Logisletive Library tes ree Beef ‘ Shit rock dit , wthe BU Valley RCE FRIZLELL 25, 185 10, apet ton Market arne’ ge PD DOT ~ PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper =| Che Daily Nets - TAXI TAXI Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto M. H. LARGE 707 Second Ave. - Prince Kupert PRENGHI RUPERT i (, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 98, 1920, PRICE FIVE CENTS en Thousand Homeless; 500 Dead TICISM OF THE NEW RAILWAY FREIGHT RATES ALREADY COMMENCES emendous Earthquake Shock Devastates Italian Cities ye Towa Alone Ten Thousand People said to be Homeless; Buildings Overthrown and People Buried in Debris E, Sept. 9. Another violent earthquake took place this ' ? o m/ the f _ causing the loss of many lives and considerable damage a tah ee rly ' M ! RENCE, Sept. 9..Over 10,000 people are homeless and { the dead in one town alone as the result of an earthquake sal urred here and which seems to have been felt through-. . : W y. Many large buildings have been destroyed and, the ; ; : buried in the debris. Everywhere there is damage. The 4) »/ ook and houses trembled and many were overthrown. ed Mill I AWA, Sept. 9.--The Italian earthquake shock was re- ' on the instrument at the observatory here. ule that M )GEORGE POLICE COURT ed Li s th and Money HAS NO PITY — LIQUOR CAS oe oe wrative 3 to the effect that th to Liberate Alleged Mur- Evidence in Milier Case Concluded | nad bee mae direct who are Starving While Prosecution Heard ss a _ Bas d { of Avainet Zeretti ithe oya “tel, Seven dollars Themselves v we that ‘waa pele’ fot thi : MONDAY PROMISES TO ot RAE cere gn. oPhacce she dent ' t ix BE VERY INTERESTING re a j i! j ‘ “intl seen Za i l i tle yloa aly Z ‘ A W. Pat \ i i t : M Pa are , 0H ADMITS cr yw SE DLES VICTORY SCHOOL CHILDREN Class Sent Home From Borden St. R. T. Elliott has to Pay $1,388. 20 Costs of Court ELSIE GORDON SIMPLY GREAT we narae weno! vir PORLA runte DRINKS LIKE A TOPER New Rates Immense | Burden on Country Increased Levy by Railroads will mean anything from Two to Three Hun- dred Millions a year to be Paid by People CALGARY, Sept. 9.—Traflic experts here say the railway rate jincreases mean an added burden of $300,000,000 #100 family. The toss to the western farmers will to $20,000,000 this WINNIPEG, Sept. | a year or for every amount season. %.—The Free Press, editorially, says that ithe people will have to pay an additional burden of $200,000,000 la year as a resukt . es. The judgment is re- N.M.P \ pez, an intelligent cub | markable for the amazing speed with which everything asked of bas z for bes Phi shows the bear about jit was granted, rf is nd to come near at hand. i CANDIDATES PRINCE GEORGE FOR ATUN ‘SELLS BONDS in the Oliver Libel: Case} serera names montionss as Poe ee | sible Nominees of Conventions posed of to National Bond qd. 9—While the| ell a= im prestige for the Vie- | to be Heid. Corporation. : } Premner Olver via lawyer. i —_—_—_— sr his tibe sul The case was brought by Pre-| STEWART, Sept. 9- —Kate Ryan VANCOUVER, Sept. 9.—The Na- lintt® w nly ier Oliver as an aftermath of|ome of the heroines of the trail /tional Bond Corporation here has K sas jn 5 pt on the part of Elliott} of "98 to Dawson, is spoken of bought 835,000 weeth of Prince : - ned} ind vert J. Cromie of the Sun/here as a candidate for the legis- George city bonds These were i ia t of uewspaper to get the Dolly Var-jlature to fill the position formerly issued to cover expenditures on ast e and railway away fromiheld by the late Frank Mobley. waterworks and street improve- Q ally | the sent owners. The matter|She is well known, especially ments, N j s ihe Legislature and|among the old timers, prospectors The purehase was made by the wdditior ft maiie a savage attack on|and miners, and if she runs herjcorporation for United States sf er as a-result of which )chances ol tion are said to be jclients. : n was brought. The ver-j 200d Miss Ryan is at present ~—- ~ is t cleared John Oliver and the ving at Stewart. y as sa being paid by Elliott Other candidates mentioned are BIG EVENT AT . ' — Pat Daly of Stewart and Harry POLICE COURT WANTS Andrews of Anyox. Both are well RINK ON MONDAY yown and popular and it is said rd representatives. local lawyer, son for Prince Id make 2m STENOGRAPHER NOW ~ Leslie Grossmith, the Great Eng- lish Entertainer, to Give a Great Evening’s Pleasure. member said to have and is spoken of Creorce = also and Great Delay Caused in litical ambitions impersonator and Entertainer at Dealing with Big Cases. jas a possible candidate in the = Chautauqua Made Hit With eee, iBowser interests, Che fame of Prince Rupert is In the police ceurt this morn- As soon as an announcement is attracting artists of the lirst water Loca! Audience. ngAlex. Manson mquired if some|made as to the date of the elee- and the city is being honored with t ommendation could notition, conventions will be cafled;a visit by the famo Linglish hls M Hapersona » made so that another police!by each of the parties and nomi-/musician and entertainer Leshe is a study in stenographer may be ob-|nationS made. It is not decided Grossmith, who will appear at the syel - h moment tained Me. Woods was over-|whether the conventions will be|Auditorium next Monday for o1 piatiorn ase wded with work and he had/held here at Anyox, probably night only in a re of refined ght « widm she held jiher duties toe attend to. Thislat Anvox. humor, good musi ind classié we 4 udience ‘nd Dolice court work was unfair to ~ _— drama, The name Gross i i pray NES, Making and he could not do justice ORGE household word in the old coun- s ne wisaed. 5 waiting until notes were trans- WEDS AT SAPPERTON claim to be the rot, successful =e - ’ megroes ! cribed was expensive to the city musical st tou e \ tern Cae ' Bet i fiand a poliee court stenographer Canada, the " # a wholly eW would be in the interests of saa | Takes for Bride Miss Ellen Ellza- lickets disposed of by the 7 s people of the) omy | beth Patchel!l of New West- school children in advance “will stay 1) > showed why if Mr. Hooper concurred, stating minster yield a substantial commission as write the folk that he had already urged the and to help the sehool funds, nee south necessity on the mayor and alder- NEW WESTMINSTER, Sept. 9-/everyoue should buy a teckel In Ni elohes she was ner Phere should have been a} Miss Ellen ! lizabeth Patehe I, from the children, interes time and, judg-| enographer brought from Van-|the noted musician, was married | ne by th the audience,|. juyer to ‘handle these cases, |Yesterday at St. Mary’s Church, ROUND . ISLAND FOR. it is safe to say that everyone en- -ppere was also work in the police | 5apperton, to Parkers Bonley, a oved = the samment andlomes that a steliugrapber couid distriet foresier at Prinee George. SUMMER TOURISTS thought it well wth the naoney, employed at. i They have gone to Vietoria for . Phe Royal Willow Pour gavel yw. by Williams and Magistrate |{beir honeymoon. VICTORIA, Sept, 9.-—The C.P.R hihe st half the pregram.! woMordie were also of the opinion The bridesmaid was Miss Edith is considering the advisability of PMOLE Gsnging was excellent and that there should be a stenog- bD'Easum and’ the Best = oar pulling on @ round the Island thn Ors Their part of! caper, jward Godfrey. ’ lserviee for tourists. his trip the entertainmet Was somewhat wa lwould be up the west ¢oast f similar to that given in the after- use AIRPLANES To Venaniver Inlet a” from Victoria oon SUPPRESS REVOLTS, i CARRY FisH Eaas ‘*"°r"'© , uP : erpnoon i¢ devoted largee! Merete jto Alberni and Port Aliee and back ly af on ; al music, while TAKE RED PRISONERS OTTAWA, Bept.®\ 9.— W. 4.[°% ‘WAY OF donnaton werem, Spy - . =e mour Narrows and the Gulf of ht julia Morse soprano, }Found sprediets the use of alr- i oi Nes Mu Genbyieve Smith} LONDON, Sept, 8—"Phe Red|planes for carrying fish eggs to POOF Eas plays thie harp and there is a/ Government has suppressed sev-/the upper reaches of the cliff- ° eerie lecture on “Ireland” by Louisaleral revolts near Moscow, lbound B, C, rivers, BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL Peat Phis should be first rate, Generai Wrangell reports that! — —_—_—— } judwing by the advance notices, he has taken 5,000 Bolsheyiki) ATTENDING CONFERENCE j National League. prisaners, | New York, 6, Boston 0, rhe Miracle’ Man” arrived on rs VANCOL VER. Sept. 9. Rey. T:| New York 5, Boston 4. today’s boat and will be shown Monday will be our special Sale|, Coldwell of Alert Bay and J, ¢ Brooklyn 7, Philadelphia 4, Phriday and Saturday with ajDay for oxfords,# slippers, and|Spencer of Port Simpsen are et. | American League. ti Saturday also. The great-|pumps, at the Big Shoe Sale, next tending the Methodist conference | Chivage 5, St. Louis @, luced » ful 10 » Wallace's Store, 13 here, | Philadelphia i Detroit 4, of Thirteenth Soviet the New This Morning Pending Find- Apeny net of Another Room. . | ur h th | ~ oa ! Diver ' ' hat . . tle : wil be paid Bt, ' | S n ren DUO Cashes ; at sibel . i telvy and! | \ i was he ha i . i ; hy ; ‘ bing j ~s and B And ah ‘ wney ash ee ther roam and an t is being i day's reeeipt toward th acle lo ft ti Presbyvte in s DELAYED . of rent Ol bh hall, Dr, Grant will be Hie conteadieted the evid ce af back i ght and a a BY BAD WEATHER Ay of e “ ' that bh hay bb ad aft he has been eo me 40 % : ding th ob sulted The class will probably , Leave apne fa e for th NOW | ng th udies Monday a thee To- \) en * ped not | wn BP Ph Ahead i + unable ' de ide Wt : PEELETIO OU | oye the base en 0 the laptis " : tt i ie | wy - h ul to Carison and ' RAILWAY APPOINTMENT ’ Counsel Argue. bi | ph W. kk. Williams, in his address, VANCOUVER Sept. 9 Dp KR lrow attention to the facet that); ampbel zeneral superintendent Miller had explained various in-iyf the CG. N. R. Pacifie division JOHN LEAVING lonts sugh as the license andipas ¢ to Winnipes ta have , ~ satisfactorily Phere had |eharge f construction work on Daal un IMistakes this par the me ed lines th the west rt ‘ uw wettse and the. Uiserting » — * — Mill Ss name oO it Was atiil CAPT. PARRY DIES rihher one At any rate the en i tL had neo terest in tie VANOOUVER, Sept, Y, Captain for Qarison had put the}Meiville 8. Parry, MA > years , {Oon his own pocket and not ini yf ag lied here yesterday lle 0 MUCH COKE he till lle asked that Miller be |joave — hobert Strathcona nh the benedit the doubts rt he Yukon i | disthissed on the ils . Te that was not thi pant of the Mira Man" Westholme jo th me =o 1 day i 1 Sal aay ma clay M i | tha i 1 11) ‘ ' 19 B | i : ini wei ™% ~ $57