Page 6 Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE We have a particularly good assortment. Page & Shaw’s bottled candies of many kinds. Pascall’s But- ter Scotch, Fruit Drops of many kinds. Sticks in bottles. Our Chocolates are of the best quality, Ganongs. Moirs, Willards, Neilsons, Liggetts. The price is right. Lowney’s Ormes Limited The Pioneer Druggists . te i mu ! i mers j ent i hereby degrading s#ivilization ithe level of the dark ages a Joverati i and production will Psalve the tredust il probl injone conservative lines. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. NOTICE tS HEREBY GIVEN that the POULTRY RAISING reserve existing vver Lot 2566, REQUIRES CAPITAL ie. 8 C4 ‘From rit to Eight Thousand oP canted pee -- 0 ‘Dollarg Necessary to Mako | “LAND #HHGISTAY AUT | Good Start (Aertions #6 aud 134) aA, Appucation No. Pati7-4. File 6216.) L. F. Soliy of Lakeview poultry Island, ive in Leader on poultry Ta ime ie un itterest Mgye artich tivat, al prices, the cost ff eoing 3 shiveh he says shut j s in reyeele : laws: fen aere five cleared “4 lowell ws 1% Furnily frooder h “ae Al Laying pullets, ft Purcha ff BOO ¢ ind raising’ pulle « #1.000 iFeneing e150 Living penses first yea and extra expemses (say e750 year's @npital ex } inciudjng. rails |} Ing. pullets and more ue - iy 4 &7.500 th 8° EMPRESS TO BE OPEN FOUR DAYS WEEKLY High Class Pictures and New Or- chestra Provide for Winter Season in Popular } House t be effected by following eitract IN ‘HELL ROARING REFOR a lightning fast Western Drama with the ‘lightnt g fast star at his bes Sunshine Comedy NO ADVANCE IN PRICES Fox News Mutt and | EMPRESS THEATRE Tonight and Tomo Striking Famous Broadway Comedy Succes “LOMBARDI LTD.” t carcer Prices, isc ,. in which Bert Lytell does the best work of his brilli COMEDY and NEWS LAND KkGIS THUY ACT, ction 36 et 134.) He application xO 16008-. Pile 6973 fAabh A ee Le Lad register Joon A. Magray, of Vrinee pert ub i os Owner mm fee ueler «4 Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of te t f rinee Rupert, bearing @ale Une #3rd day of Cetober, 1019, of ALL AND InGt Lal that certain pareel oF tract of jlaad and premises situate, lying and bews! ihe City Of Prinee Huppert, mere pat jlarly known and deseribed as La SIX ‘ Hiock Twenty-nine (80), seaby nm tne 4), Map vas you are re“) red to coutest the elsif of the tas purchaser within 35 days from the dat of this notice (which ta) publication in te f ttn erviece bai ‘ews, Prince Hopert), aid your ailentiat | is called to section 46 of Une “hand egte | iy Act with amendaernts, 0 tg thes the neh rettt o« « “amd tio default of @ caveat or cer tifeate of fe .pendios, being filed before the reisiration as owner of the person entitied tinder fuch tas sale all persons ‘#0 served with motive geet tthe = ebmliieg through of under them, aud all per sous claiming any tuterest in the land by virtue of any unregistored instrument, and @ll persons elain ing any integest in the ‘and by descent whose tithe ts wot regtetered under the proviemuse of this Act shall be for ever esteupped and de | barred from setting up lain te or } in respeet of the land so sold for | tates, and the Hegietrar shall re®ister | the person entitied under sueh ta. } sale aa owner of the land s@ sold | | i - | for taxes.” upless you take and prosecule the proper) ae } : ‘ j proceedings to establish your claim, if! lhe management of the West } AND WHEREAS ospplication bas bern any, to the @aid lands, or to prevent such} one lmade for a Certifeate of Indefensible Tithe | prapperst action 09 ds ee icsre ia holon theatre Wishes te an js Ihe above-mentiongg Jands, in the name Prince Rupert, M.C.,. his bin aay oryrounce that the Empre Theatre w Joon A. Mprray August, A. f° i920, fll } | f. AND WHEREAS on tivestionating the ttt . il be open to the public every} als ¥. MACELEOD, Cail Ved rt , rid: itt appears that prior to the vth aay oF Vietrict Registrar « }tlew ednesday pursday riday an ‘ . . To Western Demigion Land & tovestment ’ \Uctober, 1918 (tne date on which the said | Co, hid, a) rday heneeforth On accouul! tands were sold for overdue taxes veut ews Py pfaunore, of the holiday next week, the were the owners thereof, a5 #lated | f ‘ } 7 _lyour respective names raucis H. Hays, jtheatre y ' en on Monday/|* alin ; Arihur c misenelt’ lealre Witl on -»P 1 a Y) YURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at tue] Wilham J. Kennaugh, and ‘Tuesday as we 10 SHINE’ game time 1 shall effect registration in BE. H, Pacey, iniaed of piétures will be shown | pursuance of such application and issue ! * vale ‘feasible Title to the — - Pias al the estholme and there|4 Certifeate of Indefeas =n s ~ 1 Weeno i said lands in the mame of Jobn A, Murray, will also be an orchestra. O7 lunes you take and prosecute the proper With our modern equipment and sanitary methods, we produce a wholesome Nutritious Bread Our Goods are all made from High-class Material TRY THEM The La Casse Bakery ory. 190 717 Grd Ave. Auto Delivery BUS SERVICE TO HOT | Visitors to Lake! se can get autemobile Terrace by notifying ©, A, W ile, | the liveryinan, Park Garage, Ter lrace, Who has a new Ford car and jtruck for this business, Heason jable rates, tf} service from) | proceedings ~to Hot soanaal | _ SPRINGS AT LAKELSE i ti ot nore " establish your elaim, it} any, to the sald lands, or to prevent such proposed action on my part Prines | Ww. PF, MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles fo Kila Mason, Milner, BO, registered Bnd assessed owner lyo Priscila G, Hurrell, wuner, BO0,, Morlgarce, } Advertise in thé Daily Nows, a General Sal BOOTS & SHOE For Ladies ant Children lea and Saturday ) - September 3 and4 ————— a now is the AGE OF rails noys AND shoes for School is starting ay: time to PAKE ADV AN SALE TO OUTFIT nal GIRLS with hard wear! rough school pl LYE Leckie: Shoes for boys Classic Shoes f t | ” ith ths Whether you were Sé ied s f las t pair of shoes or not, wé . you now both as re gar QUALITY AND pRICE JABOUR BROTHERS ! at »venth Sut Corner Third and Sevé rrounds.