THE DASLY NEWS EVIDENCE IN eweuer CASE | CONFEC1 ONER = niiuinued re | I I y haacaibiiteata dad odikia. ee ce We have a particularly Liehile’ cape Serect and rhird Ave ry, good assortment, Page & . e the rest proceeded in the O Mm e Shaw’s bottled candies of wa Manet egy inde pe gt ° €a j s identified b Mone ‘8 . many kinds. Pascall’s But- bottle sald by ic 7 fee TO re — nie son, NIGHT ONL es Scotch, Fruit Drops of Iv 7” cross @xamination, W. EK, any kinds, Lowney’s | Htiftns, the defending lawyer Sticks in bottles. jbrought-out the evidences that ——— Cue t Money had never ance Mil ne r Chocolates are of tend filler the best quality, Gan ‘ nding bar at the New Windsor rephrase , Ganongs. ORMES LIMITED Warct exespt rs, Willards, Neilsons, || Iwhen Carlson 1 t on Liggetts. TELKWA [this vocasion The price is right. - Details Given. —_—_——_— — } etective Sin vidence e e ‘+, wl and Mrs. Sandborn, of San Os tANEAITY ‘ a ve ae rmes i iabriele, Cal., are visiting their) ys but a « detail daughter, Mrs." Tom Jefferson,|“t'® 8've! Art ‘ ' ' se Y They intend staying 1 rata turn Sea ane . i ay z here tor two irnhed from t trip oubsice The Pioneer Druggists wore before proceeding on their illegedly for thr tthe f ieee . Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE ; journey to New York, returning to he had coinplained to Miller ni | «P.O. Box 1680 California some time in Novem how dark it had ' ; ' i ier. “tack i i ind the dif n iculty he had ha n getting tl Shes bottle itn at ee Another old-timer is bere in the | brol : j a sald. Me had eae i : oe m ‘ oken his be = th had ki ' BUS SERVICE TO HOT [frenzy “whine “intesgon a Sth toa tnt : ji ed with the intention of} Smith al : istay , . ' aise ft ; he &° di np Gifts of | SPRINGS AT LAKELSE | laying three days, but changed/for drinks had aat 9 A ae: Sie fatatinind and is xoliek t roe : tient 1 rung up inf . ; ss eu a coimg emain/the cash rewist whils ; a , a | Visitors to Lakelse Hot Springs ae ips the Barbecue. He is atifor Ue bottle ¢ ; the 10 e y ul M i jean get automobile service froin : { McNeil ranch enjoying thejhis pocket ch Aish 99 . | ‘Terrace by pastime of breaking s : : 3 i ‘ ry notify z ; wz some 0 g Imost eve ) ' eaning lie Heddibening Sead ss Waite, colts. youn . : t every ght Smith said ' lrace, who has a ; w abd ne yale Feu rt I Mi sed Bone to the Now Windsor, i i , has a ne “ord car ¢ i Her 8 ‘ } ; At a tin aiadn Gack cedhtvaant toy’ thie urate s ir and If on way the straws fly is\in ab ae ‘a i Oe ae \ draw the closest, gifts havelable re ’ ss. Reason-Jany indication of how the ‘ ers 30 cach night and] “i a deeper meaning, eet tr blowing, then Telkwa so Sinan tabs checking the cash register, taking} A production of art achievement in telling of a , es in ‘ Har cetiturics ae eo aa a a ea quite a political centre ) bin Pade of the money. h 7 art has furni waa ih yt i! two-color window cards takejliad visits from Ge | ‘ po Apes Smith had%a long line of lit pentane 0 8 ers rave 7m ? i shet 1e most| the eve quickly : : ; Ane eck andiat the , 5 ee nee i iidhes ct aie. eee Yt them white Tboth leaders in the, provincial ~d . New Wind which Mil-] and sacrifice. i, a’ They are particularly Oar en aes. house and the minister of lands.)|)) ei “aan { 4 : ‘ i 5 a S . san «tein fe suitable and being small the Che sitting member will no doubt Cross . * ye Irausmortatibn Abeta tiie ; Rive the district another look exami j 5 Mr Wil ' s , s af ' e i an ; . over. ‘ “lits leleoet i “ la i 4 Pp * y carry value and inean- | i Sa having gone at § oM «: uns ine Comed Mas Slower . og ae : } | The Grand Trunk Pacifl sh se yf t FR toplay ay Ae CaP OMEM fee jstarted on the new siding havelhad told hi i tt a éé : Seen ee um g ana vil ‘ started on the new siding oe : ldW » || GEORG « STOUT)» , ’ John Bulger novel anda ia kan are un ut he ha a aves and Women E LOAN feelting the yard and tra i ne bold { 1 ERS | = at r i , CACHES: The eer 2 Jeweler lit until they finish the job 2 Other Cases ¢ 4“ I, fi thy hs Pes azette ane Jack M&Neil has gone on an ex q | es OR Ns en eee oe We ar a tended business trip to the Ares ul : . ‘ : —- | oy expecting these He will likely be away for oo Vane . " iar c ono O arrive in about from jj)“°***: he Prince Ruy thie’ Pri ° f | Ins ect th ten days to two 1 a . - . j in ‘ y Bia ind ( : CeS$i--- baa on Jeiegson is leavin for ‘ Bese ‘ Mati T i D ese works pon Jeteenen te: lanving «(oe hoe, ee 13 when On nee, Today, 15c and 35c FRIDAY and SATURDA . . . 7 eee tia 2 4 lolher adjourned ca E Saturday Mat Place Yoar Orders |lv2'S.cter" ts citrd. wpe sit‘ ome wpe ! vening, 30c and 55c “THE MIRACLE i S | Hishop and gofte into the hills to i also come up iA : THE MIRACLE MAF ee HT ling 8 a er we - _ Oe ss arly iliing interests. From all reports ALICE ARM daa | BSc LAND KEGLS ee 1en come in and buy them: as all reports i : Hy he has the goods. HLGISTHY ACT. ss Lots 33 and 34, Block 17, sh oF ip indicate . « © ‘aS a een tt ou J; 2 udhiac h relurned f a eee IRE Ree: Macklad<. ortage this wenton «© Vadeiistere, Suene OFT aitle Jest. Tiliteday and ro.|2 ee Soe pt Pate Magi HI $650 each : . i LAND AG jxumed operations on the Muska wade ty register Joon A, Murray, of Prince ; otel Prince Prices will || T. tev! fspert, B. é Lots 21 and 22, Block 16 S wi be about - . lever group. ' i os “wuer we fee uleles of ; ets wom s | onm oF ° ‘ ax Sale bn “as . ae tnsl ; Section 1. t VANCOUVER worees. | } hn. We ru ft « Hipert, boartw ate the EUROPEAN pul { NCOUVER LAND DISTR 8 I F vekes, of the Goldfields) 3rd a hetetwer y 1 NOELLATION $900 each } f Se uF one I1CT—DISTMICT | Consolidated, is i thie i “ . ULAH Veet me a ore si ne oF qusenve. Re ee | ® Bl as ising NOTICE that Paciile Mills, Lismited, | lookin 4 ener? : ; egleag eg ey 5 Norrie , prs pl mang ete gy apes lh ag and ig “al several of the tlh, tne ~ tuate, lytny 60d ting |restrep eassllng Over Lan bbee, has FIRGT-CLASS O8ft McCaff : per case. cereus a eet eweal Price Hipert tore gar. |Coanh Don, ME tn Ca ards , ees FU : amt + =o to hh NA ‘ . y sea eat ' as : s Ss Mw ty ; ery, Gibbons Wis ow —_ “ ” .. . a b “ planted at the \ 1s bean pe : & a ty ‘ . ¥ sec on ' joc a “ f of Lends oer eres ons pres re reet ile cence oar 6, False iniet, Hivers F : a . . & D | Rupert Table supply Co 40 ; Ms thet * a thenes south Lit » ual ts a are ‘ ‘ve | ; . ence es to shore thence . . . : . oy e, Ltd. reais hed oontacsiat f4 im of cul It ha 2h in int ct ! : TIMBER . pTaftl Real E Mee rag OU ina tit fa, |, Nas br sate ts < aa save xaaze, | PACIFIC CAKTAGI al Estate & Insurance PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED re ler way ; hup ees PHont § Prince Rupert, B.C. “mma he bonding of th i inza Sand fvegis, | Muninte f tate hot miter than Toon On < LAN!) HEGISTHY AUT ° e ‘s 3 ' m : t t ; . et — CE (Sections 36 aud { res i ; 5 oy j ia4 ha . ’ ave : r ; 2 area at Pater iniet ie Application No 141417 . larted ! i ‘ ' ' oome ’ : red A pog Be ge al eulttee tieutes sebieeaite Has toot seal “a pict : : i : : vo moval of tine sre will be allowed for re nereceves oceeenrteet D ; rrinee Mhupert, . ranges ie Crewe Of) pall, et Acie a Ga Sale . . eery with ‘ trad ” ars of ine Chief Forester t , E N ‘ oe 7 Tax’ Sele \ feeds ‘from the ( Of. ti ; need { ch a 7 aaa arta A et UMN Poeeee eT 11 ector of the City of Prrre HKupe — juildineg ; fi — oS } cy EVI ’ ing date the 28th day of Nc tupert, bear. |, tf 1 long a we : Ik is jt shee ; a eae Don’t neglect your Teeth w jof ALL AND 24th day of November, 117, ind C. P, Reil, the owner : ine gistered ane 7 neon ee Auctionecf » have : or tract © ( ain parces ‘ * aint 7 he ” gd dune t soner One decayed or missing tooth e have secured the agency for §|#"4 lag in tne ley ee ema aamerts pects to push the work to ear % orl (me laud "bs rome as it ee se z lowerr your efficiency the best Cowl foundin the interior | mas e particularly known Se ae eed ipletiarx ml ion Bee. The N ee Sener re Auditor a8 % Gaia and can supply any ¢ : 24) Wenty-three (23) and twenty Tour ° sli tt a ce act, jf me News Print Shop ply any quantity. )}, Block Mirty-seven (37 paces | . ; ’ ia ‘ meccecee corte eeeeee DR. BAYNE §Our prices include delivery . L053) ‘and tty ton ten (10 : fitty tnree W. J. Elmendorf, a mini f ¢ : oid bur Office Hours--Morni ; pine (39 Lots our (94), Block thirty-/ Binet fs t] 3 ; thy eg ar at i r° ng, 9 to 12; Lo tee » Lote thirteen (13) snd. four ttle, is examining een Geltied ender euch tas ——— day, 9 to 12 only 5.80; Satur- OSE Coal - $13.00 po ye AL bos ttten” feos ton (41), bot propert the Kilsaull ; oe er of land ye ( , on y Eve nir one «1 i two 7 and hh , A e ot > f re , ates : Tuesday, "Wednesd igs, S$ lartd nike’ 1405. ona Lote atabiah (18) i AND WHEREAS apy ' day, from 7 to 9. eer creened, sacked, $14.00 A easels , iv), block deletes. opi), bee The Elks will hold a sin r at for a Certificat of} i se a ° i nection &, Lily of Prince 6 he Abice Ars eo tl ve ee 2 (Map $¥3). Kupert, Hotel next I ihove- men taped, ends, ie ' eee NURSE IN ATTENDANCE Per Ton Delivered leat im Sd eee L eon. | sit 4 lavee delecal ee of jotm A. Murray i) Pa at ) e “ ‘ wae hon ltl ind coiies adeitieeevadinoer witain 35 aye frou the ante or tae Klks and their friends a . tit ANT) WHEREAS of tnwestiontione the Uitte Of » & notice vie . ends are expe it a r . cy ~—e Prices on car load lots on and” a ay powce lan te the “pally Ne ed to attend from Anye Vet ; og i yg prtor..9 ae) 2m Saw Oe Sagieanser hyd ahaa ala i siniteltion té and your, attention Is called to acest a : a ie - naw + + a ren Se Nemecme oer, ere ———— 2s ¥ 4 egistry Act’ with ene se : : et —_— nm *° ae w the following ontveci’ thoes W He been Lenporar y were the owners ihercof, 6 stated opposite na +, suspender ur respective 8 soamers | Prince Rupert “and in ffefault of a caveat or cortin ber om led at the North Star pend a oeien aiaee “acid thes” ak ab Because many of our cust me j the registration as omnes oe eee “ i arrival of a steel sharp. | me time 1 ehal n° I } son > . of the per 1¢ . i shall effect registrat ’ ‘ rar ‘ hy t bein wal Feed C | re oe canned win ant sale, al) | ye | pursuance of such appl stheas oo An | to KO away wil ' 6 te | . otice | . . ° e a Certific et “ 'e 4 . no ¢ | 3 0. | ig ee cpining through | . 58 Ths | saa tan ” Indefeasibie Tithe te the] upon on Saturday owills t0 Corner 2nd Ave. and 9 ing any interest in the land by virtue |'l aylor, president of the the Mame OF JORG A. MET) ° , ue i oo ne ME ka a Re UU aar ” rosecuble sccm. & > at oO aii Garena slain red instrument. ond | iylor Engineering Co., arrived | proces dings to Z a ie t ~ pase h raat rush in our store | Phone 5% Green 54% the land by aan, ony interest tn ISunday and lef{ at once for the |a"% % the said tands i. 7 ur claim "| OF this Ack, abseil bef the RR | Polly Varden mine | Proposed Seton Of my pert ree ° i ¢ t a lopped | e | paler hccathhaietaderrrs-t and nae Fae yh Mee ig . . oe fat the Land Negtatty OMee, Prine | sr gP Mates ree of the land so | \. bk. Garvey, of MeLennan Sil 14 ie Bvt 40 RY OE SEE AD , s, mide the thegisty ive . , | te , T af eee tas toe Pereoe entitied yd 1} x Mines, . Lite /Yanoouver, bs) > HM. ¥, MACLEOD | land #@ sold for fate, owner of the | ooking over the Royal Group of Hitetrict Hemistrar of T 7 NTS wé gant lo | ASN WHEREAS appl iisithh “nant i mete (4 jto Kita Maso Po . ISCOUNTS® efi ers for ts made for . OCS sebasiaaiion | Bat been ft, ' hit Liotly Yarden nani a ‘ PHI BIG : wall lot Wobert 0 mentioned dards, to tbe seams OL es i owner. registered and assessed | on FRIDAY and Satures) rd i nt f rewe oe) eet , i : sf snders ¢ AND WH ‘oh tv WS debt emg ATU OUR GOAL 38 WFR LEAD a gears ser havebr coe te 7 Mea teneards itis xa miness 8 stimer, t Moraganed repeated. A SPECIALT “ 1en it comes to quali or the che of Uctober, 1916, (the date on wh E ts ee », MO | ‘ ality, purchase of Lotg §/f#i@ lands were said 6 Rel taeee LKS§ NOTICE 7 ee i sea : 4 | fern , or overdue ines | : t ante zed mie : always find § sn Two Three and Four, aoe eed See Loeierer ey Soraaee oF OGY ee ; o id, MINENAL ACT. ; 7 . » righ ind for ever ale . ° FURTHE ; teguli “ g 0 ’ purpose ae lock, Fourteen, Section §| sme fine 1 shall elect registration io) % Lode alas eee ee | Certificate of Improvements. < ‘ Seven. Prince Rupert lpupsuence of such: aps hee eee stration in| wdge will be held in K.P, oF] No matter what you need by the | F pert, owned ideas’ in the tndefeasinie Title TA een Hall this evening at 8 *t Alice Pract aro . . y > ‘ > us Me ¢ 5 ‘ re actho | | coal for cooking, heating : if ate John Stinson, uiiless you ay Hy: Habe rt YU, Crewe, oelor Business and Z ithe Naas Retoe e ty coe, ee mn power——we have , deceased proceedings to Sotabtion” Poe, ne pares * iHiatior . de, gerne eel, OF. Peer | ave i ; , jany, to the sald lands, ¢ io ) Bo Hn, FI vee here located At the head of ee | ) COAL THAT IS RELIABLE Vancouver, Or TED perio omy ‘part prevent SUCDi gan eee arte eeeew es TAKE NOTICE tt mia | 9 Filled with $9.00 and $10. Oren at the Tadd Menistey v9 2? 9 ‘ thet I, Alex, M. Manson, | : Septe iia, OF iPrince Hupert ; gistry Mer ——- gee [UE Prince Hupe ¢ ‘ ni j ; f Cons a - r 4 1920, |Kuwusr, Hupert, B.C, ins bth My Of ¢ Hee eS ORE eS cia e fe 1k Runert, B.C sting 08 seen all going for > OO a pall ongdc Ns | ' : en... A S ‘ IMEers Coal Co. Ltd ! gdon, Campbell & # wi MacLeop, . |* | TOO LATE 10 ciassipy © fi, 0! pane Ov, Reemin, ot Ace | Pay Ns age s ’ ‘ Meredith, 0 Western Pomintoa Land & Invesunent +e ee ooo Oe eer eon os . layer, misty days from the date} ‘ eLaren, Manager Solici ; BE, Meet bets, Feseat 0 SeeY OF ititacamnent Recorder | Room 11, Smith Block Phen oa are for the said } phos. pe SRM FORK SALE Good hunting be purpose oe ablaint Improvements, for the | e7 E : . lo, | at, ting a Crown Grant of a SS state. | Resor. santa | ton H.P. engine, all complete,|. and further 4 ) vita *, pieeeu | “300. ditae hate! eal | . aren yt rt lake notice that, 9 sion ae } Corner Thi j | ! 1S vel . , ’ ei joule Also ve commenced before} m weve n ere | Jack Toner, Gow Bay, ‘it araheeenin of sich Certificate of Im urd a idl |” Dated this 7th day of duly, A.D, 1920 & ——