Page 6 | SS : EEE THE DASLY NEWS We have a particularly 00d assortment. Page & Shaw’s bottled candies of many kinds. Pascall's But- ter Scotch, Fruit Drops of many kinds. Lowney’s Sticks in bottles, Our Chocolates are of the best quality, Ganongs. Moirs, Willards, Neilsona, Liggetts. The price is right.*» Ormes Limited The Pioneer Druggists Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE :p.o. Box 1680 VANDERHOOF NEW PICTURE AT THE |} Premier John Oliver and mon WESTHOLME TONIGHT laddressed a big g sia id te re jn (Douglas Maclean and Doris May ithe Veterans’ hall Thursday even. in “Twenty-three and a Half ' ne. Hours’ Leave | ae | A large number of friends} Iwo new ({ stars hold the leathered to attend the funeral of Seah Weebhol heat : screen a Me estholme rentre Mrs, Fred ©. Borhaven last Satur ! for the current bill in a Thomas jiay afternoon, Rev, David Gray ; | i Inee duction entitled Was the presiding clergyman and Weyily-~tiires mda itall tours the patibearers were Albert Hey ' D> Macl . nit eave ti . a ca marae jmann, J. HW. MeMillan, Robert Reid ; lhoris May jand David Tureette, . . | It is a happy team which these | * BUS SERVICE TO HOT ‘ SPRINGS: AT LAKELSE Gifts of Visitors to Lakelse Hot Spnings can get automobile service from race, Who has a new Ford car and Mi&s Jean Mitchell has been ap. |!’ Players | d They have |pointed to take charge of the local /PeUlh, Bood nd plenty of telephone exthange. personally a ' *) } > ° forerone co that future Mrs, Fergus Park, George Og-/picturgs of t! \ be eagerly isto) and KE, C, MeGeachy Mave sought after bdéen appointed trustfes of the Phe pre re is splendid jnew church and site. light comedy, with a strong rom ' RS hae . lantic interest, and centres around | Miss Mary Lee has accepted an a training ea which men are jappointinent to teach in a Sas-|prepared — te the reeent war ikatchewan school, She will be Cwentv-thre ia Half missed in ladies’ athletic cireles.! Leave does however, have oe eee any wat ati ' It i= pure HAZELTON fun and roma first to fast tnd is reu y re ved from anything in tl ist x2 lesome oT Miss Erie Rickinond entertain. foreboding I » an adaptation dat a dance Friday evening in . : on 1 story by Mary Roberts wnor of her cousin, Miss Mar- fli re vd : published {1 : ° nm it il ' , ’ pitiless } aret Wilson, of Vancouver. o ee . er ae ne of the popular national mag- es Mrs tinehart is an - Terrace by notifying GC, A, Waite; a. caning the liveryman, Park Garage, Ter-| | At a time when ties are truck for this business. Reason- drawn the closest, gifts have |able rates. tf a deeper meaning, i atk tae ape aa i | For centuries™dye jeweler’s Iwo-color window cards take} art has furnished Wee most fle ove quickly see theat ub the cherished of gifts. News Job Department. They are particularly suitable and being sinall the TWo carloads of planking ar-|"4!" ‘ived last week and are being used /“U! Hor Who ts stantliy in touch n the pobuilding of the bridges|¥') “he wants of the public and! ver Two, Three and Four Mil Pwenty-three and a Half jereeks on the Babine Trail Lea . aes f this state John D, Galloway, inspector of mines, is on a trip of inspect TERRACE » the Bulkley Valley. He will gay TONIGHT ONLY Westholme : Theat, adapte Douglas Maclea co-starring vehicle is amusing roman’ ic comedy, -d from the famous story by Mary Kob rts Rinehart 0) ae “Twenty-three iA and a Half §=| Bee Hours Leave” | i THE FIRST Doris May Cor otat rn | aan ; transportation costs little. jfo the Driftwood country and also s i nl f med ‘ ‘ we ih < hey carry value and mean- Hiexamine the Babime Bonanza lay th M MaN M ris ie 0 y, GEORGE LOAN ing. | 2 % fi iM Ma & a of mcitilidllinians } A number of young peopl M M é“c : 9) UCKER led on Monday evening in a sur-|° 0" an | es i prise party on Miss Florence M ae F « }Dougall, Cards and dancing were ‘ a“ e nN bu er Caches jer cae ; lle Seeni ei we BO. Undertakers Phone 8) cue hu) viel last his F rozen Thrills, Scenic Mirac ti LANI) REGISTRY AU'l ‘rogress Ha ind formulated @ | oe ae We are expecting ‘these (Sections 36 and 134 program fou t vant cliees : ° i; we He Application No. 41117-1. Fue 6216,)¢™ na } . 3 AY to arrive in about from make NUTICE that apolication has bers (he organiza Prices:--- FRIDAY mde 4 pi ale ue ‘ eo re ) i nf ten days to two Dl iraemtianaar a: cae weer iw fee . Saturday Mat . junder 15 Tax Sale Deeds from the Col- J. Brose ] { of the ‘ E 5 d 5 T ‘ rary nspect these weeks eae: antennae eee ru vening - - - 15c and 35c THE MIRACL jing date the 28th day of November, 1917,/Cise ite iW i Niet ALL ABD siNout AR thai certam pareetitsci week that busit . ef 1 : ; - 7 ifior tract nd and premises situate, lying . yuanss : o oes Place Your Orders | and being im the City Ot Prince hupert I cc was bet tha eve be oe a —e ots tet pareesmes wa ty — ee . < é é —a" ; ots wenty ree ( ane wenty-four 4 : ~< : \(24), Block thirty-seven (37), Lots eignt Mrs. W. Kirkpatrick left last LAND REGISTRY ACT, oorene- Early }){8). mine (9) and ten (10), fifty-three) Harh| i . Sections 36 and 934.) ——— ——_— 1¢63) and Mfty-four (54), Block thirty-| W0 for an extended visit » the . te ‘ f é |Jjaine (39), Lote thirteen (13) and four yn in Gpny he application ‘No. 41000-8, ue! esta: 4 | t | Prince " Then come in aud buy them: as all reports indicate a |]/tern (14), Block Forty-one (41), Lor)" , TALE BB . . bee's ' 0 e u Lot { 34. Block 1 h h Hieignieen (18), Bloek forty-two (42), Lots ‘ > pee A. nerves, 8 ret } ols 33 and 34, Block 17, s ortage this season one (1), two (2) and thirty (30) Block I K 5 rade Ww regiater ai ray, @ sauce e forty-nine (49 and bets et@iteeh (18) . . ’ Section 4. _ anu nineteen (19), Btock Mfty-one. (51 ' “ 4 , lle a = = } EUROPEAR }All in Section &, City of wrince upert, . . - ; > $650 each Prices will be about linen Ear chem a tad tae oo maser ip , ma i an aie ; ; ; , 7. ne CANCELLATION OF RESERVE ; 120 pe Lots 21 ¢ 22, B iiwithin 35 @ays from the Gate of tne : , An th ras ‘ ‘ S ot sand 22, Block. 1¢ = Hi service of this police wipes may be ef-§ ° ° ° ; mae Ae oe . AUTICE 16 HEARRY GIVE snot ; FIRST- cuss Section 4, fected by publication in the Daily News), i ilues are ' a ye © oi Scns S666, Range ¢ 4 Le (om thiand our Sitemion ts calied Ww section ih i “ . . *) $900 each j ° jpief ie “Land tegistry Net with amend ft : ‘ a Lat ALIEN : tev ececcee ’ i ments, and w the follow extract there | pe py Ase d dict Te : laa . vie ys : Lents 24 neon yer Case. iy Prom: Sel a nee ee dam » 9 ' re or n McCaffery, Gibbo gs “a 1 taut of a caven or corti ed this ye me bey Jae. 108 > Cll x the registration a8 owner of th , - foean * ) i | KI e ns cin coated gader Sach Sex rales Ai er a TIMBER SALE X 2326. AUIFIL CAR i Rupert Table Supply Co. |) P=" savas eh STEWART == oi rea are ose Claiming through i ; ’ or under them, and all persons claim ; . . ‘ “ . nl oy e, a PHONES 211. 212 ine any interes! in the land by virt \ . ' . . of any ufiregi*iered instrument a \ t % wee Parte A:4} =. ail persons claiming 1yY tnierrst } ° . 4 a i ‘ ie t Real Estate & Insurance the ‘land by descent whose title is [Bush Mines Lintited more ar and bs f P a R ae pry registered under the prov . ‘ ’ ler th a area . } re “ of this Act, shall be for ever extopped " , neahee , ' fa . ' ed's; fince upert, ed and debarred fro im setting stopped f O. B. Bush A cros { i , ' . $ ; wi t au . COPD AODOSOOOIIES i 4 re tor I respeet of Ue lands { : . Z , " ; = we } sold for tazscs, and the Kemistrar S bernie lniven o thy tl i ’ ‘ or ' . , ‘ t? ’ Pt hall register the person entitied un ; : : ¢ ‘ t \ . rict ; , cur Hh EIISON (OAL (0 } fee such (as sale os sooton of ‘the DOU ‘ a depth : “ . : : > - : . ( . y, EVI we Fa 04, land #9 sald for taxes , . ‘ ' . yee, , a afi : s It in just as cheng te gel y . net UF}. P AND WHEREAS application nas been j ' Ss Auch at T x 5 made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Tithe . ae : i ’ ‘ CRiniored prauebir one e! and dene 1 Sica} DEN IS RY to the Bhpve mentioned jands, in he name | (oy Friday wit al " : ‘ * pers oo" sim ' 0d pone. e Au istor and Aq of Hubert U. Crewe es e at im tle and by rome aa it is lo send it away. | AND WHEREAS on tnvesticatine the Ocean \ Cabaret and ' w ; 1 tee ' . : cocscnbcrnTTe Don't neglect your Teeth We } ith f tithe r app ors tbat be iH to im iain gay nT : niles ef mn of . Act The News Print Shoup ae . e have securec 1¢ agency for of Wetober, 1916, (the date on nica e , ‘ , ‘ f ext ; a ind aoe the best Coe! fuundin the interior you Ware the Tegisiered, assessed Of egunt-|)°9 ond the Gawn Wa i coneeat “Sand su sold fag a aces " ency and can supply any quantity able owners thereor. lhe { lancers left ta and ‘@etstrar she wheter om eile Pp" y ; FUKTHEN TAKE NOTICE that at the cad a the i lad und ht (7 BOur prices include delivery, same time | shall effect regis strat ion in sale & wher a i. oo & id F DR. BAYNE porsuanes of such applies ti Hy Bnd teu 4 M j M. Beale i elling fom taza E Certifieat Indefs t e anid oa Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Loose Coal i $13 00 lands ia the ea pat iunert ” sud ‘ the be AND WHENREA application os bere Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- / . une you sabe and pris secule tbe Ca i It to Viet 1. | made for « Certineate of Indefeasitte Tit dsy, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Sc k d proceedings to establish your ba te Se thee dees themaiansa iende th ten une r Tuceday, Wednesiay and rt reened, sacked, G14.00 Bitte, 2 Me tee Bee o, © prevent Som) gt seme a ate Eday, from 7 to 9. DATED a! ha Land hegistry Office, : ? ; AND) WHEREAS corp fe vesttiem tion the tithe se Per Ton Delivered rince (upert, t, Uis bth day o f la treasurer ¢ Lie > sa | appears that prior to the 8th day of OS DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE August, A. D i dn sania (Hlize Ausoctation by ac wher, 1918 (the dete on whien the seid —__ —— PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT i : Distriet Registrar of Titles tion ands were sold for dverdue taxe ont i a Mle $ rices on car load lots on fo Western Dominion Land & Investment were tiie owners thereof, 6s stéted opposite Because many f our custo application to ! CO, Lid, r respective names ecau nae ss Bee ahaa Mee ae sakes i lewis W. Patmore, + helt — Thos. D. Pattuiio, ' FURTHER TAKE NerTiCR that at the ro away WI! | P i R : crencs £ tenes i PRINCE GEORGE same time ! shall effect’ registration tr 60 6” { ywit {0 rince upert } William 4 Kennaugh, | pucsvuence of such application and teu } up m on Satu! gay ‘ i } &. HH. Pacey. Chas Milles cu i ato | 2 Cortifeate of Indefeasible Title to the i } —— iarles le 0 it UPOULO | eg tangs in the name of Joun A. Murray, « h im our Store ee Oo law firm, Miller, Ferguson and! auless you take and prosecute the proper rusn in Ov: s | Hunter visited here last week to] Proceedings to establish your claim ir) . Corner 2nd Ave. and 9th St. | . 9 ” j any, to the nafd iands, or to prevent such | | look over his property in the eity ror 4 action on my part i proposed action on my pat Phone 5&8 Green 548 ' He conteaniplates building some Dated at the Land Registry Omer, Prince] 4 i residence for sale. Kupert, B.C, this 16th day Of April, Aw.) . . . 1920 we 1 reemreremesenemerertnes flor Oliver god Hon. p soa eR | THe BIG DISCOUNT a To a P ow wv Patt minioles bf I inde an istrict Jegistrar o thes oa ‘ Saturdd) ; ' bith : aha ‘ lo Eile Mason, } 7RIDAY nd oe | adm la rowded meeting in the Milner, &. ¢ regisiered and gssenecd! on I Ik aA : : ALF 2 ° Princess Theatre here faturday owner ate A SI ECIA enders 10r LO § Fall Millinery shit Mire here Emturday|. cone ul méctelk | repeated | CV ONINB | wiper, BU Mortgages ; | e ® ° ba ; F ential is our ; . @ : : 4 y . 3 @ ; a ee eee | OUR COAL IS IN THE LEAD Tenders are, hereby called § Opening W. P. Beal has arrived from MINERAL AT, Whéu th comes’ to ‘auallie for the purchase of ‘Lots 3) Phoenix to take charge of the R . » egy Tn van 4 , D rine) jeorge 6 vol it nCCAS. Certificate of improvements. and you will always find One, Two, Three and Four, } f rig : me a : fs , mma : BARGAIN ( here the right kind'*for every Block Fourteen, Seetion P. H d at tt 5 alone | Ms id i ” ; at 1 Ablee Prectional tibia] Glia, wemnte 4 purpose. Seven, Prince Rupert, owned: allern als an ‘ a ed - ps iz Par, rida r oy : time Naas Hiver Mining Divislon of Cassar $9.00 an ) $10.) M No matter what e J » late sti . dx nites: Soapanttah ne id re "Where socate » head of Alice Tiled with # a. Hid what you need by the late John Stinson, ! Tailored Hats Dinie xsishud Blan. Bertolt Bein. tian sied:—-At the hea \ I es 00 a pail 4 coal for--cooking, heating, deceased. : TAKE NOTICE that 1, Alex, M. Manson, | all going for » ie) powell we have } HICK, of Prince Kupert, BC, aeting an agewl) Pe Vancouver, ' ° . e ° ¢ for 1. F Stark, Free oie re Coriihtate ; J é ‘ y 406014 and W. f ormin « ie COAL THAT is RELIABLE September 3rd, 1920, ri ay, pt. 10 HEH nape tor Gordon I, Arm, . ¢ vies Miner's Coriincate Nu. | ‘ } 5 c ’ Gower returned last week from a) 40765-C, intend, sixty days from the date q “4 | Congdon, Campbell & §) . , hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder ; ae ONSUMerS Oa 0 { | j ' We'aré also showing new jines visil to Peony and Dome creck | tor a Vertineaté of improvements, for the ; " . Fi re Meredith, : '8 of Evening Gowns, Afternoon where schouls are, being asked for, [Piroose of abtalninge & Growl Grant of} ; 1 Seve nth f J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager } Solicitors for the said Gowns,’ Street Costumes and the inerease of sehools in the And further take notice that a ae tan ; Corner Third ani ; * r oe iw 5, ust be commenced before Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 Estate. Coats ji strict is taken Os uw tiark of de- the i suane . of such Certificate of tm.) a GaN EA RA one DN isaac! ey [Pjated this 7th day of July, 4b, 1990.) SS =