THE DaAILy NEws STOPPED AER HEADACHES Years Of Suffering Ende” By “Frult-a-tives” 112 Haren > Sr. Joux, N. B, “Tt is With pléasufe that I write to tell you of the great benefit I reecived from the use of y med i« “Pruit-atives’, m Pom juices: # was @ great sufferer for many yeas from Nervous //cadaches PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue, H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EpITor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ............ $4.00 By mail! to all part’ of the British Empire and the United States, ie TOG, OOP PORP bn s adc ewido nd een sane eh ee aan $6.00. To all other countries, in adyar costae Oe TELEPHONE 98. ser eee . . par 1k . nee, per ye Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each inseftion. **¢© » I tried everything, Transient advertising on front page .......... $2.00 per inch. an cara aa nothing Local Reeders, per insertion, .......... ees 25c, per line. or, tae ap me wee Tt ee Classified advertising, per insertion, ........... 2c. per word. | iher thing cneine bene, Ions J ife@ac i ; e, r ; } Legal Notices, each insertion, ....... +se. 15¢. per agate. line, completely relieved of these troubles Sontract Rates on Ayzplication. : 4) All advertising should be in the Daily News Office on day pre-| wt pdw ANNIE nae. ee ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. : | $00. a box, @for $2.50, trial sie, 250. At all dealers or seat postpaki by Freits-tives Limited, Ottawa, + OILSKINS Gum Boots, Rubbers, Shoes, DAILY EDITION, 1920. — luesday, Sept. British Commonwealth Under Discussion. Some of the Eastern papers are discussing the position of Canada in the British Gomnionwealth, fer rights and prvieges cians a oan sok and’ incidentally the rights and privileges of the King. The Canvas, Te Sails, Suit Giiculty in discussing a subject of this kind is that there is no}2 Gases, Trunks, Handbags, Marness and Saddlery CALL AND SEE THEM J. F. MAGUIRE documentary evidence for use in connection with this. Words do not mean what they purport to say. The King summons Par- liament, the King dissolves parlrament, the King approves things, | } the King declares war, the King issues @ proclamation. That) ggg Second Ave... Prince Rupert AT ANGLICAN CHURCH (( looks simple enongh, but, as a matter of faet, the King @ees none} ® clio 4 7 : ce s)he Med oe 5 ae iietitaile mibioul aera gi esr ed of these things. The King acts officially only through his minis- e888 e888 eee ee eee Miss Wright of Ocean Falls Be- ters, or it might be more correct to say through the prime minis-|, PRINCE RUPERT TIDES - *| comes Bride of Wiltiam > ter, and the prime mimister is responsible only to parliamentieg ease 8e8888608¢08 Harrobin. | elected by the pgople. } = & the pgor' : ie Saturday, September 4. 4 quiet wedd We sing “God Save the King,” but we really mean “God High, 5:8 a {7.1 feet he Angtican ©) Sa | ++ Of. preserve the state” or perhaps it would be more correct to in- 17:8 p.m. #9.3 feet 0 . . oe : ¥ terpret it, “With the help of God, we will preserve the state.” It} Low, 10:53 a , 6.8 feet ! : . QUALIT } : “ »., 5.3 feet fs all a mafter of nomenclature. ae oS ; reg , . be 7 } Sunday, September 5. d to Miss Jar wht ‘ : . People as Free | High, 6:12 a 16.1 feet. Falls site it Sa cela k As They Can Be. ' 18:10 18.7 feet [8 se r | Low, 11:46 a. m., 8 feet j : n ' r a ne People who do not live under-the British Nay and do not = ® : a ame six - iy a » e The time used is Pacific Stan-|,,; friends ‘ Snsentind understand our elastic constitution and the manner in which it dard, for the 1$0th Meridian west.|.,. ae , . OFFICE HOURS has evolved, offen with with blood and tears, think that we are|{t is counted from 0 to 24 hours.|. eicantaes . Gorning 9 te 12, Mernoon, 1.30 te 5.30, Saturdays, § 1 my struggling against feudalism. That is not true.. There is little | from midnight to midnight. ; Mr. and Mrs ei ve\|* : ailing ake applic Every Evening from 7.30 to § trace of feudalism left in the corstitution of any section of the} The table given is for Port : ‘ a . sue +4: . . o is s > De . ‘ ‘ ‘ British Commonwealth (Empire, some prefer to call it We arelnopert 1 ees 2 ae eo ae Page ’ re Dental Nurse in attendance ; " aries only e ninutes OR PROG “4 a free people inasfar as laws can make us free. ae A ss LAGE BAY AAG “in teeanetion Phone 109 for appointment jon some days and on others is WAS WELL ENJOYED wr 2 ‘ " a : vee The difficulty when we talk about freedom is to mistake a|the same. The range of the tide Be said t ¢ appearing be Current leases Rooms 4. 5. 6 Helgerson Bik., Cor. 3rd and 6h free consfitution for real freedom. In. Russia they have a soviel,|/may be computed as 5 per cent, (eontin ne MP the ; - . } +! , ved From Page Or OO. BR NATHEIN ete n i izreater at Prince Rupert than at f . ” - Deputy M ' - Lands Best Equipped Office in Northern B.C which in theory is not a bad form of government, but as practiced | : I | ae Department of Lands . ¢ . > jzies i oa, © Wi ‘ ctor there, is little more than slavery for a Targe part of the people. Pert Simpson both at springs andjzies; Callic Atewart Maxey Viewwe. BC, ont h ‘ s neaps. Therefore the rise in the! Preston, Boots Fk. ae In the United States they have a more or less free form of | Prince Rupert harbor is elightly | Married ladies’ race dn Cos WATER NOTICI i government, but no one would elaim that under it there is no |sneater than Port Simpson. nist, Mr«. H. Mobley. Mrs. Pre«it DIVERSION AND Use ! injustice or that everyone has an equal chance in Jife. Freedom,| The height is in feet and tents! Ladies’ nail driving contest TAKE AN ¥ te ung | PRINCE RUPER as we have said before, is a matter of edication and training. dt C feet above ttre average level of Mrs. Tf. H. Hymundsen, Mrs. Edna : t ely S. S. s : : ; ; f i Ww y water, ears Mrs jillis and Mr . a includes edneation in politteal and social morality and no amonnt| edt. -viaaggn r ; ’ eae ae wot BLS id PP z et Lee y , | Geen - eee emer soune ' en } of legiskation can make an avaricious, grasping, selfish people| advertise in the Daily News Largest family on ‘ n ; ma S $ PRINCE GEOR j into a free commonwealth. _— —-- - —_—_— Mr. and Mrs. Hedler, 11 ae es MINERAL ACT, 1896, it Mes le tien hae mu ; , BATLIN Socialist Mirage : a: Pee oe ; Bay, Coat oe Mr. and Mrs. W. Monte powes Midnight Sunday and Thursday for Swanson Bay Not Possibitity. | CERTIFICATE UF IMPRUVEMENTS Gaitéren’é thasts. Ms | : Falls, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Socialists imagine that it is only the political conditions that |, wee ay ae GR gh ee ol Sage ms Girls {8 ‘ und Pe : Anyox Wednesday, 10 p.m Stewart, Saturday 058 keep some people in degradaton and give others the luxuries of | Dixisstin of Casstar District ivrne, Ma Micha 8.8. PRINCE JOHN OF rr a Eee a - : } ¢ lorate , Do r ‘ , ; : : > aiurcay life. “Do away with the capitalist system,” fhey say, and “there |and joined by thé Dolly Varden ciatms Boys f ad ur For Stewart, Wednesday 2 ‘p.m Od 1 we ee : : ang is about eeventegn myes from ine n Willie Mitet Port Clements, Massctt and Buckley Gay, Sept : ; ! s i a ee : 3 aa of Alice Arm lite? . will be no incentive to oppression.” The wage system is the only : Take nttice thet <2; Prank Strmnsnem, Girte 42 ai alll rm p ) Southern Queen Charlotte [siand Points, Sunday , -The , Rea ee Msenge clavec ’? Ilr, |Eree® Miner's Gertificate No. 36621-c, In . wrong. “The men who Work for wages aré *‘wage slaves.” Un-|ika tasty dive tram th dere terest, noi Gawthor i a Frizz rte | night. happily for their argument they can never point to any practical |") improvements, to) the ports o| Boys 12 and uuder—Leo M eof thn hen a on py oon ay f090 om fer object lesson of the working out of their theory. As a matter|/a* * Crown Grunt of the sfovel Kinnon, Fdward Byrne ’ ont adieli Be rng tcieeielil eating direct cannectoa of fact there cannot be any object lesson until man is Shanged,ta) aaent mas he en ee ; ey _ ; a nent ~— Bette B North. Agett s at pointe ete end south Li his nature improved and his tendencies eurbed. We are possibly |hrovamene, °°" ATHBeate of mm ye ‘ a peat kus eae ‘4 Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines e Oye “ ! nder i - » . ‘ : t ss . 7 : : 4 a rvations apply & on the road*toward a better condition. «Phe present is in no} Bee’ BM OW Gay of July, 1090 ey nie. George Selig LAND REGISTRY ACT } id tome ede, _ Sure Avence, phos? 908 sense ideal, but it is much better than has been any condition |! THE MATTER ur THE PmNcE KUPEKE |). Girls 8 and underp—At 8 , of any people in the past AEE LIMITED, iN VOLUNTAK ; , os i au} ) y 1@ past, : y ww Joris Sinith s — ls The Creditor® of the above-namea Com Boys 8 and under Jack G : ra i " gn | - pany are required on or pbefo Monday w8 Fohert * e j : bracts SITKA INCORPORATED NEW STATE FORMED | September ibe 20th "4990 "to "aeua thea morn n Irvin s ta i ” a ry cy ; ; RAIMA [names and addressés and particul rf f Gand u . oris Mar te ; ri ‘ ar la —t—< jibetr denis or claims 10 it p Disning, £19 e 7 : (pees 2 w ee : Vovems 7. OF AL CANADIAN PACIFIC ro waite PARIS, Sept The new state umm ee Vancouver, Britian co-|FOmery, irene Mitchell D § ULA that certain pare be Ne ’ wumbia, the Liquidator of the Prince tu- | S myc 2 ‘ rect of land an retnise tumte hee rant ete, ‘ene Holds jof Lebanon in S¥ria has heen set |Ber Fisheries. Limited. pad, if so te-| 9 DOYS 6 and under—Car! h. | igh and Setup tn tne Chip el Pein Roper Be CANADIAN PACIFIC COEAR SERVICE ection nday i ; PF aes }Quired, Dy notice in writing from the ssa) Albert Gawthorne and Gord articuariy known and searriped . ip with Beirut as its capital. Liquidator, are, Dy ther Solicttors, or per , i x The ne at a thie . - : a os ee sonaliy, tO come*m and prove their saa | Ureen big . ine Hundred a bah at ve St shi Service! py “4 : 71 a xg ; . 4 debts or claims at “) time a . = ae ror] eam SITKA, sept. 6—Sitka, Alaska’s Ir. W. Falconer and son, Sel- lshai be Speeitied in aecn” Noed’ or . One mile rate Lopen Georg YOU are required to eentwes the clay _— oast Pp oldest town, founded by the Rus-|kirk, of Alice Arm, are in the city, (Acrauit Mereor, they will be exciided|Corkle (1 - Dick Greenwel! f the tax purchaser withip 35 days from sians in 1803 has | ate E » | from the Denent of any Gistripution made | 6 j s the date f the service f this natice 66 PRinoees MARY 3 has just been incor- {having both been in the local petire suet debts are proved . 100 yds. handicap married | (whieh may be effected by publication Prince Mupert! : . T ; } the ; ' - a sh , ponsind and the first city election [hospital last week for minor op-| ELLIUTE MACLEAN C SuKunty 292+ l mer C, C. Clementson (Etb your pticahen ts dolled to Eden 0 ee er See, a on i's will be he ay. The - :” Phew w ; ‘ ; Slicrtors for tne ap a) Wins Land tr ‘ wet "ey" ; Rupert : e held Monday. The popu- |jerations. hey will return north Liguidator, goa ‘Camtral rrr Winsby. ead 3 ' 2 lees elness Pr fom For Vancouver Victoria and Seattis from Princ? - lation of the city is 1,100, tomorrow night. ing, VieW Street, Victorm, jaseball boys, 100 yard dash and in default of B caveat or cer aueust 7, #4, #1 a 5 Britis! Cotumpia. Jee Ralehford Kik« Butler Ufcale of is pendent being Med be ‘ _ — patience ' . ; , fore the regif tration 4s owner of the | &. 6. PRINCESS BEATRIO! péy Bev an ——- Officials. pers m entitied under such tax «ale, from Prince Rupert for Swanson Bay, Oceen fe oe — —_— = — | ‘phe oftciate of the eld were ~ lt ere en | Beaver Cove, Powell River, Vancouver ane | L. Dewhurst, starter; 8. D. Me fae nder Sem, and an Gersons claim Every Saturdsy, ¢ yw ’ ° # ay any interest ft d y yy . Mponsid, tiinekeepar; W.E. Thomp of tat cao "adios aan i For raves, revervations and as : e | all p on cla ore Xtraction ates B08, announcer; W. A. Bhortridge,| Shy MEI, aiming, sat Intereay ty W. 0. OROHARD, Generel HEME 5 =e k of ; a - 2 ‘ hs 3 y ag feuten nf . a gee | Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street r 3 fraser: . ‘ eatty ane topped and debarred from setting up 7 e Mk: : hal any claim to or im fespect of the Oo . . Ratchford were also active in tr land so sold for taxes. and the A | . , u 5 opis eo ict of ‘ t us eve - tr@r™ stat! ister Cr owns feonduet of the various events. | aL Mal eaaet: | j HOM peon, « ; beauty of the land #0 sold for taxes.” ; and ' AND WHEREAS mpite m t ot }L. Dewhurst, & D. Maedonald and made for @ Ce rtihcate of lndefeasitie fits ee e ! . 4 Kitis ¢ ed a commilles in + ry one mentioned lands, in the heme aT tof Aeon ' o Ti Lewor. jcharge of the water sports . A™P WHENEAS on investiaating the Lp, pct Prete : ite 1 appears that prior to the 19th day Eosunp enn, C.V.0, Lb , 2 tific 7 | M ‘ , ul ee tet 1V16 (the date 2 whi b the aad » £. Your Sun Doc., Musical Dire ra snot Miss Norah Kenny ‘anc Ming | 88! lands were sold for overdue taxes ” -—— recy RQuir mn a scten marmer My Prices meet people in Warearet Stalker left Sunday you were jae foateoee § wine y a THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPO AINION a . : : mi i, tive ameN : 20 My modern equipped office all walks of l#e that |night for Vancouver where they!) -ponrHen TAKE NOTICE smal At th RE-OPENS SEPTEMBER ter, 18 s will visit for a short time and)|*sme time | shall effect registration in Leptures on Musil, et is at 7 ] may render the . pursuance of such spplica and issue 6 A Faculty at international reputation, Dont icno Pedaet sary 18 al your service, mithen proceed to Golden to visit |Cortineate of ludeteatibie Tile to the said Two Concert Halls, Large Conte a apne Went AOS pa best service M K . », Hands in the name f Olof Hanson up Organ and smaller Pipe Organs, afford ‘ senervanery sTeenee woe! a ¥ ’ iss “Kenny's sister, Mrs suck~|iess you take and prosecute the proper ing ample facilities for Organ Practice is en's Residence weet ham, Whose husband is member Proceedings to establish your claim, if Btodents’ Orchestre. Basemble Classes, a © any edit . ; any, 10 the said lends, or io prevent such ote, Students’ Weekly Mecitals. Free seh R 100! ie Hof the Legislature for that dis- Prepused ar tan, on my part | LOCAL EXAMINATIONS ro “i, in dune ont lO + VATED 1 “ a q ome yee ° « at oe e AY trict. lprinee Rupert. tims sath aay ot will be held thromghout the Dominion, according 0 eet tot thea liacene hin tale tihe August, A.D. 1920 | 7 —— = Member of the B.C. HM. F. MACLEOD M Roo 7 AND 8 ook College Kighteen canmery pands from! “4 Distriet Rasisirar ‘of Tithes, | ‘ MS BLOCK p S 4 to H. Evans Crown G te } . , Office Hours: MITH lai Siest ye Ketchikan arrived in town on the} “sob Dan & Jame Deal, sien aon owners e e . n Evenings and Sundays Tilamook Saturday afternoon and| siiiasiecendamnaalaieatD 9 to 12; 1t06. . Phone 575 . Subscri or by appointment. a CHARMING BRIDE FOR CHAS. GRAHAM Miss Aileen Victorin Martin Weds (ir we WARS @sF ! ari At Masset The etocia Martin ’ marriage iam toe pia a ih stopal Churet Wednesday Hey large pi 8 poe j \ i attenda orted tot M ather, James mn Was Ace hur el Miss M the raid “ llossome “ \ suests jiniet fry Phe bride Id owl white and a ridestiaid was trite After the and Mr« werd ir Gra t th of thre ey