a a ; 4 a 4 ie. tae iim Hy ‘ : t oe om For Soft Blankets! } } Keep your blankets soft, woolly and com- | Guard them carefully in the wash fortable! and they will repay you with a doubled life. The safest of all blanket baths is with the ij rich, creamy, cleansing LUX suds. The best way to wash blankets.—Use two table- Ret td of LUX to a gallon of water. ick lather in very hot water. Work your blankets up and down in the suds and squeeze the suds repeatedly suds are lukewarm. Whisk into a Add cold water until through the soiled spots. Do not rub. Rinse the blankets in three lukewarm waters. a Pass through a loose wringer or squeeze the water out. Do not twist. Dry in theshade in a moderate temperature. Lev er Brothers Limited, Toronto 40 ACRES FRUIT LAND. a, miles from roo frame, house Meadow, three ac res ready, to,stump. About fapr, _piipared. thousand saw-tunber mst winter and delivered at sawmill one 87.00 “per” thousana. ‘PRICE $1,500 ON TERMS. Timber wittmere than pay for tand. Fine, eer eeete re fer man with team. Kenney Bros. & Co. ‘ 1 Brokers. ‘Terrace = B.C. mie away “at ‘Terrace, be two acres bay logged two- feet tnis aoc. Night Phones - J. G; . Longwill, Blue Day Phone 5 STEENSLONGWILL 4 Sheet Metal Works Agent for McC McClary Furncaes San I alhardiadigelieclipciien bien Mo YSating | Engineers rd Street and Fraser Street Prince Rupert Steen,’ 371 270 B.C. mereraetmmermermertmerncetmeennatinetiandl} Sport Briefs tt A Oe Te Ot Ot EE The Campbell speed boat ‘trophy is now on exhibition in the Tite's store. s t l E window of George D It is a handsome silver cup and} typifies the good sportsmanship) of its denor. Mr. Campbell has always shown great interest in ispeed boat racing and now offers} a cup for Rupert contenders to} wrest away from his own beat,| ‘Wayward Girl. It is up to the Rupert racers to get busy and see if that silverware cant be kept in Prince Rupert. One winner in Rupert would do much te increase speed boat competition here, * * . | | Jasper was victorious in both games of a baseball doubleheader played at Vanderhoof tast werk ind at Prinee George an even reak resulted. At both places} 7 SMITH & MALLETT FruNBING AND MEATING, ENGIKEERS Estimates furnished. ti dlvees, 3rd Avenne, head of Becond Street. Phone 174 — P.O. Box 274 The Smeeton Tea Rooms 809 Second Avenue for Home Cooked Meals Breakfast, Dinner and Supper Fresh Home Made Bread Three Times Weekly the visitors were accorded gand! eptions and shown about the] country. For a small place Jasper bas one of the best base- iball teams in the North. ‘Ted }Garrison an@®J, MeLeHand were behind the bat for Jasper, while Hargraves and Chekaluk were the ipitchers. The latter player has inusual ability and has been lsought for in pro circles, H. Goodwin and W. Johnson were ithe Vanderhoof hurlers, while H. ?|/McKenny was reeciving. MeLeod jand White were the Prince iGieorge batteries, Bye, ie } Under the auspices of the Van- lderhoof Board of Trade the big- igest day's sport staged in the lcentral interior was pulted off on Monday at that town, People ifrom all over the Nechako Valley iwere in attendance aud a special fitraim van from Prince George. ‘The program was a lengthy one : jand was full of stellar attractions. In the morning the Indian horse jracep were held, &ttended with lthe usual great interest. In ad- dition to the usual events there jwere bucking -contests, horse ipulling competitions, greasy pole and greasy pig. In the afternoon | Prince and Vanderhoof mixed it at baseball. The big day iwas concluded with a grand ball (seorgee jthe matter jdermanic a few counei meeting P THE DAILY NEWS COUNCIL WANTS | HEALTH REPORT 5 : ' Dr. Cade to be Asked to Present, | Menthty Record to. City. Medieal Health Officer J P, Cade| lis to be asked by the City Council) to submit a monthly ifuture, aceording to the deeision of the eity last might ithe motion of Aldermen Petry and iMurray. Ald. Dybhavn brought up, stating that there ho report for a long time the opinion report in} council on has beer and it was coneensus of al that there} riilew, 1 Corned beef, per tb Kaustine System of Sanitation faa. te i WANTED — A ‘1 hly eom uitable! for unsewered dis-lron hs joi | vader ae Satiafn Sohate Odorle ' eal amb, loin ” ' ; hi ae VOPIOSS ANG WALCTIOSS | Moulton, atewing tory salary | ee MEU he” foilets for tomes and schools. | ypugion. shoulder, Ib ' cant Apply i con to th sew LD. tlunt, 444 Seeand Ave ee a ‘iam if . ° . . ; ; ee of titilbon, Des Royal Bank ‘ waa _t Phome Black 4 Post uilloe |) , of muttor : quncsmnqnqeenannutiomemenmamsionss bax S75 ” ua ’ wmulhen ‘ WANTED We \ ' nan — é "| Veal shoulder roast, per ib ‘ for clerical p Experience LODGE MEETINGS re we ven We and Unnecessary efucat iat sea per ib required Ay «O08 Dally LODGE 105% LOVAL © fomato sausage ‘ News oflice. if Moose moets every Monday jiiprk, lew, .., ie to _- = evening at the Deep Sea Fisher) pork chops WANTED 1 omen) men's ball tf Pork, shoulder, ant { 2a acon, sliced, per Ib 7 about &40 in FORMS FOR SALE Hat ' i dep cmeencaneperenyeanion st ovantivas i “at, wee , Ap i pps ' P. nh. PAM LANDS Che rich Ham, sinoked, .. + ‘ WANTED j irl ent I iiries of Alberta, Saskatehe. re ORS iF ik ats bee's awe o. 4B r sit my tlemat " ind Manitobe are expeciaf. Olicken, per ID, ....-. pit and \ box 103 ly suited for mixed farming, Fowl, per Ib. " rity Land that’ will produee§ big Vickled pork, per ib. hii ae Ate ———- . Pn crops of grain and fodder, and’ od ham, sliced, per . ‘ ty }BOY WANTED d sande well, adapted for dairying or Spare.ribs, per tb wd pay a1 ' : livestock raising can still be) Moast ham, per Ib So tien for the ind , 5 had at prices averaging about Helorna, | Ih sf 2 liner r ; tt £18.00 an acre with twenty Jelied tongue ie t WANTED year to pay if you wish. Only Broilers Annie 10 per cent down No further (-alve | b ¢ box 4 ! ! nt th : ‘anes nisl ; : , th nd of the fourth year: then Dalty Produce WANTED 1 ‘ xteen a yments, In. | Malte r th ; ‘ ty t 6 per ne 1. G. Lough ] le 1 Canadian a f Nailway ‘ ' Vat mi) th WANTED — men j a he i A NOTICE Hu, ff ' A _ iri ! . ee . ’ ne HOUSEKEEP NTED. Twe vA, anv Ma ’ n fa ily \ “ + : ! ey ! tue j ~ \ it Pomre ~ ’ j u ’ ‘ wnt my f wh ft if ! WANTED i rid , = ‘ iwhit ; e4 neral tal Apply a rite Milk. te ‘ ea.50 en matron tf ' Fish. ‘ ‘ j ? sires nad ” WANTED rc ry sthnog arene _rammane ts . 1, 2 tbe ° ; : shed he ‘ v ‘ od fille =e Z | raph Apply trict dorestor, 126434 ihe Cassar [Metried r 1 fillets, sinoked, a wari T dem 99 win West « cgeetance Preah black cod per ib ib WANTED -@)m foermaid at Knox Wist a a cane rot? a Teed te te Finnan haddie P Hol tf: feomrt Gary ot ow meseA tire — lialibut per ib a a z (fre twenty , t ary ' ; eT re racer 43A Aorth 26 Gee Meet @ Gittante ot Herring, kippered, per ib. im FOR REL 13 feet w pent af imencriment, ata ws ' ' i Fe ia - Ten Aaees w wes, otucn SOIC Herring, each, . e* ‘i ’ ated ' we day of Augrue Flounder llets. th x j FOR RENT Furnished h tte ,’ wpasa rslgyrt: : ve #. NemTeM Malt Aeadia Cod, 2-ib. boxes ¢ | “A ' { t re 1 sat a ee kate, per ID. ...-«eces ° 1 Oe s pa ‘ 1 Sixt DATED at Allee Arm, B.C, the Twerm 1 fe p Avenue J Phone | {7.\ay_of August, 192 Behe er 49 Balt oolachana, Ib., : if gi fe Le Spring salmon, per ib FOR SALE White senimon ‘id ong --- — Vegetables FOR SALI Sray GC a.p. N. & o ua, dry, per ib S. engir new Poday fac aig? Heet per il tory | S500 tigt tha Carrot per ib wh ! zit Pur NOTICE ru ! ch " ut , Dis NOTICE 1S IeNEHY a LSDDag = ’ iene oy that " Sea | LA ! i ¢ W bobbing wn Land r Low > Cautitiowe ec and f iornt pa a ind ‘ aes on ; a eae 7 liead it ‘ tie and { ‘ pert Cigar ahd» tree * Ny | on, Per ack s : ‘ are ved ol tw make St e, | j Avenue, Phon ytent ith “in meat from the date Sweet PP ston per it gee 2 Blue 9 uf lowether wie of the yb ve awe | Khobarh 3 ibe, for ‘ b OF 4 substantial pre iroe onions ” monic POR SALI c.f n hou vith h amount, which must at ‘e . 8 arm per bunch ; 5 4 ithe full interest due t) date, toretie Cucumbe each {> hath min 1 ; i viesers wes et Saree, wh "the r Redishes per bunch Mone on ) o PO. bea ’ \pply S ithe agreements for sale will be Parsley, per bunch ; 0 1664 for appointment 13) 4* Drevided by Section 70 af ; ‘ aet thapter 9¢ Hew'se ux plant, per Ib AL ton . ' 0 FOR SALI! ! ! head bust 6. A. NADEN Parasnips, per Ib. ’ ’ ag =n Deputy Minister of Land reen and v enn, i ) ar in good location. Good PeAsONS | pepartment of Lands, ’ ania a nand wax bean j : it ‘ for seblir Apply box 96 Daily! Viet ria, Celery, per buneh iSe to 20 News office tf) = iat: see ee CO, bey a1 .00 : Pee a _ TIMBER SALE X zens. Craporeses Fruits. on laning recom furn ; “ ne rere y ite or fure ff Bean Apart p fast forester nol tater than ook on Hiack fies ° 74 _ Le eneient ae eptember for Ie White fra 2 ment p lack rat. 10 : { licence A&A 268 ar ritzemen a am ube feet of spru AMPIGOLS .ecceces ace 210 ta Het Kk and Halsan . th ae exw oO HOUSES FOR SALE. Pr. W. Hart.}°" we sd bees talae Miteaahik (AEE Aca bere ee 08.6 > Been 200 Lf} \ietoria, 4 r teetret Porester promee | Seedilesa HNatsina ......- ad B5« P 2 PRUNGR crcosccepeseces 200.350 l Fruit BANANGR ..cccccvceoseesee 7 Grapefruit (California 83 for 25 MINONE seceseveseceeseess hie Dates (Grom) ....cceeeeors she Valencia oranges, per doz., 600 to | Bh i|Haisina, per Ih... eantauteoee whe Currants, per ID ..ceecsece she Peel, Der T., ceieccdoostes ao Mixed nuts, per Ib. .....- be |Table Pigs, pep pke,, ...... the Mince Meat .....cececeeres 20c Biack Tartarian cherries 7h "a Oe sOOS | 5 O64 6 as Phe and 4% \Cantaloupes, each, 200 to 35s iWatermeton, per th. ........ 7 |\Gooseberries, per Ib, ....+- iSe \Plums, per basket ....... #1,50 Peaches, per dag, .... 40¢ to Ste |Apricots, per basket ...... 81.50 jHioney Dew Melons, @ach,.. 75¢ IBlack Currants, 2 boxes.... 35¢ | Gooseberries, > Ramee ks as 2he |Hartlett pears, per doz, H0c }Grapes ‘Thompson seedless | per ib., 40e WMARDbOLION. “is: so hs cinekee'ee s0e Advertise in the Daily News. SANTA Our excallen Dy € tod , Canadian Steam Laundry Phone # Be righ on Lime Let eur Mall Dept tow a Vancouver, B.C MLM. Steph Notary Public For Quick Suk cnn $3500.00 » wa d M. M. Stepnet Real Estale iaseratce Fanci OOOO TOOT ere rere eeeee Shampoo _ Pass 4 SH aaron i NORTO eee ha ‘el ie Hier * nek yo enangt a , he scalp ¥ hair i me : ment od Oppesite ae , 210 4th St. e Hand Your Bagge? JOE prot Motor rane Passengel Stand, Empret* Phones 264, } Bh Quick peliveié woorerre