THE DAILY NEWs LANKA | I iy a || Local News Notes | — x er first taste a SS | a Fructis ke 30 Bt COUGHS po Lanka scttics the tea ques- SAB i : " , . : ; ¢ sip of oe es / : om rhe rare flavor, ri h and nu (: A. s : Cont ine our ‘sale of _ ' for: Port Hardy has no equal. O ily skijfled blend+ \ (ING 23 Bargains can be had in any size Rte tiNg, n's ee 2 J, labour Brothers, Ltd 10 J arne McA in ¢ Ren a | ” , aear tainie nest hill gard n re oa Fivnt tans. telat . a ‘ can achieve fj ; - . \ ‘ f ality — c a eine iher p in the Smitt : ‘ ch quali ri wr ~—" | publi chool this year M ind M , MeD ald riking black and ‘ 7 Oy Gandatae . ‘a sesh hite packab© ae x \ | n Oct is; Pr ‘ { ; nie ms mie il peled Lanke:. i 1 elted for Octot j é pn: ; | ES oh 7" in . : j V y A / /\\ M patent button ¢ Ores AA TY f Aly / LAA lGoudyea ell, sizes to 2. 86.50 ents MM. BRAID & CO. Gir» LF 7) LEF n ilues for $4.50. Walla ses’ ¢ te "ada Vancouver, ¢ anada i LSE WSEUW A [59 4 cal : . ‘ ms : . : be aa | lars ind ls j the 1 tee : . 36 . “ an “Ce a” i cet ale mornian: fot drunken neert next Tuesday al e ream and Sugar Fix, ” . . lL) u & ¢ We have another Now in town, Harey C. Evans 3 MURR, ney de® a‘ Win peak fees oS ed a ee savory . o_o eee neers 1 Ma . ud —that’s the time to try, Borden’s Eagle Brand and to experience Small Shipment of ooo ; fon the south this the new, delicious and distinctive favor which it alone will “ a PRA ; | S Ladies’ and growing girls’ ¢ lee Sa eens Fuearion Eagle Brand puts the “cream and sugar taste” into your coffee. ae: eee "AEE aioe ¢ —lter an abselic ae introduces a new economy too—costs less, ie pes ee FI y f ‘HASER Wallace's. C. {- Mailion. of. Mkts: tok 4 «The success of "s Eagle Brand in nourishing infants is shown by the Pere saa ae ae (0 .ss0 great number of children have been and being brought on it. Party who took trunk fro y today : We Fy ; who x _ ep i veeks w at Md 'h e “7 - ser Street, please return t ve-weereay At all drug and grocery stores. x, taxi driver, Royal Hotel, N ; * ; acihcitestaiiiihaie ++ tden ae of hie. # THE BORDEN COMPANY LIMITED ‘ Keep the animals content- ee ie Mr. and Mrs ¢ d bs La ; ed. It is humane---sani- v ae i See The Mirache ise gout Gee new he | ~ KAG E BRAND | 7 ; B : he pielure » i ¢ ’ i tary---profitable to keep The oa. far eae j this rning I d , F ceeds the ; : a 9 files away. 7 Saturday, Saturday matinee. 14] , “The Milk that Saves the Sugar” files 5 supply F. Sel I s } = —— — ———— _ _ = en \ . ’ . . : . : With our modern equipment and sanitary methods, " “ M : . PY.) * ys we produce a wholesome |. sceadrase m the Metagaina vail ae ante ae Nu ritious Bread Meihan, thr ted ! > a " er Our Goods are all made from High-class Material the « f Y i Notice too ext bers of the Canadian ~ Tahal ‘ ee ee ne TRY THEM : evremac { a . one m " Sat lew halt \ ° ° ’ NUT ' + t given 16 al! concerned h C B k ' ‘ : at t-metl : ihe « acian & wa - Vancouver Milling & Grain ‘1 Fare bss aes Grane The La Casse Bakery taal ee ee o). ws lup i pare. Os ee heehee oe, 717 3rd Ave. Auto Delivery Phone 190 C0. Limited d f a Veteran + ‘ t \ ¢ District Dental “Mcer at the Head — a : f the Dis ' 1 whieh they re shiatelons ‘ Office and Mill vas y &. Lea . é © on before “1st Septeniber, 19t0 —r VANCOUVER B.C ‘ ‘ ; ands the gra . . . ope: ie eee a s¢0 ae rts 7 eee ; «sed ELGENB PISET, ' * = > s\ it Ae ivy vil Ma : te a S e Mb sery eh si , Deavater, Silanes prantiac, naan aie Mail Orders Receive P. O. Box 183 Miss A. White arrived f Newspapers Will not be patd Tor Prompt Attention Phone 558 : . x and v . vert met tery insert it witheut m the Departmen ow days h ¥ “ ante citediiiical ia i esd Pray: “Sp artment cae eet naman or" Canna hee | Miss GLEESON ; R } AN East . . & | 18S O ’ . ° * Tu SUBSCRIBERS ° > etre. j . ° im. ' Po Kemet Sas tacle Z Seats Exclusive Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear E d July wa ‘ Subscribers to The Mws;;* “Ae | ngineering Co., Limited. plited by the council) are abbed uh pus the dee os we SS= ff Third Averue Prince Rupert, B.C. . Operating-— *. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock ‘ sla { wh thew call ‘except ‘ TIMBER SALE X 2579. z €: " a ‘ where nent ha ‘ p ters Ww t veda t = iat I i | Har eA nds \\ } bare : ‘ ” : , ivy 1 t wh 7 ’ vane Ihe boys wher . A 2 fo cul # iaas j is asked fo ‘ it ae a at i s . . Hemlock Batsam Tene MARINE AND : sce aed a tar lg < ouetine carn ofiete oo isos ¢ THEO COLLART, Notary Public Le ‘ ceipts ‘ h shoul il . ve Hang as pts winiirenaet i ee COMMERCIAL WORK xpited f Phele ways be preserved , $) years wilt De allowed for Fe FOR SALE—Double Corner on Sth Avena. tection 1. 00 eneee ‘ t s laid ov i 1 Wee ‘ alf cash is is @ smap. ’ ; i teat eles . ° 4 oe ee oe, Cater ee Lot on Atlin Avenue, with fine marine view, S3OO. Sma ' ts may ‘ Pee OS oe Oe te Bat oe eee Most Liberal MARINE iNSURANCE on the Coast e f the Drv Dock vas granted by th ig ND AG] p Insurance Company of North America. Pays Claims promptly se , LAND Af . i : w othe y \y x Real Estate | Fire and Marine insurance Accidents Engineers, Max hinists, Boiler Makers, i Sav uy tel f i Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land “St, ft ‘ P. 0. Box 66 * Westholme Theatre Block Phone Blue 69 Blacksmiths, Founders Pattern Makers, etc ‘ - ' ta ' wears Mak » » . 4 fing Dus ye — — a ih bar i k 1 Situs at A art é cSi A: We Solicit Your Enquiries e to} nducted by/® fay Jonn M. Morris f wut Sac Sam ™ Br . 7 . I ‘ freig nlends a——e i : * Box 1713 Phones 43 and 385 senda ALLAH n . ex : ‘ sae the ff Qs fe ~) A. a GRAY po : 38 VES wine vds a) PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. rhe } tis eee hn 4 post planted at the OMINEC \ DISTRICT, i +len Teacher of Piano 1 i ‘ : is t tery “ m W is? tt t ; FRANCOMS . LAKE PEMKY ’ i ER SALE x Studio 137 Second Avenue S.§ tA ' . . ! ‘ : : ' y te vote Seated tenders will be receiver > c j CADGOIALL) pees - ta y Re, : ened pt F Me iad ‘Semetanner Muitister . on es ‘ Tate r than e-- - PHO'E Blue 421 or 444 i, atio with | ® hence art i i i ‘ x & Fer Boal 55 feet; ihe 30th day of September, 1920, for tne ‘ ‘ e ‘ ' s tak Bt ase of bicenes 232 cut 2,700 _ a a > : ' I : has | Res ores ee. eee cee s ations and plans can Dé Seen at ect OF Sarees, Chaar tha Hone, 4 ‘ cia nnection | Ae, © ’ eee ‘ re oe + A Fag ei 7 panes sat fy — ‘ =. ou s ares & arene a on Selwyn iniet, Queen ; a) Ned Ceda r Shin les : s ’ . r ' i hs ‘ “\ mor 1 ise ‘. WN arf » artiment ra ant ont Tenens ' ! ve * ano : allowed for re- Variety oF Plants ¢ Sm 2 ; e . see india ae C.L.S., agent 7 . : r any tender not peces- ry urtin aareees ars of the Chief Forester in bloom arrived a . * ; Dey Kile ‘ ois hin i e ¢ toads I gu gs ate ay ¥ : sarily accept Rees aiid \ torte, 8 or District Forester, Prince CHICKENS & BROILERS be « | acity: 100,000 feet per day vention in Nel Purchasing Agent. | menace Settee Cc pais i ' aritament Buildings ~~ ITY MARKET Octobe and Phe city ata ag, a ge, TIMBER SALE X 2321. i has been invited August bth 1920 og : - oe nrmenee or y9 oe SP RUCE ! according t a letter ! ia “ Nature — <4 ie ¥ nders will ya soared ny tne ae ; | bah pec eh ove . feck ont: FT : ° the 30tn tay 5 Sopa 1920 for the TOM LEE CO. . ‘ ESTE RN HE MI OC cation Was ordered fled, ‘Pe ig ad DOO fees of Mane s Counr aad nem k lie CEIL K FLOORING, SIDING nicati ye eee Gi th if » ak Anan MiienAGh Sie’ aueel dalek, Gime ate ace oie J j lCharlotte Islands Distete ™ 840 Secon venue, Wes “ eae ING FINISH OF ALL KINDS i ‘winder ‘path le td betas eee Oe e | l we, en oy ke ee ome. a h i Fraser Street to Borden Mic - pita~< "s y b Further partic lars of the Catel Forester, VEGETABLES s treet west of the Borden Street | ~-nmammace | miss i RSLS OSC Victoria, B.C, or District Forester, Prince ‘E arlotte ala -ds Spruce Produc § Ltd. i i t er ision Goodness Ew st i ENDEKS, a Cased ume ROS Pe —_— —_—_—_—_— Wholesale and Retall 4 “ee 4 seh iceording to e decisio = gt ’ ‘ cil last evening. Ther es BF errs eee ee eee WATER NOTICE , General Contractors and |} ry Mills; P rince Rupert, B.C. ~ tal \\ West hardly a- ’ ' s ome INL 12 e'clook DIVERSION AND USE. : Labor Exchange. , > Ss \serst at 4 . : i j “ 1 stairway a iis Piatt eon, Wednesday, September 22, 1920, TAkk NGITICE shat Department. or Ma ; ie "ACe Rupert, 8 - BERT & McCAFFERY B JANIO§. lO a: Seale OF : wondort UY ~ bs t Dis ee rine & Fisheries (Fisheries Branen), whos ; Prince R t, B.C Cage - 7 elephonea, 564, 116, Blue G9 dint ie vr (| sus a us tract can be seen|adgress 1s 801 Hogers ide Wancouve me rince Kupert, Bb, G, ae ; (es are ained wi Meee orl tse’ eubie Te per second of water out'¢ Phone 54? — P.O. Box 728 ohio eT Pacit M is i : ne Prince Kupert,|of Granite Creek, Which flows nortpwesi f ‘ tabi Ackrovd returned t ‘ : wv fost Uffiees, Vanceuver,/and drains into Lakeise Lake. ’ ; - : \ ' } j ‘ a t The water will be diverted from tne 5 i Swaneon Bay this morning sa . = SU > « i nsidered unteas/ stream at a point about S.2ee eet Roa = y iia I * # wis Supplies ) b at< w southeast corne o 0 i Hy | ts that Princess loya provinces - nent a m a anes . in aon oan ou be eae he usb pre eaing pur- Phon® Green 607 1017 Grd Avenue ae 0 e i j beeu thoroughiy . shaitee ime i Foes, Mee Se jane A dg 2 rine ita : ‘ . “ in Povo thi t h must t sceut aliiec by ree atchery peserve, yu 0 ow ats S l ent... ‘Um! h . d to the tan Jacobs who We ii P 7 " ‘ rt ; 4 irltes a cane 133 and 56,1394 pa ; Dal arno & Watts ‘ wee S 1€ OMS ‘ i ed with shooting and who | ys f puttlive it up so 1 \“ isi qual 1 10 nee or the ne gitn day oF Fine 1080. wiper g ‘ iy i} hills NX trace f-the tt i! 5 au ' ' War Loan bonds A copy <4 — eo 7 an aipeees = He u o ace vo ' “ i i lave is ept, Don Will als x” uccepled | purst hereto and to i. er Ac ¥ thilss man Was found and great — , , . ‘ . Wa Hons or M1 a ei a ied in eho omee or tne BUILDERS AND AND CONTRACTORS a 3 z thiak al fd amoun Wate He corde Prince Mupert, B. ¢ Spee n « * _ ROMINION HOTEL a t ty Was exXperient ed in the ‘ t i i ts or tl bhai wa a aL ox ns = sthe “appuieation “may "be So Be on baw yt Fg he 45 . } hrough the deep under . . aru b i vs Line AY Noor es niet wt ie tine aid 4 yy renndies or n First Class Staircase Work and - , ——aharaie Ia abe eter « were Pacific Milk Co. ' ; ‘ Mt ste . ' ” ' Di ~ tet a dines: ’ 3 ienertn: a oN wine a Floisniog. ee Wist Remodelled and Refurnished yy Limited orks, puch, Mill be rplurued tae (RAE Gaus) ethene eek seeeinats ai) Ne eit er Firs at A\ a 7 urnis ox S32 Drake 8t., Vancouver, B.C ub DEPARTMENT OF MAHINE AND PISHEHIES, BRICK AND CONCRETE ®@UILDING , € . ks HRMS isheries Brane Apple : G 1 Fig ht Stre et, Prince upert hdes, un tk ina 24 FACTORY AT LADNER, 6.0 : tary ' ey “i ‘Canninghiae, beent CONTRACTORS Work ihe date of the tirst publication of this \\ TNR AIRS LM \ ; metice 1s August i, £020, ' 4 » Vise oe S Wirral ie "