we THE DAILY NEws PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H, F. PULLEN, Mawacine Epiror. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ............ $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, th advance, per year ......... vive, ero eS tc.. « Seve GE.00, To all other countries, in advance, per year ............ $7.50. TELEPHONE 988. Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inah each insertion. Transient advertising on front page:.......... $2.00 per inch. Loco! Readers, per insertion, .......... Fat ees 25c, per iine. Classified advertising, per insertion, ......5.... 2¢. per word. Legal Noticesg each insertion, ....... «e+. 15¢. per agate line. Contract Rates on Application. All advertising should be in the Daily News Offtce’ on day pre-| ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. DAILY EDITION, —- @@GBG|BNO_ Thursday, Sept. 9, 1920 Value to District Of Publicity. A short time ago the Daily News published an article dealing with the attractions of Lakelse Lake. This article was read in Victoria by W. A. Wearbault, who was at the time contemplating a trip to Banff. He changed his plans and came on here, arriving on the boat yesterday and went on through to the hot. springs. He will return to Victoria by way of Edmonton. Just how Mr. Wearbault happened to read the Daily News| we do not know. So many papers are sent away from here after they are read locally, im addition to those going to.ortside sub- seribers, that it is almost impossible to trace them. The main thing is that the paper is working in the interests of the district ag a whole and that results are being obtained, * | Freight Increases Will Dislocate Trade. The sudden increase in freight rates will tend to dislocate trade, for some time at least. Local mills wilk be hard hit by| the change. It seems a pity that some arrangement could not} have been made in connection with the lumber business such| as was made with coal to avoid killing the business altogether. | Prince Rupert is vitally interested in this. No word has been received in regard to the fish business. The local board of trade asked that the cheaper grades of fish be exempt from any advances in fréight charges. An advance will kill that business. Cheap food is needed and during the war the government absorbed the extra freight charges ir ordér} to place the cheap fish on the market. It is a pity that it should! sqem necessary to wipe out certain businesses by such an im- mense advance in rates, What Willi Effect Be On Food Prices? No one séems to know what Will be the effect of the hew rates on tie price of fo6d. All we know is that .t{Mfe rates will he added to the’ cost which must be paid by the consumer, as well as the increased -—per’entage of profit which the merchant must exact, This advance comes on-top of the tax levy of the Dominion Government is making it difficult to carry on. Salaried men, wage earners and businessmen will be hit by it. It is to be hoped that no serious trouble will follow. It seems necessary, however, to state that 4 limit has been reached and that further} exactions will prove disastrous to fhe country. Are the Increasés Really Necessary? ’ It is admitted that increases in freight rates were necessary. No one disputes that. The railways @annot continue to operate at a loss. The C. P, R. however, paid ten per cent right along in the way of dividends. If the estimates of the experts are right ‘and the increase will add to the ineome-of the railways to the extent of from $200,000,000 to $300,000,000, that looks almost like an endowment fund for somebody. It is curious that Dr. Reid, during his recent vistt to the west, was able to tell the people that 4 very large advance would} come into effect. It makes pedple wonder whether the Govern- ment controls the Railway Board and dictates to them the amount of increase they should order. MACSWINEY WEAKER FERNiE MORDER LONDON, Sept. 8—Mayor Mac- FERNIE, B.C.” Sept: 9.—RBillie Swiney of Cork is weaker, This |Chinéurda is charged here with 8 the 27th day Of the hunger |murdering a Hindu who was strike. beaten to death, ~ , hails wins Extraction Teeth Bridgework in a scientific manner My Prices meet people in _ all walks of life that My modern equipped offiée is at your service. DR. JOS. MAGUIRE--- Dentist Roots of the. C. noe College Office Hours: er ND 8 aa BLOCK 9 to 12; 1 to 6. pert. Fisheries, Limited, and, i quired, Dy hotice in writing from Liqnidator, are, Dy their Solicitors Sonaliy, to come in and prove t SUFFERED DAY AND NIGHT ~The Tortares of Dyspensta ! wer THE DAIL Y NEWS BEARS AT TERRACE Two Shot and a Cinnamon Stop- ped Team and then Made Off FRRAGCE, Sept 8 two hb ® shot precentiiy here one on | Little's Teland and the otter ‘ “Relieved By “Fruit-a-tives” O°." sac Lrrrie Baas D'or, C. B. “I was a terrible sufferer from Dyspepsia and Constipation for years. I had pain after eating, belching gas, constant headathés and did not sleep well at night. Finally, @/riend told me to try’ Frait-a-tives”’. In awoek, the Constipation Was corrected and sooh Iwas free of pain, headaches and. that miserable feeling that accompanies Dyspepsia. I coatinued ' ' stopy lalph Henmmels téar mn briday but after too etl ttt ind = allowed p ! Mr Hemmel aye i Was the jlargest bear he ha n fog ‘ time, The Man in t the Moon 1@ debis or ciaifik at such time and place ‘aa| \ damaged as wds al discovery of first thought Shall be specified in such Notice, or, in|COal bed is reported from Copper Gefauit thereof, they will be exciuded from the benelt of any distfinution ei Defore such debis are proved. Fiynn DATED tiie 12h day of August, 1020. ELLIVTY. MAULEANY & SHAND) fy, Liquidator 4 Centra uud- ina, view pireet, vie torm, | British Cotumpia, Plates, Crowns I ‘may render the best service, . Open Evenings and Sundays by appointment, i City twenty-five miles Solicitors for tne above Umea Hy py yy) the Skeena M Ipool today by the Brit day rs. W. Viekers ain after a five is England, Se of Man. . grading was comn ; | | W 4 } day HT) MeMordie’s jing by 8. H. Watso signature, we find was made by Tom and John Gabriel and is } — conte enon ate to take this spleadid fruit medicine SAYS:~ Afi x neat and now Iam well, strong and 3 er years of domination vigorous”. RORERT NEWTON. THAT of c 1s at Aber-| es {Cc ‘ 800. box, Afor $2.60, trialsize leon that tin seapohed . stil anacda's preference At all dealers or sent postpa: his ball four das fore giving os Fruit-e-tives Limited, Ottawa. and even y ti ‘ a ens. it fe sa h forth { Hissing sphe OILSKINS } ledieas 9 Iitat iocal wil n ith . Gum Boots, Rubbers, Shoes lthose in Lon he neratu ~ Overalls, Gioves, Shiris, lated a mistre« ying a do | Waterproof Duck Clothing, nestic with: break for*2a —— Canvas, Tents, Salis, Sulit Biyears, Hard: rockery d . Cases, Trunks, Handbags, fiers. that is al! ’ a Harness and Saddlery eae — CALL AND SEE‘ THEM j THAT the man who alwayve calle |this wife “dear Hd be cheap at J. F. MAGUIRE 3 ey pei id 722 Second Ave.. Prince Rupert . 2 oe i {¢ THAR iY w de a. ’ youth who ¢ it i hat eeeesneeeseecewetl. nt tn, , oe | ENTIST * PRINCE RUPERT TIDES #iwhe would n fight eee eee tseeaeeeues Thursday, September 9. CHAT whe ght” rates High, 11:7 a.m., 47.9 feet jMerease, how oo Ghee 32:9 p.m., 19.6 feet. of diving adva 1 adtics VEN thet ins - ous I J oO 1:48 a.m., 4.2 et. ; 7 : . Low, sone 1. m., 4 feet PHA jude : 4 Xt Q ALITY 15:52 p.m., 8.2 feet. 4 ecie ; ‘ . any per inces, fo Friday, September 10. cathe ‘Ht a : High, 11:56 a. m.,, 19.3 feet. i with & er “ pp Low, 5744 p.m., 3.3 feet Pe Sa ; B p.m ba tee | awaT and a r. Bayne were” llien ine ly ‘ .. — . The time used Is Pacific Stan- Britain with ent < ' ‘ ' ' she CFFICE HOURS ay for - pe er ath west.iof ties. That should bind u se 804 Shy person in & Werning, 9 te 12, Mernoon, 1.30 te 5.90, Saterday, 1 ut is countec rom 02 tours ate oe ‘ ‘ ars Of pe sarees f ountry a i - f e I} sale as af aid failing make sf : ing rom 7.30 te from midnight to midnight. a ail ; Z conti ; Every Evening (rom 7.30 10 9 . heb ar aa eee So aed ‘ \ Se S will be subject ap the f d Dental Nurse in attendance Simpson e time for Prince}; THA’ icfora the ‘ . of ale and tie : r “ ' > it Rupert varies only a few ered national basxeba penna . oe a oo gy g 7 Phone 109 for appointment ay js 1ar nformation ‘ with which « al atteniios s araee . Reenter ine ne the niae ner’ is nO information: ax Lo | the gotice appearing In the current sues Rooms 4, 5,'6, Heigerson Blk., Cor. 3rd and the same, The range of the tidelwhether any Victorians played inj)! Mls paper ' A ADEN . . BC may be computed.as 5 per centltiie matches i Deuter witesle af Vanda Best Equipped Office in Northern greater at Prince Rupert than at ‘ * ves eae . ands ied Port Simpson both at springs and} THAT if they did not play, they) May Sim,” poep rere | neaps. Therefore the rise in the/puid for admission te see | WATER NOTICE _ . Prince Rupert harbor is slightly|/cames, which, judging by mod: DIVERSION AND Gils ; greater than Port Simpson. standards, is more jmportar a PE agg ot The height is in feet and tenths mie ee 4 mt D S. S. PRINCE RU of feet above the average level of PHAT one eiass of people to be 5 “- " a veer rt lower low water, j injured by the railway rat Rate? . “Wot Th Ls feet he dais Sink eens et SEO ¢ ppaNce GEO Advertise in the Daily News joflicial organizers whi : os oo ne alae We nip nptipaieecti tetas Ghia jv arlor cars too expensive f ; m tne : SALT? MINERAL AGT, 1896. ture since the price is t rm Midnight Sunday and Thursday for Swanson By - fifty per cent . jctoria and Seattle CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. . tina gpa Vie biewart, baturday © ; a ; nyox odresda The Dandy No. 2 Fractional Mimerat a mere BE ‘ " vv oaiee soun r PRINCE ALBERT Chum, situate in the Nags Hiver Mining ‘ ’ : ii 8 3 PRI ° Di vision of Cassiar District 5 ‘ Where located: On Dolly Vardep sit Ten Years Ago ris aoe toe " and joined by the Dolly Varden ciaims, and is shout seventeen miles from tne in Prince Rupert j . ; m, oe j : ' head of Alice Artp, } : . . a» aa with itl ral (le Take notice that 1, Prank stringnam, | 3 Wate ais > ° free Miner's Certificate N« b6681-C, In aiwts he fend. sixty days from “the, date nereot, 10 | September 9, 1910 te wri Chase TRAIN SERVICE er apply to the Mining Heeorder for @ Cerun- | ; cares , al | Returdey otf! ye hie of Improvementan fer tae puree or} Jolin Y. Rochestef and others ea MN spAper Prsienmir Monsey, Wrenseday and Sevurdey 91 110! Ot te obtaining a Crown Grant of the abovelliayve made application to the ’ j seid Prince George, Edmonton end _ : ia claim, aoe , ali pointe cart and oT And further take notice tnat action, un-;/ Board of Railway Comunjss: a aac 8 0 Ageit ’ “4 der section $7, must be commenced before); aay ‘ \ p oe ‘ieee ae Agency All Ocean Steamship Lin the issuance of sucn Certincate of m-|' CAUse the G, T to remove |S! BgueS ds. oom ' 4 teervations poly \ provements. lan obstruction to navigation n LAND REGISTRY for information sn . 5 phon? 0 Dated this 19in day of duly, 1920. I Y Haw in ike fone ot ; ISTH AUT Oty Ticket OMes, 620 Third Avene poy i ! 1 0 1ofra i s 2 shed 144 IN THE MATTER OF THE PRINCE KUPENT ig de FISHERS, LIMITED, IN VULUNTANY! i 4 1 i ' v7 LIQUIDATION ® e ’ AAR NcrTiO? : : mn has t The Creditors of the above-named Com Che Princéss May has heer iis ve € pany are required on or before Monday, : t ‘ athe t , September the 201m 1920, to send thelr towed to Juneau after her wres : : ‘ Deed from tf wr of PACIFIC RAIA names and addressés and particulars of} e¢ j Kupert, beartug’ date} their depts or claims to A. P. Dinning, #19 | im Sentinel Island She is re~j\ine ey of November, 1917, of ALA CANADIAN vacine Bulidig Vancouver, Britien ¢ vortex e ot As scrious!l AND i \ hat certain Marre lumbia, the Liquidator ‘of the prines ie ported t6 b not a . ? tract of t 4 th ite remiss extend CANADIAN PACIFIC OOEAN soc ig, ane Delnba io Une city of Pris f "a pert, tinore ¢ " s known af bed as ‘ Se ' k Thirt m1), intents ond * t Steamship an extensive ’ re B.C. Coas eams ; “ 4 ey ed coniest the laim (a clnerneeennne nn f the tax purehaser within 25 dave from the date of the service of this potire 6.6. PRINCESS MARY i which may be effected publication. in r Prince Ru the Dally News, Prine: eB. C.,) and for Ketchikan, Jundau, Bhagway, Aisste, [0 up the ‘Wiver)your attention fs call © 36 of the! August 0, 16, 29 ® Prince al i*Land Pee@tstrs ‘ “ endmen ts, nd Beatie from ;and to the follow efrom Ger Vancouver oem ‘ ¥i ana # , } and in defai fa t oF cer ' August 7, 14 7 | tifleate of lis pendens being fled be eaTroe leaves Liver fore the registration as owner of the | bd _—— 1 robe. wert? uw, Empress of person entitied under such tax sals, rom Prin upert for Swanson ¥, Oe : all persovs so served with noticr, | ° Sse SR Powell River, Vancourer ond * months heli otland and the} , ork en the Beeond Avenue need yester- n & Co, 5, P } fontrarcts are await] HUNDREDS KILLED IN EARTHQUAKE AT FIVIZZANO, ITALY SA, Itaty, Sept. 4 Hundreds | of people are killed and scores are missing following an earthquake! whie Vivizzane, and did me at other p The tervor strike dame h demolished of this city saw the ing 4own move and moment it would fall. Advertise in the Daily News. the town of consditerable | laces, mn inhabitants famous lean Tr thought every LpuitEhieh TAKE NOTICE wat at in| SITKA SPRUCE and those claiming through = | or under them, and all person* claim i ing any 'nterest ta ihe jand by virte | ervations ane of any Unregistered imstrument, and } vor raves, v6 RD, General Agent. all persons claiming any intesest tn 0. OROHA ’ uperty the land by descent whose ttle is A d 4th Street Prince R not registered under the provisions e an of thi Act, shall be far ever es Cor 3rd vene : te Ded and debarred from setting up | vere Saturday, © Pe + eattings, ep ” an n Ww or in respeet of the | for taxes, and the Hegts . ; evister the person en « twod ve suca fax Sale a8 owner of the o sold for taxea."’ AND W HE He ‘8 application has been! | made for 4 Certificate of Indefensible Title} 1 }t0 the above-mentioned lands, in the name e e ot Olof Hanson AND WHEREAS on investigating the) 100,000 feet per ia title it appears that prior to the 19th aay | of Vctober, 1916 (ihe date on which a pacit : veut lands were sold for overdue taxes) Dry Kiln Ca y ou were the aferased owners thereof or! otherwise a8 stated opposite your respec ‘ same Une pursuance of such application and issue @ ea et NSP ate hl WESTERN HEMLOCK FLOORM 7, less YoU take and prosecute the proper | 4 F ALL K ’ proceedings to establish your claim, ] CEILING FINISH O shail effect registration in | jany, to the sald lands, or to prevent dueh propose d action on my part ATED at the Land Regisiry OMece oduct pring Kujert, Mt tiie 84) day of ' ce r (August, AD 1°20 a Charlotte Islands Spru ) uw. uiame Crowe Uresies Mills; Prince Rupe carreny John Debi & Jhke Dahl, assessed Owners, RT & M 4 _—_— | Sole Agents: ALBE we oF il Never forgpt to look through | Prince Rupert, B.C, Telephone” the classified list