19 nN, ’ her f ere aye Wet o~ eae The Coupons which <9 SCHOOL CLOSED Residents Rive on Indian Reserve works like a and are not Taxable—Over Twenty Children. THE DAILY FEW vl wl ~ n> sachs amet isd aghal - sme : f re" CHAUTAUQUANS | a aT ALICE ARM Wher dog with three legs walks— FIRST RECITAL, : Be, Royal Willow Four are Clever endl Harmonious Vocalists With Other Gifts. The mi" ALIGHT AnM , i ean ted e x ful > ’ s i soelitl for use : nbination ~ ate tn on you need } ‘ lian (ha Cat Satisfyin } ie a further economys there seems to be ; », we Anditer rda ibout a public hol rs, irting i on. ve te iit my Halicw Arm this fail. For the ry hough there was Hot Smoke part the resident are saquatters ’ ly The pros 00 Branches — 1919 in the Indian reserve and but ver dered t Royal ~~ fow are ievin nh proper | sho 1 le} : et t acl ie ta al Besides () d choal each f : went teholars enrol ! ' is itt wother ‘ i William D. fr ! the} ‘ : chool distri l, while this is Aa if ablel i | fanada due to the growth of the camp,| AN active brain must [rianist, George Fulton, the bari-| ; : ther i bb everal Leone clever ketch artist. and S Id f tisf. © = = Se ee have pure blood, not \ eee Saeed ] ‘HERE’S a world of satisfaction in a co ; sd aaot4 saa’ on thine i ful " oan Young WoMeN J)" outside the distri « poisoned with products "4 pianist as well » pipeful of OLD CHUM Tobacco. fhe. trust his t } . ! prograr yes lay fter- J r rat opportunities ints Ml ddtise tks heaoh of indigestion—or liver daliith the chorus “i | : It has th ll hness th 4 \ op pensation allowed by t and kidney laziness. My Own Dear Canada which t as at me OW ric. at appe : 4 ronment and heretofore a eo! ; blending of s was! k & lo-day. {i has } faken uy . Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World lis lhe Old Oa tuck] to every smo. er. never had better the position jet tira Geld everywhere ta Conniia. Ie “aes, Zoe. $e ' a aneft plendid a iy make and to B]tive, but a short time ago » 7 Sona rh You are sure of a long- smoke—an aaa Now is the pr fing wae calli ly —_--S . rent appine popoiar bl 3 : ey : Ihe re wee is 7 * lay th four dation ehairmat Bs the b us a th «PREPARATIONS _ , y 3 ti ' | enjoya e smoke—and a thoroughly | i ‘ ‘ purpose of securiag su non en en : prosperity by cul Fitur this school year, a | satistying smoke—when you fill up the habit of thrift. weit other impertant bu individual Numbers. ‘ SPORE tec er pocsondey | FOR FALL FAIR), S02" sinster accomvaniea vst your pipe with : eV ee posted, The chairman banjo ch i the} 4 - , vired the minister of ed the tr lid well th the result that an add Entries Begin to Come in and - the 1, Cold —_—_——_—_——— ' area ' va Prospect is for Success- na so SADR Asleey : ' ’ ; ti 4 r ; - i ale v ful Event. ; Reserves «=: $33,000,000 “ d eff \\ l z 470,000,000 , ae are . +s foil M ind \f \ ‘ | Ma- j Poor Building. é ’ t me PBs has : a , ’ s' : , : re i nt 9 + 3 ORK a Canada’s Favorite i ‘ . ‘ is im SELL Z sketel of Pipe Tobacco. 4 ' ; I Lieyd Z nd} OVE ‘ hole ; iM ach of i were} ‘ ae ' u 7 { | ! ' y if ness mie 7 & . : ' : ‘ Mr. MeG : lo % . t ’ ti \ M L) gz these 3 , ee : i ‘ : if . . - vs ' ~ vo Lint ‘ it i! - pain ™ Y eae wiooged bey: ‘ ' A ‘ ! ha nat “gr a oa IN PROBATE } = ioe ' f business rit serefore : hy intions ' ” fo he Lrouplin THE SUPREME CUOLAT OF putisn PF, iy 3 nal ‘ : as W i Db. Broo: i COLUMBIA } ' ~> eds in use in ‘ Ari pul h : and ot ho have not iai* ’ ae re Ie] ince Rupert ’ letir in { “ }1N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTHA bt ad t wpert : x ' TtGN ACT MANY PROTESTS 2630. eae t is * ¢ actor ¥ ihes . “at j apd - ' . . ‘ } ; ny : : ae ’ iN THE. MATTEM UF TMG RSTATE OF TIMBER gp jm a Z ¢ Sar iken by the g@overnment cials ithe efiee and « jighten out the | EMARST PATMIOK GIAG Ss. ihe = Sealed tenders will be received by the! > SALE AT vide tain ie ie ' - OTTAWA Sept g 1 he, Dom | ED: INT state 2 stp meme Penn Suisars L Forest ol Jater than noon on | a a te eenoot ‘ . iT " — the yoth day f september, 1*2 or the} ’ Stork’s her at the aalary , of sail EAYaD eS: SS ninent is been ad-| yori Js HEREBY GIVEN Tu Witum |Purchase of Licence X 2630 near Burke | : Pe stellt MAY Ns ¥ of or wiacte 1 to ent 247,00 eet of Crdar. nv nt« of children ! His Honour s is aa 2 ae cme ' shove |S *, Hemiack a Batsan Loose Oa $12.50 ardware } : iz 5 tf raat Ler the 3rd day Of September, A. v. _Tw ; years W t allowed f removal per ton, delivertd O ‘ ov as fo . Tribe fr ‘3 ‘ $ : 5 » Db t the 1 Jon irther particulars of the Cnief Forester ND AVENTI: , I sili ahd ed shat ~ ? District pur-| i Queen Chariot : cet of Hemiock Balsam, Spruce aun Phonographs, Cameras>— re hen un tt wu sions of the “Prowineat | ite District of situat ir, and 200 ecards ef putpwood, on an!? parts in stock. French Poli ‘ F Council, Vol 5 es iene ths ‘ ' Li oe inet Act : ja te Westert » irea 8 ated 1 Altdata Arm, Mange 4, J. SI ad St ns sUreday. & ‘ . riven that any istrict tot T4¢ ’ Ass [ < and @istriet ; ade eve ’ Mel ros.. #644.40 itiv persian Oe tor ed to egis e hotiee th © OR ist ; tees . ed for re- Auniliary, Firet it 1 | i | tat am en n . ’ -< a. — % rae A eet tee RANA ei 1 é - J! = ar will De allowed for re-| 428 5th Avenue Ww. £ 4 a} ‘ BOGE wow WwW md is a ' t may « person to nave | Clements eupauon iamber MMiEs, Further na irs of the Chief Forester, | Phone Red 291 P.O. Box 782 8 : We eeday “ VW a B i & i ti : ered t oe ., venoms $e " ina to aly ror He Lae sspon.t ase the y I r Distreet est Prince —" of ) ald a i e 3 he ¢ bed lands . “ ae gat r \ ‘ } iting of MM r vision, notwi wumencing al past planted at. tne —_—— omens —-- “. my Bvecy Thereios WhOlRandine the fart that tis Qatee Gen Bern |AGMCT Cotker “Sk beck bs, thenes IMBER SALE x 2428. ecay MIDGLEY AGITATOR itn | tw amitt from tne st of applicants for|north 46 deg. 37 min, west 20.9 feet m we. as, ‘ seat tly |i, eo a an, As | coe ree earegeet A Bamo aiy Third WINN Ipea. s&s j t a Tr? ] the toanner "ot were orada tie tae th t Bagel ith ates fe 3 ¥ tne aon , ast +? ms iu tas f Geto " p2 tna ho os ~ ano Fire revincial bene 2 feet re less nted at tr ase r ce 2428, to ¢ 4.205.000 — ™ Saturday *) that Viet Mas 5 t Set n : mn Tine ‘t f am ants for registration ts) « attiwe st corner er a gare broek 53; tnence | feet af r. = den ock and Chaal on an! and All Kinds of Repairs. RI M pint ; } i i ‘ 7 i ci ww pMested af may ¢t Specie at the th -easterty following the high. wat area sittla om Shannen Bay Massett in ‘ tL) = , ; . sat pOees ' I Ae om ‘ oo i signed nopistrer or irk along the westerly boungaty of DiocK jit, Yteer hartotte | eee » + cs GEORGES GAGNON 7 c ‘ 1 j ti hi Lnited hanks ir io t the Paint of canine ntemert ut, ! iwe : years Will De alowec or re " 4 " ws ; J. H. McMULLIN, Moe acres more of e n mi of uy For Outside Orders address ! > the ' nd that h - M M. Halsey r of Vote HAL AND SF ‘ &-CEDAK cv rther par 3 of the Chief Forester, n agital : ; ’ rinece Hupegs electors Distéiet, oa MAN Ist " IMITED. ape Viet ae ne, ‘District Forester princes s P.O. Box 1666 Phone 71 Ste \ August 3, 1920 wt Dated August Yotm, £924 ftupert, 1 ~ 7 = = = — — — a SET ol anenanen EERE REE es ae rt” EFO HMM We'pe SIMPKINS — ah eee MiP VE Se YERAL ENLarR¢ cING IN ING ORF CERSONAL CEASON Zo TERRI UR SoutHEen : SnCK NEA Vou'or LIKE "TO SnNCK NEAR aye ee dee ce “ates “THAT Tee Gur CAM \F ITS “THE SAME TO You, ye iil air Osi : S MIGHTY FINE MR PINDLE ER- WEL W BE aN » & ¢ \ f ¥ : 7 3 A 4 = COMPONTE GRouP () OF ‘THE REASONS — + = PEFOUE. MAQDIAGE ellen 2) AFTER. a _ — a ntl ERs AH— MR MNDLE, I'VE Sean WORKING OUT 4 LITTLE CAMPAIGN ; FOR OUR. LINE iN NEW ‘YERRITORY, t ON HY OWN HOOK,.(TS A SPECULATION BuT Wot TAKE THE CHANCE — THE fZouTe WAKES iIN- NOVA SCOTIA NEWFOUNPLAND — LABRADOR “AND | a PAFF IN BAY —— OM ITLL “TAKE We ABOUT EIGHT MONTHS A YEAR or MY TTME— GCbuUT— CAN'T You SQvGeze w SAME BRD AFTER HES BEEN IN “THE MATRIMONIAL. “TRENCHES LONG ENOUGH TD ‘THRow , “THINGS BACK AY HER oo?