— 3H DAILY N¥ws 8 — - a A - ; ot tee Ht LNORMAND | | { SEEN IN “PINTO” | / ot oe These are Good Pinces to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy } Plenty of Fun in Play Shown Hore | } ‘Last Night and Tonight. | er a a] : AERATED WATERS | FURNITURE AND GENERAL | LAUNORIES Mabél Normand was the al i N traétion fdr Handreds of | people REAVER BOTTLING WORKS ee CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY last night at the Westholme, The! 708 Fraser phone 422 WILFRID @RATTON.Cor, Third and 7th, | Phone Cidibine kaa lhouse was crowded Phone Green 9606, for secofhd hand furni alk about funl! Why there's . _ BARBER SHOP j vere PAINTERS AND DECORATORS iteons Of joy jammed into every . 8 lfoitef “Pinto,” Mabel Normand’s| ,_, YORAMAMA BARBER Nite i AN FURNITURE an ana pent? SeAoDER rs ’ mn Neer Phone Ores tatest Goldwyn picture. You ll x llavch yourself into hysterics when FRANK BROCKU hi -lyou see irresistible Mabel as tthe bacdceson oc OAM OPS care, Ave Pies Gren 642 PAINTS AND OILS Iwid and wooley western Whirl LA CASSE BAKERY THe a Iwintd stampede a crowd of mon-} rhird Aver Phone 100 : FEED STORES | i's kee So i 1 We r locled Montys and lorgnefted vemen aupent vend te iLizzies--stages a real wild west| CHINA, CROCKERY & NOTIONS sew jocation, cor. nd Ave. and 7th st) PAINTERS AND DECORATERS show that winds up in a efrnival) ; , / lof gun-play—and puts the finish THE DENNY ALLEN CO. BELL & CROSSETT Phone 477 For SO] { Blankets! Fees ee eect tmeana | _tiint avenue, roovne Post omee | “FON MERCHANTS, RETAIN. a hdérings by roping a soeial Romeo o ARTHUR i PLUMBING . ‘S MARKET Keep your blankets soft, woolly and com- ; land making a fidnnel-shirted cave} CLEAWING AND PRESSING Sbishts:Ate: lane ade“eetes, P.0%ee 400 a. m | one fortable! Guard them carefully in the wash | sense of hint. [TOKYO DYE WORKS ressing ond dry! " | ‘There is a first rate picture alse} leaning , rhone 476 GROCERIES and they will repay you with a doubled life. a lat:the: Pnetems tonight. ‘Ruemal __—* RENTALS The safest of all blanket baths is with the # | alniadge is the star and many} cares LINZEY’S PRINCE RUPERT GROCERY at, Hae | Wisss pelt aa rich, creamy, cleansing LUX suds. {wit want to see the play there}; . Cop, Ce bas Piston whome tae tere 800s too—end ly The best) to wash blankets.—Use two table- | Honight. THE @OSTON GRILL SIGN PAINTING 3 ! | Third Ave, Pron A good place $0 eat HAROWARE rey tall you whywe 4 spoonsful of LUX to a gallon of water. Whisk into a thick lather ih very hot water. Add cold water until C Al ] IES WON ail sve alee bihieh a tee) See Sea eae come Te work. And 4 ! HO NU mi Ave, Stoves ~ are lukewarm. Work your blankets up and { lsecond Ave. Big Al for the money, |stipehandiery, paitits arid’ Fishermen's sup SHEET METAL W eure iown in the suds and squeeze the suds repeatedly i plies ORKS XCelloat ’ through the soiled spots. Do not rub. D | M : fve Cieaning t | ' rythin in Shee etal Rinse the blankets'in three lukewarm waters. | GILHULY CUP - oes IMPORTED GROCERIES ie. Bervice, 7 Pass through a Joose wringer or squeeze the water out. y | YOKAHAMA hird Ave, West Berane Avenue Phone 34 Do not twist. Dryin theshade i in a moderate temperature. |Had no Difficulty In Proving ou. a — ae meat eer STEEN 4 LOMGWILL = Phone 6 : | petidrity Over Trall Satur- DRUGGISTS Ses —_ Canadian : ' day Afternoon. Te ae ae =. AIL —LA Lever Ont Limited, : - W. J. cOUTCHEON LAUNCHES FOR HIRE eee SteamLa oronto a vA > eat Second Ay treet my ee | The final play-eff for the Gil-| pre tareest drove Northern ©. C ‘Launch @NARSETRONG,” Prone @ieck 400. ‘ eiiieas Phone ‘ ihuly footbajl cup was. hejd on : ‘Saturday afternosn when e - ~ ee eee oe Callies defeated ‘the Trail i i ae ner erence hy a 3-1 score. At no time did “% ¢e rrall Club prove serious cé mte na { i eT era eee aily News Classifie 3s il few minutes of the gam that ’ } i ; they registered their sole tally 2 CENTS PER Race IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than 50c ji eC 9 | Referee MeCulloch wa emer — te eee ote ee SE 9 : . * icharge of the game and the lines WANTED. . romR SALI Snag 20 hip. R. «@ ~_ nadine , SS ea : : lnen were Ed. Ross and Frank). ~~~ Set S. engine new Today's fac. 4 — ; . be | vicker®. ; or : WANTED 8 uighly com. tory price is 8500 higher eet BOT tes. On [Me “" a) enbeosititltittt ati tina ai petent te ap herr Satisfac-, when this was hougiht Pur . hoe ° eats Faconihh An a RE tory salary | suitable appli chaser will save Ubis amount : . , 40 ACRES ing News ( X WE IN cant o pry | person to the See Paul Aivazelf and « Ww SS eARe . ry —- ao %) 600 FORM Bank of Canada, tf Kmbleton for particulars and } > « : } Mir | D MONDAY aa termes Prince Hh rt ¢ : ' “ue FRUIT LAND ling men from @gll parts of} be ole IWAN 1 > (preferably in private aper 1BAL hceid provin ; e. i. ithe United States and Canada will | lmetected Gan ‘a in Came tee famity one or two furnished Store, Third Avenue. Phone Wieser to . ae . tee vie Four miles from ‘Terrace, two lattend the annual convention of} Trades and Labor Council Se ae ‘v) steerer lige tet Bide 91. Uf aeas.se%s, 2 ‘ sind 38 . - errace, E i » Can: , wit | J ‘ aye ? en - mar lu ‘ ‘eee Arm room frame house two acres nay ithe Car Malan. Th tituté of Mining Award. | housekeepfhie privileges. Box Strorig young strawberry planta cet,» Cee sat 6 Meadow, three acres ready to stump. and Metallurgy. to be held» at ’ 100 Daily News office. oa ee : , reet of about four hundred thousand feet Winnipeg commencing October 5, 2 . Sages fall or spring planting. a tek. 29 tm. West a aintunce ge ™ aaw-tumber must be fogged tis Witinipes4 osavisenbing~ Octdbé The Red Sox were in their rege Fw ANTHD-—Hoard and room. for] Send your order now for early foot. thence orth 84 Gee. Bi ier Sua (evercd Bt Sawink! One 95 T lar good play msg ei and beat working man with hoy of five dk livery. Prices on applica. i ! su s . ‘ mile away at £7.00 per thousand, oe Ithe Colts in the anal élimination vlptape 7 : tien Fruitland N ries, | fe" : ‘ é PRIOE $1,500 ON TERMS. * . . : : where no other small boys, for . rea a M Nurseries, . : a , 4 Timber will more than pay for iand. 1 pe Copper Mountain mine ye on. sad vee ee aoe ee \pply box 99 Daily | nemo. wa a 4 Arres, nore oni /} P , 4 D Le ero us estlere ’ e oo 4 wi « f Fine opportunity for man with team the anada C opper C sOInpany will}, and thus won “he #25 prize p vt _ Nev So war a oe dum 0 FOR SALE Six.room house with 1096 ' " _ soon be connected up with up by the Trades andl. oy ir Coun | WAN TED-—Woman or young man bath and basement. Close in ae ! Hon ny . . erincelo > > > ’ = : - ; . "i Kenney Bros & Co Princeton on the Kettle Valley | 5 A lot of errors and peor! for clerical positian, | Aperence Section six Apply to P.O. box pares ¢ Ahee a as ate i e ~ ; ‘ natlway when the Copper Moun lo laying On the part of some of} unnecessary. Good education) 1664 for appointment, $3 imey of Augual. 193 bi Vancouver, § eee ee tains Railway. is. Completed. Thig Colts Alar players’ helped tol, required.” Apply to box 98 Daily leon SAPP Fetab Terrace - - B.C. station work for the new road|* se Tadale yh an ee a ss ‘i cone eG 1 me POR SALI Established business o~, ‘. n bo which was in charge of W. P. ina . : : : : A Si ee idl telitinhinntions — | th good location, Good reasons 4 mi ~~ weesececes dec ' ea : oe ‘ iTierney, of Vancouver, was com-| . A, onohue was umpire at al’ ANTED Iwo eapable maids for selling. Apply box 96 Daily "4 "4s ipleted some time ago and since aii cdunvlete Atha dt ies while for General Hospital; one for| News oMice. i ease Oe ANCELLATION UF HeoeenVe M Mi. Step ihat me *raus f “e ele halp » other ward) . ' Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 371 5 id di a ee va. ag laid) jiarry Dravis made the base-line} -Kitenen Nalp. Ane her Wart|FOR SALE. Dining room furni.), Si mt bess, Canals Ww. Longwill, Blue 270 3) } a i pn let wives links jdecisions, Mase 'y Matron tf fure Suite 16. Keane Apart . . » . ii Day Phone 5 iat await completion are some| -_— — : naetinens tients, Phone Black 331 a oe anas | Notary * 5 A : of the high bridges, without \y Aa —ermiene’. spe es ag i sad Lands” ‘ ' ; STEEN & LONGWIL L vhich steel cannot be laid. The CANADIAN IRISH or simul r aa by rs lk ied ek a i 2 : h ) . 3 {Copper Mountain road is of stan- and wife, ddress Dox 193 POR SALE 2.ft. launch with} ———— pi blades ‘ __Sheet Metal ¥ Works \dard guage and the large ©.P.R, WON AT FOOTBALL + Barty. He Oe eg aici | @¢abin and good engine. Price : Agent for McClary Furncaes locomotives will be ased in the _-— BOY WANTED. Good training,| $200. Apply Dally News, tf For Quick ; _ Sanitary and = Bicamp is 12 miles from Princeton |Seoteh-Engilsh Were Wot In Good) on.) yay and permanent posi-|pop- SAL Exe. tab aoe) : oust i Heating Engineers long up hill grade, rhe mining Form and Game Was tion for. the right tad u 8 ee ‘ aby buggy, bag : oe ts Rear ye we. Pere ind 1,000 feet higher in altitude. Disappointing. | Watlace Col eid tf LirLANph vem ae oF 2 se ee a “e pe UF "4 NY SO Ne er i Te er ere Te , 2) Prince Rupert - - B.C. Considerable difficulty has been ~~ ; STEWART LoTs - experienced in the road building} The C anadian - Iris h football, WANTED—Position as baker or} —— —- |? RUPERT ELECTORAL DISTRICT $3500. aii lon account of the shifting char-|team defeated the Scotch-English| cook in town or camp. Apply FOR BALE Lot 2, Block 10, Map) ype y i inat an Monaa ‘ . ata Se ° . : ‘“ i hereby given % mn 1 . 6 wter of the gravelly bed, last evening by a score of 2-0.) box 102 waily News office, {0} 905, Stewart Townaite, Price, |the tau day of sepiemper, 1070, at ten ” nel ‘ ee The tatter team were not in the! WANTE] ‘ : a y | $1,000, ‘This fot adjoins busi- } bbe .ay geek eee be ; *, tae ' " Saal adil ' SMITH & MALLETT Applications {or leasjng persibest of form and the match was| ye hal te ca | ness ection “on Sixth Street, the Court of Mevinion wut be pela I: t + mits covering a total of 25,365\disappointing im the quality of] for Gen rah Hospi ‘ or Sep- Apply Daily Neqwe ofiee, tf age Le atusiea’” Qf teres of Land in various oil elds | football displayed. lembor- ener. ay a mene PLUMBING AND HEATING lin Central and Western Alaska] George Russéll was referee and| WanTrhel— Position by lady sten Wouses FOR SALE F Aaa notes ia. further Btyen Eee gts. ' jcoast districts have been received |Clappert t McCullo rel : . a ce Beso Benge ee ——aemeeennt | ered Aes wotet in ihe above na ble ENGINEERS Se ee tesa cane eee nay 8p ae feCulloch — wer | agraphe Hest referen os, Ap] vIn HOME, "pebt rhaldontial lice Aidit may annty in person 30 nay M M Stept ‘ i j : ee , . e10 , , PS. ly P.O. hex 478, ily. . » 2 . r bis Game entered the tet of voters for . Estimates furnished. iit nite ‘leads dix’ the -tiintieet ae nn ht aS Bae Le Mido SB ae. |. section. ree aie uel [vas cai Kiertoral istrict at the said Boal Estate vssrntt | ; ‘0 a ipplicants filing with six, while |" \NTED — Woman or girl for| Setson, Real’ Ketate, Insurance, jaitiing of the tourt of ie naine has be hea! csiate _ Address, 3rd Avenue, head told Ray is second in nomber of BREAKS RECORD housework two hours daily. Ap=| Notary Public, iid ee af applicants tor oie of Second Street. nplications nada wa } yox 679, City, peas ig gg NE lg AG Gh og I 3S appli ali ns, but leads in acre- HURDLE RACING ? My P.O. b o.2 ioe : ) — | FOR fant « [the tamer ‘in rv ine | povided DY he weeoreeororrrnt Phone 174 — P.O. Box 274 age. The total acreage in Kat- HOUSI Kr PER WANTED. Two} - en | Provinel Kieetons Act alla is 9,210, while in Cold Bay "Hol aE FOR RE NT. FL ANITURR foot itt OF, SRP rcantn Tor terete tne 1 . elec ‘range " posted and may be inspected at the with five applications it is 12,800 Earl Thompson, Prince inn ' y? fain! 7 ae a 24 e, APD o VOR SALE—Apply 736 Frase se fom v of the undersigned Negistrar of (ACTes, Two claims for which ren ie at Laure s = OF0, oe =e ‘“~ ona | RKtlreet, 07) 4. 4 MeMULIAN ‘ ee te tee f bl ews emiate ‘ oters The Smeet n leasing permits are sought are " kong ° WANTED Second kitehen maid 7 Het a a hen war of oO jalong the Copper and Northwest. LONDON, Sept ' i ' | for Genefal Hospital, Apply ” | Atimuet 3, 1020 : " yi er Railros “ar Cor . ai N, September 7, “ATT Pe . rg a ae * ee | 7 H ‘Tea -Rooms rn Rail eae . avert Thompson has won the hundred matron, : {nos On Saturday, lady's gold) hair to § daistoneen The Bulkley Valley Fair Asso- and twenty yard hurdle race atlwANTeD ‘Temporary stenog- | wrist wateh, between Third) ' nty 809 Second Avenue | tent’ oe Te the Olympic games, establishing rapher. Apply district forester. | Avenue and Sevérth Avenue " for |‘ iation has secured the services we turf L He pp’ -| West, engraved G.BLK. Finds r| Gove F rogers i a world’s turf recor “— . So , 7 nat, © A. J Opposite Ge Ho jot 1, R. Willemar, the Hazelton WANTED — Woman €or prosal ‘retarn 10” Daily Neen officd—| - ’ arene preale [assayer, to judge the ore exhibits | wo Ap ply rly © uns adian laldeaey.| omen. ee ren. ‘1 ‘= 210 4th St rea Seer an Jat the Smithers Fair. This as- PRINTERS ORDERED |- eer are "ha NOTICE lsociation has made certain iy ANTED (hambet inafd al Knox} SANITATION mer rhe pone mae a $ichanges iw the qualifications ia RETURN T0 WORK " Hotel. th i byat ff nike i NOTICE 36 MEREBY: GIVEN | tH. tt nagaett © ree dimes Weekly i ‘the mineral section whieh call for idanl m aon vere ae Pa SOR 1 |peraon “tahibelaaas vnaer qurech Your Ba ‘ n Si ywhsite subdivision under agreement Hand ltarger exhibits, thus debarring| ~ ANCHESTE 7 Rept, 6.—rhe SITUATIONS WANTED eertenie for. unease " ne me tor ale from whos the | purchase tones E BRO — g . ‘ riots, dorless and waterle ee. OF . VON TO Sd ’ : [inany small samples of secondary | British Vypographical Union bas |’ Iwo young ladies arriving from) joinery en eee ne Pees unpald is overdue are required tw a JO jenriehment, the origin of which | ordered the striking printers Lo) Vancouver September 1, want See D. Hunt, 844 Second Ave of this Notice, eifher of the full amour Mo , : . ‘ ‘ ae 3 e. ome ’ res ereon, | lare not known, The competition|peturn to work. Owing to the) employment (together or sepa- Phene Black 446, Post ffice Saw’ as ether ae eet eae rion of ger lis ope n ; only to the Omineca strike the big newspapers of the! rately) preferably in oMfee or box 573, . 83 [puch smount, By nied must Oi weet atin Passe! mining division including Telkwa, city have suspended publication. | store. Address box 91 Daily} ———-————————-—- aoa, [eVideRCe that all taxes, whether me unielD® stand, ony : o , wee ale whi Py: posses PLAN lerrace and Pacific. eri he 7 ~— u| Nows offle a. 209 LODGE MEETINGS op Provincial. have beet pel ogi he Ihr iH Ph es O64 0 per day and up. wa George Little, the Terrace mi bee ernest aaaanens Te nnn Ins BETavided Dy Section 70. of the Lan on ’ Mrs. G. &. Austin and baby}iman, is in town and will return) FOR SALE LODGE 1051 LOYAL Ollbett oF eft Chapter 129, Hevisel Statutes of » ae PIRST-CLASS CAFE rere passengers southbound from|home tomorrow morning. Mrs, | —_—_——— 2 ays arene Mcose meets every Monday hens FADER sends Quick A La arte. Stewart on Sunday, going on as|Little went south on the George HOUSES FOR BALE-P, W. Hart.| evening at the Deep Sea Fisher. |poparmment of Laud sifar as Vaneouver,, Sunday night, tf} men's hall, if vet aa dese. | peewee