ee eT oe eee tet ee eee m_— 70 THE DAILY NEWs ore Safe Ct Sure Contains ‘No: Alum Ni THE’. CERTIFICATES FOR’ ha NRO ti iei yt NABOB PV di (eH ae nuZ Do °o Again School Days eee een eee ne ones rane Largest ; / | Books Compasses | . ' Scribblers ‘Rulers | Water Colors Crayons Ie | Erasers Loose Leaf Books ' School Bags Exercise Books Sp reconeeoencomccalepecniabalinertiataeaniaiiatdmatlitaet i vality Highest! Variety Prices Smallest! McRae Bros: Lid. oksellers Stationers Printers PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ee an ee ene eee ae Pi lo Property Owners: ard Tenants At this season of the year th prudent man sees to mu that his heat lant thot oe a air stoves) JS put ir ditton for the cold peugele if you want the done promptly and right see K 0} \ N E’S SHEET ) NETAL WORKS hone 340 nded to by practical = ¢ ° | at) NO BOYS SENT TO DO MEN’S WORK. RINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK Operating G.T oe gE “NkiNneors, Mac hinists, 9. Box 13 AND Engineering Co., Li Our Pls H “MARINE AND ited. iT All Kinds of “OMMERCIAL WORK cked ur ’ eee he in on Boiler Make Blac kemithe 4 Several boats may on of the Dry Dock. rs, “0,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock ‘“nders, Pattern Makers, etc. ns ae ee %olicit Your Lnquir PRINCE RUPERT, B. eee ies Cc. Phones 43 and 385 0 Rent—Furnished Rooms DOMINION HO Just Remodelled and R ry Ney First Rone TEL and Refurnished and Bighy Street, Prince Rupert P | | ' i | Local News Notes | | | € swice, Boe = —* Qray Kteserve Tuesday, September 14, | oO leat Madame Vahey. j 30 3730S COUGHS | Iwo sewing machines are being rovided by the sehool board for i he domestic science department fe Kathlene Hazlett, recent the Anyox teaching staff, ting in Spokane and central B, ( - a \Improverments being Made and | Now in town, Harry C. Evans, Settiers Arriving i mo tuner Leave orders at the — ger Shop phone 122 tu! PERRACE, Bent! ~ Recent we {5 rains ind gor have ‘ . . materially helped the. tate fruits } On ace nt of the heavy weath-'and vegetables and excellent | n Heca Straits, the G.T.P ropes are antici jfug Lorne i ind at Buck The pile driving for the new a ley Day bridge to Kraut Isiand has been Ts . . . mpleted and t wily af { ‘ fhe School Board is calling for };, W being pul in 4 Road 6é a, lenders for th pplying Of WWOl foreman Carr rej t tial tine é Prea/sn af al ar aste carloads of coal to the publi vad { the island w } 7 chools ted j about Ne th erin ees : When your favorite coffee is a and steaming — hot, delicious, savory yee Pama _ tae tilers, who are making ext t's the time to try s Eagle Brand and to experience fir stock « chilidretis shoes 4 Saturday. at the Big. Shoe -Bale,|""C broverments on the Isla the new, delicious and didinctioe: flavor which it alone will give. Pe g eae : Mr Walberg, whi nity ar ext to Wallace's. 13 7 “ a. a ved with her childern from Eagle Brand puts the cream and sugar taste” into your coffee. And Party who took trunk from)‘ @iowright, Alberta, has pure introduces a new economy too—costs less, lasts longer and keeps fresher. hase ten a pilot near lie raser Street, please return to : sa : , “, taxi driver, Royal Botel. No| town. Mr. Walberg will arrive The success of Borden's Eagle Brand in nourishing infants is shown by the estions asked. Reward. 14/4 as a harves be great number of children who have been and are being brought up on it. . ° : prairie is cared f Do of fail to see “The Miracl Mr. Burr of Prince Rupert re- At all drug and grocery stores. Mar ¢ Picture you will never | acuainta swith a num- | [ Waemetede Wider oud hin. Sort THE BORDEN COMPANY LIMITED. . . MONTREAL { estho iw rida at i . | day, Saturday matir 11 et au ‘ ect Potter is ( ntoi¢ j ront { | lition of the ape | j ' M I “ Borden Street § ind |ha ae ae aiie The Milk that Saves the Sugar” oats i ig th sna i I ! l eli t ——— ’ i a “Mead of ©. P. R. Steamships Be- : : ‘ . ' scindk Ginedias Clblnen. With our modern equipment and sanitary methods, br. N. M. MeNeill, who ha we produce a wholesome VICTORIA Capt e,°? cian, 4 yee eee utritious brea i Meihan elebrated . was . : th eat 7 . DEPANT MENT OF MMLITIA AND : ' * san. West eo REERNGS Our Goods are all made from High-class Material ’ waren ’ h ay i Port ot 5 ex-members . < . as a sturday, Saturday pt ; MO uhtenn ae TRY THEM it i ix NUTICE ts bereby nm 49 all concerned 9 ® ” al ex-members Canadian Expe ai i e a asse a ery . i ar ( ‘ ary Fore wr ’ entitied to and : pent. Aj een, APPEAL CERTAIN require post-discharge dental treat-|f 727 Srd Ave. Auto Delivery Phone 190 heols ha been wu { must submit Wer applications 10} ~w Disirict Dental tMcer al the Head- { as tain if any boys \ ao " ‘ ; irters of the District in when they re ; : ved PORONTO, Sept. 9 Ane Cehobe 1¢ on or before {51 september, 19900] ——p * al ” S « j x » that . sl hi ty ations for Genital treatment received | dry dock : ist September, 1920, will pot De} 8 : st idered a Sed.) EUGENE. PISET, | ! is i ! onden Y . Major General, ; ; ; rh oe im th Bord ' Ask for Atkins’ Sausage tf ty Mintster Militia and Defence. | Mail Orders Receive P. O. Box 183 “It ‘ Sol | as been grantec Pais . eins ae ~T awa, August 3, 1920 : e , ee ' ‘ Newspapers will not be pata for Prompt Attention Phone 558 ; eae i ari 4 ' I ‘ advertisement if ihey imsert wilhout | it w by used f quad ty from the Department ‘ a 3361-1-22 n I ay eveni : g e sa cs greatest: sopran | Miss GLEESON Ke leysid 1 gradual ‘Mada ; ' i sity of Br CG. with), ss : Exclusive Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear yea Vis gx in 4 OS j t ‘ Va ver “ Hes f M > 4 ® . r eas ’ , ‘ ' SF $ =Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. , dies > uf TIMBER SALE X 2579. , ‘ hie ha ’ bD ‘ ‘Ww be received Dy tne _ pney t and ! ar 193 “the ‘ ie | t a. iee'tea-| . “oa a tifa EO COLL RT, N Publi aa te bitve ind) Ceaar bn portions of Lave ost ana|f FW A Notary Public - . he ae ‘ Kilimat River, Mange . Coast Dis- ed deakeis 0 Rowe, the pra : ; ys -wesee arti bes “lene FOR SALE~Double Corner on 8th Avenue, section 7, for $600 i t il ma tf holiday cme | 5 f tieneber half cash. This is a snap. a | board sugices ni irtieulars of the Chief t = ster, Lot on Atlin Avenue, with fine marine view, S300. M N s late of the'th 1 day of t en 8 eae Most Liberal MARINE iNSURANCE on the Coast Ka lode h hha been ap- w i 5 ty " Insurance Company of North America. Pays Claims promptly _ we School Board 4 M \ : 1 pb: ‘ asmitt Real Estate Fire and Marine Insurance Accidents ee eee etic - auf ; : P.O. Box 66 Westhoime Theatre Block Phone Blue 69 s t ch j ss chet = } siat ‘ Mrs Alex Huy rt u it -- — = Me Mast ind Mrs. Newell : y mo ce. Mr, ce % G s I ea i ax ™, Ls A . oni ' é ot M James Carmichael enter- company tainers who will Cz . G. GRAY + 1 noon tea yesterday pul on pe neces in the OMINECA DISTRICT. Scien a Teacher of Piano Mixs. Matthews, of st of the week FRAYOUIS LAKE FERKY ! s 7 Studio 137 Second Avenue va Grand Matron of the : ¢ Will be received Dy the under Sealed tenders Will. be received by the : d Chapter of British Colun Miss Ma s has been grant- signed up to neon of x nday, September Minister Wf Lands not later than noun on PHONE Blue 421 or 444 ’ ayer ane , ; iith. for bultding a Perry Boat $5 feet}the 30th day of September, 1920, for the Grder of the Eastern Star aul pe s y the Sch i Board “a Fran S Lake ui. ft purehas f Licence X 232%. to cut 8,700 ——-—~-—__-—— $$$ 7 ; wt =} . : pla . i be se at f fr spr t Cedar and Hemiock, ; Hieors and members of the ‘e ut thee ose rict gincers’ offices. 31 Sennen situated on Seiwyn iniet, Queen V . “ae Pl it \ ‘ “ Y aN and Prince Hupert and at the Pubite i isiamds § District sha were invited ; . M ' a ; M si Ks “aaa artene nt. Parham nt ki ulaings, " vear wit be atlowed for re ariety 0 tants s ® ° or the \ ! own da Vietorta, H 1 al of timber Les Grossmith, the famous | mor ! iM not! ack he a Pes West OF any tender not neces- Furtmer particulars of the Chief Forester, o Seren Peee ; . rily accepted i Viectorta, B. ¢ or District Porester, Prince CHICKENS & BROILERS tertaing will leeture to the tj Mhursd Trustees Kirk JAMES PATTRRDUN, ; iKupert, B, ¢ urchasing we Se se ES school children in the auditorium patrick and Shaw wer ikainsl pariiament Butidings, — oo TIMBER SALE X 23 CITY MARKET j tomorrow afternoon, Judge Young | Miss Marce! going vcWaudust Boum 1940 bi ; — ————____——_— has been invited by the School — pen oo aumeuarenr ane a are I a a AM baat mms is se uled tenders wilt be, receive 1 by tne fiister 0 ams to later mn Board to speak on the establish- the 30ta day oF September, 1920. for ene mie i f th Teoomioe 2 ' purchase of Licence X 2321, to cut 2,51 f the Junior Red Gross in 1000 feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock, the la e iross 4 a lom an area situated on Sewe jet, Quec the schools after Mr, Gt mith r — on an ar a situat d on Sew u ip Neos! 840 Second Avenue. oo. lecture i a u e i — | ; TW years Will be allowed for re- f a ! it nov f timber (j eile, ' fe i of ihe Cblef Farester, VEGETABLES Mrs. F. G. Dawson and Mps, . i fl ae ‘ s, BLL, of Disivie: Forester, rrince ; a " a ia Mettyiiont ivave by Gives t e \\ rie | SEALED TRADEMS the Kupert, ” w, & seeaatia tiieahllaiieadinesiel tiie } Wholesale and Reta iMenday's train for Smithers, | - te Th eat. ree ee sears . to sie WATER NOTICE : General soutr actors and having been requested by the fair d } be 1 re 1 at thts da until 42 e’elock DIVERSION AND USE, Labo! Exchange. ¥ ; neen, a a temb - © 5 ie inet’ B sociation of that town w Judse GOodness iets soreg gf, Want oe Rtnooltn| TAR, Adee Ea Repeats Bes eo skeet ict, BM. ¢ 1 shertes erie ‘ se ne pe ’ faney work exhibits at their exhi ¥ a - - tae f contract can. be seen eS is 801 Hogers Bidx., Vangouver, , Prince Rupert, B, 0, * . nd s ication at ender eb ‘ 1» 0 rence to texe and 6 bition next Tuesday, They will We in the Wést hardly rea- ae are Rh ah es ae mice or] loan p Voubienth. Der ‘econd of water but » Phone $47 — P.O, Box 725 ; rn " ce ’ i ee liga ‘ o ‘ q Msirle Lap ti bere a *rince upe or G te Cree which fe ic p oe _ . re nto Prince Rupert on Thus lize What a wonderful dairy ie ‘ sae : ‘aes vat Giuices ti uk Stee: ana. Greins into Lakeise Lake. 7 day laehts train, ing eountry we have Bet and Aimeolitn, HB, ¢ The Water witil be diverted from the % i 7 Pp | Mille i : i only renders Witt not be considered upless asreqin, ata bolas ebaus: s, 000. ae wir Mert : BBV ‘ : ace 1 prin 8 SUPpPlie ) «jeast of ihe southeast corner © 5 An timate of 813,926.30 far be se Nature has been se bapa ument aud . a net ates Ca.s land will be Qsed for fish breeding pur Phon® Green 507 1017 Sra Avenue ; : OCR USC ace? me ay ditions contained therem pose upon the land described. as Granite the vy school Work was present kind to our proeyince, kuch tend ust be accompanied py | Creek Hatchery reserve, south of lots ui accept ' 4 chartered ba 5193 and 5,19 ed at school board meeting We havi loproved the payable rt ; ® ord [ Ki ,. , waibietan we ‘oni enelen Was posted on the ground arno alts la ight and Was ordered paid process putting it up so‘ Public” Works ul we p e “ the mt Jat coy of dune 1080. Deiat " oe ’ amount of ft teu ar val fonds cop v 5 “ e as pile O ——- a — with th exception of two items the natural flavor is kept r i Don h wilt als he secepted pursuaat ee one to a etna ae “ws BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS \ \ rit Bot ’ cheques | 1914," Will be fied in ” office oO ec asus f the erection of the he regi rm A. t wake up in oad ae ey Water Reeorder at Prince Hupert, BO Specialists In Light and Heavy Gon- towe ind «8128.59 to Howe & NOTE nis can be obtained at Ubjections to the ppliration may pe struction, Repairs and Alterations, _ Vis ih rien ) depositing an accepted | fied With the said ater Hecorder 0 , wri . McNulty These items are to be oe Milk Co com ed u mt oy rose on sie ‘pasate the Comptrotier Of Water Kignts, Patila- Firat, Clage Pudabine! Werk and » vd ° i ti rete f the Minister Public’ ment Bulldogs, Victoria, BOO, Within r I investigated, Limited Works, Which Will be returned if the i-|thirty days after the first appearance of| Estimates Cheerfully Given LS : toning | submit & regular bid itis notice ih & local Newspaper, ' Madame Fahey at the 332 Drake &t., Vancouver, 8.0 My onaer a ee Der Antes Re OF MARY es uaa BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING eh . Theatre Tuesday FACTORY AT LADNER, 8. ©. ; Secretary By FL MM. ¢ uoningham Agent : CONTRACTORS Westhotn sOUUN Rv aKoeny 8 i i Work | The date of the Mrst publication of this ‘ ! awe, Auwust 31, 19280 lnotice ia August O14, 1020, ' i ta i , 4 * Bihar "anaes a: