a ee es Sg oe THE DAILY NEWS ln a. ae 7 lilihiin | Daily News Classif ied ‘Ads i | e | | 2 CENTS PER y IN ADVANCE. Ne Aadveriisement Taleen for Leas than S0c wo ~~ ~~. —_ tre nt tt Ht et a eB Rent ala SPIRITUALISM WANTED. LODGE MEETINGS " rae a et et i LAND AU WANPED A thoroughly com-/LODGN $464 LOVAR thu! : ene by Anglicans Shown iw) petent Stenogt apher. Satisfae Moose tects every Monday | Notice of intention to Apply to Lease Land tatements Issued in England tory Salary to suitable appli evening al the Deep Sea Fisher In Cassiar Land District, Recording fis : : cant Apply in person te the men's hat gg iret of Se 4, ard oat A ‘ BRONDON Sept. 3. Seven - a |} Royal Bank of Canada. if Take net that John M. Morr Church of England Bishops have} . ) : FARMS FOR SALE Ali Arm, oeengea . ti ghter made public statements in denun- | WANTED Woman or youne man starter wih éemiel uaa ciation of popular spiritualism. for clerical position, Experience! © P. RL PARM LANDS Vhe rich Coquiwncing, at a vat Plant i at th , a : mm rte f o798 Mens é This is undoubtedly the bhegin- vunRecessary, Good education prairies of Alberta, Saskatcho. mn te min, W. 488 feet to th ning of what will grow to be a required, Apply to box 08 Dmily| Wen and Manitoba are especial i uf I hb a oe hg , . dormidable opposition to the wave! News oer, tf ly suited for mixed farming, te j reds ner tt i “MILLHILL'S wee meee priced bull ever soladjef popular interest in that subject WANTE D ; ef = 1 Land (Bat, will produce big a ‘ and f ih Britain, It was purchased by &. J. EXiott, Guelph, Ontatio, [whieh has swept over England. \partinent for many crops of grain and fodder, and | oe eer fat for $34,000 at a sale in Seotland, i ee The campaign of pro-spititual ae Wife, furnishe > oF partly well adapted for dairying o1 % acres > —_ ter ———— isim reached ~ hereby given that the F We have seeured the agency for Two Hundred Shot at Odessa for) Undoubtedly it is this last out- food pay and permanent posi. terest 6 per cent, H. G. Lough- ane oe “ait gee Hemp, Conk gn raya Staying Away from, Funeral burst from an English churehman tion for the right lad H. 8. ran, Canadian Pacifie Railway * a oes aan pad, van peepee. Ste mee. i _—_ wWhiely has rallied) the Bishops to Wallace Co.,Ltd if Station, Vancouver, B,, -Sbep Sever tire > sliveryv | 7 ‘ —— . " . ® QOur prices include delivery. CONCTANTINOPLE, Sept, 2.—|Comeerted action against spir Ute wien “gs motioe ; $13.00 {we hendred citizens of Odessa alism, Herve is what = five. of 3 den d a me ae ree “ . Iwere executed by order of the|thenr say: Y GREK FOE WO; BOPMAMECO. lth: THE TUABSIAR LAND | DINTHO—te ¢ . Phone Green 545 evenings 07 CORDING IMSTIUCT OF SKEENA, AAD? eened sacked $14 00 Gotshevist authorities: for neg- Bishop of ford Rettman oe MEPHATR AT ALOR ALM ; ? ? - jecting to attend the funeral of} “Nothing Ss Teme certain than/~ ANTED An®experienced cook) pax’ xcriee thal TAYLON MININD } Per Ton Delivered the sailors who lést théif lives/*hat spiritualistic investigations) for General Hospital for Rep. | CUSEANY LIMtTKD OF Grek Poneiwr - y - “ f d . le 4 al } " Hoiltene wi tt of Vane ver, i the ; . when the Malian destroyer Rac-|4re, for ordinary people, mentally tember 15 Api y matron. tf Vrovinee of Mh, a Compan Frices on car load lots en chia struck ® mine in the Blaekj#"d (morally debilitating. No! ennneeiiedes: (A nan Eicer Te oan! application to Sea several days ago, declared the | ProBeress. 18 made in them and it} HIOUSEKEEPER WANTED. CWO mpicston ie Pillows Geeetined PRINCE RUPERT ELECTOMAL bDIsTRICT survivor® of the erety now hore.” [#s. difficult ‘to believe that any} i family, eleetric range. Apply 5438, 3038, 3439, ana0) sWe shd' $800 in NuThe by given that Monday Pri R The Racchia was convoying Zenuinely acientitie'character at-|at store, i. S. Wallace tf = assiae Die on Nipe Are = os es : popes a at tr rince upert three Italian steamers bringing te hes to researches so barren, so yy ANTED WW > as pinied in the Ww ‘ mune of bat in or eee af “us w tae : rect, thee : Boishevist (prisoners from Italy| #eavily shadowed by fraud and s | : : ° Dink satin S dee 9 weet & dintanre gunna F d C ; |plainly unwholesome to the in-| “°** \pply Canadian laundry. or 4ey feet, inenee North BA dee. Bf : med # i ee 0. back to Russia. On entering the|P!al a b . - 4 mis, Weat a diste a thee | «sacl i m of tbe : ; harbor of Odessa, which is heay.|Vestigators, } SITUATIONS WANTED southeriy t ’ c tat 434 theres * Corner 2nd Ave. and 9th St. P . el, é following the § wert ‘ . tan tne ; re ily mined, ber commander mis- Bishop of Norwich | 5 he T6434 North 86 dee Bast & diate ' ’ Phone 58 Green 548 understood the directions given} “So far as spipitualism relates Two young ladies ‘arriving from sate = Ta a ened , a him by the Reds and she was sunk/‘ Communication with those be- Vennouren Sephenher: 4, .. 000 eo a a es . hy the explosion of mines. ‘jhind the veil I do not believe that employment gether or sepa-}'" “ NUM Drove People to Funeral we can obtain anything so strong} "@lely) preferably in office oF) Ament ror tt ayior Mining Compe ' As a means of propaganda and comforting as the cons¢ious store. Address box 91 Daily . one e at A Arm, 1 this Twerrin News ofllice . one ay. o ue@u. toe 40 ACRES among the crews of the Italian|‘sMyp it diysmojjay uno jo sven} 2*™ oe, . cicada hips the Red authorities arrang-|“% unites the living wn the FORM SALZ rewwirs »| ef? a grand State funeral for thre |dead.” 0 nscale lit canes captcha tibialis sted al Ue e victims. fhe entire population} Bishop of Truro }FOR SALE Snap 20 hop. N. & , ‘nuns as ordered o | “In this life thé future is veiled 8 cneine. ne ‘adae’s ne. 4. 4, MeMOLIAN S vour miles from ‘Terrace, two- f Od a wa rdered out on the ; ? S. eng ,n w. Poday fa emetrer of Voters feom frame house two acres nay streets to witness the funeral |?rom our eyes. it were not se! tory ‘prige is $500 higher than oe : . : a theadow, three acres ready to stump. procession. To\make sure that{life would be hardly tole rable and when this was bought Pur-| . - About four hundred thousand feet nobody remained at home guards |VUF very freegom of will would be) chaser will save this amount.| wW-fimber must be “logged this went into the houses and dreve|im ieopardy. Therefgre, fortune-} sad Paul “Aivaroft and ©. W NOTICE. witer and delivered at sawmill one *rvets ws s s . yuan . away at $7.00 per thousana. ||People out with their bayonets, |telling, crystal gazing and all) finbleton for particulars and NOTICE MS WRARGY OFVEN that in ae | «PRICE §1,500 ON TERMS. | About two hundred citizens, such things are clearly, so far AS} tepins, Prinee Rupert Cigar | Jy mace with of Aiveodmeant ao ror bee on wilt more than pay for fand. Plinen and women, who were dis-|they are in earnest, efforts to cut} std, Tirird Avenue. Phone! Me Ist sexsion of the beginature any persue eeerceny Cor for man with team. covered hiding in houses, were }®eross the Wisdom of the Divinely | Bive O14. . ty | Misia, ae yrement f " att ‘ i | saat nce up and marched into ene oredered plan. | eee ~~ pees Town or Uy toe of lands wilhia N OTIC a é ite or subyrh of town gens for - 2 Kon B & Co. of the principal squares, where! Of the life fo come We are Hale Strong young strawberry plants | whet hee oe t ,. 5 ote ee ey gees fy : ey FOS. they were publicly shot a few|*ome TiQ® and then the yeil ~ for fall or spring planting. | rene ‘and in reanwideratn ot. Ay eeehyt pee mas or tome Fi Real wan, Brokers. hminutes before Ue passing of the drawn. If spiritualism atemms| Send your order now for early! ta thea ae 7 het Settee akal lar cake Sedethae meee i i : | ‘ re epee -™ oF ore the aera : . ‘ eta re > Terrace - - B.C. | procession, to lift this veil so that we may| deélyery Prices on appliea-)or Septemie > 1990, on whirt sate 2) ; 1 bmewte w ccdtet tinker” seaseaabeaeee | Had Opposite Effect, gain from its lifting some know-| Won Pruitiand Nurseries, ree oo gl ey aie ae ate “ apeid ts “bee ‘ vk en re o : enh, In the evening pieture’ of the|ledge of the future, then clearly| Remo, BC, (G,T.P _, th At Under Bn SErvement for! of her af full om eoooooors Hiragic execution were shown at{We ate going outside the divine|e oy 2.1 petablinhed businean ond Wail therenticr be dp. | ins be due, ara aubtt onruc J. G: Teas 371 jal the eine matograph theatres, plan of life. Suceess in this en- n good location. Good reasons )etriere and wilt ‘be eine went 7 ; 4 Mae's . gates r wi ‘ ll, Blue 270 Che Italian sailors, many og) deavor would make us all, not} : : 4 Himent of the terms of Vhe sale ated the | wider teat all tave whet Vuaieing nés , yi not : . | for selling Apply box 96. Daily /orovistens of the “Land Act guvermmina ‘ af have f . he & iwhom were ardent Red sympa-|Creatures of circumstance, but} i a Lei uxenline. purenane™ money 4 “ft ; NGWILL thizers, have returned from Odes-|!mere automata at the will of the} ~ Scene ant the hatin eoeartdg Ei the cortens meen! er aa eaten” ated i sa horrified and dismayed by the |future.” FOR SALE. Pwo second hand f this paper tit» wicnoe | ' an tien Sheet Metal Works scenes they witnessed. On the Bishop of Lincoin } ranges. Mrs. Wolters, St.j Deputy Minister ns Cando nes sa haeeteate Si tnaite ~ Agent for “MeC lary Furneaes — oyage out pieturés of Lenine and| “Those attempting to probe the} Louis Rooms, Phone Red 94] POG ment of bands, einen A ee maloagecenges rot Vv ame er ags ac ne . “4 open a dao f ay Sth april tet ore eres ml Trotzky and Red flags adorned the pores are trying to oper floor 206| May Sth, 1990 , anitary an Italie } but these sppe fChosed by God.’ - Hea E ialian ships, yu 1eS8€ were : or g . 7 rating | ngineers thrown’ overboard by the daz Bishop of Lichfield r OR SALI 22-ft. launch with ? * 5th Street atid Fraser Street Rin oi : ie a ek hick? “On the main poin e wel-| cabin and good engine. Priee WANTS DIVORCE FROM “CHARLIE” ‘18R I eu d men on their return from m tt ia point th el . } Prince Rupert - - - - B.C. lthe Red paradisa, come F should give to any scien-| #200. Apply Daily News. tf Se a my ~-——---- liste Gemonstration of the COD-lrOR SALI Baby buery, 530) i Mrs. Howard W. Thompson, ef| scious existence after death of} ginnmit Avenue. 207 ‘rrace, arrived in’ town by last] personajities whom [ have loved! ‘SMITH ALLE fevening’s train, and reverenced on earth and of (HOUSES FOK SALI F. W. Hart. --- real intercourse with them, then} tf LAND “AC 7. f am sure F am not prejudiced) a : i PLUMBING: AMD HEATING FORM OF NOTICE. ee Sa alone. | eB ey ea etl | ad * ‘ r »* to ‘ | ’ ee ‘iaahies tah my a a SISeRERS hee eae Bn Ceeat hce niee 10, - Ratim 1 ‘ OF COABT wre 905, Slewart Townsite. Prica, sa — renee tor ‘an tale Oe oe exposition of the nature of that $1,000. ‘Phis lot adjoins busi ; \Paper makers, int 4 t sei is te . > a » 9 Address, 3rd Avenue, head haission “i eur The P if Re dee aoe aa ae 7 b " ness section on Sixth Street. | F | lands ' » Oo be revealec eo} initia ote ci Pi of Becond Street. |, Commencing at @ post planted af thélthem b he ‘parte . hp py Daily, News ares. kel f |s.W. corner of Lot 16. False Intet, Riversp eee! by the departed through ~—-—| ‘Phone 1745-4) 0. Box 274 Valet, inence enat 60 chains, theyce soviet ‘controls’ and ‘imediuins.’ HOUSES FOR SALE | : _e \ ence ore. j iss A nat cnet Hartherly along shore to point Of com: “Their coneeption of survival| ~—— sy f te mencement, and containing 160 eres, more] that is, the continuance of a FINK HOME, best residenting| ’ ‘ PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, life closely resembling our pre- section. Moderate ree Hel He The Sm t Date June gist 1940. v sent life—ia not identical, indeed, ane Real Katate, Insurance, } See eeton MINERAL ACP, te0e, (HP MY conception, which I be-| "Clery Dublie | t = eee ae 2 lieve to be the Christian concep- YS T R Pei sas tial ; FOR REWT ea coms | GENTHICATH OF IMPROVEMENTS, | tion of @ ‘revival,’ a renewal of) ———— 9 |e : a. : | | The Dandy No. 2 Fractions mera:| Spiritual, a being with Christ. HOUSKE POR RENT. FURNITURE ’ ‘209 Second Avenue ‘ : ; : : | : Hiivision OF Casatar bisteer eet Everlasting life is not to us, as}. FOR SALE—Apply 735 Fraser] | Where jocated: On Dotty Vv j : a » ear Mrant ° ; 4 ‘Monve Cooked Meals aad ee ee Sas wae tte it seems to them, very like t arthly Ste eet, : 07} lund is about Seventeen’ miles trom wellife prolonged everlastingly. ‘ vor ; Breakfast, Dinner and [head of Anee. Am. "SANITATION Supper Fae eee, tans I. bs 1 9 1 a ibeencagtiemainenetiaminmetteraeel Ue aa aL die oe ree ners er rate 0. - Fresh Home Made Bread |tend, ixty days from the date hereof, to Kaustine System of Sauitehion i appls 0 il intn. ecorder for cer Three Times Weekly jeale of Improyemants for purpose of suitable for unsewered dis- 7 jobiaining & Crown Grant Of “the above 3u Memory of tricts, Odorlesa and. waterless nies — And surtpes sane notes that ac un- toilets for homes and schools. ¢ see aa; s 4 > june ieeuance of auch Certificate of -~ Mrs, E Sanderson See D. Hunt, 341 Second Ave, yrovements, . . . > 2 P ° R ated Mis 19m aay of suy, 1990, roo em eo a Pa 1OX 3, rince upert IN THE MATTER OF THE PHINGE KUPRECE who died at hin one Bake aan cs s 5, ITED, IN VULUNTAKY LIQUIDATION, Cart Stems Ranglin! PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS »% EUROPEAN PLAN rh ras , | : ve Creditors of the above-namea Com- | © $1.80 per day and up. Raby are required on OF before Mt 5 September 3 a oe ee : eplember te 20th 1920, to send J. SLADE STEVENS, late of the | ‘ - names and addressés aud paraiea tage or 3919 tae a see FIRST-CLASS OAFE their denis or claims to A PD. Din 9 staff of Ormes Limited, is start- | racine Bullding, Vanequyer, Mrit Lo- 1 Be ‘mber 4 ; A La Carte. tutus, te Ligdiaator of the nue Hu- _inge in Dusiness eptember 1, , er isheries m - if ' j teepommerenscrencee- ead hy notlee in’ erin be enti handling higtr-class piano tun- Mrs. Mildred Harris Chaplin, PACIFIC CARTACE, LTD. Reliable Service at reasonable Rates. We have Warehouse facilities, 8. & Parker, Manager Liquidatos, are, sonally, to come in debts or am at suc shail be on in thereof: by er Sollettors, ted Wwelr said petaa t ine rom & epee betpre suc ereD thie tity EAA § eciare ara te ing, regulating, ete.; repairs. to phonographs and cameras of all makes, GIVE YOUR WORK TO A PERMANENT RESIDENT who will be here to stand be- hind iis work. Your patronage solicited. Phone Hed 204, P.O. Box 762. tf Divorce procecdjngs were aturted in Los Angeles, Cal, againat Chartle Chaptin, king of comedians tn the motion pieture world, by Mra. Mildred Harris Chapity, Chaplin and bis bride, who were married on October @, 1918, lived in Low Angeles ufter they were married, but it was only a abort time before the motio. picture colony heard rumors of mafital un- happiness, Mrs. Chaplin was a film star before hér marriage, appea™ ieg in productions by thé Univeral Film Manufacturing Company, leorerre ee OOF excellent and Canadian Steam Lau Phone Consider These Poir Vancouver, BC MM. Stephe Notary Public + For Quick 5 rwos - "$3500 00 This + in Section’ w y five mi ites walk gt Office M. M. Stel Rea! Estale Insorasge OOO Otte Peer eeennneett Shampoo Go TO T NORTON Sano » facial massage rod it does to the ne fi. Pack to ¢ ant jenna seal hair to any shane ' ‘beatae to pret doe ment e , face powder & of face cream roatm, Opposite Gover! 210 4th St G Hand Your Hageas® JOE BRO Motor Translet © aang Sates 62 Bud Quick “Del