ape PInE ese Bee ‘| oF = She Daily News —~ PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper gs ; 4 TAXI TAXI Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto M. H. LARGE paar cern 707 Second Ave. - Prince Kupert RAL LEADER COMING PRINCE RUPER ee SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1920. Le Carbisk Gold 1 Two Dogs to New York kpatrick will fiy up Umak River to look for Survey Party two weer ks overdue. \’ ‘ er four } ii She hoy ; VW b } ‘ . i SCLDIER'’S SETTLEMENT HOUSE shows d examyp fa soldier’« settlement ; erty of M 1 Mrs. Morris, Loretle, Manitoba, kh j ‘ p Uhe . i Police were Called to i . | wy * KING COMING IN “ Central Trades Council’ © "*™vMovemser = . VANCOUVER, Sept. 11. Chairs brandished at Midnight Meeting in Mew York After addressing the big as Protest against Gornpers selection of Brac y. 4 tember 29, W. L. Mackenzie Winner of Governor-General's Medal in B.C. NEW YORK. Se | URNED AT ELL RIVER \ sage Set at $115,000 - mo n Thrown Out of ployment ty dish } rveu : ihe sce , as yan om : . rh . em@eeepwaeeeevnwrees s ° * SASKATCHEWAN . . WILL PROTEST * . RAILWAY RATES . . REGINA, Sept. 11.—is * officially announced that * * the province of Saskatche- FOR TRAIL . wan will appeal against . f RS * th new railwa rates, e b BALL PLAYERS . whieh affect a prairie ° mn Gave Athicte * province prejudicially, it * t Evening in the . ., * ts claimed that the rail- * tra Hote! * ways, under the new rates * will take much too largea * * toll from the big wheat * * crop this season. ° * . eeeeveeeveeeveeeeeeene GROSSMITH AT AUDITORIUM Entertainment is MORE RECRUITS FOR NAVAL BRIGADE HERE First Parade Was Held Last Night In Borden School—Hecate Big Evening's Promised for Monday Night by Entertainer. is Training Boat. B COING IN TO ‘aval } IAL . f I M wit \ HE PEACE RIVER ; ee ‘ I 1 } ; \ ! uy | : ' Ved ‘ ' \ \ are \ ! ! Sid yW j *{ ' tela ‘ I i Mebronald i sta john Martin, Ern-lany ex uy \ l ‘ Drutte it hild ! | UCH FUNK |S tlurvich: Yount Katsu, runs ' ! Sidney WI Al W h W \ \ ‘ \ r isite peu ‘ ' Visited Pationt at . i iL . : an " en Becam. Pate: {3}. Mand ‘ Himsety ont in . - . sa > * * > > Prince Rupert and then to #| > > s s PRIC Kk FIVE CENTS -——--- le Carries Gold to New York HERE EARLY IN OCTOBER FROM VANCOUYER Government rights Republican Courts ‘New Law Gives Extensive Powers in | I eland which are being Used with Effect DUBLIN, Sept. t1.—One important provision of the Irish |Crimes Bill which was put into effect last month is that which gives power to try civil actions without a jury. It is intended to make short work of the activities of the Sinn Fein Courts which save revolutionized legal business, and. jargely reduced the trish Sar t ess The oceedings in criminal matters of Sinn Fein courts are jalready being dealt with by the police. When the Sinn Feiners larrest a on charge of theft or burglary or anything else the police treat the Sinn Feiners’ action as a breach of the liberty of the subjeet who should be only Martin Looks for 50,000,000 Ine (ijniie by a crease In Crop. lawful court. The Sinn Feiners are prosecuted for assanit, tried by courtmartial and sentenced to long terms of im- prisonment. The civil Feiners are more dificult to deal trials by the Sinn i with, for they can be argued to be imerely arbitrations by consent of the fiarties* Bar tne VET HE applied is whether they purport to be triais by a rity of the ‘Irish republic and where that is apparent they may be held t " sedition them prosecuted. 1 and thése taking part in ued the eleventh an- . . i bition at Hastinas Park Police have recently bet R. Sharlin Charged with Con- in “hee tik. tending all such Sinn Feil sine spiring to import Drugs . sll ght and this (hey have nt i fered - the. preceedings but have take \ s t rt week and he names f thos gage! s . in ber of en WW a Martin, premier (hat they may subsequently be : Saskatchewan, who is in the tried by courtmartial. It is ger 4 - sis 6 ete ast stated that according to the erally agreed that the government eee epaceeeen eee e © O- ilest idvices he would not be has, now, the most complete pow- yeom Cle LOCAL NEWS (TEMS 9 | surpris . ld Saskatchewan s against the whole machinery wi i 140.000.0000 bushe ez of & Fein be ere is so : : seneeesteeseandener we a 140.0 bushel wheat of nn Fein but there i rine erol doubt whether it will strenuously M ell Albert arrived from, —— “lemploy them. It will bave to deal FIRE AT MONTREAL RO Cee \NOTHER THER SPEED BOAT with honked wbtkas Ga tale 5 Alban tint aah acme (itis scale in the prisons. Se hone tee FOR EXHIBITION RUN — FAMILIES HOMELESS |ctcrnins on the Prince George : rink if I ir. # U. Sugu is Building Hydroplare to USK ENTERS IN less ad a Be s to hear Madame Fahey Contest for Campbell Cup afte ' Tuesday next at the West- ¢ ' Theatre. {3 Another speed boat is now be- ecto ae t Rs a eae - built at Cow Bay for the " C.F. i the Kasio mining ; . . a I kxhibition races This one ts for i s in town today on his why), ; 1S ‘ ~ to S rt where » has interests. |” Sugu and promises to be a . ‘ vart t as 5 : MISSING PROSPECTOR i Ora speedy craft. It is of hydroplane oti HM. P. Wilson, Royal Bank in- ae! a feel long and - a Said to be Frying to Wrest Honors \ si) ~ if Parties are ‘ ‘ . » | bed am ill be eQuipped w 2 hil \ ul ‘ speetor or British Columbia and . re a ” rulpy — from A e Arm This Year P : i verly on here, arrived |® °° “Orse power high speed spe Wl his ' on a regu- moter the engine beng that Baitelnn at , a th sa : ! ” which was forme rf iranb : : ining tol biatt . . h : rip of inspection, WAICR . " wry in &he Vrany whieh opens here Wed lay . , . , speed boat, Scout, Iwo carpen September 22 The first I ul Word reeeived from Ketchikan /ters under the supervision of Mr exhibit has been entered for [ s to the effect that for a whole/Sugu, are busily at work rushing 4: iat ine Usk people, it isu s | e is due at}week the city was without coal./the new boat for the forthcoming |) youd having an idea that thes ceueuR eee ERO REESE Yelock for|The people burned wood, and ul ‘ Nits used oil and electric heating. M : ) leaves for N. de Bertrand Lugrin, a sister s Beatrice of Mme. Fahey, had an interesting article last week in the Sunday GColouisi in which she urges Vie- Mrs, Ie ' i ont anditoria people to improve the.cily, in town \ t ie south, Yhe first fall meeting of the . Queen Mary Chapter 1, O. D.E, seeeee ee ee 8 88 SP will be held in fhe City Hall on " Monday, September 13, at 4 p.m, MILLINERY OPENING + \ good attendance is requested, . e . . On Sa y, september #® Mrs, LD. J, Haneock, formerty of 11, and tl = duys * Alice Arm, entertained Miss El will exhib oe the *® eanor McManus, late government f our | ms the * stenographer at Anyox, at a house t exel ve tion of ®/\sarty at Seattle in honor of her y arrived dels, as *) twenty-first birthday, After din- is a variety of trim. */!ner was served twenty guests ind unt umed */spent the evening pleasantly with ' iks and *® dancing and cards Mrs. Mont. * gomery, mother of Mrs, Haneock, Vitis FRIZZELI * acted as chaperon, * aarpen Advertise in the Daily News . mat contest. y take the district prize from eres Alice Arm this yeat \t CARGO CARRIER AT the Usk people have faith in @ 7 district und are showing VANCOUVER LAUNCHED :.:i:01 tov 19 the was of oven anyratt Kilsumkalum is already tu the VANCOUVER, Sept. 44.—The *?" with entries fo fruit and vegetables The DBohie ranch eighteenth steel cargo carrer ; 50 4 st aud the sho launched in the city of Vaneouver !# nt in jts entry and the show ivnok the water late yesterday put up from this place is Likely afternoon , "to be a good one, ’ . , School pupils entering their erk are asked to use the proper ALLEGED CRIMINAL fora, hich we une in the prize lis ooklets issued by the HAS BEEN CAPUTRED ' 3) .0cccintou. Preparations are being made Although | for industrial exhibits in the fair he dyed his hair and disguised building and it ts expected dhere himself otherwise, the man Chin-|) will be an unusually large mun connection with ber of entries this year, FERNII Sept. 11 urd, wanted in the fatal assault on a Hindu, has i tourist trade to Skagway to been captured in Montana, The aboul over now being crowded with per to sons Whe are Yukoa spond the winter in the outside, and the steamer. ——— —— fuust Canada’s (areatest soprahoa, are Madatnu Fahey is coming ) Rupert Lo leaving the ! § cd ihe ‘at ¢ / re Dy, Mp ie oh : r ie } aes i a if rv é a Ph ye 7 fe