert Prince Rupert Drug Co. by \\ Kiukow tl No Canadians for Polish Army. " - | : i? tf we The | Home { Smoke i ‘ &* ed oe bi YOUR wife will welcome your smoking — “OLD CHUM” about the house. ES When supper is over, and you settle hs “4 down to read or chat, fill up your | ae favorite pipe with “OLD CHUM” and , af puff away. \ ey ret 5 The mellow fragrance of this choice : F tobacco makes it Canada’s favorite. | +, I LD [ HUM : Canada's Favorite Pipe Tobacco, WOULD COME Mail Orders Receive P. O. Box 183 TO THIS CITY Prompt Attention Phone 558 Young Mtatian Lawyer Sees Possi- Miss GLEESON ie ¥ ast cob tale eet Exclusive Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear — Sa Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. I by rhe * } ts in L x saree] For Rent—Furnished Keoms bs DOMINION HOTEL ie Sr Just Remodelled and Refurnished i ‘ Corner First Ave. and Eight Street, Prince Rupert Se y) de, , tuk tebe At Teach When in Town, Come to the vat iaisheea aaa SVEA POOL ROOM Was ee ee ee eee Near Beer, Soft Drinks, Cigars and Cigarettes ie: . “re 38 PY . E. Petersen Proprietress vs eg BI ; aS TIMBER SALE X 2322. . é ae ; i Variety of Plants : . in bloom arrived 4 ; ao CHICKENS & BROILERS wil he aluwed tie 2 $ CITY MARKET { TIMBER SALE X 2326. * . 6 ; -—————_- Sealed tenders will be received by the, anf } 4 ‘ e . Minister of Lands not tater , tree hoon on _ TIMBER SALE X 2321. fn any af uctones, 1 : ‘ “> a LIpene ? o cut.¢ ofe mce u . : < ib ' Teet ! oy Cedar sind al- w Wicls i: tha u » male ‘ an ™ oo Faise Itnict, a io Me 4 hivers ‘inie t, Kk 2 oasi pistrict : : ie ct " i ' Time’ (8 years wis in allowed for re- EQROPEAN PLAN i i \ he ‘ moval @f tim ain ' : 4 R mn ek, rurther ps ef the Chief Forester, $1.00 per day and up. . ‘ r ‘ a isirict Forester, Prince 4 . " ee, r : with I Mowed Tor 1 z 3% . a ; fon pees “IN THEMATTER OF "Tree PRING ce aobeice /§ FURST-CLASS CAFE tee ; hic? Rorest FISHERIES, LAMLIED, IN VOLUSTANY | ¢ % C 5 ' } hg heme LIQuIDA TIUN, ly A, La Carte, w. i b + ae . ed are equi ste . 3 LINERAI CT, 1896, plember the 2uth 19 to send to ir nates snd ade “> and’ partieutal of & < iM ‘ MEN telets claims to lt. LD. Dinning, 219 e ¥ sii Rte urouve 7” lie Building Vancouver, British co Phen Grien G07 (1017 Sr¢ Avenue D y Y Practional Mimeral tusad a, the Liquidator of the Prince i \ bin Naas Hiver Mining|™ Pisheries Limited, and rs at eal \ . ar i ’ Quired py el . in writing from st a arno a S W there siga: Un Doty Varden mi) Liquidator, are, by tne Solicitors, or per 1 ed by “be Delly Varden elaims, re ally ts ; ~~ a Ps, prove on sa er -t ; een niles t debts or claims a uch Ume ane ace a5 eet coven Suey "eee we a i yg BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS xe t hb Mr * ir nam, Gere , - « ¢ ‘ : M s 4 ite \ ~ ‘ . we “ne tr an the benelt of any distribution made st Blists i Linht ane neere ae aiat : pd +6 toi! such ck bt a prove . str ete , Kepairs en ratio er for a Cerut DATED this 18th day of August, 1vgo First Class Stairease Work and ' t { purpose of BLLIOTY, MACLEAN & SHANDIE Y Finishing. 1 the bo doll ws for the above-named i 1 above rs S04 Gemtral Butid Estimates Gnoerfully Given ‘ at a , ulr w ‘\ ow Street, Victoria, wmenced before British Columbia BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING ste of im-? - ~~ — CONTRACTORS y Advertise in the Daily Newa, The ¢ ditors r the abt )ve- named Oom-