pnnnnn nn @ “ mi he Daily News = eek Ire WE NEVER SLEEP po J. FRIZZELL PRINCE RUPERT none ee 25, 185 M. H. LARGE ¢ the | , 10, 2 ca a : : Ean Puen Market Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper peat aati + epadbonapetade O ewwwrwerwereenes i } PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESD LVTEMBER 8, 1920 PRICK FEVE CENTS = om eight and Passenger Rates Soar PER GRAIN CROP FOR CANADA THIS YEAR MEANS MUCH FOR COUNTRY ge Increases in Freight FIRE DESTROYS FOUR ALBERTA Great Grain Crop d Passenger Railway Rates _ °! AVA RIN ‘CAS POSONING Throughout Canada Sept. # (rladstone tty of the sper cent in East and Thirty-five per cemt im the <0. 05) esc 0 airy. pepconses tito wow ane over HH Grain expected to yield well; Flax West is ruling of Railway Board on Freights; \ hommes desteraelgome by Paleonous Fume | ‘nearly double amount of last year; Ihe ! ue “ @s Twenty per cent on Passengers t 160,00 EDMONTON, Sept. 8, -Thomas Increases phenomenal Lewis, George Coughlan and El- ee , c tt > this (Christ were each successive- OTTAWA. Sept. 8 The . Sap ; ¥ ‘ we a WA, Sept. 8 By judgment of the Railway Commis- WIDOW OF SiR JOHN FORMER INSPECTOR , kthed bese femme aie Wes-lacne oe ae pao oe ee Be - ae ‘ : : t. in he . EY : : are on ‘ “ ara : ap oO ately ive n berth railways are granted an increase of 40 pag cen 5 AM 4 - 3 , o 4 gz into a 44 oot dry well at, ,- Canada shows that the crop of bushels, the total bs e set at ten Canada on the present freight rate and 35 per cent. in A. MACDON ‘LD DIES OF DYKES IS DEAD fi i Lewis A abe first to heat this year will total some-jand a half million ishels The new rates become effective Monday next and ae meat whieh fell in. ning like 262,338,000 bushels, an This large crop ni ans a great yntil December 31. I wp . ' " : : , : a ft ee nee ‘| nerease over last year of almost deal to every part of the Dominion December 31 the increase in freight rates in the cast gl a fy “t ” niet a similar ' nty Se bushels. , for it will place a large amovrit of ra « te y he oat crop is correspondingly money in circulation, aid w sid reduced to 35 per cent. and on western lines to 30 i- pat ni when a wel re large It is expected when the in righting the adverse balance rh descended to try thrashing is completed that the of trade. applicable on practically all freight com- ? total output of oats in the Do- wasp Ree minion will be 496,686,000 bushels COLLISION AT DENVER HISTORIC GATHERING OF V.C.'s i : : - taneously with the freight increase, the passenger rates ; r over one hundred million A ge ee af d ¢ 20 per cent. as long as they do not : ns — : bushels more than the crop of DENVER, Sept. 8-—Ten people Bhe country advanc P “"” g as y 4 "Fs, ‘ F ghiesil A i last year. were killed and seventy injured as The barley crop is estimated to the result of a collision between reach 63,138,000, an inerease of two cars eon the interurban line at nearly seven millions over last a curve near Globeville. . e GOOD MEETING PRIVATE PEAT AVTERRACE, PARTY our cents amile. This order is effective until December ’ , fb + that date for six months from January 1, 1921, to . $21, a ten per cent. increase is authorized. Following next year the passenger rates return to those in force judgment further authorizes increases of 50 per cent. ing car and parfor rates and 20 per cent. on excess . tenn colt aly ale ah A ETT Ee lh A eI oe n is given for an increase in rates on coal from cents a ton, flat rate, according to the distance. On cord- mill refuse, etc., for fuel, the Increase is 10 per cent, IFR WAS ~—-EVIDENCE IN = : = 7 , is ee ore 2 = en pretty wife, both of whom are to 4 . ‘ v.f e irst @ I tograph of Can- ) Patti a and Premier Oliver lecture here, artived this morn- PO ee ee , , x, and this afternoon are gi W . | i yrad he Canadian National last week in Progress Hall was ing, “os ed tigur n the left : ntl : i their first cenecert at the rink. Detectives Tell of Purchasing a a , tee ' attended and proved very his is followed Me anothee on. 3 , : " “~ j\aiuabie from an educative point ; ‘ r na Boitle of Johnnie Walker at ertainmen onight ; zi a lof view. Mr. Chandler of the Ter- rlainmeatl tonight # ? wn Hon. T. D. Pattullo Dealt With Concert Being Given This After- Local Issues and Premier with | noon in Skating Rink, An- Provincial Affairs. other Tonight. ‘ “ +. This morning the Chautauqua, ' Mail Correspo “nee. i _ orrespondenct headed by Private Peat and his New Windsor eeeeeeeeeseeeeeee 7 place Daal ie : . RECEIVED BY KING AND. |cace News wceupied the chair, |? a In the company are tl Roval afer Tour through CARLSON DID NOT A The member for the distrtet Yee 4 - * BIG ORDER FOR . i Willow Four, Elsie May Gordon e APPEAR iN COURT . RAILWAY TIES : PE ONALLY TH ¢ ; : 7 ’ : pte ; : ; 1 : ; , : oe intpersonator; Charlotte Silverson . FOR B.C. MILLS * 7 see eh ae oe One” ee M e Erother of Local Engineer Retires a fair share of the proyineial, ratio: ‘Alice ‘Klanieriete Binith . vANCOUVI " . After Forty Years’ ,grant for public works for his : aa (< c aod Sued F a as t R j |-onstituency and that Terrace had‘ "@'P!%s “OUR Szega, ones . . - Maj.-Gon. Sir E. W. D. Mordi- eee so ada ” : ae ea peragtors and Countess Szeda, pianist. : : sun to Confer Regarding \M i today | I lle was do : ' ee best that oot They give two entertainments . ' . Unit Here. : Friteg ilgs gare eine ‘a indus! extatine ioireuts each day. : : : i ehis eng er wo +i ” dome unite e 5 x circum- “SSO ae AE Bahr d in hers ! i is brother Err stances and had no apologies to - : i VANCOUVER, .Sept. .8.— t i ; : i - t 3 ! 7 : | ; 3 7 VI RIA WINS { \\ ‘ ‘ ° 7 ae . (is. G idla assisial super- | ore ; ] ‘ _« as Gilly 1 ' : . . ae penere! = “i t let f th Loudon and With reference to the establish- ’ j ) Ve ‘ ' s Mordison, © : aa : ae Nort estert Railway. had re-|ment of a land settlement area in} ts er : e ; e master-genera! © ane tired after forty years’ service,| he district, the minister assured ’ expects to ieave ere for d in reeornitio { = services s hearers that when this was ‘ Cal i eseeeeeaeeev eeaeeesn Prince Rupert on Monday Be ey aa om : 7 an a} . ; , handed Se tice would val train at various dimes|done, evén-handed justice rs next to confer in regard to = ; sian Pi a rad been sent, for hy. King George [he tne ed to all concerned and no Final Standing of Teams Place " . the establishment of a new - ; 1 eteislieaeth | bell ane: for utes . MG a are battcry of heavy artitiery at ("1 personally” fmt a serreeee eee ee Seen : B. C. Capital First, With Aves { F netice of Wis vis te the King ap-[ers. His address was well re- Yakima Second. that point ired in @ reeent Court Cireular,|cetved and his attitude well spok- ee GEORGE WITHIN Sonera) Morten ar. 1 ’ rind “ il was 1 of, even by his opponents VANCOUYVI \ specting the coast defences ? Me oe tae RE ' ANCO R, Sept. 8 tovia p g p in the service of the railway, Clear and Forceful. wins the pennant in the Pacific a aoe hd and his visit to Prince Ru- : pone _ ; port, it is understood, has to ng the service as a buy: Premier Oliver spoke in his/Internmational League rhe fol- TWELVE MONTHS do with defence matters. Pie TS secu ki ee i isual clear and foreible manner.|lowing are the oficial returns Detective Money. Miss Catherine Matthews, W.|Many of his hearers were new to} Won Lost Pet licteetive M ey told fs ] “i. M and John N. MeLeed, A. G.I B.C polities and these were given} Victoria 69 46 600 New Windsor Cabaret in Squamish to Interior Centre to be CALIGUA WINS THE P.. arrived this morning. in thea good insight into the legisia-| Yakima oo i 575 pany with Delpet sunt Operating Within Year ST LEGER RACE city and on Friday night will visit/tive workings of the provinces, Vancouvet 65 50 565 of ' r@ : ba , he local Belist Chapter Order of |The premier dealt clearly with the Pacoma 66 $3 555 Money i Ca i ' Says, Promwer. he Eastern Star as Grand Chap-!/Dolly Varden affair and since; Spokane 56 58 aot ' ter featifes he a VA fhe P LONDON, & a The Great) ter cers Miss Matthews was|/learing him most people are con-| Seattle 42 90 iit ; we ¥e$ ae nant” the i r st. I won by Calizgualaccompanied by Mrs. Matthews,|vineed that under his direction Nationa! League. M ! ' j h was 100 to] moth and Mr. MeLeod was! British Columbia is not oenty a Brooklvn 4, Philadelphia o Was Biivern, panied by Mrs. MeLeod and/safe place for capital to be in- Brooklyn 9, Philad tia 5, ' ' 1 about ¢ ' Mant 83 tolhis daughter vested, if invested honestly, but Pittsburg 7, Chicago 4. ‘ ‘ \“ a | i : oo eit | - lalso a safe place for the laborer American League. PHing aft the same tine the keys Mrs, W.S. Fisher reeeived word/to ply his craft. | Washington 5, Poston 1 YC Mill Money had paid 1 o { ae 1 took place on/this morning that her eousin,} Seeing the large number of | Boston 4, Wash on 3 ING 0 nt COV the = Patt rr. tic ah: . dinner hour at|Madame Winnifrid Lugrin Fahey,/ladies in the audience, the pre-| Detroit 0, Chie: 0, ~ Hael ws 810 and 82 worth of ' dry i eg room fe thelwho is to sing next week would/mier explained several acts of the | New York 2, Philedelphia 0, nn WORKMEN SEIZE ' - h in aid of thelarrive here on Saturday aceom-|fegislature tending to the better-| ~ — Iniperial vel-|panied by her mother, Mrs. Lu-|ment of the social and home life Che following names were ott rr. oe rents eee FACTORIES IN ITALY ( t lid the drawing jerin rhey will be guests of Mr.jof the people. He paid a high |omitted from the prize List for - ~ : i j i fie ee ee eae . Leas isherman. Wonland Mrs, Fisher during thejr visitj{ribute to the ability of the one/the Lab ay 4 s, each hay the Prinee Thupert Hotel Pest Guards and Turn Plapts i090, while the here lady who now occupies a seat a i cont ted to the yalue of 1 tear i Bek cd fain into Fortresses s Spray tshing boat won the ——_——_ -- the legistature, $5: Miss Alloa Moncoeum, | rag that he had left his pipe behind h YT ticket 397 |} Skeena River arrivals on last} - ——-—— Stork, McRae Bros, LAd., Howe & W he went back to the cabaret haoM) RW men hav - night’s train inelude Garl Graf- R, M. Wellwood, electrician for}|MeNulty, and De, Maguire,, lt was getting late by this time ndusteial plant at i Stowa spector. of fac-|strom, Carliste: J. BR. Lord, North/the Granby Company at Anyox ne Ruy 4a of the ful a", oem ‘oli \ ind | 1. 4 rape Pacil und A. Atkins, Dominion,|and formerly of Victoria, return- “The Miracle Man’ arrived on A Mey lc ihe Wannis ak he yaa atl rhe fa , : ‘ n th ; — ed last night from a lengthy trip|today’s boat and will be shown ’ ; fort ; : | arti i work lhe Miracle Man’? Westholme/east and goes to Anyox tonight.jon Friday and Saturday with @ 4 M ' Me di sted t tg = dl \\ { ensa-|Friday and Saturday. Saturday He is accompanied by Mes, Well-| matinee Saturday also, The greats Continued on Page Sia : \ ba i! |” od and sen, jvnt picture produced eo far. 10 eal a ® * - yee eRers a?