THE DAILY NEWs m cm perry eylon’ S pffering frot Cevk n'e hill ka ba nt -own to suit critical rue? . i1isite — color ee sthevor ex ste I aril tr ne i} ta most inviting rare tee proms ‘choo! Days Again es ee et tt tt tt Books Compasses Scribblers Water Colors Crayons Loose Leaf Books " , Rulers. ; i Frasers Exercise Books ~ ee oe oe one FF School Bags lity H hest! Price HeRze ‘hea: Ltd. tationers 2 RUPERT, B.C. Variety Largest! Smallest! sellers Printers PR RINCE INCE RUPERT DRY DOCK Engineerin ng bate ating-—G. TP. 20.0 » Te Limited. *" Floating Dry Dock MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK Bineers, Ma. ' ' iler inkera, Pattern Makers, etc. acess cea Your Engulfies 713 Phones 43 and 385 . RUPERT, B.C. inders ed Ceda r Shingles 100,000 feet per day SITKA \ SPRUE ‘Ch HEMLOCK FLOORING, -EILING | INISH OF Al I Lotte lauds § Mil ‘ ‘a Kune rt Sole a it's . te LJ ke e Rupert, B.« : : SIDING KINDS aids ; pruce pe $ Ltd. Py B.C. & MeCAFFERY “lephones, 564, 116, Blue 69 ’ kent—Furnished Rooms DOMINIO) IN HOTEL in ke Rey T Firgy LL St ee a ae 4 1 ind Refi a he, RKefurnished otreet Prince Rupert ! t+ > Pn m = a 7 x Local News Notes | f ay. i Far. i. ~~ rented =, eettty . Ask for Atkins’ Sausage. tf ' ; ; m4 wa . re DR ! fe uit ¢ a i spi deed Oieabis ‘edeat "its 30 s1crs COUGHS Ch p= — a “ nd att AM SHY | itt “yfht| 7 Be Wine of Ml 77 Pre Nusl iM ‘ j La i if ip az haiti (4 | at the Hotel Pris j { 7 ae YY \ Hii ; y/ / ! I» rm XN el itad j HLA Lif JY 4 hres ' ‘ in , Ls 4 431 Hi" Shi Lge . XY ii ij 4 Wik 2 ime Se if . " c es y j vl \ Pullar f Calea 1 i! - /ff is ‘ ' daustits M @ Qs / by ina’ . I af ON 7 ‘ Va iti i ie a _—— . j = “4 t 7 Mw ; Wy S , / if ol ’ Fe nee J AY Ly) Va X jf 1A \ KZ SE ie =“. »s ieecortinetsaaphentcienencienains Mttnimeinnes ; - I» ‘epensnemer! wane i i \ ’ , c hi ie So dS, es ng on | ; i She “Cotam and ugar Saste try ‘ . } Y I ; et n When your favorite coffee is fresh and steaming — —hot, delicions, savory Wrist —that’s the time to try Borden’s Eagle Brand and to experience b by the new, delicious and distinctive flador which it alone will give. « after 1 re a4 Eagle Brand puts the * ‘cream and sugar taste” into your coffee. And ! hear a «@ harj “at. i iy ‘ introdutes a new economy too—costs less, lasts longer and keeps fresher. : ‘mulsuqua 7 The success of Borden's Eagle Brand in nourishing infants is shown by the sen Mat tesa Pie ; great number of children who heve been and are being brought up on it. & i * At all drug and grocery stores. i id ‘ t . i THE BORDEN COMPANY LIMITED . MONTREAL \ a4 Va \\ ! th mn the Pri Mary ifters ! z Cn sain “The Milk that Saves the Sugar” i Ma - flown Satur. { “ 7" rtf Vic~ With our modern equipment and sanitary methods, we produce a wholesome iui °° al a . : a I Nutritious rea ‘ Sige get ek Our Goods are all made from High-class Material g spent the past TRY THEM S.'¥. Ardagh: arriv an : Be a 717 3rd Ave. Auto Delivery Phone 190 ; . lay nig re nee ’ roing " — he » y ‘ ae | j = : p i . {f good entertainment “ hustastically 0 ei maw j + steer au) t Pantanaqutu errant. Mail Orders Receive P. Oo. Box 183 . Va . x MN nincinnit atts dil co eieil Prompt Attention Phone 558 ‘ hs vicchet, ff I rka, hams eis Mr. Ma father Mr Miss GLEESON i-? was Exclusive Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Ml 1 “ Mrs. M b- tee \ : : . a ‘| Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. di THEO COLLART, Notary Public MILITIA AND FOR “SALE—Double | Corner on ‘Bth Avenue, section z,. for $600 b \ . half cash. This is a snap. ; we ‘Canedies Lot on Atlin Avenue, with fine marine, view, S300, Most Liberal MARINE iNSURANCE on the Coast M : aif Insurance Company of North America. Pays Claims promptly e A ie ond Real Estate Fire and Marine Insurance Accidents f nee ee Ae P. 0. Box 66 Westhoime Theatre block Phone Blue 69 » mt Ries a the tba re o30 “ nat ‘ee >, a += J z un : os : ap sia Pie Fuad A. G. GRAY i Mitte and pefence ge 3 T Teacher of Piano TIMBER SALE X 2322. hel Bet See Ww spape v mot t r Stuti iT Second Avenue 7 : repartivent 7a att Seuted we fers ‘wit! be receive 1 by Une BHO YE, Blue, 421 or 444 o' chook 1 we et f Spruce tar an 1 i - WN moon, Wednesday Se mber 22 1820 ; irea 8 ated uh Sehwye tines ; whe ES =f Variety of Plants M M Se I iti i in bloom arrived 7 LS Nictoria, r District Forester, Prin CHICKENS & BROILERS oo | ee os om va esday. |! ee " CITY MARKET monde TIMBER SALE Xx 2321. ¥ } I TIMBER SALE X 2579. neal . - fa) ° rday | ait “ be recetve by the | A cptee ok + 1 later in ou t 4 than 1 t n i ta ‘ sept og Sateen TOM LEE CO. . - A to cut ¥# re Ww Spruce tas ob ‘3 mn . rs uece emo salsam an area & ated n Sewell t Y ; 0) Ba - ; _— ha a pert ar t rts “sea Pana bharietie Islands District " —.. 840 Second Avenue, West. at. tiv i t ‘ = bis tw rs will be aliowed ’ M Ma 8 4 5 anain ein M von i wit be altawed for re Further particulars of the Chief Kurest VEGETABLES h " Mi Vietorta, &. ¢ r District forester, Prine M I Walker, | bans Oe ee eee Wholesale and Retail! \ s of the Work WATER NOTICE General Centractors and d their duties | DIVERBION AND USE ; Labor Exchange. disses A, Mer TAKE NCrrhoet inet Department of Ma- rine & Pb isberies prhens ane, nose i " be. Me M May Mar pepa | agsiress ” so peers Bide Sawateeee Prince Rupert, B,C. a ne elites Oe, ee ay ole second wt watas oxtis Phone 647 =~. Pi GO. Bex 286 . . LAND ACI Gratiite Creek, which Nows portnwest \ \ ' i‘ pet { a ong arene 1008 Shere, aan from the \ district returned Metice of intention to Apply to Lease Land stream at a pelnt about 4,000 feet soutn east of the southeast corner of Lot 5,133, lay from Stewart and an ‘ hecordinug and will be ased for fish breeding pur Phon® Green 607 1017 Srd Avenue a - : . 1 at Ati Len OMINECA DISTRICT, pose upen the tand deseribed as Uranite \ ) Aline \ ; bh Creek Hatehery reserve, south. of is 1} 4 ' 1 ! ' ANt s N t uty ‘3 ane ; Wes . t! Hea , rub . a ‘ : pa ‘a8 i ! Lome ee isto. ou ST rene Dalgarno & Watts - ‘A i } : ‘ , \ be tved: By the utter n the 4th day of June 1% i | n wa Wow a “ 1 ee Mest P many dn = ® d 1 ana *% Wate wy PERS AND CONTRACTORS £8 de tle re “a0 . 4 k , t ’ ee a 191 i - will be t fe im the Mee of the BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS \ ‘ und | , a“ j : nm at) Wat A at Vrmee Hupert, B. ¢ Spectaliets th Light and Heavy .Cep- f rondway washed .4 i ‘ bene ant , i % a Vane Objections 1 the apptication may be ruction, Repairs and Alterations. 10 Penis loans rh € i j v i ‘ ’ ata i 7 ‘ ae o ' 1 im ye ca Piest Class Staipease Werk end ; a ot \ ment i t Vieloria, & within Hiulshiog - \ \ i ¥ days after the frst appearance of Estimates Oheerfully Given s notice ma t yews pa pe amen : rre ‘\ bt JWT MENT (at MAINE ND FISHEMIBS, BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING i i sheries Branch), Appitean ; : 8 ht eal See Pare t CORTRACTORS w dat ru ' kt Pudiication Of tis e is Augubl. tt, 1920,