¥ Se SUIT AGAINST TE mee ee cet en ~~ ~_——— Fete ieee ichiie eae eiiee edie e e sete teste BE D il N Cl if i d Ad RUPERT MAN any iNews WLlassiile | | . i - S. { z 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than SOc { Administratrix of Estate of Late errs ‘th ) ooo , ' 190 sonnets neha semmeeteseee W. G. Gillett Claims eee WANTED. ae FOR SALI 22.ft. launch with pierce” Large | Sum. WANTED MW ml, About 36 ot vor one ty New shia | Aa 483 : 200, poly LTtaily wa, y VANGODVER, _ Sept. Gi. Men: fe t lone by / . nr _ ‘ ows tf y jAddt th Gailett of Vancouver, ef , gaa r ee ee | ministrat rix of the estate of the ads . - ' ’ pe oi Spe erties = n'y i late W. G,. Gillett, is sniag f ‘ ; pct “—_ er we Kets 1: erltm aciaiie'e ‘ae nT FoR » , = Bh. Wall of Prinee Rupert for 82 . . : = ' ' i eae ~~ ' , 500 for compensation allewed to sitihary ‘ ’ = OF ron REN Furnished hort ae Ttot he due to the deceased through i : ‘ ee ala A | al { 0” j eason le ‘ pring trite Appl Mu NOVICK Os MT ‘ y being deprived of the use of a . - He Lee lec Apartine a ‘ Tumis i. = na ‘os to i the ‘sient’ bh Send ful j tieént ito Sixth f i ‘ piledriving outit) for seventeen} tievlar - ; ! Avenue haat Phone Wh | oo sate from monn the pure? P = months and for damage to the ae oe : | sav to'hox 104 Daily Ne { 12 | ioaae freee | jeuipment, i ae, Wee tn ree i | POR REN j " tad ' WANTED — A hly com — — oa \* Tw t j WIRELESS PLANTS aera ocnctanten aauceges| Io Rentlemen.” Phone "Rod tory saiary | uitable appli 103 ‘ if ' ; at : ‘ “ oT Soft blankets ESTABLISHED HERE =| vast. pois os person Go the ost | . e Reyal. Bank mada tf ‘ ' BY FOUR LOCAL BOYS | ANED A ———e LOST.On Saturday, lady i os Keep serie ‘tenihehe ont aide ah salted * ‘ nz man wrist vateh ’ “ tr ' in water f ble! Cites 4 ty ’ - “ew people are aware that there} for clerical ' hxy aidan Aven nad i j —_" gs: i = ; ry em earefully in the wash are ir®the city no less than four | unnecessary Good edueation \A ; ind th Aven moar nan of hada an ey will repay you with a doubled life. Wireless receiving stations estab.| Teduired. A y to box 08 Daily vert te ay ate ae sprit tcl seme The safest of all bianket baths is with the lished by local boys in order that| News of TER ae 7 hate og aeemares WOTIOE . a , . iheowure 4 rich, creamy, cleansing LUX suds. they may get the proper training le ANTES | ree ai Tne Bist nay to Wish Bt with a view to laking up wireless : ’ : . eer SANITATION emi rat . * a — is ; or single ; be 4 A spoonsful of LUX to a gallon ieatie Whisk tAtom ere ok SDL Cnaun. eH ‘a 3 vie ‘ ‘ ee i ar ! thick lather in very hot water. Add cold water until as an aid fo other lines. Much a if "8 ' s box 103 wayne Oe 78) stem of Sanflation : 7 suds are lukewarm. Work your blankets up and work and a good deal of éxpepse| ee etna ta dnad pedeeeaedih down: th the. sedeaind squeeze the y js Ontailed in rigging the masts| BOY WANTED ‘ ! training ; a es through the sviled spots. Do not rub. repea' and connecting the instruments. | good pay at win trp i. 21, * i aeve.) aie tr ee ; ‘ . The local boys l have i ' na o », Hunt tif Beeond Ave in ‘ who ave out-| tie for ‘ t 1 ! - a se the blankets in three lukewarm waters. Sas baie Clomdamn ~ ba : uN ut jon f ih 1 H. Ss Phot Ila Lhe Dass init ass t rough a loose wringer or squeeze the water out, ' do err, Pete Black, _N al: ice ¢ tf i } her Do not twist. Dry in theshade dr. Gorden Talger, and P. Ander. ANTES et : = ? in a moderate temperature. 4 } oe ehh installing their plants W VAN rED ‘ ' 1 Tor LODGE MEETINGS u they had to get licensés from the SUBOWOTK two t \ et Brothers Limited, Ne dak mnsint and pledge them ply PO. be ae re iat | Bary Ae t ; itn oe ae to secrecy and fill out al HOUSRKEEP! WANTED 4 ‘ ’ ; Mt ot of forms. This is to protect in fireily = at seep F ' : the public, because the boys are! aan HW . dls “able to read the messages which| oo Farms jare sent from the Digby Island WANTED ! } af he on jstation, apher., Ay *. , FARM LANDS...7 eine ceca al aN Sg space Re gagmasee: | iecietaietntine ea K .s ; TIMBER SALE X 2632 ote : ' | Mining~ News | d for mixed. farmin ™ na ii SITUATIONS WANTED Phoenix Is Dead. roe Tee ie r Phoenix, the old time king of} ve ee i oan the boundary mining towns, is erred : : ' a * a now deads A dozen men are dis vox J D s - fe ; " atin CAME WAS CALLED mantiing the’ mines which ar FOR FALE eee y th phe i 4 caving in and residences are be: npn : 7 9 wien. ving. : eG RAR : BYLAW WO, 356 mg stripped. All the stores but| POR SALI ht . oe No furthe UIT LAN | z ae INNING one are closed and the main cor Ss. ¢ Te ey I \ ¥ f . ee cae Mee wee eee 7 - " or ie t “ ; 5 . Ss Tae the end of the fourth vear } Port ner is but a heap of rubbish. Back tory price is 8500 hich ; ' * 7 FR Dp. | Simpson ail: Sutehinen Barely fl tiectieit Sites ehuce were tir’ , i i fhan sixteen annual paymenta I , . Got Started Last Evenin r ‘aoebaa§ petty Met es = ! h Four miles from Terrace, two- Sc oi lels and at one time the popula chaser ‘will say porte a ea Re Pg Popo room frame house two acres hay re 3 to 0. tion was 3,500. Ther we aie Will save this amount in, Canadian Pacific 1 *. " ) meadow, three acres ready to stump. ai eee Re hand ; ve el See Paul Aivazof and ¢ W St at m, V mgr. 4 : 5 spor four, hundred thousand. feet The baseball game between the andsome buildings and bouses,| Embitton Yor particulars and re eee “Saw-fimber must be jogged this lutchers, city commercial but there are not enough young-| terms. Prince Rupert Cig “winter and delivered at sawnilu one ; ; tercial 10aBUel sters left to keep a school r st md ae Sekeniecearha or ihiiercdee rac Sosdtuii-de- phee-—ger “tnpudent. champs, and the Port Simpson) ning where once a t ' Maal aie pune... Avenue, - Chon LANI PRICE $1,500 ON TERMS. native team was called last night} gs bs) ae re : mete Timber will more than-pay for tana. in the second inhing Sees] by ae are npuse are - an 7 om oe - : win ieee , : Ss ts et Fine opportunity for man with team. score of 3-0. A downpour of bain! uffice. All the machinery and}! OR SALI x ho hy) Notice of Intention te Apply to Leese Land. vancut\s La imaterials around have been se | bath and basement. ¢ ' : ¢ was the cause of the stopping of| prez : ot of eae on tt » wh iped or shipped out. The railroad PRO RRA benty Dé). baie twit anciar Land District. 1 ne D TAKE AS a enney ros. Co I ae ss which gave promise of|track is being taken out ‘ j 1664 f t 434 PAM st ined ° veing both interesting 4 nl mut now andy th doh edge : ! vawe ! . Real Estate Brokers laved. The , : gang well after that only communication to} ° ; rag Y a Ter B Cc PERTOR: ne Toten wee TOD cee the outside will be by w f th pe BABS moog: Bunt ' n a race - - to have a sple agcrerati evict Ne ae ay t oe ate Petr ite Sas . Ph oie aggregation Of | Greenwood and Grand Forks auto on H.P, engin ag ts * : baseballers iis year i ‘ 200 ; gn ny ; fooee roads. 7 a * ihe batteries that took the fleld Good jack I : t : r a | Midas Mine. Jack Toner, Gow TBA if 94 oA : wert Bob Frizzell and H. Ast S sashte'' hi ; ‘ 2 ; tee ‘ for the Butchers, and Re pret H. 8. Munro, general manager POR SALI Matal hed i mat ae " : ro , a Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 871 arash ctudin’ att Abert Weal Ten Her the Granby Company, speaks in gded'‘logatian, G e : thener sontiw eat end fete Rete a 9 i Blue 270 ort nlanican . rp oa wad, Yery favorably of the Granby's for sollink: Apnls . iD ti cifest fo. tee alee or ee tee ay Phone 5 wd adna tae balls eae ie a*| property, the Midas, near Valdez | Ne ws if oe es mre tea, eee ee meee aporte , ¢ x " and Peninsular, Alaska, tHe says that} per Pret heah ‘ Rea a * Notice to Advertisers ’ iporte the baserunners The : ce aa ae ty |e late. A at ; fe . ‘ithe company will operate this FOR SALI Allies ¢ ' n 6 mi.\ Ma tat, 4990 s . . : iB rs (re up once g " } ‘ . __Sheet Metal Works [Simpson taitie. p once anc ort copper mine as soon as copper} Street Anply to t mar j VOR SALE x 2628. Casual advertisements * Sith — = SS Fae —— ts prices rise a little. The ore which Lee Choy 16), / ae wil oat for insertion wie day ‘ tee ae eae es 1s of a high grade will not be : * ; ot ie 0 “Tor anor ns . _ 7 : of bel ron SALE Mea iinet Prt | Matta, ‘Sanitary and SUBSCRIBERS T shipped to Anyox but will be con-| . : 7 : " ‘ . . ner ee ; e eating 2 Engineers centrated and go direct to Tacor cheny 19 Git A W ! Nea ; ' ' ol ' j t t , i 0 vet te acoma j-- x and can 1M in advertisements oem - Fraser Street EXHIBITION FUND by a regular line of boats which |HOUSbsS Fon SALI r. W, Alart Ca ata ee eee: aie ete. SD: in already running fram Valdez, | if ‘a Het, rf ' i ° nae ©: previaus eng ’ < ‘The Following Is is Partial List of es is so long that it would! ¢ ee ee te ‘ ose who have Pald not be economical to take’ the ore | - fp | . = in its matural state direct tomnt i | W. J. Alder $5.00, G. H. Arnola| be, mine. 4 SMITH & MAI | ETT 185.00, Arthur's Market 5.00, Premier, Stewart's Mine. roe Allen $10.00, Akerberg & The turning down of the Big ‘ ‘Thomson 20,00, Atlin Fishery Missouri mine at Stewart by the / PLUMBING AND HEATING | *29-(). Allies Cafe $15.00, Al.|/Pacife Coast Exploration Coms| : ENGINEERS berta Market 85.00. pany should not necessarily hurt! \. Estimates furnished. {| Peter Black $50.00, P, Burns & the Stewart district. This mine | : mecha Co $50.00. Benson's Studie|W8S Mever a proven one but ex- 9 Address, 3rd Avenue, head #10 00, ¥. Brochu $5.00, Mr. and|tensive exploration has been go-| AO : iMrs. F. W. Bohler § rack eee i i eae ahaa ieee fe ™ bier. meee > ke 4 My anes pov! or i ne ling bien 25) an our and, naturally, iere has | Phone 174 — P.O. Box 274 {: alued at $14.00, Ed, Bannier|been a good deal of talk about it. | wee ha Bryant Company $100.00. There is really only one proven} fie: fheo Gollart $10.00, B, w,|tine in the Stewart district yet IC ameron $10.00, Club on Third|#%4 that is the Premier, In time:| S Ave, $5.00, F. M. Crosby $26.00,/'he present development work | I] he meeton (Dr, J. Pp, Cade $10.00, will uneover more winners but no} —_—_—_—_—_—_—_— Dominion Lunch $25.00, Dom. |™¢ should be disappointed if] ea Rooms linion Rooms 85.00, Donated certain praxperts donot turn out! ae }#5.00, Dybhayn &*Hanson $10.00, well, Stewart still has its Pre-| ae Avenue bea A. Deweese (Central Taxi) |™*r and it is @ great mine. No) . $15.00. dowbt there will be more like it) “} Home Cooked Meals 3) iinpress Motel $50.00, Fuller's|i® Me Stewart section. Soegkfost, Dinner and ‘Limited $10.00, A. O, Franke Allenby Mili Ready. Fresh H upper (85.00, Fisher & Oughton 5.00, The concentrator of the Canada res ome Made Bread 3/A. Ferguson $5.00. Copper Corporation at Allenby is Three Times Weekly ; Miss Gleeson $15.00, W. Grat.|"eady for operation, For a start jton $10.00, Galland’s Hardware/t#e Plant will run at a capacity | , wn 185.00, ft. * Garey (Savoy Hotel) of 2000 tons daily aad it is ont | #5.00, Mra. N, Gurevich £5.00. peeted to reach 3,000 tons within (To ae continued) ja year, Later it will increase to ft : o~tyneemmetons 5,000 tons, CANCELLATION OF KESERVK, rhe Be hoo! naare oe received| The Allenby mine is located at n the Vancouver School Board the Siete ese aa A re Lown of that naine a cou . of t eye ar i ’ » . ' 7 existing over Lot 4044, Cassiar District m account from the deaf ‘and lwiles #outh ef Princeton, CG. a le tia }duinab school for a child named|Mere the dopper { ms , i Key ; e fr ore broink Coppe Pa Deparunrns. Minister of Lanas, ain Beene won of V. Had-|Mowntain is mélled preparatory pe) ae ti by His city, “Nhe matter Was |being shipped owt tro » " 2 June, 1920. jlaid over Tor investigation waa. th . jon the Kettle Valley Mailroad. | “The Miracle M WwW | 4 ’ an’’ at the saihsiting Theatre Friday and Saturday THE DAILY NEWS prensa thay a a Sey Peres nec eree Our excellen | Cieaning and Canadian Steam Launk Phone # Be ron on Lim : { t Notary Peblic ; For Quick \\ oo | $3500 Jay M. M. 5 Rea Fstate insar3ae orn weort | Shans on fs THE i liane TE BROM