THE DAILY NEWS CONFECTIONERY Ormes Limited The Pioneer Druggists Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE We have a particularly good assortment. Page & Shaw's bottled candies of many kinds. Pascall’s But- ter Scotch, Fruit Drops of many kinds. Lowney’s Sticks in bottles. Our Chocolates are of the best quality, Ganongs. Moirs, Willards, Neilsons, Liggetts , The price is right. | ©P.O, Box 1680 Attraction at Salt Lakes ‘Crowd who went across harbor to watch Water Sports placed at 800 Captain Bealey big winner ; } ——— } Prince ‘ Swimming Gala Proved | 7 a he sixth annual gala of the Rupert Sw held Sunday stances | on afternoon under most aus} The ; i800 persons who gathered at the Salt L al the lakes in the hwav are noticeable hwas id there rhe day was @ beauliflil one ikes form of a new diving lo Wim wert ; imade | and much credit is dus Day Bell efforts lwere in charge, consisting of J. John Gurrie, whose energeli for the Success scored. | A high quality of swimming | the « tl ulent wasdisy jpeople enulering m vents who es@epeueeeeesceaeeeaee * LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ‘ eee eneeaeeaaerenus adies abie scares Gifts of Meaning usftiine the Dunes oul a when ties are drawn the closest, gifts have a deeper meaning. kor art chet centuries the jeweler's furnisped the most of gifts, lias shed Phey are particularly small the little, and mean- suitable and being rlation costs n franspe They carry value ing. big hopes hie John Bulger’ Jeweler Inspect these Lots e in and buy them: 34, Block Then come Lots 33 Section 14. $650 each Lots 24 Block 16, thw and fn 29 and printed on book Mig Sarit Rupert they nity fish if our Din arts to welcome you taud Ministe r or 17, ree sau 1 an Kivers fet te Further partic Victoria, B. C., oF COWICHAN WELCOMES PRESS DELEGATES the visit of il Press delegates to Cowichaa Leader got On the eccasion of Imperik in the special niniature as The what a greet- Leader Prince paper fo the visitors ol { vichan have bad been ihe In Cowichan we our big our people might Riven have waters, game trees in hiilis, bie Dif ‘ausants to eat pulp plan big mills on oast, livids, bigs phe for our ¢ crops our big oj ne ts, Britain, and le ll Britishers CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. GIVEN t 2566, the 4, that Kenge Dep Minister of Lands, Departunent Victoria, B. C., ward June 1920 60d) TIMBER SALE X 2326. Sealed tenders will De received by tne Lands not tater 71h day of October, 1920, for the pur. ase of Licen ? to cut 6,101,000 t I enilo . Ledar and Bal- ea Situated on False tiniest, flange 2%, Coast District Three $) years Will De allowed for re- vai f timber lars of the Chief Forestef, District Forester, Prince Section f. $900 each McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Real Estate ( Insurance Prince Rupert, B.C. DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 6.80; Satur- dsy, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- Giday, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NUKSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT SO OO OLE OL OS OL RIOT OE OT OT Oe iH) orintina PRESERVING Peaches We are expecting these to arrive in about from ten days to two . weeks Place Your Orders Early as all reports indicate a shortage this season Prices will be about $2.75 per cen case. Huper Table Supply Co. PHONES 211, 212. edition! said if} oppors! big) on} forests, | its of) ian 1OOn OM ih» WW. A. Duboard of Hazelton are Duhamel and | mm towai. Norrie Lowenthal spent the somewhat d of New Captain Bealey. end eCS : j / Mrs Hazelton, town, WeeR ii . .* . Pringle morning returned to after the Miss Nina town yesterday jspending a few south. weeks in | . . | Misses “Gertrude Nelson (Rhona Saunders returned from a holiday trip in the south on Sat. day afternoon, and Ww. Pp Prunk up be- is en route American steamer is al NO. 3 Grand and will coal pulling out. She jfrom Alaska to Seattle eargo of whale oil and salmon rhe pLavegos wharf today ' . ory Winners. with a ndent thro ii. S. Munro, smelter superinte passed Sunday night Mrs. M sefore returt iv he id Forks j(iranby isouthbound on vas accompanied by her sister pand ibout September and CGirat Rothwell, of the loc staff, returned he Alice erday sutimer assidy Mics j Lea hing the Princess pending the i‘he OkamMagan valley and southe in. C Miss MecLenaghat of the high school, returis jyesterday. | ne On. 8 } The season for geese hey pens here on September 14 while ne after ation yest Vac cities, also and ducks Se p- neces grouse season opens on tember 18. In the Northern the open season commun with Monomer {, bul Prince prert into the Western tiauct with the later dates trict tu Dis {t is jist as cheap Ww get your Jone wel and done at vune ae it ia to send it away. Try ji The News Print Stop fweeedlor window cards the eye quickly, See them at the ewe Joh piace sched ont LAND) KREGISTHY AU'l (Sections 36 aud 134 take 0216 been of fee Col No, 44117-1 Pile that aerlicgtion ha Hubert UU. Crewe owher in Re Application TARE NOTICE jmade to register once Hopert u t as under 15 Tax Sale Dees from the lector of the City of Prince HKupert, bear ing date tae 281h day of .November, 1917, of ALL ANU SINGULAR Uist corte parcel or tract of land and preturises situate, | and being in the City of Prince more particularly known end described a« Lots twenty-three (23 and twerity-four 24), Block Wirty-seven 37), Lots eignt &), nine (9 ang ten (10), Nfty-tnree 4 and Wfiy-four (64), Block thirty nine (39), Lots thirteen (13) and four ihiteen (14), Bloek Vorty-ome (41), Lot eigiieen (18), Biock forty-two (4%), Lot (1), two (2) and thirty (30 Mock it Torty-nime (49), atid Lote eighteeh (18) aud nineteen (19), Biock Mfty-one (61 All in Beeclum #4, Oty of Prince Mupert, Map 23). You are required to con test the claim of the fax purchaser within 35 Caeys [rom the dale of ihe service Of this notice whieh may be ! pfected by publication in the Daly News), and your attention ts called to tion) of the “Land Hegistry Act with. amend weenis, aud w the following extract there fro = Rupert, “and in default of a caveat or cerun r cale of lie pendens being Oled before the registration as owner of the per sou entitled under such tax sale, all persons £0 Served Wilh notice . end those claiming Uirough or under the m, 40d all persons claim ‘ any interest in the land by virtus any unregistered inwtroment and ali persons elaiming any tuterest in the tend by deicent whose title not registered under the provisions of thiw Act, shall be for ever estopped and debarred Yrom setting up any claim to or in reapect of the land » suid for tases, and the Hegistrar shall register the person entitied un supplies Pew btiiiebini sare i thie OUR COAL IS IN THE LEAD When it comes to quality, and you will always find here the right kind for every purpose, No watter coal for we what cooking, have 1S RELIABLE you need heating, powe! COAL THAT Consumers Coal Co, Ltd. J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 Tenders for Lots Tenders are hereby called for the purchase of Lots One, Two. Three and Four, Block Fourteen, Seetion Seven, Prince Rupert, owned by the late John Stinson, deceased. Vancouver, September 4rd, 1920, Congdon, Campbell & Meredith, Solicitors for the said Estate. der such tax sale as owner of Un land #0 sold for taxes.” ANS WHEEPAS application |\made for a Certificate of lndefeasitic to the above-mentioned Jands, in the of Hubert «). Crewe AN WHEREAS on investigating = the tithe It appears that prior to the 13th day lof Uctover, 1916, (the date om whieh the jratd lands were sald for overt you were the registered, assessed or equit able owners thereof, PUNTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the | came time | shall effect registration in| purevance of such application aud lssue 4 Certifieste of Tidefensihtie Tithe to the eatd jlands in the name of Hubert U. Crewe, junless you take and prosecute the proper proceedings to establish your claim, if any, to the said lands, or to prevent such) iproposed! action on my part PATE at the Land Regtetry yrinee Kupert, BC, this Sth August, A.D, 1020, } H. FF. MACLEOD, NMistrict Registrar of Land & investment . SD eC | Al | bas, Dew Tritt nate} Amer | day of Western Dominion to, Lid, ews W hho 1 rraheis Arthur ©, Mitehell Willan 4. hennaugh, Pacey. Paunore, Vattuiio, Hays, iipre ight sco Undertakars Phone a1 Westh EMPRESS THEATRE NORMA TALMADGE “The Way of a Woman’ BRITISH NEWS GAZETTE COMEDY Wate! Normand ei "Pinto GOLDWYN PICTURES os and . TONIGHT ( tonight Onj Mahe! N ora 661° Pitty Flagg Come “4 he Last Bo i Canadian t ictorial NLY to ¢ here and We are sorry ay that “ to be shipped shown shown here Friday and Saturday, Miracle M Monday with Satur an’ did not The and Tuesday Atel LAND BHhGIS THY ™ 1aé.) clon 36 am rie 6274 : ‘ Murray, of rince ve iva * ia A POOL O OOOO HOLE LE LEED OBOE OA OOO OD We Offer EDSON COAL | Loose - -- - $12. 50 Sacked Lump, $i 00 Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116; 564, Blue 6v bert Ti Vebd tee cetit tms 1 angtele + Me WHEREAS appt for a Certitteate of tHe il sluvecthen thtnos bated jotn A. Murex, Nt) WHENRPAS cf Vvesttaat poeare that prior tw tte jtm at tate « whieh s@ thee ifthe vin may of ite #a) ' Th thereot, a (ate TAKE v" shell eff respective PURTHEL th of such applicath ie of Mndefeasible 7 18 ite the of Jom A vou take and prosecute the proper ting “ establish ’ r clam to the wald land opened action on ty Tented? at the Tan Mew tupert, BO, Une 16th v0 tate Murrey or t part try (ites tay of April, Prines AD HW. MACLBOn, Distriet Registrar of Tithes } tia Mason Milter, Bot, ! owner. Vreetitia weiner, HC. MINERAL fegisiered and asseene Horrett, Morteagee AT, Certificate of Improvements, NoTiee Vractional Mineral Claim, liver Mining Divinieon of Cas | situate ty iar} Allee ihe Nana Histrit W here hive Art rakt ited At the head of Alles Mateor meer that 1, Alex M i ¢ arting as ree Miners a. a Kerwin Miner's Certificate sty dava freagn the dat the Mining Thecorder f tmprovements, for the Crown mt oof NOVTacer f o Alive ortiticate f obtaining ifor a wurde th wheoave and further ‘ witive that act thon commenced be Certificate of or nun fore Im 920 day of July, A ee rt prevent such [fi Cegt\ficate No.l ee en LANL AG Form oF NOTICE o wot the tt shake ste fo potted. of ane « ; 16e@ apf timiren Smaly, Ag Acie ViLLe tiy Mart fen te ~ tet, (980 BUS SERVICE TO HOT SPRINGS AT LAKELSE silora to Lakel wel mtiloobite netifying in, Park ha Anew this truck for bieine nble rates day Matiner EIS ql Loose Coal- - {2 Screened, sackedia ” Prince Ry Feed Co, on Lee ann nee Piano Ts Caretul! de Stevent ), Slade ' it oe ad ad PACIFIC CARTA i st pers, ane PYsU) BAKING POWDER Ca ae SAVE TH “FOR. WEAREVER: AL a Safe and, Su’ Contains No Alum E eo aaa uMINUY